16:41:34 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:41:34 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/03/16-aria-irc 16:41:36 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:41:36 Zakim has joined #aria 16:41:38 Zakim, this will be 16:41:38 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 16:41:39 Meeting: Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference 16:41:39 Date: 16 March 2017 16:41:45 chair: Joanmarie_Diggs 16:41:55 RRSAgent, make log public 16:42:00 agenda? 16:42:07 agenda: this 16:42:15 agenda+ Testable statements - Progress update 16:42:25 agenda+ ATTA progress updates 16:42:33 agenda+ Getting started on manual testing (mainly for Windows) 16:42:39 agenda: be done 16:42:51 agenda? 16:43:01 Regrets: Michiel_Bijl, Bryan_Garaventa, Léonie_Watson 16:43:13 scribeOptions: -final 16:45:41 joanie has changed the topic to: https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=md27b4a8f598994e81577a285c4ea80c6 Access code: 641 291 851 16:51:55 jongund has joined #aria 16:56:14 RRSAgen, make log public 16:56:20 chair: Joanie 16:56:30 present+ Rich_Scherdtfeger 16:57:01 not following 16:57:25 chair: Joan Marie Diggs 16:57:38 chair: Joanmarie_Diggs 16:59:26 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 17:01:08 regrets+ Matt_King 17:01:13 Stefan has joined #aria 17:04:16 present+ jongund 17:04:17 clown has joined #aria 17:04:46 https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?title=ARIA_1.1_Testable_Statements#aria-readonly_.28NEEDS_TEST.2C_HAS_QUESTION.29 17:05:01 present+ 17:06:06 present+ Joseph_Scheuhammer 17:06:30 present+ 17:06:38 scribe: MichaelC 17:07:05 zakim, next item 17:07:05 agendum 1. "Testable statements - Progress update" taken up [from joanie] 17:07:09 https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?title=ARIA_1.1_Testable_Statements#aria-readonly_.28NEEDS_TEST.2C_HAS_QUESTION.29 17:07:56 QUESTION 2: "SHOULD NOT expose" is not a "MUST NOT expose." Are only "MUST" and "MUST NOT" statements for user agents to be tested? Joanie added test placeholders in the meantime. 17:07:57 jd: questions need to be addressed before writing testable statements 17:08:02 first is asked and answered 17:08:21 sam has joined #aria 17:08:49 ANSWER: Yes, only MUST and MUST NOT statements are tested. However, an implication of "SHOULD NOT expose unless the columnheader descends from a grid" is "MUST expose if the columnheader descends from a grid". At least I think that's a requirement, but a second opinion is needed. 17:09:16 jd: q ^; clown: a ^ 17:09:47 clown: think must expose aria-readonly if columnheader descends from grid 17:10:20 rs: if it´s false? 17:10:24 clown: either way 17:10:41 if must is implied, then there are other tests we have to work out 17:11:02 rs: does readonly propagate?] 17:11:04 clown: yes 17:11:20 rs: agree with answer; just one test 17:11:54 clown: because of an unless elsewhere, this interpretation for columnheader and rowheader 17:12:15 jd: think same question and answer for aria-required, so update similiarly 17:12:30 ss: so need several test cases now? 17:13:00 30 17:13:25 clown: 17:13:45 jd: gotta propagate stuff 17:14:02 clown: was waiting for second opinion, so now have it 17:14:11 rs: assign this work to Stefan now 17:14:21 ss: yes 17:15:26 17:15:52 jd: other testable statement stuff? 17:15:57 rs: clown, heard from @@? 17:16:05 clown: yes, @@ under debate 17:16:25 stop editing core-aam and just work on tests 17:16:29 rs: great if possible 17:16:59 clown: can multitask now if you like 17:17:29 jd: Stefan and Rich are heroes 17:17:45 rs: helped Bryan on wiki editing 17:17:57 jd: anything else? 17:18:06 ss: how do we create eventing? 17:18:22 rs: at very bottom there´s an example 17:18:35 e.g., event type=selection change 17:19:08 jd: example at top to demonstrate 17:19:10 https://www.w3.org/wiki/index.php?title=ARIA_1.1_Testable_Statements#Example_.28Dont_Generate.29 17:20:26 example text, and table drives the test runner 17:20:48 can do a series 17:20:58 ss: just for ATK? 17:21:18 jd: for those platforms that have corresponding features 17:21:35 in relevant sections 17:21:42 ss: ok will try, see what I break 17:21:57 for combobox and aria-invalid id 17:22:02 how? 17:22:08 rs: pick an ID that´s not in the DOM 17:22:16 then it should fail to map 17:22:24 ss: what put in table? 17:22:44 jd: propertyAccessible does not exist or something 17:22:52 or is false 17:23:06 rs: ¨is not¨ is not the way to say it? 17:24:25 17:25:09 assume you´re testing null reaction on change of state? 17:25:18 where is the state change indicated? 17:25:23 rs: oh, still have to put that in 17:25:27 otherwise it looks right? 17:25:28 jd: yes 17:25:47 ss: so I can use this as example of property change? 17:25:48 jd: yes 17:26:07 ss: so in combobox and invalid id, put in ¨not generated¨ something 17:26:44 there should be a clearly described test case 17:26:53 for these sort of situations 17:27:11 jd: will work up more examples 17:27:57 zakim, next item 17:27:57 agendum 2. "ATTA progress updates" taken up [from joanie] 17:28:06 yes 17:28:24 jg: so JD building the framework to run tests 17:28:43 rather than try to keep up with that, focus on test adapter 17:28:46 and let you plug into framework 17:28:47 jd: ok 17:28:57 to explain 17:29:06 I´m working in a branch 17:29:36 that´s viewable but pretty shaky right now 17:29:42 trying to come up with common architecture 17:29:55 keep finding things need to change 17:30:04 within that branch, a given ATTA should work 17:30:22 but the code underneath it isn´t the official architecture or stable 17:30:55 it won´t become official until Shane accepts a pull request 17:31:11 jamesn has joined #aria 17:31:14 so makes sense to leave me loose on this for now 17:31:34 at the moment I´m trying to figure out IA2 architecture 17:31:42 if JG et al could help me with that stuff, it´ll help 17:32:04 jg: we have stuff, now need to get IA2 states and relations 17:32:09 but have 3/4 of what is needed 17:32:19 can work on this scope 17:32:35 but I don´t wanna get involved in refactoring 17:32:47 I could get going on UIA 17:32:54 jd: that would also be awsome 17:33:15 doesn´t look like Microsoft will help with that, in spite of statement at TPAC 17:33:36 jg: ok, think we know what we need to focus on now 17:34:20 jd: can you work in python 3? 17:34:29 jg: using python 2 because WPT uses that 17:34:34 jd: think they´re converting 17:34:41 test adapters are independent of WPT 17:34:57 they can be run completely separately though results are boring 17:35:19 jg: ok, could try python 3 17:35:30 though there are variations of it 17:36:10 jd: >=3.4 <=3.6 is the range I´m using now 17:36:41 I´m mainly using 3.4 but testing in later 17:36:45 jg: ok, can use 3.4 17:36:54 jd: don´t feel bound to it, there are hiccups 17:37:34 would be useful for me to work with you on features of the code 17:38:06 jg: using pyscatk interfaces 17:38:18 s/pyscatk/pyatspi/ 17:38:35 jd: 17:39:06 leading towards more ATK-like stuff 17:40:31 https://github.com/Spec-Ops/web-platform-tests/blob/atk-atspi-atta/wai-aria/tools/atta_base.py 17:40:47 https://github.com/Spec-Ops/web-platform-tests/blob/atk-atspi-atta/wai-aria/tools/atta_base.py#L128 17:42:17 ... so in sum, that´s what I need 17:42:24 jg: so need is ready? 17:42:34 jd: yes, says we found doc and has specified URI 17:42:39 which is done via a11y tree 17:43:01 so one thing we need is how to get the URI from the ATK interface 17:43:22 the current version of the code is effectively a todo list of things we still need to know how to do 17:44:45 jg: great, very helpful 17:44:57 jd: really glad you´re working on this 17:45:17 jg: hope the work delta between IA2 and UIA won´t be too bad 17:47:34 zakim, next item 17:47:34 agendum 3. "Getting started on manual testing (mainly for Windows)" taken up [from joanie] 17:48:04 I need to leave for another meeting 17:48:08 jd: because of JG work in IA2, the need is now mainly for UIA 17:48:12 Talk to you next week 17:48:19 MS did say they´d provide manual testers 17:48:27 RS, wanna follow up with them on that? 17:48:44 though we have 200+ things to test 17:49:01 either an ATTA or manual testers from them really needed 17:49:35 RS: main goal is CR exit 17:49:43 though still want to do comprehensive testing 17:49:49 for 1.1 17:50:11 1.2 also starting up, browsers want it but aren´t contributing much atm 17:53:26 zakim, close this item 17:53:26 agendum 3 closed 17:53:27 I see nothing remaining on the agenda 17:53:33 topic: Personalization Semantics 17:53:45 rs: next week expect to have a draft run by the WG 17:53:57 for review and approval as a First Public Working Draft 17:54:11 -> https://w3c.github.io/personalization-semantics/ Personalization Semantics editors´ draft 17:54:39 js: also COGA issue papers and gap analysis will come out soon 17:54:52 mc: from APA and AG 17:55:04 rrsagent, make minutes 17:55:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/16-aria-minutes.html MichaelC 17:55:19 jd: heroes+ Stefan 17:55:49 rrsagent, bye 17:55:49 I see no action items