16:51:51 RRSAgent has joined #audio 16:51:51 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/01/19-audio-irc 16:51:53 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:58:53 Zakim has joined #audio 16:58:53 Zakim, this will be 28346 16:58:53 ok, trackbot 16:58:53 Meeting: Audio Working Group Teleconference 16:58:53 Date: 19 January 2017 16:58:53 Agenda+ 1. Discussion of issues that are being proposed to move to v.next 16:58:53 Agenda+ #1089 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/1089 16:58:53 Agenda+ 3. Review any outstanding V1 WG Review issues 16:58:53 agenda? 16:59:06 present rtoyg_m 16:59:29 present+ mdjp 17:00:21 present+ rtoyg_m 17:01:41 padenot has joined #audio 17:03:54 joe has joined #audio 17:03:57 present+ joe 17:04:05 padenot_ has joined #audio 17:05:58 scribenick: joe 17:06:24 zakim, take up agendum 1 17:06:24 agendum 1. "1. Discussion of issues that are being proposed to move to v.next" taken up [from mdjp] 17:07:20 mdjp: joe and I talked earlier today to talk about how to enable us to get to CR. The general feeling was to get to a place where we've identified the issues are either true blockers or are resolvable within a short fixed timeframe 17:08:04 mdjp: the key thing as we go thru isssues is to identify either as V1 blocker or as resolvable in this short window 17:08:16 mdjp: I have 4 issues. The first isss. 17:08:18 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/13 17:09:41 padenot: question is, can we make a good NoiseGate based on the new Dynamics Compressor design 17:10:26 padenot: for example, the compressor algorithm might behave as a noisegate purely based on parameter values without the need for a separate node 17:10:59 mdjp: is that the case that we have a compressor node that can be documented as behaving like a noise gate under certain conditions? 17:11:10 padenot: yes. and it's possible that it would work without doing too much 17:12:05 padenot: this is something that we can get determined fairly quickly 17:12:34 padenot: if we modify Firefox to honor ratios < 0 we might find out fairly quickly whether this is possible 17:12:46 mdjp: can we do this before the next call? 17:13:08 padenot: to determine whether doable? 17:13:26 padenot: feeling in the audio group at Firefox right now isthat the compressor is a bit too complex 17:13:44 padenot: we could have agreed on this if hongchan were here 17:13:57 mdjp: then by the next call we can establish whether this is doable? 17:14:04 padenot: yes 17:14:20 padenot: if it doesn't go in, then AudioWorklet provides a fallback 17:14:59 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/833 17:15:57 padenot: Bikeshed is a more recent version of ReSpec. But it uses a different IDL dialect. So we'd need to convert to a different way of doing things 17:16:03 padenot: quite boring and long to do 17:16:36 padenot: apparently there was some movement to move towards Bikeshed, but we're not blocked necessarily. 17:16:43 mdjp: does this have to be done for V1? 17:16:56 padenot: not really, no. we should do it when things have stabilized more 17:20:18 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/1079 17:26:44 joe: we're planning to loop this back to hongchan so we can review. padenot is concerned that we need more specificity here 17:26:44 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/1098 17:29:50 padenot: for now, we will defer this 17:30:10 zakim, take up agendum 2 17:30:10 agendum 2. "#1089 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/1089" taken up [from mdjp] 17:31:02 padenot: we're waiting for a response on the proposal I made 17:31:24 mdjp: I agree that going with the SMPTE ordering makes the most sense 17:32:47 zakim, take up agendum 3 17:32:47 agendum 3. "3. Review any outstanding V1 WG Review issues" taken up [from mdjp] 17:33:10 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22Web+Audio+V1%22+label%3A%22Needs+WG+review%22 17:34:01 [web-audio-api] joeberkovitz pushed 1 new commit to 1050-mono-4chan-diagram: https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/commit/e0ad4e3f48bf6d2887d42bfe29bba3268a676561 17:34:01 web-audio-api/1050-mono-4chan-diagram e0ad4e3 joeberkovitz: fix image size and reference in spec 17:34:46 padenot: we can remove the review label from 1116, 1120 17:35:08 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/1117 17:37:00 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/1105 17:38:45 #rtoy: disallowing zero as a ref distance has a problem with incompatibility with OpenAL 17:38:54 rtoy: disallowing zero as a ref distance has a problem with incompatibility with OpenAL 17:39:17 mdjp: depends on how wide the problem is 17:39:35 rtoy: since there's a bug and a Slack mention of this, apparently it's a thing 17:40:02 mdjp: if we don't revert the change, then how many people are unhappy? 17:41:48 joe: can we revert to zero to make this go away? 17:42:19 joe: and spec a floor value for the other models? 17:43:34 rtoy: let's propose that and see what he sayd 17:43:39 s/sayd/says 17:44:07 mdjp: rtoy, can you handle that conversation? 17:44:09 rtoy: yes 17:44:20 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/1099 17:46:48 mdjp: do we want to refer this back to cwilso to get clarification? 17:47:01 rtoy: I'll ping cwilso and if there's no answer then we can close this 17:47:32 https://github.com/WebAudio/web-audio-api/issues/95 17:48:51 padenot: I'll review this quickly now that I'm back 17:49:58 rrsagent, make minutes 17:49:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/01/19-audio-minutes.html joe