Publishing Steering Committee Call

18 Apr 2017


See also: IRC log


Paul Belfanti, Bill Kasdorf, Ivan Herman, Luc Audrain, Rick Johnson, Bill McCoy, Liisa McCloy-Kelley, Garth Conboy, George Kerscher, Graham Bell, J. Yoshii, Leslie Hulse, Cristina Mussinelli


  1. Charter issues
    1. Vivliostyle
    2. Disruptive Innovation
  2. Next week PG meeting

Thank you to Hachette to step in

Charter was done last evening !

sent to the AC on Friday

Charter issues

Today 2 new comments « formal objections »

Remenber that if you are already members, please vote

If the Formal Objection is maintaned, it escalates to the directors

And the director are extremely reluctant to overrule the FO

Consensus is the rule, we should take care asap

Until the commenters are fine and agree

Paul: 4 options : Approve / Approve with samll objections, / Not approves with FO / Don’t want this WG


Ivan: we have comments from VivlioStyle

Rick: this is job number one to go in the details

Ivan; if we cannot settled, it may delay

Garth: do we have to restart the vote?

Ivan: if there is no radical change in the charter, we are fine

If radical changes, we have to ask for a new vote

BillM: until May 14 , so make these guy happy is our task

the more people voting yes, will put pressure on the objectors

<ivan> Vivliostyle's comments: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-new-work/2017Apr/0007.html

Ivan: Summary : the current draft for WP/PWP not mature enough for the REC track

Their proposal : modify the scheduled of the WG to produce first notes to put in the charter

IPR protection in the WG is taken very seriously

So this proposal is a bit shaky

It would not really change our work

For every WG at W3C, it is possible to say that they was non consensus, and it would not be a REC, but we could live with it

The charter is a claim of what we would try to produce

In this case, their is hope to find in Beijing a modus vivendi

BillM: the critic is that if we want the fast track, the charter is not mature enough

An answer could be that IDPF merge

would be the reason

Ivan: no raise the argument that we should do it because it was said to IDPF

It helps a lot if members who have already voted give their opinion on the public mailing

Replying to the mailing list in an appropriate response

Rick: is it a true statement that the maturing process should be moved in the WG?

Thare are several schools: the 2 cases were found. Here we could let things mature in the WG

Rick: Florian propose to synchronize a presentation on CSS, Rick propose to call him and discuss personally

Garth: Is there any opportunity to give a response with a note first?

<BillMcCoy> will anyone else besides Rick, BillM be in Beijing??

Ivan: don’t see any reason to publish a note

We have to make clear that the current PWP document isn’t the one to become the first public draft

Ivan will put a statement for clarification

Garth: clarification wouldn’t do harm

Ivan: i don’t want to be the only person to do this, Garth?

<liisamk> +1 to Garth responding to clarify

Gart: I’ll do that on the emailing list

Paul: distinction between different processes in WG, but the approval has to come from the WG

Ivan: IG would have a much specification work before starting the WG

Paul: it may be only semantic clarification what they ask

<graham_> Apologies to the group – as noted to Rick earlier, I am going to have to leave the second half of the meeting

Ivan: it may be the understanding of the role of the PWP doc

More than semantic

Paul: general lines are « keep options open »


In the maturity aspect, is the there a thought about the time frame being to short?

Disruptive Innovation

<ivan> Daniel Glazman's comments: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-new-work/2017Apr/0008.html

Ivan: it is not in Florian comment
... Daniel’s comment much harder

He make points for a large revamp of the charter. Should be only for EPUB4. WP/PWP should not be made REC track

Garth: the thing to do is to get on the phone on Daniel

EPUB4 being an instance of th WP/PWP, how can we do it without WP

Subset of that group with good relation to schedule a call with Daniel

Ivan: I agree, because it could be a long discussion in email

BillM: Good relations with Daniel, i agree to participate

<George> When Daniel says these should be W3C notes, is he simply saying that the DPUB documents should be notes as input to the WG?

Useful to know who is coming in Beijing

Garth: perhaps not too many people

to have a call with Daniel

Iavn: 2 possibilities : 1) BillM try to talk to him separately, 2) Then we schedule a cal with Rick and myself

Where does he want to go? Are the objection so deep?

Garth: Bill and Ivan first?

BillK: you are 2 W3C staff

Ivan: we are stick to a neutral position

BillM: try to be neutral

Daniel advocate very strongly to push the merger

So try to understand what is the problem with the WG, it would be the angle

Ivan: BillM tomorrow morning i will give you my comments on the 9 points

Perhaps you could contact Daniel now to find the proper time

Next week PG meeting

Rick: logistic problem for next week
... what is the agenda
... dealing with the issues, what are the actions items?

George: the Community group could encourage that activity

Rick: liaison between the to groups

Liisa: the liaison has been setup between the 2 groups

Is it something to be raised at the F2F?

George: Remote participation will be very important, and DAISY will bring help

<garth> [I’m gonna need to bolt; will get PWP input document clarification to mailing list later today]

Liisa: Dave and Richard will talk about a planning about how to push things

It will be put on the agenda next week

Get the BG talking about this

Ivan: happy to chair

Rick: EDUPUB will not be ready for next week

BillK: a docuement about epubcheck, not ready

George: reinforce the need about epubtest.org

Community group and epubtest on the agenda

<scribe> ACTION: items to proposal from Liisa [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/04/18-pbgsc-minutes.html#action01]

Form for the election (?)


Paul: Remind BillK form membership

Needed to vote for the charter

<Bill_Kasdorf> what is the remind BillK? I missed that

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: items to proposal from Liisa [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/04/18-pbgsc-minutes.html#action01]

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/04/20 13:47:02 $