16:54:58 RRSAgent has joined #wpwg 16:54:58 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/02/10-wpwg-irc 16:55:02 Meeting: Merchant Adoption Strategy 16:55:04 Chair: IAn 16:55:07 Chair: Ian 16:55:20 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-payments-strategy/2017Feb/0003.html 16:56:25 regrets+ 16:56:47 present+ 17:02:13 zkoch has joined #wpwg 17:03:01 present+ Koalie 17:03:04 present+ Rouslan 17:03:07 present+ zkoch 17:03:36 present+ Molly 17:03:50 koalie has joined #wpwg 17:03:54 present+ Coralie 17:03:55 rouslan has joined #wpwg 17:04:01 agenda+ Identity 17:04:06 present- Koalie 17:04:12 Molly has joined #wpwg 17:04:13 agenda+ Dev resources 17:04:16 zakim, take up item 1 17:04:16 agendum 1. "Identity" taken up [from Ian] 17:04:58 zkoch: Having various discussions and there seems to be support for an open checkout identity 17:05:33 ...still need more time to make internal progress 17:06:15 IJ: What can we do to help? 17:06:41 zkoch: It would be helpful to hear from others that they would be available to advocate for an open web checkout 17:06:56 molly: I will check 17:07:17 IJ: Had a chat with Adam yesterday 17:08:30 zkoch: I have a query in to our head of marketing 17:09:20 IJ: Time frame zach? 17:09:22 zkoch: next call 17:11:03 IJ: Ken, how does it look from the Amex side to drive an identity for open web checkout? 17:14:40 Andrew: The identity effort resonates for me 17:14:55 ..having some branding will help merchants 17:15:05 ...they may be familiar with w3c but not payment request API 17:15:21 I like that! 17:15:28 Ken: We'd be interested in supporting a proposal from zach that improves participation of all the different parties 17:15:35 ..there's definitely good well 17:15:43 s/well/will 17:16:07 present+ 17:16:08 Ken: It would be helpful to build out a matrix that helps different merchants understand how they will participate 17:16:11 present+ Andrew 17:16:13 present+ Ken 17:16:16 zakim, how's here? 17:16:16 I don't understand your question, Ian. 17:16:20 zakim, who's here? 17:16:20 Present: Ian, Rouslan, zkoch, Molly, Coralie, Andrew, Ken 17:16:22 On IRC I see Molly, rouslan, koalie, zkoch, RRSAgent, Zakim, adamR, dlehn, davidillsley_, canton_, pea13, AdrianHB, emschwartz, oyiptong, nicktr, adrianba, JakeA, Dongwoo, 17:16:22 ... slightlyoff, mkwst, manu, dlongley, Ian, ShaneM, hober, schuki, trackbot 17:16:53 Ken: What I haven't seen is some sort of matrix that outlines the different types of merchants out there; what would appeal to them about w3c specs, and how those specs will help them. 17:17:04 ...I don't think that there is a one-size fits all approach here 17:18:15 IJ: Would it be useful to hear from larger WG next week on this? 17:18:16 zkoch: Yes 17:18:38 q? 17:19:12 New open web proposal: “Zach Pay” -> I shall present at the f2f 17:19:55 zakim, close this item 17:19:55 agendum 1 closed 17:19:56 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 17:19:56 2. Dev resources [from Ian] 17:20:00 zakim, take up item 2 17:20:00 agendum 2. "Dev resources" taken up [from Ian] 17:20:12 https://github.com/w3c/payment-request-info 17:21:54 IJ: Where to start/ Who will take assignments? 17:22:22 Ken: when the charter was written, I am assuming that the merchant role in adopting the PR API was balanced against other roles in the ecosystem 17:24:45 IJ: We did not have an outreach plan at charter time. 17:24:54 Ken: One approach is to start with pilots, or showcase examples 17:25:08 ...these are used to bolster the business case and advocate for greater adoption 17:25:24 ...identify the incentives (both carrots and sticks) 17:26:03 ...if we don't have demos right now that are public, we should look at creating some 17:26:41 ...from an Amex perspective, a high-level swath would be: (1) pilot project in four regions (e.g., N.A., S.A., EMEA, Asia-Pacific) 17:26:46 ...we could find some high-profile partners 17:27:11 ...and if those are favorable, use those to drive additional adoption 17:27:49 I'm sorry everyone, I have to run! 17:28:33 IJ: could Amex take the lead on such a project? 17:28:48 Ken: We would like to support the effort. 17:29:46 ...an effort should have both technical and business components 17:31:09 ...I mean the business component as directed toward the merchant 17:31:24 :) 17:31:32 ...understanding pain points 17:31:39 ...big obstacle I've found is how to communicate it 17:32:01 ...it seems like w3c work requires a lot of pictures 17:32:35 Unfortunately I have to head out to make next meeting… This is interesting. Would like to continue at our next chat 17:32:53 Topic: next meeting? 17:33:11 Proposed 24 Feb at 8am PT 17:33:18 (an hour earlier than usual) 17:34:06 Andrew: Agree with some of the challenges Ken cited, and articulating the story for the merchant 17:34:15 https://github.com/w3c/payment-request-info/blob/master/README.md 17:34:19 ...we'd like to continue to help 17:34:29 -- 17:34:30 Code examples 17:34:30 User experience patterns 17:34:30 Answers to common questions 17:34:30 Implementation status 17:34:31 Branding guidance 17:34:32 Value proposition 17:34:34 --- 17:37:29 Andrew: For generating new stuff, I need to check internally 17:42:04 Ken: I could see doing some trial runs (e.g., a few slides) and then testing them 17:42:28 ...people want simple, illustrated 17:42:39 ...questions like "how does this work with big merchants who already have a checkout button" 17:42:57 ...or "if merchants already have checkout buttons by contract, how does this work"? 17:43:37 Andrew: I have heard similar questions to the ones Ken has raised 17:43:50 ...and also agree that different sized merchants have different questions 17:43:56 ...also have questions about promotions are applied. 17:45:17 PROPOSED: Gather questions (and draft answers) from merchants (or senior managements) 17:45:40 ACTION: Ken to gather some questions from merchants/others 17:45:40 Error finding 'Ken'. You can review and register nicknames at . 17:45:49 ACTION: Andrew to gather some questions from merhcants/others 17:45:49 Created ACTION-51 - Gather some questions from merhcants/others [on Andrew Paliga - due 2017-02-17]. 17:46:05 IJ: Any other questions or thoughts? 17:46:17 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Adoption2017 17:47:34 thanks all, bye! 17:47:36 RRSAgent, make minutes 17:47:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/02/10-wpwg-minutes.html Ian 17:47:44 RRSAgent, set logs public 19:02:04 adamR has joined #wpwg 19:57:01 manu has joined #wpwg 19:57:30 dlongley has joined #wpwg 20:09:19 manu has joined #wpwg 20:09:50 dlongley has joined #wpwg 20:37:37 davidillsley_ has joined #wpwg 21:06:25 adamR has joined #wpwg 23:56:05 adamR has joined #wpwg