13:52:41 RRSAgent has joined #wpwg 13:52:41 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/03/16-wpwg-irc 13:52:43 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:52:43 Zakim has joined #wpwg 13:52:45 Zakim, this will be 13:52:45 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 13:52:46 Meeting: Web Payments Working Group Teleconference 13:52:46 Date: 16 March 2017 13:53:20 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20170316 13:53:25 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20170316 13:57:13 regrets+ 13:58:55 alyver has joined #wpwg 13:59:42 present+ NickTR 13:59:45 Chair: NickTR 14:00:23 present+ alyver 14:00:41 present+ Trent_Addington 14:01:25 lte has joined #wpwg 14:02:23 rouslan has joined #wpwg 14:02:26 pascal_bazin has joined #wpwg 14:02:31 vkuntz has joined #wpwg 14:02:34 present+ 14:02:37 present+ pascal 14:02:39 present+ Molly 14:02:45 present+ Christian 14:02:57 present+ vkuntz 14:03:02 zakim, who's here? 14:03:02 Present: NickTR, alyver, Trent_Addington, rouslan, pascal, Molly, Christian, vkuntz 14:03:04 On IRC I see vkuntz, pascal_bazin, rouslan, lte, alyver, Zakim, RRSAgent, cweiss, dlehn, trackbot, dlongley, Ian, manu, mkwst, ShaneM, AdrianHB, slightlyoff, nicktr, adrianba, 14:03:04 ... oyiptong, JakeA, emschwartz, Dongwoo, davidillsley_ 14:03:41 zkoch has joined #wpwg 14:03:44 => https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20170316 agenda 14:04:13 present + 14:04:16 present+ 14:04:28 present+ tommy 14:04:36 present+ Alan 14:04:39 present_ AdrianHB 14:04:41 present+ AdrianHB 14:04:47 present+ Michel 14:05:17 Tommy has joined #wpwg 14:05:23 present+ LauraTownsend 14:05:39 present+ AdamR 14:05:52 topic: Web Payments WG PAG completed 14:06:07 See announcement => https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-payments-wg/2017Mar/0054.html 14:06:15 adamR has joined #wpwg 14:06:36 present+ 14:06:45 Ken has joined #wpwg 14:07:19 q? 14:07:49 +1 14:07:53 nicktr: Thanks from the Chairs to the PAG! 14:07:56 adamR has changed the topic to: 16 March agenda => https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20170316 14:07:58 topic: 14:07:58 Payment Request API and filtering 14:08:02 present+ Ken 14:08:10 topic: Payment Request API and filtering 14:08:28 AlanMarshall has joined #wpwg 14:09:05 PR => https://github.com/w3c/browser-payment-api/commit/22cf05a7d06160f0e305404015e6b75438630143#diff-eacf331f0ffc35d4b482f1d15a887d3b 14:09:31 Molly has joined #wpwg 14:09:36 mweksler has joined #wpwg 14:09:59 q+ 14:10:14 [IJ recaps action leading to incorporation of edits] 14:10:15 ack adamR 14:10:29 +1 14:10:39 AdamR: I thought in discussion we said we could call out an extension point. 14:10:56 lte_ has joined #wpwg 14:11:02 ian: mostly an ommission, not familiar with that pattern 14:11:04 scribenick: Ian - I think it's just an omission 14:11:25 AdamR: I think for example service workers has an example of this 14:11:49 ian: if that is the intent then that's fine. Any comment from editors? 14:11:53 IJ: Seems ok to me if that is our intent and there's a good way to do this 14:11:57 zkoch: Yes 14:12:04 note that this was the content of the resolution from last week 14:12:46 q? 14:12:59 nicktr: I am hearing we need an editorial amendment 14:13:20 Ian: I can do the amendment but would like one xample 14:13:42 ACTION: AdrianHB to add an explicit mention of extension point to text on matching in show() and canMakePayment() 14:13:45 Created ACTION-54 - Add an explicit mention of extension point to text on matching in show() and canmakepayment() [on Adrian Hope-Bailie - due 2017-03-23]. 14:13:52 brb, 2 min 14:13:54 q? 14:14:11 Regrets+ Frank 14:14:19 Topic: Sharing PR API user data with the payment app 14:14:38 notes Issue 446 pertains: https://github.com/w3c/browser-payment-api/issues/446 14:15:57 q+ 14:16:08 " For example, it might include details of products or breakdown of tax and shipping. It is optional to provide this information. " 14:16:11 lte 14:16:23 q+ 14:16:24 q? 14:16:29 IJ: Should it say "Should not include details" instead? 14:16:30 ack adamR 14:16:47 AdamR: I felt compelled to repeat that people who use the API will not be reading the spec. 14:17:01 ..so if we think this is privacy protection, we are fooling ourselves. 14:17:02 q+ 14:17:05 ack lt 14:17:14 ack lte_ 14:17:59 Laura: In the scenario you are discussing, sharing line items, when you talk about sharing that data is it the merchant who makes the decision they want to use the capability, or an automatic assumption that it will be passed (to a third-party app)? 14:19:29 ian: this is moot until third-party payment apps are available 14:20:09 Laura: This is merchant data and should not be sent to the payment app, or decided by the merchant whether to do so 14:20:12 q? 14:20:18 Trent (Walmart): +1 14:20:20 Note: There are two sets of data. The line items and the user data. We must discuss them independantly. 14:20:24 ack zkoch 14:20:57 zkoch: I don't think we need to change the spec. Just leave guidance in PR API. 14:21:19 ...if you really want information, can require it in payment method specific data 14:21:20 q? 14:21:21 betehess has joined #wpwg 14:21:22 q+ 14:21:25 ack me 14:21:28 +1 to zkoch 14:21:34 ack Ian 14:22:00 Are we talking about just line items or user data too? 14:22:55 PROPOSED: Payment app spec does not include displayItems in payment app request data 14:23:00 +1 14:23:13 +1 14:23:14 +1 14:23:17 +1 14:23:55 Nick: Would this close 446? 14:24:05 (And close payment apps issue #91) 14:24:29 https://github.com/w3c/browser-payment-api/issues/446 14:24:30 https://github.com/w3c/browser-payment-api/issues/446 14:24:36 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments-payment-apps-api/issues/91#issuecomment-283111711 14:25:03 AdrianHB: I agree that we can close 446 14:25:12 RESOLVED: Payment app spec does not include displayItems in payment app request data 14:25:23 (Actions to be to close 446 and 91) 14:25:37 Topic: Sharing PR API collected user data with payment apps with user permission 14:25:47 q+ to clarify 14:26:31 q- 14:26:46 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-payments-wg/2017Mar/0032.html 14:27:07 q? 14:28:28 q+ 14:28:36 q+ 14:28:50 Laura: Merchant customer data is still what we would consider merchant's choice. 14:29:03 ..I understand the value of the use case from a payment app perspective 14:29:07 q+ on data 14:29:09 ack adam 14:29:15 ack adamR 14:29:31 adamR: As I have been thinking about this over the past week...the payment app will necessarily have a longstanding relationship with the purchasing party...when app is set up 14:29:42 q+ to talk about initially collecting info 14:29:49 ..the collection of this information would probably have been provided at that time (especially around payment methods) 14:30:04 ...seems like this feature is "slightly nice to have" but probably redundant 14:30:10 The custodian of the data for the user is the browser, not the merchant. The data is being cached by browsers (in the same way it is for form auto-complete). 14:30:16 q? 14:30:21 ...I think this does add a lot of value and creates privacy concerns and would not be inclined to do it. 14:30:33 nicktr: In Frank's message he talks about display items... 14:30:50 s/think this does add/think this does not add/ 14:30:52 Ian: No longer relevant here 14:30:52 q+ 14:30:55 ack nicktr 14:30:56 ack nicktr 14:30:59 q- 14:31:01 ack rouslan 14:31:01 rouslan, you wanted to talk about initially collecting info 14:31:25 q+ to talk to up front registration data 14:31:32 q+ 14:31:35 rouslan: AdamR Mentioned that payment apps are likely to collect this information at other times....but one interesting use case to not forget is on the fly registration of payment apps, which will help bootstrap the ecosystem 14:32:03 ...if, e.g., Walmart requests payment via payment request API and, say, accepts PayPal, it would be great to bootstrap the user's account setup 14:32:44 q+ 14:32:44 q? 14:32:52 ack mweksler 14:32:54 ack mweksler 14:33:26 mweksler: Shipping address would help streamline process 14:33:58 ...I think we have some opportunities in sharing data to improve the user experience 14:34:15 q? 14:34:19 ack AdrianHB 14:34:19 AdrianHB, you wanted to talk to up front registration data 14:34:26 ...all the data we are talking about is sensitive, so this is not more of a privacy issue than other things we are doing 14:34:45 adrianHB: +1 to Michel. If the bar we set for adding things to the API is that there's a use case, then that bar has been met here. 14:35:10 ...on a per transaction basis, knowing where goods are shipped is an important part of the Klarna use case, and that business case is becoming more common all over the world (dynamic credit) 14:35:53 ...I think we can get user permission to have access to user data straightforwardly. 14:36:09 ...regarding privacy, I think that this does not break privacy rules. 14:36:24 ...I'm failing to understand what the objection is to this; seems straightforward to me 14:36:38 oops! 14:36:39 ...Frank has made the case that this should be in version 1 14:36:41 accident 14:36:46 q? 14:36:49 ack adamR 14:36:50 ack adamR 14:37:32 adamR: For the use case Rouslan is describing (on the fly registration). If I already have a PayPal (example) account, they already have my address. If they don't, then there's a lot of other information they would need for me to set up my account. 14:37:57 ...when you talk about the level of involvement in account setup, we are not decreasing the friction very much. So for Rouslan's use case, I see the improvement as only very slight 14:38:22 q? 14:38:25 ...in response to AHB's comments, I have some concerns about the specific use case that AHB mentioned. If payment providers are making go/no-go decisions, that can be trivially games unless verifiable 14:38:25 The use case is for per transaction information. I will give you credit for this transaction because I know the physical address of where the goods are being shipped. 14:38:55 AdamR: For example, I could make tweaks to my browser to present one piece of information to merchant and another to payment app provider to game 14:38:57 q? 14:39:04 ack zkoch 14:39:07 ack zkoch 14:39:28 Verification of the data by the provider is a separate issue to making it more efficient for them to collect it. 14:39:36 zkoch: I can certainly see marginal utility to giving this data to payment apps ... e.g., I moved to a new house ... easy updates could be interesting 14:39:50 ...the way that browsers structure consent models is somewhat complex 14:39:59 ...I see this as a challenging addition, and challenging to ask for in Chrome 14:40:11 ...so while I agree with you on utility, I hesitate given the real complexity 14:40:19 ...I don't see this as making CR for payment request 14:40:27 ...suggest we continue to work this out in payment app task force 14:40:35 +1 to zkoch’s point about the complexity of reasonably asking users for permission here. 14:40:37 q? 14:40:37 This would not impact the PR API spec at all 14:40:41 q+ 14:40:51 zkoch: It would be difficult for users to reason about and for us to present. 14:40:55 q- 14:41:32 nicktr: I am hearing two use cases (1) dynamic enrollment (2) real-time credit 14:41:43 ...I am also hearing issues - complexity, privacy concerns 14:42:04 Propose that we agree that there is a use case here so we take that discussion off the table? Then we can focus on the viability of adding this to the spec(s) in terms of implementability. 14:42:09 molly is busy slapping RRSagent 14:42:27 haha 14:42:27 q+ 14:42:35 Molly: Would like to discuss during FTF meeting 14:43:20 AdrianHB: It would be useful if we agree there's a use case here and look at implementability 14:43:34 q+ 14:44:07 q- 14:44:31 Use cases from Frank's mail: 14:44:37 https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/U4aiGpVp/ 14:44:46 AdrianHB: In developing economies, this is a particularly important use cases 14:44:48 ...for doing business 14:45:07 q+ 14:45:09 ..payments are evaluated in real time ... in some cases a mobile number may be used to assess whether to extend a bit of credit 14:45:35 q- 14:45:35 https://www.w3.org/2017/Talks/ij_apps_201703/ij-apps-wpwg-201703.pdf 14:45:53 i was in the queue as well a while back 14:46:01 q? 14:46:04 ack me 14:46:11 q= 14:46:49 sg 14:46:51 i did 14:47:05 Ian: Zach, if you can find out more about permissions for next week, that would be helpful 14:47:53 Trent: the way that data is classified, it has an implication on processing 14:48:03 q+ 14:48:11 RRSAgent, make minutes 14:48:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/16-wpwg-minutes.html Ian 14:48:12 q+ 14:48:16 RRSAgent, set logs public 14:48:18 ack roulan 14:48:20 ack rouslan 14:48:23 ack rouslan 14:48:28 rouslan: This is data that is stored in the autofill data in the browser 14:48:40 RRSAgent, set logs public 14:48:48 ...the data is by default going to the merchant if the merchant requests it 14:49:13 ...we are talking here about taking data from browser and giving to payment app 14:49:21 q? 14:49:22 ..so from our standpoint this is use data stored in the browser 14:49:24 ack me 14:49:24 +1 to it always being “user data" 14:49:25 ack Ian 14:50:36 +1 14:50:39 NickTR: I am hearing that there is interest in use cases, so that we take that now as accepted and move on to the other issues surrounding it 14:50:42 topic: FTF meeting 14:50:59 betehess_ has joined #wpwg 14:51:10 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/FTF-March2017 14:51:13 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-payments-wg/2017Mar/0053.html 14:51:59 IJ: Hold off reading payment app spec; still changing 14:52:11 NickTR: Reminder also of 22 March IG meeting 14:52:31 present+ Max 14:52:40 NickTR: Let us know if you have any comments on the agenda 14:52:51 ..there will be a lot of people there (~50) 14:52:56 ..some will be new ... 14:53:11 ..we will need to balance speed and thoroughness...I ask for your patience 14:53:21 ...will need strong queue discipline 14:54:50 Ian: Look at payment apps on Monday 14:54:59 AdamR: I will endeavor to add detail this week 14:55:05 q? 14:55:06 ...I don't think the structure is likely to change 14:55:45 ian: we have a couple of extra tickets for improv - contact Ian if interested 14:56:14 ... we are also looking at whether anyone would like to listen to some blues on 23rd March at Kingston Mines 14:56:17 french? what about lou malnatis 14:56:25 ... but they have to organise themselves 14:56:58 . 14:57:03 nicktr: Looking forward to next week's meeitng 14:57:56 RRSAGENT, make minutes 14:57:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/16-wpwg-minutes.html Ian 14:58:00 RRSAGENT, set logs public 15:11:15 alyver has joined #wpwg 15:11:33 alyver has left #wpwg 15:18:47 cweiss has joined #wpwg 15:22:57 cweiss has joined #wpwg 15:35:00 betehess has joined #wpwg 16:49:14 cweiss has joined #wpwg 17:01:56 Zakim has left #wpwg 17:08:21 sam has joined #wpwg 17:21:09 betehess has joined #wpwg 18:45:40 cweiss has joined #wpwg 18:59:45 mweksler has joined #wpwg 19:02:47 zkoch has joined #wpwg 20:35:09 sam has joined #wpwg 20:52:11 zkoch has joined #wpwg 20:58:28 mweksler has joined #wpwg 21:02:38 zkoch has joined #wpwg 21:38:51 zkoch has joined #wpwg 21:54:03 mweksler has joined #wpwg 22:01:51 mweksler has joined #wpwg 22:12:10 zkoch has joined #wpwg 22:45:03 mweksler has joined #wpwg 23:08:52 mweksler has joined #wpwg 23:54:44 mweksler has joined #wpwg