13:54:11 RRSAgent has joined #wpay 13:54:11 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/02/10-wpay-irc 13:54:31 Meeting: WPIG Vision Task Force 13:55:02 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webpayments-ig/2017Feb/0014.html 13:55:03 Chair: Ian 13:55:26 present+ 13:55:30 present+ Todd 13:59:47 present+ MarkT 14:00:00 Present+ Ted 14:01:12 present+ dezell 14:01:29 dezell has joined #wpay 14:03:19 agenda+ Automotive (Ted) 14:03:58 agenda+ Digital Receipts 14:04:02 zakim, drop agenda 2 14:04:02 agendum 2, Digital Receipts, dropped 14:04:05 agenda+ Digital Receipts (DavidE) 14:04:11 zakim, agenda? 14:04:11 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda: 14:04:12 1. Automotive (Ted) [from Ian] 14:04:12 3. Digital Receipts (DavidE) [from Ian] 14:06:19 present+ dezell 14:06:30 todd_a has joined #wpay 14:06:33 mark_tiggas has joined #wpay 14:06:35 jeff has joined #wpay 14:06:42 present+ jeff 14:06:54 Hello. I am trying to connect via cell and but the number/code I have is not working. If someone could give me a number/access code to call in I would appreciate it. 14:07:24 +1-617-324-0000 US Toll Number 14:07:26 agenda+ Security (Ken) 14:07:31 agenda? 14:07:32 641 179 782 14:07:50 Vision page https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Vision2017 14:07:59 s/641 179 782// 14:08:06 s/+1-617-324-0000 US Toll Number// 14:08:18 present+ AdamLake 14:09:29 agenda+ Digital Offers 14:09:31 agenda? 14:10:23 zakim, who's here? 14:10:23 Present: Ian, Todd, MarkT, Ted, dezell, jeff, AdamLake 14:10:25 On IRC I see jeff, mark_tiggas, todd_a, dezell, RRSAgent, adamlake, Zakim, dlehn, canton, AdrianHB, nicktr, Dongwoo, mkwst, ted, manu, dlongley, csarven, cwilso, ShaneM, schuki, 14:10:25 ... dveditz, Ian, trackbot 14:10:35 present+ Ken 14:10:41 zakim, take up item 1 14:10:42 agendum 1. "Automotive (Ted)" taken up [from Ian] 14:10:51 https://www.w3.org/2017/Talks/tg-autopay/ 14:10:52 -> https://www.w3.org/2017/Talks/tg-autopay/ Connected Vehicle Payments Proposal 14:11:10 scribe: Ian 14:12:19 (IJ note to self: As we prepare for presentations to the broader IG, think about particular questions to draw to their attention) 14:14:01 collier-matthew has joined #wpay 14:17:11 present+ manu 14:19:35 [Ted on family usage of car and kids paying their way!] 14:20:46 GRB has joined #wpay 14:21:11 [Slide 7: Shared vehicle solutions] 14:22:21 [9 incentives for change] 14:23:13 Ted: Vehicle offers more opportunities for multi-factor-auth 14:25:05 [10: Consumer benefits] 14:26:53 [11: Market scope 14:27:36 Ted: One use case is "lower cost of smart parking by avoiding new infrastructure costs" 14:27:47 ...that could accelerate revenue growth from smart parking 14:29:37 q+ 14:29:49 Ted: Samsung is perhaps biggest Tier 1 14:30:51 ack me 14:30:56 q+ 14:30:58 IJ: What about Google and Apple? 14:31:02 Ted: Sure, let's add them 14:31:18 ack de 14:31:37 dezell: NACS and Conexxus also have a mobile effort going that's useful for automotive 14:31:48 q+ 14:31:57 see => http://www.nacsonline.com/Media/Press_Releases/2016/Pages/PR092816.aspx#.WJ3O1hCY6r0 14:31:59 ack jeff 14:32:13 Jeff: Compelling story, Ted. 14:32:31 ...would like some more context and focus 14:32:36 ..growing set of solutions on slide 11 14:32:53 ...and we have web payments at W3C that's working on a tiny slice of payments 14:33:05 ..the context question is: what do we think automotive pay at W3C looks like? 14:33:20 ...is it it's own standalone thing? Does it relate to existing payments work? 14:33:38 ...how does what you envision relate to existing efforts? 14:34:08 ...so would like more context about (a) how relates to W3C (b) relation to existing work (c) focus on what we should do and not do 14:34:42 +1 to comfort 14:34:49 +1 14:34:50 +1, we'll have to meet next week. 14:34:55 +1 14:35:04 +1 14:35:20 [/me thinks we should go through all of them quickly today AND try to meet next week] 14:36:11 [13: Desired participants] 14:36:32 Ted: Gov participation may be difficult, but might get some good local contacts 14:36:51 q? 14:36:58 q+ 14:37:06 ack me 14:38:15 Ian: I think it's important to make the point that there is relevant work going on at W3C right now... Geolocation API, Authentication, PaymentRequest, etc. 14:38:18 IJ: Prongs of why w3c: 14:38:22 - we are doing relevant work already 14:38:25 - web is ubiquitous 14:38:31 - web is for integration across diverse ecosystems 14:38:54 Ted: I think working with IFSF will be very helpful 14:39:36 q? 14:39:42 q+ 14:39:46 ack de 14:40:03 s/Geolocation/NFC CG, Geolocation/ 14:40:39 dezell: NACS and Conexxus have been involved in this for a while. There is also an interesting relationship between distraction on the road and accessibility; that is another connection to w3c existing work. 14:41:30 ...also, key issues to be considering include (1) offline payment (2) bluetooth/nfc (2) new payment flows such as rentals 14:41:51 ...some additional flows of interest in fueling (1) site-level authentication and (2) above site authentication 14:43:07 q? 14:43:12 agenda? 14:43:15 zakim, close item 1 14:43:15 agendum 1, Automotive (Ted), closed 14:43:17 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 14:43:17 3. Digital Receipts (DavidE) [from Ian] 14:44:06 zakim, take up item 3 14:44:06 agendum 3. "Digital Receipts (DavidE)" taken up [from Ian] 14:44:13 https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Vision2017#Digital_Receipts 14:45:42 [David walks through the wiki] 14:46:26 dezell: The way that it works today is that there is no standardized receipt; it's per merchant. There is no way to reuse it, and there's no way to include in a wallet. 14:46:29 q+ 14:48:02 ack me 14:48:24 IJ: Please after each story indicate what the limitations are today for fulfilling the best user experience in that story 14:48:58 dezell: Today in retail industry, there is not cross-industry consistency 14:49:07 ..there is no customer receipt format in *wide use* 14:49:57 dezell: There are regulatory interests, but also privacy issues 14:50:58 ...another use case is *validating* receipts 14:51:48 q+ to mention GS1 SmartSearch standard... related to Receipts - http://www.gs1.org/gs1-smartsearch 14:52:32 dezell: Retailers want to be able to audit purchases/sales in a consistent way 14:52:53 q+ to ask why browsers need to know about receipts 14:53:19 dezell: We may want a receipt storage API 14:53:32 q- 14:53:47 q+ to mention GS1 SmartSearch standard... related to Receipts - http://www.gs1.org/gs1-smartsearch 14:54:02 ack manu 14:54:02 manu, you wanted to mention GS1 SmartSearch standard... related to Receipts - http://www.gs1.org/gs1-smartsearch 14:54:20 Manu: I assed GS1 SmartSearch to the wiki 14:54:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/02/10-wpay-minutes.html Ian 14:54:53 Manu: SmartSearch is a way to express product descriptions, to find them more easily through search engines 14:55:00 ..that mechanism could be reused 14:55:12 q+ 14:55:28 ...I this that GS1 has done much of the work, and it's deployed, and compatible with other w3c tech 14:55:30 ack me 14:55:30 Ian, you wanted to ask why browsers need to know about receipts 14:55:52 Ian: My thoughts wrt. Digital Receipts - what is the browser role in this? 14:56:17 Ian: On the other hand, wrt. PaymentRequest API... send a payment request get a payment response. 14:56:53 Ian: Providing mechants with a way to send a digital receipt via the browser might be useful. We can standardize the way digital receipts get back to payment apps. 14:57:23 q- 14:57:42 Ian: For the other parts of digital receipts, we are not the first party I'd go to for digital receipt formats, but if you let us know why those efforts are not succeeding, that might be an interesting discussion to have. wrt. storage, what are the parts of the Web Platform that need to be improved? 14:57:47 q+ 14:58:05 ack dezell 14:58:06 Ian: We need to understand what W3C should focus on. 14:58:15 dezell: the only thing I"ll say about storage is that it was an example 14:58:19 ..but it may also be display 14:59:26 q? 14:59:38 Topic: Next meeting 14:59:42 Ian: I tend to like things that are a sensible next piece based on players in the communityh that are already active... we may have a good chance of success taking advantage of momentum. 14:59:46 9am ET on 17 Feb 15:00:03 RRSAgent, make minutes 15:00:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/02/10-wpay-minutes.html Ian 15:00:08 RRSAgent, set logs public 17:06:18 jeff has joined #wpay