See also: IRC log
Jeanne: regrets from Sarah. her email says that she has closed out the Stakeholder form, and followed up with the most recent stakeholder submissions.
Jan: Trouble reaching one
... Dr Butler will help with survey validation
... Dr MacMillen getting permission to conduct the research
independent of the college
... Dr Alajarmeh got back to me.
... Bob Dodd checked his email and got access to his
... Dave Swallow has not responded. Jeanne will follow
... Scott Hollier has not responded.
Jeanne: Dr. MacMillen and Dr. Alajharmeh have joined the Community Group.
Jemma: I talked with Elena and told her to join the Community Group. One of the researchers from Japan has not responded. I am supporting the Literature Review. I will be talking with Andrew Arch this afternoon about Literature Review that he did for W3C in 2009.
Shawn: Since Dave will be out of service for a few weeks, I want to check out his action items and make sure we are taking care of anything urgent.
<scribe> ACTION: tracker to [recorded in]
<trackbot> Error finding 'tracker'. You can review and register nicknames at <>.
<jemma> +q
Jemma: I have written the post
for action-72. I would like it to be reviewed by Jeanne or
Shawn before publishing.
... it's not finished yet.
Jeanne: Fine, let us know when it
is ready for review.
... I have a lot of open action items that are completed so I
will take time this weekend to close them out.
Jeanne: I discovered that the
Tracker is sending notifications to the community group. That
is too much noise for the community group.
... Jeanne will send a message to W3C Systeam to ask them to
turn off email notifications of Tracker.
... We could use
Jemma: I think we should have one voice to the community group. Sarah has been communicating with the Stakeholders.
<jemma> jeanne: stakeholder group is around 320 people vs community group is much smaller group, 25 for now, either researchers or members who help taskforce.
<jemma> anything you sent will go to the community group
Jeanne: Remember that any email you send to the goes to the Community Group
Jemma: I agree that we should reduce the emails to the public-silver email list.
<jemma> Jeanne: let's talk more about this agenda on Friday since Shawn is the one who proposed this meeting agenda.
Jeanne: Jemma, do you know anything about the two researchers from Korea?
<jemma> Ruth:what is the process for the researcher to be assigned to me?
Jemma: I haven't heard from them, but I will follow up. They were talking about government support.
<jemma> Jemma: I will confirm with them whether they will continue to work for the project and participate actively.
Jan: There are 8 researchers that I am supporting, so I am sure there will be work for supporting them that we can share.
<jemma> jemma: They are waiting some answers from NIA in Korea.
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.152 of Date: 2017/02/06 11:04:15 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/stakeholder group/community group/ Present: JaeunJemmaKu Shawn Jeanne Jan Jemma Ruth Regrets: Sarah No ScribeNick specified. Guessing ScribeNick: jeanne Inferring Scribes: jeanne Found Date: 21 Mar 2017 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: tracker[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]