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<Lisa_Seeman> trackbot, start meeting
<Lisa_Seeman> agenda: this
<Thaddeus> Thaddeus Present
<Lisa_Seeman> scribe: kirkwood
<Thaddeus> + Thaddeus present
lisa, asking for introductions
lisa: works for ibm head of task force
EA: southampton university
jan: hjan mcsorley work for pearson
Jim; jim smith works for
<Jim_S> Jim Smith works for Atos
lisa: mike, not recognizing name
thadderus: works for macy’s and UI architect, invite experts
mike cooper: w3c staff contact
petro: work for italy vp of ? europe.
<Pietro> I come from Italy and I'm Autism-Europe vice-president
petro: autiwsm europe
krikwood: bot checkin wasn’t able to show
EA: bernard is a student in Germany right now
thaddereus: said he’s not getting back to him
theaddereus: he needs to get back to him in order to work with him
Lisa: he needs to send time to
taderus onn an ongoing basis. Thaderus is very fliexibel
... next item is delaing with SC manager issue
... we’ve made 39 submissions in success criteria (edits or
<EA> I have sent a Skype message to Renaldo Bernard regarding the mental health and coga research.
lisa: they assign SC managers to managge proces of getting the success criteria through their processes to get consensus on list, when you think SC criteria ready go to Josha and andtew put on survey and people vote on it. Hope fully get into 2.1
<Lisa_Seeman> :
Link on their wiki on who’s managing which succes criteria
our tabel of success criteria with sc assigned
lisa: we don’t have all the high
priority, if we don’t get through proces they will be labled at
risk which is really not good
... if you take on 2. try and get on another
ji: can look at taking on other stuff
ji / jim
lisa: need to define SC and see
if robust. The idea isn’t about SC manager opinon its about
reaching a consensus and moving forward
... if its toomany points, its your job to get consensus going
so everybody is happy about it. and comfortable meeting the
WCAG success criteria
... the WCAG timelines, i think, the February 23rd for the
publishing first public working craft.
michael cooper: only a few week, very likely very little ready at this point
lisa: how do we encourage them to
move forward?
... very aware my two are quite sticky ones
cooper: difficult for WCAG is
overwhelemed by all the SC, to get into first public working
... reality not going to get all SC in publi working draft. we
are now looking to get them in. WG is quite overwhelmed
mc: working group has a massive amount on their plate. you can draw comments to yours to get attention on this proposal. soounds like you could do it later, not too late to do in march
Lisa: don’t agree with that
... getting into first working draft is really important
MC: only a few are likely to make it into first SC its just reality
lisa: IBM is making talks and are
focusing on first working draft, if don’t promote they will not
get enough support
... we have prioritized the SC trying to get through the ones
that are hight
... high first some medium
... we have prioritized, bugging taking two success criteria ,
if don’t make into this working draft less likely to get in
mc: agree that earlier better,
but will be frequent followup drafts, but don’t agree that
first public draft won’t get in
... it would be great to meet bar, the WG is dealing with
multiple high priority from each TF in working draft
... we’ll be lucky to get 5, focus on which to get into this
link to priorites put in
LS: everyone is taking two, if people promote those 2 then they are more likely to get in
Thaddeus: fine to promote the ones I have, not really sure how
<Mike_Pluke> +1
LS: this is the process as i
understand it . the one that looking at SC see if their are any
issues, SC manager is about building consensus
... to make sure a maority of people are comfortable with
... don’t take out unless you have proposer and everyone is
comfotable. Building consensus and everybody is
... for examp jk SC, its debilating if changes context for
... once solve the issue is to build consensus
... try to build consensus on SC once done send to josha nd
andrew to then try to get it through
MP: rewording 3.2.4 wether we rewrite existing SC will be discusssed a fundamental question, does it make sense to start rewriting SC, we will know better tomorrow. Quite alot are rewrting existiing ones to hwat extent acceptable we’ll know tomorrow
LS: if its a rewrite then its a rewrite
Jan: he sent me addtional
information inlcuding some videso from Josh if haven’t got it i
can forward to list
... Josh sen trainnig materials on how to mange SC including
some videos that Andrew has made
MP: success criteria managers phase one , contains links to video
MP: link to video
Jan: will send email to list to all video
LS: there is a sentence in my SC
that shouldn’t be there. Don’t know who wrote this. It seems
that ‘intentded audience’ its not necessarily a part of SC its
a conformace criteria question
... not sure I understand it and where it came from. cna’t
remember how got in their
MC: its is absolutely something that is fair saying I don’t understand this
LS: its a note a WG thing, it
allows me to put link to issue number
... wnat me to put it into comments area in git hub
MC: don’t put to list put it in
github as comments not in thread
... put a link to email in github issue. every email is
LS: when I comment in github, i follow email group as well and link to acrchive and comment in github correct?
<MichaelC> GL List
MC: yeah there will be some
things happening on mailing list, so wouldn’t attempt to move
to github I would put a pointer to mailing list in git hub
comments and continue discussion in github
... this is what the SC manager should do, we can only process
some of them, there is only so much time to build propslal,
only so many coan go through the process.
MP: i have been writing in github on SC who gets to see comment, is it just people onlist?
MC: anyone can see it.
... won’t get an email unless you subscribe to an issue or
happens if you comment on an issue
... so SC mangers can handle issues being noticed what you can
do, identify preople that would be intersted. Send a starter
message to list to get people to subscribe
... does anybod obvject to this as worded is a good
... unpopular is easy to figure out
JS: is their an erea to see who originally proposed a SC , the original owner
LS: the official proposer for all of them is me
LS: they were reworked and
extension document we did all together
... if you want to for exmaple EA, resoltion is uptop and
should be at bottom, Easiest way is for you and I to schedule a
call to get some conversation going on second one
EA: i was getting more concerned would like to schedule a time tomrrow moring i’ll be in lab that will be fine
MC: i do recommend taking questions task force to keep it on mailing list
LS: sometimes we want to talk over on phone call and get nice resolution on call if something like a rewording as long as comments go into github
EA: say we have omsthing where layout has gone worng are you saying go back to coga group rather than the WCAG group, don’t we have to go to WWCAG
MC: we have to to gett consensus if it gets to apoint that it gets confusing, it just needs to go back to WG if needs a fix
LS: succes criteria mangers talkt to proposser meant to go bac to TF, document in comments in github. As a SC criteria your WCAG SC manager does that make sense. You are bringin it through consuensu. you can absolutely go back to TF to do new workign to propose to WG
MC: sometimes the comments form WCAG WG can accross as harsh thats not the intent and take critiques in terms of misunderstanding to make clear as complimentary to each other
LS: a quick talk with me and do new wording, but as a manger you can
MC: lisa you cna be invlved in new wording too, SC can gother the SC manager
MP: i f’e got SC small degree of consensus that its better to split into two. I could put proposal to TF asking if anyone objects. could make same question to WCAG at least I could redraft on github than have new propsal will agree ton pricnicple at least gets one step further
LS: put in comment on new
proposed workging and forward to TF to alert TF because not
everyon is in WCAG thats in TF
... you can alert task force
MP: you are saying just put in comments, thought michael says to email is that right?
MC: what you are trying to get SC through the process, what will we get something that will yield conses. as far as splitting a SC that will be paritally addrssed in WG tomorrow.
MP: split is no brainer other difficult
LS: just ping me on skype we cna owork on new proposal together
LS: always happy to talk it over if change to wording
SC for WCAG this is the consensus proposal we have to get it through, the big criteria is if its testible
SC: thats the old docment
SC: that is the new one
<Thaddeus> I have to drop off thanks for clarifying the SC manager process. I will be on the WCAG call tomorrow
SC: that it is testable with a high degree of confidence thate is what is important
LS; i’m on skype on phone and focus on SC that is most importnat, plesase be in touch with any question
LS: if anyone on call can take more, feel free to ping me on skype email or any toher mechanism
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.148 of Date: 2016/10/11 12:55:14 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: kirkwood Inferring ScribeNick: kirkwood Present: lisa_seeman kirkwood Thaddeus Jim_S Pietro EA Jan Regrets: steve mike it_is_also_a_us_holiday WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Found Date: 16 Jan 2017 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]