Payment Apps Task Force

31 Jan 2017


See also: IRC log


AdrianHB, Ian, adamR, alyver, pascal, rouslan


Proposal for moving forward


IJ: Have people had a chance to review this?

<Zakim> AdrianHB, you wanted to make a few comments re the proposal, didn't have a chance to respond

AdrianHB: Some other things I had wanted to point out that did not make it into the proposal, and Dave Longley commented on this as well.

Payment apps are not "just service workers"; we've spoken about them that way before and I think that has created confusion.

scribe: I prefer that we model the world as "Payment apps are web apps with special features are are defining for payments"
... I think the proposal says this to those coming in cold; but for those who have been following the discussion, it might need more clarification


IJ: The first question is about payment app identity, use of origin...and whether we want to enable display of two payment apps from the same origin (e.g., consumer and corporate) in the sheet.

rouslan: Based on our experience with android payment apps, we have found that the concept of one payment app per origin works well and is easy to implement.
... android pay we show as a single item in the UI...but when you launch the app, you can change accounts (which might have different cards associated with them).
... so I support and implementation experience with native that we keep to a minimum the number of payment apps per origin, with "1" being the best solution.

<Zakim> AdrianHB, you wanted to discuss why you need to identify a payment app and differentiate between giving the user choices in the UI

AdrianHB: I think what Rouslan is talking about is "options presented to the user" which is supported by the spec.
... options can be presented to the user (icons, labels)
... if we can talk about multiple options per origin we can probably address use cases.

IJ: We have two use cases for identification: (1) recommended (2) payment method manifest

AdrianHB: For the second use case I think origin suffices
... and start_url can be used to point to code

<adamR> For my upcoming comment: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/53717247/amex.png

adamR: I don't think payment options satisfies the use cases I think I've heard; see https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/53717247/amex.png
... the prospect of mashing business and consumer as options under one app would not have worked
... I think we have use cases for more than one thing per origin.

<AdrianHB> I think that adamR's use case could be addressed by two payment apps at business.amex.com and personal.amex.com.

rouslan: I think it is ok to not handle recommended payment apps today. Merchant can attempt to show() and if that doesn't work, then the merchant can show users links

<adamR> AdrianHB: I think asking busineses to change their URLs — which some consider part of their branding — to accomodate this kind of thing is letting the tail wag the dog

<Zakim> Ian, you wanted to speak to display of apps

Ian: Let's hold off discussing recommended payment apps for now; main question is "whether 2 things from same origin can appear in the sheet"

<Zakim> AdrianHB, you wanted to talk to subdomains

AdrianHB: I agree with AdamR that asking businesses to change URLs is not ideal, but I've had this discussion with web app sec before.
... I am concerned that we are going down the wrong path by delineating apps from the same origin
... I think it suffices that apps can register options
... but if you want to offer two things that are more separated, you should do it at more origins (e.g., using subdomains)

adamR: I think what we need is the concept of "two things" (whatever they are called, but a level above options)
... so perhaps we don't call these different things "apps" but I think it's a valid use case

<Zakim> AdrianHB, you wanted to clarify if this is just a UI req?

AdrianHB: Is this just a UI requirement?
... if so, that sounds to me like a new proposal, but one that would not be problematic
... on the other hand, I don't want to go too far down the road into UI
... instead I would say "let's agree that permissions are for origin, and if we need to handle use cases with UI requirements, let's work on that"

adamR: +1

AdrianHB: So I am hearing (1) a payment app is a specialization of a web app, identified by origin (2) AdamR suggests we need some granularity in choices presented to the user (more nesting).

AdamR: This is not really just UI; it's semantics

AdrianHB: Agreed, change UI to UX
... the ability is for payment app publishers to organize options presented to the user
... I think we need to spell out the use cases more clearly

IJ: Has this come up, Rouslan, in native?

rouslan: This hasn't come up. We do use the web for some identity verificaiton
... the security there comes from the fact that the identifying URL is owned by the payment app distributed
... we care that the URL is secure (HTTPs)..the separation among origins does not affect us

pascal_bazin: It seems that registering a payment app means that the payment app needs to be defined in the merchant's security domain.
... this would be a limitation..it would mean that merchants need to implement more

IJ: I am hearing ok to think of 1 payment app per origin but need to flesh out use cases for more levels of organization from the payment app side.

<AdrianHB> +1

<alyver> +1 to use cases

<alyver> I'd be willing to help with use cases

<alyver> but looking for other volunteers :-)

<scribe> ACTION: alyver to write up use cases for additional organizational capabilities for payment apps (within a model of one app per origin0 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/01/31-apps-minutes.html#action01]

IJ: says "wallet" smirkingly

<AdrianHB> Off the top of my head, use cases are:

<AdrianHB> 1. White label payment apps

<AdrianHB> 2. Multiple profiles with a single provider (business vs personal)

<AdrianHB> 3. Multiple instruments held with a single provider

AdamR: Don't smirk; that might be useful

Things that require permission or that don't

AdamR: We need to be clear on what requires user consent and what can happen automatically.
... I think the proposal says that registering for events requires permission but registering payment method support does not.
... do others agree (and can we write that down clearly)?

<AdrianHB> +1

<rouslan> +1


<scribe> ACTION: Ian to update the proposal to reflect one app per origin and highlight need for user cases regarding granularity [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/01/31-apps-minutes.html#action02]

<scribe> ACTION: Ian to update the proposal to clarify what requires permission and what can happen automatically [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/01/31-apps-minutes.html#action03]


<adamR> The comment Ian refers to is here: https://github.com/w3c/webpayments-payment-apps-api/issues/99#issuecomment-276264871

IJ: we have establish where filtering happens, and if in the payment app, how to address concerns about functions

<Zakim> AdrianHB, you wanted to ask some clarifying q's re filtering

AdrianHB: I wanted to be sure I am on same page as others. My understanding is that PR API does filtering on payment method and basic-card

IJ: I don't think that's it. It think browser is implementing filtering "as a payment app'
... I understand:

- Mediator filters on payment methods

- Mediator queries payment apps to see which ones that support those payment methods can handle this payment request

- Mediator displays the resulting subset

- User picks one to continue

IJ: Browser acts as payment app for basic card and in that capacity does filtering.
... We have determined both that we don't expect browsers to implement generic filtering (based on what they told us) , and therefore that payment apps will need to do the filtering.
... then the question is how to ensure privacy in the mediator query phase.

adamR: Did anyone lay out an algorithm for generic filters?

Ian/AdrianHB: Yes.

<adamR> https://github.com/w3c/webpayments-payment-apps-api/issues/96#issuecomment-275445099

AdamR: I think we should revisit browser doing canHandle, limiting to strings



IJ: But down side of this approach is we don't know what the generic filtering language ACTUALLY requires.
... Suppose we do browser implementation of canHandle. When does the browser get the data?

If static at registration, ok. But if dynamic at transaction time, then same as asking payment app to answer the question.

AdamR: -1 to browser to asking payment apps for data during transaction

AdrianHB: Agree with AdamR

IJ: Let's continue discussion
... We need to determine whether static data provided by payment app satisfies the use case.

Rouslan: I have been thinking about config option where payment app provides info to the browser, at least for basic card
... the info that the payment app provides is network and type

<scribe> ACTION: AdamR to write up a proposal for payment app-provided config information for filtering by browser [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/01/31-apps-minutes.html#action04]

<scribe> ACTION: Rouslan to write up a proposal for payment app-provided config information for filtering by browser [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/01/31-apps-minutes.html#action05]

<AdrianHB> Filters (at least the names of them) can also be defined in the payment method manifest

next meeting

7 Feb

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: AdamR to write up a proposal for payment app-provided config information for filtering by browser [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/01/31-apps-minutes.html#action04]
[NEW] ACTION: alyver to write up use cases for additional organizational capabilities for payment apps (within a model of one app per origin0 [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/01/31-apps-minutes.html#action01]
[NEW] ACTION: Ian to update the proposal to clarify what requires permission and what can happen automatically [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/01/31-apps-minutes.html#action03]
[NEW] ACTION: Ian to update the proposal to reflect one app per origin and highlight need for user cases regarding granularity [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/01/31-apps-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: Rouslan to write up a proposal for payment app-provided config information for filtering by browser [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/01/31-apps-minutes.html#action05]

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.148 (CVS log)
$Date: 2017/02/03 16:27:51 $