16:44:35 RRSAgent has joined #coga 16:44:35 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/02/20-coga-irc 16:44:37 RRSAgent, make logs 389 16:44:37 Zakim has joined #coga 16:44:39 Zakim, this will be 2642 16:44:39 ok, trackbot 16:44:40 Meeting: Cognitive Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 16:44:40 Date: 20 February 2017 16:44:44 rrsagent, make logs public 16:50:13 agenda: this 16:50:14 agenda+ next weeks call 16:50:16 agenda+ Top priority Sc's 16:50:17 agenda: Lang (issue 30), personalization and help 16:50:19 agenda+ review SC, status: https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/status.html, mess with pull requests thta are still under discusioninstuctions: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/SC_Managers_Phase1, issues: https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3ACOGApull requests: https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3ACOGA 16:50:21 agenda+ be done 16:56:24 alastairc has joined #coga 17:00:40 Jim_S has joined #coga 17:00:51 Mike_Pluke has joined #coga 17:03:34 Pietro has joined #coga 17:03:59 Present+ Pietro 17:04:24 Jan has joined #coga 17:05:53 present+ alastairc 17:06:25 scribe: Jim_S 17:06:26 maryjom has joined #coga 17:06:28 present+ kirkwood 17:06:35 present+ Lisa 17:06:36 present+MaryJoMueller 17:06:42 present+ Jan McSorley 17:07:00 present+ Mike Pluke 17:07:43 I was not aware that there was a draft for 2.1 17:08:27 Jim_S has joined #coga 17:08:36 present+ Jim_S 17:09:22 Lisa expressed concern about the notification of the requiremnts for reviewing the editor's draft 17:09:59 https://rawgit.com/w3c/wcag21/FPWD_review/guidelines/index.html# 17:11:31 Lisa commented that there appear to only be 6 COGA SC in the list 17:13:47 Thaddeus has joined #coga 17:13:56 +Present Thaddeus 17:15:07 Michael Cooper explained that the pull requests were possible in deciding which SC made the list, the using the version at the top of the list. SC that seemd to be editorially robust were included. 17:18:06 Michael Cooper listed the 8 COGA SC added 17:18:44 Lisa asked can we request changes to the selected COGA SC 17:20:09 Lisa feels "Support personalisation" and "accessible authentication" are more important for feedback 17:20:10 q? 17:21:00 Michale Cooper suggested that, if they were flagged as important they may have been excluded as they were not of editorial quality yet. 17:21:28 https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/extension/status.html 17:22:01 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2017Feb/0199.html 17:25:27 Mike Pluke felt that the amount of dispute around accessible authentication and support personalisation may have been the reason for them not being included. 17:26:25 Mike Pluke feels that the Manageable blocks should have been included as the final version was not considered due to it being at the end of the document 17:27:15 Lisa suggets that all feedback should be included in GitHub to keep all information in one place 17:28:07 Discussion on how to improve reviewing issues will be done after CSUN 17:32:39 Michale Cooper suggests that we publish monthly after FPWD 17:32:53 https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/23 17:35:20 Should https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/23 be added as a proposal with a note that further work on the wording is required? 17:35:51 -1 17:37:41 https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/24#issuecomment-277750603 17:37:42 Is it possible for us to review the list during the day so we can be careful with our decisions or is there not enough time 17:38:02 Should Manageable blocks be added as a proposal based on the fact that the final wording wasn't assessed? https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/24 17:38:34 Statements which instruct a user to make a choice or take an action: have only one instruction per sentence, except when two things have to be done simultaneously; use sentences of no more than 15 words; should have no more than one relative pronoun per sentence. Glossary entry: Relative pronouns are any of the words "who", "whom", "that", "which", "whose", "where", "when" and "why". 17:41:56 https://rawgit.com/w3c/wcag21/FPWD_review/guidelines/index.html#minimize-user-errors 17:44:17 Lisa - we need to ensure that when SC are split up we do not lose important parts of the original SC 17:46:26 +1 17:46:31 +1 17:46:32 +1 17:46:33 +1 17:46:38 +1 17:46:39 +1 (I can do a pull request if that helps?) 17:46:50 +1 17:47:02 Above consensus was for including Manageable blocks 17:47:59 Support personalization: Contextual information and author settable properties of regions and elements are programatically determinable so that personalization is available. 17:48:00 Where the number of steps in a process can be reduced, the user can control the trade off between function and simplification. 17:48:02 Exception: Information does not need to be exposed when there is not a standardized way of exposing it in the technology or the platform. 17:48:39 --------- 17:48:41 Support personalization (minimum) : Contextual information and author settable properties of regions and critical features and important information are programatically determinable so that personalization is available. 17:50:46 +1 for Manageable blocks 17:51:01 +1 for support personlization 17:51:11 +1 for support personlization 17:51:35 +1 for support personalisation being included 17:51:53 +1 for support personalisation being included 17:52:08 +1 17:52:20 +1 for support personalization 17:52:58 +1 for support personalization 17:53:04 won't object, but will note that personalisation will get a lot of push back from developers, so it needs to be really solid. 17:54:37 familiar design can live with taking it out 17:56:59 subsuitie if needed : Familiar Design (Minimum), extra symbols 17:57:27 CFC: we trade-off familiar design and extra symbols in this order if required 17:57:38 +1 17:57:42 +1 17:57:58 I'm OK to trade familiar design and extra symbols 17:58:09 +1 17:58:14 +1 17:58:41 +1 17:58:44 present+ 17:58:45 extra symbols is very important for me 18:00:23 extra symbols are for some users unique way to access 18:03:31 Lisa changes vote to support extra symbols rather than manageable blocks 18:05:00 +1 to symbols and personalization 18:05:05 actually think chage managbel bocks to xtra symbols 18:06:07 subsuitie if needed : Familiar Design (Minimum), for personlization 18:08:16 thank you 18:08:57 I need to drop 18:10:09 http://doodle.com/poll/nt2634gek2quykn9 18:13:21 circle back to plain language 18:13:28 Simple, clear, and common words: Use the the most common 1500 words or phrases or, provide words, phrases or abbreviations that are the are most-common form to refer to the concept in the current context. 18:15:07 Simple, clear, and common words: Use the the most common 1500 words or phrases or, provide words, phrases or abbreviations that are the are most-common form or provide a glosary definition 18:19:33 Simple, clear, and common words: Use the the most common 1500 words or phrases or, provide words, phrases or abbreviations that are the are most-common form to refer to the concept or provide a glossary definition 18:23:49 https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/30 18:23:54 Simple, clear, and common words: Use the the most common 1500 words or phrases or, provide words, phrases or abbreviations that are the are most-common form to refer to the concept in the identified context. 18:23:56 identified context - context and word list for the context that has been idetified in an accessibilty statment or other known techneque 18:29:33 identified context - context and word frequency list for the context that has been identified in an accessibility statment or other known technique. A word frquency list has to be generated from at least 1000 sources from the same context 18:39:27 identified context - context and a context specific word frequency list (and glossary) has been identified in an accessibility statement or other known technique. A word frequency list has to be generated from at least 1000 sources from the same context or how ever many pages can reasonably be found 18:42:39 Simple, clear, and common words: Use the the most common 1500 words or phrases or, provide words, phrases or abbreviations that are the most-common form to refer to the concept in the identified context. 18:45:22 +1 for this draft 18:45:33 +1 for this draft 18:45:45 +1 for this draft 19:02:07 rrsagent, make logs public 19:02:16 rrsagent, create minutes 19:02:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/02/20-coga-minutes.html Lisa_Seeman 19:03:59 zakim, please part 19:03:59 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Pietro, alastairc, kirkwood, Lisa, MaryJoMueller, Jan, McSorley, Mike, Pluke, Jim_S, MichaelC 19:03:59 Zakim has left #coga 19:04:08 rrsagent, please part 19:04:08 I see no action items