15:56:39 RRSAgent has joined #pbgsc 15:56:39 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/04/18-pbgsc-irc 15:56:57 Zakim has joined #pbgsc 15:56:58 rrsagent, set log public 15:57:11 Meeting: Publishing Steering Committee Call 15:57:25 BillMcCoy has joined #pbgsc 15:58:31 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishing-sc/2017Apr/0066.html 15:58:37 Chair: Rick 15:59:13 laudrain has joined #pbgsc 15:59:35 Rick_Johnson_ has joined #pbgsc 15:59:46 Rick_Johnson has joined #pbgsc 15:59:58 pbelfanti has joined #pbgsc 16:00:10 present+ Paul Belfanti 16:00:37 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbgsc 16:00:48 present+ Bill_Kasdorf 16:00:57 present+ 16:01:50 present+ 16:02:30 liisamk has joined #pbgsc 16:03:36 present+ Rick_Johnson 16:05:32 present+ Bill McCoy 16:07:21 scribenick: laudrain 16:07:45 garth has joined #pbgsc 16:07:48 present+ Liisa McCloy-Kelley 16:07:51 present+ garth 16:07:58 Thank you to Hachette to step in 16:07:58 graham_ has joined #pbgsc 16:08:15 Charter was done last evening ! 16:08:30 sent to the AC on Friday 16:08:51 Today 2 new comments « formal objections » 16:09:23 Remeber that if you are already members, please vote 16:09:46 s/Remeber/Remenber/ 16:10:13 If the Formal Objection is maintaned, it escalates to the directors 16:10:31 q+ 16:10:41 And the director are extremely reluctant to overrule the FO 16:11:06 Consensus is the rule, we should take care asap 16:11:21 Until the commentors are find and agree 16:11:28 ack pbelfanti 16:11:29 s/find/fine/ 16:11:57 q? 16:12:34 Paul : 4 options : Approve / Approve with samll objectios, / Not approves with FO / Don’t want this WG 16:13:24 Ivan : we have comments from VivlioStyle 16:13:43 Rick : this is job number one to go in the details 16:13:59 Ivan; if we cannot settled, it may delay 16:14:06 q+ 16:14:23 Garth : do we have to restart the vote? 16:14:48 Ivan : if there is no radical change in the charter, we are fine 16:15:07 If radical changes, we have to ask for a new vote 16:15:15 ack Bill 16:15:51 BillM : until May 14 , so make these guy happy is our task 16:16:25 the more people voting yes, will put pressure on the objectors 16:16:57 Vivliostyle's comments: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-new-work/2017Apr/0007.html 16:17:56 Leslie has joined #pbgsc 16:18:02 Ivan : Summary : the current draft for WP/PWP not mature enough for the REC track 16:18:51 Proposal : modify the scheduled of the WG to produce first notes to put in the charter 16:19:18 s/Proposal/Their proposal/ 16:19:31 cristina has joined #pbgsc 16:19:54 IPR protection in the WG is taken very seriously 16:20:18 So this proposal is a bit shaky 16:20:50 q? 16:20:50 It would not really change our work 16:21:29 q+ 16:21:41 For every WG at W3C, it is possible to say that they was non consensus, and it would not be a REC, but we could live with it 16:22:00 The charter is a claim of what we would try to produce 16:22:39 In this case, their is hope to find in Beijing a modus vivendi 16:22:45 q+ 16:22:57 ack BillMcCoy 16:23:14 BillM: the critic is that if we want the fast track, the charter is not mature enough 16:23:42 q? 16:23:47 q+ 16:24:08 An answer could be that IDPF merge 16:24:23 would be the reason 16:25:06 Ivan: no raise the argument that we should do it because it was said to IDPF 16:25:27 George has joined #pbgsc 16:25:38 It hels a lot if members who have already voted gice their opinion on the public mailing 16:25:47 present+ George 16:25:59 Replying to the mailing list in an appropriate response 16:26:12 ack Rick 16:26:58 Rick: is it a true statement that the maturing procces should be moved in the WG? 16:27:20 q+ 16:28:07 Thare are several schools: the 2 cases were found. Here we could let things mature in the WG 16:29:05 Rick: Florian propose to synchronize a presentaion on CSS, Rick propose to call him and discuss personnally 16:29:49 Garth: Is there any opportunity to give a response with a note first? 16:29:52 will anyone else besides Rick, BillM be in Beijing?? 16:29:55 q+ 16:30:04 ack garth 16:30:07 Ivan: don’t see any reason to publish a note 16:30:50 We have to make clear that the current PWP docuement isn’t the one to become the first public draft 16:32:04 Ivan will put a statement for clarification 16:32:56 Garth: clarifiation wouldn’t do harm 16:33:17 Ivan: i don’t want to be the only person to do this, Garth? 16:33:26 +1 to Garth responding to clarify 16:33:27 Gart: I’ll do that on th emailing list 16:33:29 ack garth 16:33:33 ack pbelfanti 16:34:14 Paul: distinction between different processes in WG, but the approval has to come from the WG 16:34:45 Ivan: IG would have a much specification work befiore starting the WG 16:35:11 Paul: it may be only semantic clarification what they ask 16:35:23 Apologies to the group – as noted to Rick earlier, I am going to have to leave the second half of the meeting 16:35:38 Ivan: it may be the understanding of the role of the PWP doc 16:35:49 More than semantic 16:35:54 q? 16:36:16 Paul: general lines are « keep options open » 16:36:30 ack George 16:36:31 Surmountable 16:36:36 graham_ has left #pbgsc 16:37:11 In the maturity aspect, is the there a thought about the time frame being to short? 16:37:41 Daniel Glazman's comments: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-new-work/2017Apr/0008.html 16:37:46 Ivan: it is not in Florian comment 16:38:02 Ivan: Daniel’s comment much harder 16:39:25 q+ 16:39:29 He make points for a large revamp of the charter. Should be only for EPUB4. WP/PWP should not be made REC track 16:39:39 ack garth 16:40:17 Garth: the thing to do is to get on the phone on Daniel 16:40:51 EPUB4 being an instance of th WP/PWP, how can we do it without WP 16:41:27 q+ 16:41:31 Subset of that group with good relation to schedule a call with Daniel 16:41:49 q? 16:41:53 Ivan: I agreee, because it could be a long discussion in email 16:42:02 ack Bill 16:42:03 ack BillMcCoy 16:42:25 BillM: Good relations with Daniel, i agree to participate 16:42:51 When Daniel says these should be W3C notes, is he simply saying that the DPUB documents should be notes as input to the WG? 16:43:01 Useful to know who is coming in Beijing 16:43:18 Garth: perhaps not too many people 16:43:28 to have a call with Daniel 16:43:37 q? 16:44:20 Iavn: 2 possibilities : 1) BillM try to talk to him separateley, 2) Then we schedule a cal with Rick and myself 16:44:44 Where does he want to go? Are the objection so deep? 16:44:59 Garth: Bill and Ivan first? 16:45:37 BillK: you are 2 W3C staff 16:45:56 q+ 16:46:16 Ivan: we are stick to a neutral position 16:46:26 ack BillMcCoy 16:46:42 BillM: try to be neutral 16:46:55 Daniel advote very strongly to pucsh the merger 16:47:41 So try to untersatnd what is the problem with the WG, it would be the angle 16:48:21 Ivan: BillM tomorrow morning i will give you my comments on the 9 points 16:48:55 Perhaps you could contact Daiel now to find the propoer time 16:49:16 s/propoer/proper/ 16:49:38 Rick: logistic problem for next week 16:49:58 Rick: what is the agenda 16:50:50 Rick: dealing with the issues, what are the actions items? 16:51:03 q+ 16:51:16 George: the Community group could encourage that activity 16:51:33 Rick: liason between the to groups 16:51:56 Liisa: the liason has been setup between the 2 groups 16:52:16 ack lii 16:52:31 Is it something to be reaised at the F2F? 16:52:49 s/reaised+ 16:53:26 George: Remote participation will be very important, and DAISY will bring help 16:54:15 [I’m gonna need to bolt; will get PWP input document clairification to mailing list later today] 16:54:25 Liisa: Dave and Richard will talk about a planning about how to push things 16:54:39 It will be put on the agenda next week 16:55:03 Get the BG talking about this 16:55:17 Ivan: happy to chair 16:55:40 Rick: EDUPUB will not be ready for next week 16:56:03 BillK: a docuement about epubcheck, not ready 16:56:31 George: reinforce the need about epubtest.org 16:57:12 Community group and epubtest on the agenda 16:57:48 Action items: proposal from Liisa 16:58:21 Form for the election (?) 16:58:29 AOB? 16:58:48 Paul: Remind BillK form membership 16:59:21 Needed to vote for the charter 17:00:08 what is the remind BillK? I missed that 17:01:55 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:01:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/04/18-pbgsc-minutes.html ivan 17:03:01 garth has joined #pbgsc 17:05:15 https://www.w3.org/2000/09/dbwg/details?group=96687