13:56:35 RRSAgent has joined #wcag-act 13:56:35 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/03/29-wcag-act-irc 13:56:37 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:56:37 Zakim has joined #wcag-act 13:56:39 Zakim, this will be 13:56:39 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 13:56:40 Meeting: Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference 13:56:40 Date: 29 March 2017 13:58:10 agenda+ Should our meeting time change - Doodle poll https://beta.doodle.com/poll/2i6b3szkf2ewmasq 13:58:26 agenda+ Test case repository https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/wiki/Test_case_repository 13:58:36 maryjom has joined #wcag-act 13:58:37 agenda+ Rules repository https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/wiki/Rules_repository 13:58:49 agenda+ ACT benchmark https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/wiki/Benchmark_requirements 13:58:59 agenda+ Open Issues in Github https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues 13:59:02 agenda? 13:59:08 present+ 14:02:39 cpandhi has joined #wcag-act 14:05:12 scribe:cpandhi 14:05:21 present+ MaryJoMueller 14:05:25 present + 14:06:28 present+ cpandhi 14:07:28 present+ 14:08:37 MJ: move the ACT editors meeting and reschedule the regular ACT meeting to Monday 9:00 AM US central time 14:08:59 Wilco: same time but moving to Monday 14:09:24 Wilco: will send a seperate email to coordinate the leaders meeting 14:09:36 zakim, take up next 14:09:36 agendum 1. "Should our meeting time change - Doodle poll https://beta.doodle.com/poll/2i6b3szkf2ewmasq" taken up [from Wilco] 14:10:02 zakim, close item 1 14:10:02 agendum 1, Should our meeting time change - Doodle poll https://beta.doodle.com/poll/2i6b3szkf2ewmasq, closed 14:10:04 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 14:10:04 2. Test case repository https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/wiki/Test_case_repository [from Wilco] 14:10:05 zakim close item 14:10:17 zakim, close item 14:10:17 I don't understand 'close item', cpandhi 14:12:08 Wilco: dropped some thoughts on the Test repository, need to figure out what format to use, look at some existing ones that has the most test cases and g from there 14:13:33 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/wiki/Test_case_repository 14:15:03 Shadi: not seeing much content on the page 14:15:43 MJ: we need to populate this with the content from Auto-WCAG? 14:16:52 Wilco: no Auto-WCAG does not have test case but Vallys, aXe, Level Access, which we can move 14:17:58 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/wiki/Testing_Resources 14:18:08 MJ: Alistair email has links to test cases 14:18:24 Wilco: will grb that link here 14:18:51 MJ: i added link to Alistair's page 14:19:39 MJ: i have added test procedure from DHS 14:19:59 Wilco: looking if there are examples 14:20:28 Wilco: ok the links have code snippets, 14:20:40 Wilco: who hosts aria examples? 14:21:30 Shadi: John Gunderson? 14:22:03 Shadi: check with Michael how to drag these out from Github 14:22:13 Wilco: will send him an email 14:22:43 Wilco: what else is good? is the before and after demo still good? 14:23:17 Shadi: this is real life site like a controlled environment, not test cases 14:23:48 Wilco: Let me think about this 14:24:12 cpandhi: may be add it as additional resource 14:24:26 Shadi: yes that can be done 14:24:58 Wilco: yes we can use it, what other training material is out there? 14:25:17 Wilco: Google released some material 14:25:31 https://webaccessibility.withgoogle.com/course 14:25:31 Shadi: how that would relate to test cases? 14:26:01 Wilco: they usually have best practices and code snippets 14:26:29 Wilco: deque has course work with examples, may be will have to do a doodle pole 14:27:12 s/pole/poll 14:28:33 Wilco: so did you MJ, Shadi and Charu look at Alistair's mail? 14:28:56 Wilco: how about take some time and respond after the meeting 14:29:06 Zakim, take up next 14:29:06 agendum 2. "Test case repository https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/wiki/Test_case_repository" taken up [from Wilco] 14:29:25 Zakim, close item 2 14:29:25 agendum 2, Test case repository https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/wiki/Test_case_repository, closed 14:29:27 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 14:29:27 3. Rules repository https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/wiki/Rules_repository [from Wilco] 14:29:50 Zakim, take up next 14:29:50 agendum 3. "Rules repository https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/wiki/Rules_repository" taken up [from Wilco] 14:32:45 Wilco: thoughts? looking for an efficient way to create this. 14:33:39 Shadi: Quickref, that is interesting, i like the idea 14:34:59 Wilco: can break off based on automated, semi automated and so on 14:35:19 Shadi: yes we can have a swtch in the quickref 14:35:52 Shadi: is there an acceptance criteria? how htis relates to test cases and bench marking? 14:36:40 s/htis/this/ 14:36:49 Wilco: yes that makes sense, the way to do is to every 6 months or twice a year to have a survey and approval? 14:37:35 Shadi: yes that can be additional, but how do we validate that these rules are evaluated and valid 14:38:38 Wilco: We will filter the rules before it goes to AG, and do a bench marking depending on the resources we have for the rules 14:39:28 Shadi: so if we put the bench marking to aside, how do we make it easy for folks who come with a new rule to be valid 14:40:29 Wilco: i suggest we do it with a pull request and the WG can evaluate that based on interpretation 14:41:02 Shadi: i think that is a great approach, get an agreement with comments 14:41:28 Shadi: when a rule comes in, it will be reviewed and then have a survey 14:41:49 Wilco: so yes we will have a paper trail on our agreement 14:42:13 Shadi: as long as we have agreement from the most in the group 14:42:31 Wilco: can come up with some questions 14:42:43 Wilco: comformes to our rule format 14:43:49 Shadi: one of the question is to ask, do you approve this rules and intend to implement this rule or have concerns with this rule or do not intend to implement this rule 14:44:54 - Have concerns about the rules - Approve of the rule - Have implemented - Intent to implement 14:45:13 +1 14:45:19 +1 14:46:52 Wilco: we can work with the person who submitted the rule, check out the rule and get the support of the WG 14:47:05 Wilco: who is going to lead this 14:49:00 Wilco: we have the rules repository, test case repository, benchmark 14:49:41 Wilco: Alistair has volunteered to lead the test repository 14:50:03 Shadi: what do you need done, i may have Eric do it 14:50:56 Wilco: i can take one of those, can IBM take one? 14:52:39 Charu: prob Moe, i want to focus on developing the rules 14:52:59 Shadi: do you want to send Eric an email and cc me 14:53:26 Shadi: no i will talk to him first instead 14:53:38 s/Shadi/Wilco 14:54:13 Shadi: The Auto-WCAG, do you have an interface? 14:54:29 Wilco: yes, it is not so great 14:55:02 Shadi: May be after March 19 this can go into Auto-WCAG, do we need a task force? 14:56:06 Wilco: i think the workload will be less, auto-wcag should not be the gate keeper, certailny do not need a task force 14:56:32 Shadi: the reason is community groups are easy to join and we have quite a few 14:57:18 Wilco: They can contribute to rules repository as well as Auto-WCAG WG 14:58:14 Shadi: I am wondering if i should take the lead, it needs lot of coordinating work 14:58:36 Shadi: ok put my name there for this with someone may be 14:58:54 Wilco: ok i will keep that 14:59:28 Wilco: The Task force could get disolved once the rules format is done 15:00:02 Shadi: May be we can reuse and bubble up into AG WG 15:00:19 Wilco: a structure like that makes sense 15:01:10 Mary Jo: are we changing the time change next week? 15:01:39 Wilco: good question, yes MJ can you send an email on the time change 15:02:20 trackbot, end meeting 15:02:20 Zakim, list attendees 15:02:20 As of this point the attendees have been Wilco, MaryJoMueller, cpandhi, shadi 15:02:28 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:02:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/29-wcag-act-minutes.html trackbot 15:02:29 RRSAgent, bye 15:02:29 I see no action items