15:35:59 RRSAgent has joined #annotation 15:35:59 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/02/03-annotation-irc 15:36:01 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:36:01 Zakim has joined #annotation 15:36:03 Zakim, this will be 2666 15:36:03 ok, trackbot 15:36:04 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 15:36:04 Date: 03 February 2017 15:36:18 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/mid/104301d27ce6$c53801b0$4fa80510$@illinois.edu 15:36:36 ivan has changed the topic to: agenda call for 03-02-2017: http://www.w3.org/mid/104301d27ce6$c53801b0$4fa80510$@illinois.edu 15:36:40 chair: Tim 15:54:24 TimCole has joined #annotation 15:54:43 uskudarli has joined #annotation 15:56:10 tilgovi has joined #annotation 15:58:28 azaroth has joined #annotation 15:58:33 Present+ Randall_Leeds 15:58:57 Present+ Rob_Sanderson 15:58:58 Present+ 15:59:36 Present+ Tim_Cole 16:04:06 scribenick: tilgovi 16:04:15 Present+ Benjamin_Young 16:04:40 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Minutes of the previous call are approved: https://www.w3.org/2017/01/20-annotation-minutes.html 16:04:50 +1 16:04:55 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Minutes of the previous call are approved: https://www.w3.org/2017/01/27-annotation-minutes.html 16:05:08 Topic: Minutes review 16:05:22 +1 16:05:24 +1 16:06:39 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2017Feb/0000.html 16:06:50 tilgovi_ has joined #annotation 16:07:32 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Minutes of the previous call are approved: https://www.w3.org/2017/01/27-annotation-minutes.html 16:07:35 takeshi has joined #annotation 16:07:41 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Minutes of the previous call are approved: https://www.w3.org/2017/01/27-annotation-minutes.html 16:08:26 RESOLUTION: Minutes of the previous call are approved: https://www.w3.org/2017/01/27-annotation-minutes.html 16:08:33 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Minutes of the previous call are approved: https://www.w3.org/2017/01/20-annotation-minutes.html 16:08:50 RESOLUTION: Minutes of the previous call are approved: https://www.w3.org/2017/01/20-annotation-minutes.html 16:09:21 TimCole: the intent today is to talk about where we are with the proposed recommendations 16:09:52 Topic Proposed REcommendation 16:10:02 and to talk about issues with the serialization 16:10:19 ivan: I looked at it about half an hour ago. 16:10:28 we have 21 positive votes and one abstention 16:10:36 the abstention has always been there and that's not a problem 16:10:56 there is one remark on the annotation protocol 16:12:24 unless something comes ins, we certainly have enough votes 16:12:41 q+ 16:12:42 there are two more that I reached out to in the publication world that would be nice if it came in 16:12:51 one is a potential implementer who does epub software 16:12:54 unless something comes in, we are okay 16:13:51 TimCole: we have enough. as long as we don't have any objections we should be able to publish 16:13:52 ivan: exactly 16:14:12 ivan: there's nothing left to do other than change the right stuff in the respec 16:14:15 it should be fairly mechanical 16:14:23 we have to agree upon what would be our target publication date 16:14:28 my proposal would be the 21st 16:14:46 the date before would be the 16th, that's two days after0 the end. there's some administration to do so I think that's a bit tight 16:14:54 TimCole: Our hope would be to have the notes approved by then as well, right? 16:15:04 ivan: absolutely. so 21st should be the date. everything else should be ready to go by then 16:15:07 TimCole: 21st makes sense to me 16:15:12 do you need a vote? 16:15:15 s/after0/after 16:15:34 ivan: on that? no. what I will need a vote for is that we all agree we want it to be published. I can go to the director and ask for short name and things like that. 16:15:42 as soon as possible to get it out of the way 16:15:46 TimCole: Do we have enough people? 16:15:55 ivan: We do have now enough people acting in the group. 16:15:59 So, I think, yes we can do that. 16:17:07 TimCole: let us move on to the notes 16:17:20 on the selectors and states note 16:17:34 http://w3c.github.io/web-annotation/selector-note/ 16:17:34 we have to update the affiliation for Benjamin 16:17:52 q+ 16:18:00 q- 16:18:02 TimCole: otherwise, the substance has not changed in the last two weeks 16:18:14 ivan: What Rob commented on is all done. 16:18:33 However, I don't claim I understand all the details, but I have the impression that the comment of Takeshi is more for that note and not for the HTML note. 16:18:37 q? 16:18:48 ack: ivan 16:18:53 ack ivan 16:19:03 The differentiation there, whether the fragment is the locator or the identifier, it's not the html note that should talk about it. It should be in the selector note, in my view. 16:19:07 We can discuss as you want 16:19:21 TimCole: let's talk about it now if we can 16:19:32 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2017Feb/0000.html 16:20:08 ivan: Since it's a note, maybe all we can do is put it into the note and say that when they use it they may be an issue 16:20:37 takeshi: I'm wondering if the selector note could give some position for those who directly use the selector as url 16:21:12 ivan: To be honest, I would much more trust you to give me text to put there than for me to come up with the text. You have much more experience with the issues around IRIs and URIs 16:22:31 Present Sarven Capadisli 16:22:52 takeshi: In the note, the percent character must be percent-encoded in the URL, but the character can be present in the IRI. 16:22:55 Present+ csarven 16:23:09 % in IRI is just a character 16:23:38 s/percent character/special characters/ 16:24:34 Rob: could we solve it with a note that says systems should take care not to doubly encode characters which are valid in IRIs but not in URLs? 16:24:53 so in iri ...a%20b... becomes ...a%25%20b... when it is made into url 16:24:54 takeshi: No. We can take a simple way that says we don't care, percent characters should be double encoded. 16:25:41 TimCole: so where do we put this caveat 16:26:28 Vaguely recall that's how WHATWG URL spec does it 16:27:02 ivan: Send me an email and I will add a warning note to the relevant section. Again, I trust you more than myself to say the right thing. 16:27:14 takeshi: It must be right, but it's a bit ugly 16:27:33 ivan: Well, it's definitely ugly. Every thing with IRIs and this becomes ugly. 16:28:12 ivan: I think that's the only issue with the selector note and we are done with it. 16:28:17 TimCole: Does anyone have a different opinion? 16:28:23 Topic: HTML Serialization 16:28:26 if not, let's move on and talk about the HTML serialization 16:28:50 https://w3c.github.io/web-annotation/serialization-html-note/ 16:29:17 TimCole: There's been a lot of edits in the last few weeks. There are a couple items marked in the TODO, but before I get to those are there any concerns about the examples? 16:30:00 We have there examples in JSON-LD. Three examples in RDFa. And we have a couple examples of using annotation-based URLs 16:30:18 The JSON-LD of course maps directly to the model document. 16:30:24 We have the RDFa translated into turtle. 16:30:39 And the annotation-based URLs are just URLs that map against the selector note 16:31:29 TimCole: There are some editorial things, but I also have a question about some things near the top. 16:31:41 The terminology section, I think I copied over the terminology in the selector note. 16:31:47 Does someone need to do a read-through? 16:32:08 ivan: There is a difference between this note and the selector note. 16:32:34 The selector note is a semi-specification. It tries to be precise. It's called a reference note. Therefore, the terminology had to be there and it had to be precise because it repeated the specification of the model document. 16:32:37 I think it might interesting to have another RDFa example that's close to the motivation "Wholly Internal Annotations". The current example is close to the motivation "Lighweight, decentralized Annotation Tools" 16:32:50 This note is very different. It is much more of a kind of informative, semi-tutorial kind of note. 16:33:13 +1 16:33:19 My vote would be to remove 1.4 altogether 16:33:22 +1 16:33:29 +1 16:33:37 +1 16:33:45 TimCole: Let's go ahead and remove that. I can do it after the call. 16:33:47 re 1.4 removal (I have no audio) 16:34:42 TimCole: The other section I was not sure what to do with is 1.3. 16:35:15 The natural inclination may be to give the annotation an identifier based on the URL of the page in which it is embedded. 16:35:18 Do we want to say anything about that? 16:35:28 Right now we say you need an IRI but it does not have to be dereferenceable. 16:35:36 Point to canonical sources (WA model/protocol/vocab where appropriate) instead of duplicating info all around 16:35:39 An ID on a script tag is not really a way to identify the annotation properly 16:37:27 Rob: It's not normative text, and 1.3 sort of makes it look (with the lowercase must) 16:37:42 Recommending what we think you should be by way of example is a good way to get it in front of people without making it a spec 16:38:01 TimCole: Does that mean I can get rid of 1.3? 16:38:03 ivan: yes. 16:40:07 TimCole: Now the question is how to get consensus from the WG for these notes. 16:40:16 With the calendar we want to start that before next week and end it the week after. 16:41:18 ivan: Let's not over-administrate this. I don't think we'll get anything on the email. Most active participants are here. 16:41:30 We can vote here, we can ask the director, and we can give people five days to object in email. 16:41:52 Rob: If that's sufficient that sounds better than the longer approach. 16:44:44 for the selector note, the shortname proposed: https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-states/ 16:46:20 https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-html/ 16:47:28 Proposal: the Working Group asks the Director to publish the Selector and State note as a Working Group Note, with the short name 'selectors-states' 16:47:52 Proposal: the Working Group asks the Director to authorize the publication of the Selector and State note as a Working Group Note, with the short name 'selectors-states' 16:48:15 +1 16:48:18 +1 16:48:18 +1 16:48:21 +1 16:48:28 +1 16:48:30 +1 16:48:48 RESOLUTION: the Working Group asks the Director to authorize the publication of the Selector and State note as a Working Group Note, with the short name 'selectors-states' 16:49:45 Proposal: the Working Group asks the Director to authorize the publication of the Embedding Web Annotation in HTML note as a Working Group Note, with the short name 'annotation-html' 16:49:50 +1 16:50:27 +1 16:50:29 Proposal: the Working Group asks the Director to authorize the publication of the Embedding Web Annotation in HTML note as a Working Group Note (modulo the editorial changes agreed upon today), with the short name 'annotation-html' 16:50:34 +1 16:50:35 +1 16:50:35 +1 16:50:36 +1 16:50:41 +1 16:50:47 +1 16:50:51 RESOLUTION: the Working Group asks the Director to authorize the publication of the Embedding Web Annotation in HTML note as a Working Group Note (modulo the editorial changes agreed upon today), with the short name 'annotation-html' 16:51:23 w00t w00t 16:53:01 TimCole: Is there anything we need the larger group to talk about? 16:53:04 Rob: I don't think so. 16:53:31 TimCole: It would be nice to have some opinions to embed. 16:53:55 s/opinions/testimonials/ 16:53:55 q? 16:53:57 TimCole: I don't have anything else for today. 16:54:28 TimCole: If there's nothing else I think we're ready to adjourn. We will plan to meet next week. Hopefully a brief meeting. 16:55:07 Unless there's something that comes up, after the 17th we're done and work transitions to the community group. 16:55:47 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:55:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/02/03-annotation-minutes.html ivan 16:56:03 trackbot, end telcon 16:56:03 Zakim, list attendees 16:56:03 As of this point the attendees have been Randall_Leeds, Rob_Sanderson, ivan, Tim_Cole, Benjamin_Young, csarven 16:56:11 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:56:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/02/03-annotation-minutes.html trackbot 16:56:12 RRSAgent, bye 16:56:12 I see no action items