14:07:21 RRSAgent has joined #exi 14:07:21 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/04/10-exi-irc 14:07:23 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:07:23 Zakim has joined #exi 14:07:25 Zakim, this will be EXIWG 14:07:25 ok, trackbot 14:07:26 Meeting: Efficient Extensible Interchange Working Group Teleconference 14:07:26 Date: 10 April 2017 14:07:35 Present: Taki, Daniel, Carine 14:12:34 dape has joined #exi 14:13:41 TOPIC: Efficient XML Interchange - Wikipedia 14:14:31 DP: I do not know who to ping with regards to German wikipedia page on EXI. I keep getting a weekly reminder. 14:15:12 brutzman has joined #exi 14:16:15 DP: I cannot make it to the EXI telecon next week. 14:17:54 thanks for alert Taki, my calendar had said an hour from now. 14:18:05 having trouble connecting +1-617-324-0000,640116166#,# 14:19:02 just found the mail update... am trying 14:21:29 fwiw last weeks minutes include some "delete me" diagnostic output https://www.w3.org/2017/04/04-exi-minutes.html 14:29:40 TOPIC: Canonical EXI test cases README 14:30:15 DP: I looked into what Grishma and TK said. 14:30:28 DP: I found missing implentation. 14:30:37 DP: There are some strange warnings. 14:31:18 DP: That's OK. There is one issue wrt performance measurement. I do not know where it comes from. 14:32:26 DP: I thought we are using Japex. I am not sure how much we changed Japex. 14:33:18 https://japex.java.net/ 14:34:27 looks like last update was 6 years ago, when Oracle acquired Sun 14:35:54 also at http://japex.sourceforge.net/ 14:36:15 DP: We are still using Japex 1.0 14:37:35 DP: The sourceforge link is for something else. 14:38:36 I found this. https://github.com/ModelDriven/fUML-Reference-Implementation/issues/26 14:39:52 TK: This person was able to avoid the warnings by using newer version xerces. 14:40:09 be careful that everything is backed up (i.e. fully checked in) before upgrading japex, it looks like it has been neglected for a long time 14:41:28 DP: Unless we have real problems, we should be ok as it is for now. 14:42:12 DP: The 1.2 version structure looks a bit different. 14:42:36 DP: Changing to the latest version may not be straightforward, and can cause other problems. 14:54:58 TK: We do not have datatype test cases yet. 15:05:47 DP: How do we make sure implementations do what the specification says it needs to do? 15:06:12 TK: I think we can assume each implementation did its best to implement the specification. 15:08:51 Daniel takes Decimal, Float and RCS test case development. TK takes Unsigned Integer, String Table and Datetime. 15:10:53 TOPIC: Wikipedia 15:10:54 Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Efficient_XML_Interchange 15:11:43 in History section: "In November 2016, the working group was renamed to "Efficient Extensible Interchange (EXI)" from "Efficient XML Interchange (EXI)" to reflect the broader scope of EXI applicability" 15:12:12 suggest appending "beyond XML to other data-description languages." 15:14:25 under Uses, might we mention work in progress regarding CSS and JavaScript as well 15:15:53 proposed: EXI4CSS is exploring how to map Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to EXI. 15:17:09 proposed: EXI for JavaScript appears to be possible if using the initial structured parse tree for source code. 15:23:00 that's all i had for today, thanks for discussion/review and continuous improvement! 15:24:10 rrsagent, create minutes 15:24:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/04/10-exi-minutes.html taki 16:26:18 Zakim has left #exi