16:00:09 RRSAgent has joined #digitaloffers 16:00:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/03/13-digitaloffers-irc 16:00:11 Zakim has joined #digitaloffers 16:00:16 Meeting: Digital Offers CG 16:00:19 Chair: Linda 16:00:21 Scribe: Ian 16:00:35 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-digitaloffers/2017Mar/0000.html 16:01:52 present+ Linda 16:01:56 present+ 16:02:08 present+ Adam 16:02:29 present+ Bob 16:02:48 dezell has joined #digitaloffers 16:03:39 present+ Amber 16:04:32 present+ David 16:05:32 Present+ Manu 16:06:16 Access Code: 389-946-949 You can also dial in using your phone. United States +1 (571) 317-3116 16:07:12 use cases => https://www.w3.org/community/digitaloffers/discussion-topics-for-discussion-at-march-2017-ig-face-to-face-meeting/ 16:07:22 form for prioritization => https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/73816/digoff201703/ 16:07:56 ltoth: One question - in a number of cases we had notes. 16:08:54 IJ: I left them in because we did not "approve" them 16:09:59 +1 16:10:47 q+ to mention something wrt. poll. 16:15:34 Manu: I think we don't want to go to the DRM question, as long as it handles "no more than one use." 16:15:39 Ian: sounds fine. 16:16:16 LGTM 16:16:46 Ian: second thing - the "form" for prioritization. 16:17:00 Ian: the IG is not the final authority on the CG work. 16:17:22 Ian: the form should make it clear it's for feedback. 16:17:26 q- 16:17:36 q+ to provide feedback on the use case prioritization form. 16:17:57 IJ: Intended for real-time gathering of data at the meeting 16:17:59 ack manu 16:17:59 manu, you wanted to provide feedback on the use case prioritization form. 16:18:18 manu: I went to try out the form ... some feedback ... I read that each person has tokens and I didn't know what I was selecting. 16:18:25 Manu: form feedback - didn't understand "tokens" and then how to apply to the dropdown. 16:18:33 Ian: got it. 16:19:11 Manu: I found it painful to allocate the tokens (i.e. we gave the right number). Finally, I found I had to go back and forth between the "poll" and the "page". 16:19:51 Manu: I think a "tickler phrase" from the page on the poll would help people to remember what's what. 16:21:25 Ian: I have anchors in the report for this purpose, but haven't added them yet. Or I could number them, but that's a brittle way to link thinks (moving anything breaks it.) 16:21:45 Ian: I think easiest is to put a reminder structure at the bottom. 16:22:36 Manu: links are fine, but broad categories are probably better in terms of links. 16:22:49 Ian: but then I can't allocate 9 tokens for all of them. 16:24:06 Manu: how about category and specific use case? 16:24:18 Ian: I can do that, but I would find it distracting. 16:25:39 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/73816/digoff201703/ 16:28:20 Manu: how about moving recap to the top. 16:28:26 Ian: OK with that. 16:28:47 Manu: also a health warning that moving off the page will invalidate the form. 16:29:18 Linda: Is this just the IG opinion, or does it include the CG. 16:30:06 Ian: it's to inform CG decisions, but it's a poll for the IG. 16:31:09 q? 16:32:15 David: who will send the message out? 16:33:20 Ian: I'm not sure we should send a message. 16:33:42 Linda: I think we could use the same form for the CG. 16:34:02 Ian: though I think we will make some modifications of some sort. 16:34:30 q? 16:36:36 Ian: my idea is to have them fill out this form at the F2F after they have some context. 16:36:49 (consensus - OK). 16:39:24 Linda: our schedule is 45 (use cases) 45 (demo and capabilities) 30 (summary topics). 16:39:39 Ian: I suggest we do the survey at the end of the discussion. 16:40:21 Manu: is discussion of technology specific solutions in order? 16:40:33 ...e.g., blockchain approach to avoiding N > 1 redemptions 16:40:39 q+ 16:40:41 Manu: we have a "blockchain" use case to prevent multiple redemption. I don't want people to be surprised. 16:40:54 ack i 16:41:33 Ian: I'm not sure how that affects W3C work. 16:41:45 Manu: blockchain CG has work in this area. 16:42:08 Linda: 16:42:10 https://www.w3.org/community/digitaloffers/digital-offers-community-group-charter/ 16:42:18 Linda: so after the voting, what's next. 16:42:25 q+ 16:42:52 Ian: charter says "we will deliver a report" and then "develop an analysis that will help us address the use cases". 16:42:55 q- 16:43:08 Ian: there might be a further CG filtering of the use cases. 16:44:25 Ian: Nirvana is "lots of industry folks are ready to attempt to implement". But we can change that based on results. 16:45:16 Here's the list of use cases we came up with in June 2015 that led to the WPWG => https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Main_Page/FTF_June2015/Summary 16:45:58 topic: Next meeting 16:46:02 Linda: Will figure out at FTF 16:46:06 RRSAgent, make minutes 16:46:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/13-digitaloffers-minutes.html Ian 16:46:09 RRSAgent, set logs public