Merchant Adoption Strategy

03 Mar 2017

See also: IRC log


Coralie, ken, Ian, Molly


Beginning of FAQ

<Ian> https://github.com/w3c/payment-request-info/wiki/FAQ

<Ian> https://github.com/w3c/payment-request-info/wiki/FAQ

[Ian gives status on FAQ writing]

IJ: I'll share on the list

next meeting

IJ: next week
... hoping to have some FAQ questions
... maybe feedback from Molly

<Ian> https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Adoption2017

Expectation of state by the time of the FTF

Ken: What state would you like to be for the f2f

IJ: I'd like to have the shape of the site
... plus some content
... to generate more participation
... get some help
... see if people have structural suggestions for the site
... a second thing is
... if some identity work is going to happen,
... it will be nice to hear what this will happen
... and anyone is welcome to join the TF
... Money2020 is an opportunity for an event
... I'm in conversations with the organisers about that
... a fourth thing was to get visible high-level merchant adoption
... there's still more work to figure out what we can do as far as example and video illustrate how this work
... gather data about adoption
... The first phase seems building the developers site; and whether we need a visual identity.


IJ: I welcome feedback to improve that expectation

Ken: I didn't hear incentive on commercial/business side
... in the past we said coming up with compelling stories
... not just technical, but marketing and commercial side
... if there are pilot result that might coincide with Money2020

IJ: Yes
... the concrete manifestation of the business side has been: we need to answer questions
... first question on the FAQ
... there is more we need to do
... many ideas are listed in the adoption wiki
... we don't have people who have volunteered to do them yet
... will happen later
... The idea I've been pitching to Money2020 is demos
... we don't have them lined up yet
... That's the direction I wanted to go in
... they don't have a lot of that so they're interested
... as far as date, we expect to get data
... that would be something to report on at Money2020
... Not sure we'll have everything at the same time


IJ: we can pitch that we have all these ideas and look for more participation.
... goal of the f2f: help generate excitement to work on the many deliverables that may be helpful

Ken: OK, looking forward to contributing

[Molly and Ian to talk later today on tech topics and TF work]


IJ: I'll start work next week on merchant adoption presentation
... and include a list of activities not yet undertaken
... money2020, dev portal, brand

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/03/03 17:25:38 $