13:33:23 RRSAgent has joined #silver 13:33:23 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/03/21-silver-irc 13:33:25 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:33:28 Zakim, this will be 13:33:28 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 13:33:28 Meeting: Silver Task Force Teleconference 13:33:28 Date: 21 March 2017 13:33:41 Jan has joined #Silver 13:34:02 agenda+ Researcher check-in 13:34:02 agenda+ Community Group communications 13:34:10 agenda? 13:35:25 zakim, close item 4 13:35:25 agendum 4, Outreach to new members, closed 13:35:26 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 13:35:26 5. Researcher check-in [from jeanne] 13:35:37 [Introductions] 13:37:32 Jeanne: regrets from Sarah. her email says that she has closed out the Stakeholder form, and followed up with the most recent stakeholder submissions. 13:38:02 Jan: Trouble reaching one researcher 13:38:15 ... Dr Butler will help with survey validation 13:38:59 ... Dr MacMillen getting permission to conduct the research independent of the college 13:39:20 jemma has joined #silver 13:39:29 present+ JaeunJemmaKu 13:39:29 ... Dr Alajarmeh got back to me. 13:39:46 ... Bob Dodd checked his email and got access to his folder. 13:40:05 ... Dave Swallow has not responded. Jeanne will follow up. 13:40:22 ... Scott Hollier has not responded. 13:40:35 https://www.w3.org/community/silver/ 13:41:50 Jeanne: Dr. MacMillen and Dr. Alajharmeh have joined the Community Group. 13:45:35 Jemma: I talked with Elena and told her to join the Community Group. One of the researchers from Japan has not responded. I am supporting the Literature Review. I will be talking with Andrew Arch this afternoon about Literature Review that he did for W3C in 2009. 13:47:23 Shawn: Since Dave will be out of service for a few weeks, I want to check out his action items and make sure we are taking care of anything urgent. 13:47:44 Action tracker: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/track/actions/open 13:47:45 Error finding 'tracker'. You can review and register nicknames at . 13:49:34 Ruth has joined #silver 13:51:40 Topic: open action items\ 13:51:51 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/track/actions/open 13:52:48 +q 13:57:38 Jemma: I have written the post for action-72. I would like it to be reviewed by Jeanne or Shawn before publishing. 13:58:07 ... it's not finished yet. 13:58:18 Jeanne: Fine, let us know when it is ready for review. 14:00:23 ... I have a lot of open action items that are completed so I will take time this weekend to close them out. 14:00:54 agenda? 14:01:04 zakim, close item 5 14:01:04 agendum 5, Researcher check-in, closed 14:01:05 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 14:01:05 6. Community Group communications [from jeanne] 14:01:11 zakim, take up item 6 14:01:11 agendum 6. "Community Group communications" taken up [from jeanne] 14:02:48 Jeanne: I discovered that the Tracker is sending notifications to the community group. That is too much noise for the community group. 14:05:12 ... Jeanne will send a message to W3C Systeam to ask them to turn off email notifications of Tracker. 14:06:25 ... We could use public-silver-admin@w3.org 14:09:03 Jemma: I think we should have one voice to the stakeholder group. Sarah has been communicating with the Stakeholders. 14:09:37 s/stakeholder group/community group 14:10:54 jeanne: stakeholder group is around 320 people vs community group is much smaller group, 25 for now, either researchers or members who help taskforce. 14:11:53 anything you sent will go to the community group 14:12:20 Jeanne: Remember that any email you send to the public-silver@w3.org goes to the Community Group 14:12:30 public-silver@w3.org 14:14:29 Jemma: I agree that we should reduce the emails to the public-silver email list. 14:15:00 Jeanne: let's talk more about this agenda on Friday since Shawn is the one who proposed this meeting agenda. 14:16:13 Topic: Supporting researchers 14:16:53 Jeanne: Jemma, do you know anything about the two researchers from Korea? 14:17:32 Ruth:what is the process for the researcher to be assigned to me? 14:17:52 Jemma: I haven't heard from them, but I will follow up. They were talking about government support. 14:18:14 Jemma: I will confirm with them whether they will continue to work for the project and participate actively. 14:18:27 Jan: There are 8 researchers that I am supporting, so I am sure there will be work for supporting them that we can share. 14:18:32 jemma: They are waiting some answers from NIA in Korea. 14:23:57 rrsagent, make minutes 14:23:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/21-silver-minutes.html jeanne 15:02:03 chair: Jeanne, Shawn 15:02:12 regrets+ Sarah 15:02:32 present+ Shawn, Jeanne, Jan, Jemma, Ruth 15:02:44 rrsagent, make minutes 15:02:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/21-silver-minutes.html jeanne