17:54:15 RRSAgent has joined #aria 17:54:15 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/01/26-aria-irc 17:54:17 RRSAgent, make logs world 17:54:17 Zakim has joined #aria 17:54:19 Zakim, this will be 17:54:19 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 17:54:20 Meeting: Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference 17:54:20 Date: 26 January 2017 17:54:27 chair: Rich 17:55:47 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2017Jan/0048.html 17:56:28 present+ 17:57:01 present+ Rich_Schwerdtfeger 17:58:00 Stefan has joined #aria 17:59:01 present+ 18:00:03 present+ 18:01:41 JasonDuan has joined #aria 18:02:51 clown has joined #aria 18:04:15 tink has joined #aria 18:04:38 jongund has joined #aria 18:04:45 mck has joined #aria 18:04:53 present+ Léonie 18:05:39 JF has joined #aria 18:06:08 present+ matt_king 18:06:14 present+ 18:06:15 scribe: matt_king 18:06:22 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 18:06:37 TOPIC: Testable statements and test files 18:07:03 rs: who can chip in? 18:07:04 I am leaving in a couple of weeks and will be unable to work on it for a while. 18:07:08 present+ Joseph_Scheuhammer 18:07:29 rs: stefan, can you help. 18:07:41 stefan: if scope is limited, then probably yes. 18:08:02 present+ jongund 18:08:30 rs: I will point you to a couple of cases to work on ... stefan. 18:08:51 rs: We have good examples of statements. 18:08:55 present+ JF 18:09:59 I can do the next ones about accname. 18:10:06 rs: Joseph, can you do some testable statements? 18:10:18 rs: OK Joseph will do accname cases. 18:10:58 rs: Joanie, question: there is one mac mapping that exposes a function for an action. How ref that in test harness? 18:11:16 rs: This is for aria-haspopup = listobx. 18:11:19 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/core-aam/core-aam.html#ariaHaspopupListbox 18:11:20 Expose AXShowMenu and AXPress actions 18:11:37 rs: How do you represent that if there are no values? 18:12:17 Joseph: that text was given to Andy when she was the editor. Was given by James Craig. 18:12:35 Joanie: let me get back to you on that. 18:13:03 rs: Where it says relations contains, can I use an ID? 18:13:41 Joanie: for my platform, you can see if a relation of that type is there 18:13:43 https://www.w3.org/wiki/ARIA_1.1_Testable_Statements#combobox 18:13:54 rs: take a look at last row of that table. 18:14:07 you can have different types of relations. 18:14:43 Joanie: that will work. 18:14:59 I believe it is space delimited. 18:15:16 TOPIC: Test Harness 18:15:28 rs: had good discussin with jon yesterday. 18:16:02 Jon: Got pointers for AATA for msaa/ia2. And we will get it done. 18:16:21 After we have the AT test adapter, students can work on test cases. 18:16:38 RS: Will get together with Joanie next week? 18:16:46 Jon: After we have some progress. 18:17:07 TOPIC: HTML 5 Embedded content 18:17:08 https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#semantics-embedded-content 18:17:44 RS: In aria 1.0, was decided not to do role for audio and video tag b/c required functionality we could not do with aria. 18:18:05 Met with web components wg, and they want as much parity with html as possible. 18:18:37 They had not thought about DOM apis for communicqating with script in an audio/video tag. 18:18:43 This is just for parity. 18:19:10 We need to gather some use cases, and Janina will talk about them today so we can determine where to go with audio/video. 18:20:51 rs: Leonie, did you follow the list discussion and see no work has been done on it since september 18:22:31 Janina: May have cases wider than a11y 18:23:01 We do not have a defined way of handling medai in html spec. Kind of a free for all. Media controller effort is dead. 18:23:10 http://www.w3.org/TR/media-accessibility-reqs/ 18:23:16 We have a set of use cases and requirements for a11y. 18:23:23 We published in this note. 18:23:43 It is result of 6 year effort that started at meeting at stanfor in 2009. 18:24:25 The alternatives to a primary resource, which is what we call in the tag, we call it primary media resource. 18:24:51 Text alt would be markup, not juststraight text. 18:25:09 There is a list of alternatives that are text based. 18:25:21 There is a list of binary alternatives, which could be a an audio file. 18:25:41 Antoerh binary alt is signed captions. 18:25:50 That is where internationalization comes in. 18:26:13 Each language would have its own alternative track. 18:26:34 There is the real time aspect, which comes into play with web rtc. 18:26:40 Might be streaming a conference live. 18:26:57 Say in CA with a conf that is being real time streamed. 18:26:58 Q+ 18:27:11 q? 18:27:11 In CA, has to be 2 languages; required by law. 18:27:33 There could be someone doing simultaneous live translation. 18:28:01 So, the consumer needs to be able to choose the appropriate lang track. 18:28:38 There is no overarching thing that pulls this together to be something you can access through the browser. 18:29:20 Need to give consumer control over the experience, choosing language, size/postion of alt, etc. 18:29:31 How to discover options. 18:29:49 How do you set default choices. 18:30:02 How to create a profile. 18:30:45 This could also be used in a theatre. 18:31:21 If we get it all right, it should work ver well. 18:31:28 https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/embedded-content-0.html#attr-track-kind 18:31:55 jf: tagging on to Janina, html introduced 2kind 18:32:06 You can dfine subtitles, captions, and descriptions. 18:32:14 Has a keyword of metdata for scripting. 18:32:29 Gap in tagging or labeling binary alternatives. 18:32:42 Have a gap there. 18:32:55 Other problem: 2 ways of delivering the alternatives over web. 18:33:24 Could be stand alone files downloaded on demand where track is a child of video element. 18:33:36 On mobile, it is often delivered in band 18:33:47 That it is, the alt is part of the mp4 file. 18:34:04 How do we label the alternatives and get it exposed. 18:34:23 Janina: Some of the alternatives may not be provided by the original producer. 18:34:55 scribe: janina 18:35:15 janina: Sometimes, the alternative media may be 3rd party produced 18:35:27 rich: Summarizes, what's available? What's set 18:35:45 rich: Summarizes: Does the AT need the track? 18:35:49 jf: Depends on AT 18:36:02 jf: Currently, track reserved for track 18:36:14 jf: Reserved for caption, text description, subtitle, etc 18:36:36 jf: Problem is the binaries; the audio recorded video description; the sign language video 18:36:56 jf: No way to associate the alternative to the primary 18:37:07 rich: Does the AT need access to the track 18:37:27 rich: You do want to know what's available, and you want to choose the ones you want 18:37:42 rich: Based on AT, or platform selection 18:38:00 jf: Or, could be website specific--on this site always show me X if available 18:38:10 rich: Not going to parse the content 18:39:11 janina: AT may need the texted video description to speak it 18:39:15 Current values for @kind: subtitles, captions, descriptions, chapters, metadata 18:39:22 rich: Can the environment do the mixing? 18:39:42 janina: Yes, I prefer my video to a second audio device to ensure the screen reader isn't speaking on top of it 18:40:46 rich: This is where we need a piece like AOM -- to select and activate on a platform 18:40:52 missing: Transcript, sign-language video, described audio... 18:41:09 rich: Believe there are 3 tightly coupled AOM releases 18:41:27 rich: Believe we need to document the use cases 18:41:45 rich: We can certainly put some attribs into ARIA 1.2 -- walk available tracks, etc 18:41:57 rich: Knowing which one is currently set would definitely be an attribute 18:42:21 rich: Also timed text? 18:42:34 jf: Yes, in the @kinds it's either TTML or WebVTT 18:43:10 jf: Currently, we're looking at client scripted controls 18:43:16 jf: Believe our challenge is just labeling 18:43:30 rich: We'll also need capability info 18:43:48 jf: Can you explain? 18:44:37 rich: So if you have text description in Spanish, but no Spanish TTS 18:44:45 rich: Stuff like that 18:45:25 rich: How sync'd? These binaries have to be sync'd 18:45:35 jf: That's why much is delivered inband 18:45:55 jf: Wonder whether we need a video manifest -- Here's what's available? What do you need 18:46:32 janina: That would be familiar to the Dpub people -- They declare all that 18:47:17 rich: So, doing this in ARIA, we don't have to be limited to what HTML has 18:47:37 rich: This is why I'd like to see capabilities 18:47:59 rich: I believe Web Components want to use components themselves, not html. Is that correct 18:48:08 leonie: One use case, the other is extending HTML 18:48:29 leonie: Which is why I blieve this needs HTML people in the conversation 18:48:58 janina: And I think also i18n for many of the same reasons as a11y 18:49:22 rich: Let's assume different types of tracks, with different data about them 18:49:57 rich: We could facilitate decisions about how to use those -- We could prototype that and then circle back to Web Platforms, AOM, etc 18:51:01 rich: asking JF and Janina to boil down the MaUR to a short expoze of the use cases 18:51:32 jf: Additional wrinkle, currently browsers poduce basic controls if you don't serve up your own 18:51:48 jf: But the assumption was always that authors would script controls 18:52:01 jf: We're going to wnat to insure that native browser controls expose this stuff 18:53:18 rich: Anyone not agree about having an audio and video role? 18:53:21 [crickets] 18:53:40 RESOLUTION: Create an audio and a video role for ARIA 1.2 18:56:22 jcraig has joined #aria 18:56:24 mc: Clarifying issues 18:56:34 Audio and video: https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/517 18:56:42 rich: Video/Audio role issue to Janina 18:57:09 mc: Issue to document use cases to JF 18:59:16 rrsagent, make minutes 18:59:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/01/26-aria-minutes.html MichaelC 18:59:32 RRSAgent, make log public 19:00:13 Audio and video use cases: https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/518 19:03:05 jcraig has joined #aria 19:03:10 zakim, bye 19:03:10 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been janina_, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, MichaelC, Stefan, Léonie, matt_king, MichielBijl, Joanmarie_Diggs, Joseph_Scheuhammer, jongund, JF 19:03:10 Zakim has left #aria 19:03:22 rrsagent, make minutes 19:03:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/01/26-aria-minutes.html janina_ 19:14:11 clown has joined #aria 19:17:07 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 20:16:28 jongund has joined #aria 20:27:25 jcraig has joined #aria 20:45:22 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 20:51:38 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 21:01:42 jongund has joined #aria 21:24:50 jcraig has joined #aria 21:36:57 jcraig has joined #aria 21:41:07 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 21:56:05 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 22:04:32 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 22:22:16 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 22:56:36 jcraig has joined #aria 23:15:30 jcraig has joined #aria 23:16:08 jcraig has joined #aria 23:22:26 jcraig has joined #aria 23:39:49 jongund has joined #aria