00:06:05 cweiss has joined #wpwg 00:30:06 betehess_ has joined #wpwg 00:37:41 betehess has joined #wpwg 00:45:40 Guest91 has joined #wpwg 01:57:31 betehess has joined #wpwg 05:46:19 cweiss has joined #wpwg 07:15:11 MikeSmith has joined #wpwg 07:15:16 MikeSmith has left #wpwg 16:53:41 RRSAgent has joined #wpwg 16:53:41 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/03/03-wpwg-irc 16:53:52 Meeting: Merchant Adoption Strategy 16:53:55 Chair: Ian 17:03:46 koalie has joined #wpwg 17:03:52 present+ Coralie 17:04:53 present+ ken 17:04:56 present+ 17:06:34 topic: Beginning of FAQ 17:06:35 https://github.com/w3c/payment-request-info/wiki/FAQ 17:07:44 Guest91 has joined #wpwg 17:09:32 https://github.com/w3c/payment-request-info/wiki/FAQ 17:09:37 present+ Molly 17:10:38 regrets+ Zach 17:13:13 [Ian gives status on FAQ writing] 17:13:51 IJ: I'll share on the list 17:13:56 topic: next meeting 17:14:00 IJ: next week 17:14:05 ... hoping to have some FAQ questions 17:14:17 ... maybe feedback from Molly 17:14:45 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Adoption2017 17:14:57 Ken: What state would you like to be for the f2f 17:15:08 IJ: I'd like to have the shape of the site 17:15:11 ... plus some content 17:15:18 ... to generate more participation 17:15:21 ... get some help 17:15:29 ... see if people have structural suggestions for the site 17:15:34 ... a second thing is 17:15:42 ... if some identity work is going to happen, 17:15:51 ... it will be nice to hear what this will happen 17:16:03 ... and anyone is welcome to join the TF 17:16:27 ... Money2020 is an opportunity for an event 17:16:37 ... I'm in conversations with the organisers about that 17:17:19 ... a fourth thing was to get visible high-level merchant adoption 17:17:37 ... there's still more work to figure out what we can do as far as example and video illustrate how this work 17:17:42 ... gather data about adoption 17:18:03 ... The first phase seems building the developers site; and whether we need a visual identity. 17:18:09 ==== 17:18:19 IJ: I welcome feedback to improve that expectation 17:18:35 Ken: I didn't hear incentive on commercial/business side 17:18:45 ... in the past we said coming up with compelling stories 17:18:56 ... not just technical, but marketing and commercial side 17:19:07 ... if there are pilot result that might coincide with Money2020 17:19:17 IJ: Yes 17:19:41 ... the concrete manifestation of the business side has been: we need to answer questions 17:19:47 ... first question on the FAQ 17:19:52 ... there is more we need to do 17:19:58 ... many ideas are listed in the adoption wiki 17:20:08 ... we don't have people who have volunteered to do them yet 17:20:11 ... will happen later 17:20:23 ... The idea I've been pitching to Money2020 is demos 17:20:29 ... we don't have them lined up yet 17:20:37 ... That's the direction I wanted to go in 17:20:44 ... they don't have a lot of that so they're interested 17:20:57 ... as far as date, we expect to get data 17:21:07 ... that would be something to report on at Money2020 17:21:15 ... Not sure we'll have everything at the same time 17:21:17 ==== 17:21:57 IJ: we can pitch that we have all these ideas and look for more participation. 17:22:13 ... goal of the f2f: help generate excitement to work on the many deliverables that may be helpful 17:22:22 Ken: OK, looking forward to contributing 17:23:24 [Molly and Ian to talk later today on tech topics and TF work] 17:23:26 ==== 17:23:37 IJ: I'll start work next week on merchant adoption presentation 17:23:46 ... and include a list of activities not yet undertaken 17:23:53 ... money2020, dev portal, brand 17:24:09 RRSAGent, make minutes 17:24:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/03-wpwg-minutes.html Ian 17:24:12 RRSAgent, set logs public 17:24:49 i|Ken: What|Topic: Expectation of state by the time of the FTF| 17:24:51 RRSagent, make minutes 17:24:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/03/03-wpwg-minutes.html koalie 17:25:37 koalie has left #wpwg 17:28:32 RRSAgent, bye 17:28:32 I see no action items