17:47:52 RRSAgent has joined #aria 17:47:52 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/01/12-aria-irc 17:47:54 RRSAgent, make logs world 17:47:54 Zakim has joined #aria 17:47:56 Zakim, this will be 17:47:56 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 17:47:56 chair: Rich 17:47:57 Meeting: Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference 17:47:57 Date: 12 January 2017 17:48:07 RRSAgent, make log public 17:48:09 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2017Jan/0023.html 17:58:50 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 17:59:15 present+ Rich_Schwerdtfeger 18:00:43 present+ 18:00:54 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2017Jan/0023.html 18:00:56 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2017Jan/0023.html 18:01:30 present+ Janina 18:01:41 tink has joined #aria 18:01:43 clown has joined #aria 18:02:48 JF has joined #aria 18:02:54 Present+ JF 18:04:05 present+ Joseph_Scheuhammer 18:04:34 present+ Janina 18:04:38 scribe: Janina 18:04:44 topic: Updates 18:04:57 rs: Rich will do core HTML mappings review 18:04:58 present+ Léonie 18:05:16 topic: Testing & Testable Statements 18:05:35 rs: We're stuck! Between IA2 and UIA bridges 18:05:51 jd: Don't know the details, working on at-spi 18:05:59 mck has joined #aria 18:06:07 rs: Believe most are in Firefox 18:06:21 rs: Don't know about Edge 18:06:36 rs: Will start filling in the test harness 18:07:07 rs: Would appreciate assistance from the group! 18:07:12 https://www.w3.org/wiki/ARIA_1.1_Testable_Statements 18:07:16 s/at-spi/ATK+AT-SPI2 and have started, just barely though, on the ATTA for AXAPI/ 18:07:43 rs: Anything else we can do accelerate the auto test harness? 18:08:01 jd: Written out testable statements would really help 18:08:10 jd: Also the Apple mappings 18:08:29 rs: Believe most JFW is done 18:08:39 rs: Need to check with Domenic re Chrome 18:08:47 JasonDuan has joined #aria 18:08:54 s/Also the Apple mappings// 18:09:08 q+ 18:09:18 mk: If we have questions re specific tests, where should we discuss that? 18:09:26 mk: Mailing list? Git? 18:09:38 mk: I've questions about grid 18:10:05 jamesn has joined #aria 18:10:10 jcraig has joined #aria 18:10:56 mk: unclear whose testing problems I'm seeing fall into ... ARIA? HTML? 18:11:07 mk: Role=grid on table, and nothing on cells ... 18:11:32 rs: So what does a td convey? 18:11:49 mk: Hard for me to tell ... 18:12:02 mk Working off of observed screen reader behavior 18:12:18 q? 18:12:22 rrsagent, make minutes 18:12:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/01/12-aria-minutes.html jamesn 18:12:58 jd: I can examine, if you like. Should be similar/same 18:13:25 mk: So, wondering whether we should be testing propogation 18:13:42 mk: Seems grid is unique 18:14:04 mk: No other ARIA role does anything like that 18:14:18 rs: May not be just browser, may be AT 18:14:38 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/core-aam/core-aam.html#role-map-gridcell 18:14:41 jd: IA2 has only role=cell 18:15:05 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/core-aam/core-aam.html#role-map-cell 18:15:12 jd: Believe we need testable statements for anything that has changed since 1.0, including changed behavior 18:15:28 ack st 18:16:03 stefan: Wondering about Edge support ... Do we have? What's situation with JFW plus Edge 18:16:23 rs: We will test Edge, we have mappings 18:16:35 rs: Whether JFW supports Edge isn't our department 18:17:01 rs: NOte that Edge does not expose DOM 18:17:12 q? 18:17:16 q- 18:17:37 rs: As to where to ask -- list is OK, and on the call is OK. 18:18:34 https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#the-picture-element 18:18:37 topic: Embedded Content for ARIA 1.2 18:19:00 rs: We can go through these, but first some examples .... 18:19:04 18:19:08 18:19:10 media="(min-width: 650px)" 18:19:12 srcset="images/kitten-stretching.png"> 18:19:14 media="(min-width: 465px)" 18:19:17 srcset="images/kitten-sitting.png"> 18:19:18 src="images/kitten-curled.png" 18:19:21 alt="a cute kitten"> 18:19:22 18:19:28 rs: Note the multiple source support 18:19:34 rs: Best fit wins 18:19:45 rs: img is the fallback 18:19:59 rs: But, we don't want to map multiple sources -- It's only one image 18:20:24 jd: So what's exposed to AT should be the rendered image 18:21:01 rs: Wondering where alt is ... 18:21:32 mc: Believe it's from the fallback img 18:21:46 mc: So don't need new ARIA feature 18:22:05 rs: Need to decide whether we expose Picture and Source 18:22:20 https://w3c.github.io/html-aam/#el-picture (no corresponding aria role) 18:22:23 mc: Suspect you'd map Picture 18:22:44 mc: So authoring error if img fallback with alt not provided 18:23:02 mk: Would no alt on imate and ARIOA-Label on Picture be illegal? 18:23:28 +1 to Matt's suggestion - aria-label on the element 18:25:11 mc: HTML mappings needs to say that img embedded in picture isn´t mapped 18:25:40 rs: What happens with tab index on a descendent 18:25:45 mc: Should take the parent 18:25:52 because the picture itself is mapped to img 18:25:58 mc: Still not sure we've anything to do here 18:26:45 mc: We're not in a special situation here 18:26:52 rs: Question is what to convey to user 18:27:00 the text alternative algorithm should say get text alt from embedded img (preferred) but otherwise from aria-label on picture or something 18:27:01 q+ it strikes me that accessibility of picture is missing something 18:27:42 jd: I believe we map to role=img 18:28:42 jn: Can't you also have text? 18:29:01 mc: If yes, could add to accessible mapping calculation 18:29:12 js: NO, 18:29:20 mc: So all HTML AAM, and not our spec 18:30:05 https://w3c.github.io/html-aam/#el-picture 18:30:33 mc: Note AAM isn't complete, and this issue may not have been considered 18:30:41 js: Yes, we're asked to review 18:31:09 rs: Not sure what for tab index 18:31:28 rs: ARIA attribs on Picture allowed, but not mapped 18:31:36 js: No, not according to AAM 18:31:48 Allowed ARIA state and property attributes: 18:31:49 Global aria-* attributes 18:31:49 DOM interface: 18:31:50 js: Maybe I'm looking at old 18:32:01 https://www.w3.org/TR/html-aria/#allowed-aria-roles-states-and-properties 18:32:18 rs: Not sure what with focus 18:32:21 https://w3c.github.io/html-aria/#allowed-aria-roles-states-and-properties 18:32:45 mc: Suspect it's underdefined 18:33:00 rs: Map Picture to Img 18:33:03 mc: NO, we do nothing 18:33:25 mc: Nothing to do in ARIA, but much to do with the AAM, which is not us 18:33:50 rs: Assume content below picture, one of which is the image. Don't want to map both 18:34:19 rs: In a web component? 18:34:27 mc: Don't know, but it's all auto 18:35:07 rs: Unclear how this is used in a component 18:35:15 mk: Don't get the difference 18:37:12 mc: Believe a component doing anything fance will be script based, and so this is up to the scripting 18:37:27 rs: So, an inconsistency in the mapping ... 18:38:07 mc: Noting Picture is a grouping, you're only picking one image, and how the alt gets to the user is underdefined 18:39:00 mc: Don't think we need to go to this level of situation handling 18:39:32 rs: So we have to identify this inconsistency to Web Platforms 18:40:26 jf: Wonders what happens when fallback is missing 18:40:41 mc: We can't fix all errors 18:41:08 jf: Does it still end up something like image1765.jpg? 18:41:16 mc: That's not specified, of course 18:42:47 rs: Wondering where my issue is ... 18:42:50 js: Core AAM 18:44:03 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2017Jan/0006.html 18:44:30 js: Above contains links on where to file issues 18:44:58 Action: Rich As part of HTML-AAM review: picture maps to img. name computation starts with aria-labelling on picture followed by alt text on the embedded img and last would be the URL of the chosen source. The image child is not mapped 18:44:58 Created ACTION-2132 - As part of html-aam review: picture maps to img. name computation starts with aria-labelling on picture followed by alt text on the embedded img and last would be the url of the chosen source. the image child is not mapped [on Richard Schwerdtfeger - due 2017-01-19]. 18:45:10 action-2132? 18:45:10 action-2132 -- Richard Schwerdtfeger to As part of html-aam review: picture maps to img. name computation starts with aria-labelling on picture followed by alt text on the embedded img and last would be the url of the chosen source. the image child is not mapped -- due 2017-01-19 -- OPEN 18:45:11 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2132 18:46:21 rs: Continuing -- Iframes ... Do we need? 18:46:23 mc: Unsure 18:46:31 rs: Don't believe we need 18:47:02 https://w3c.github.io/html-aam/#el-iframe 18:47:35 mc: Suspect this would now be scripted 18:47:56 mk: Think no corresponding role is perfect, we want iframe to do nothing. Alternative is none 18:48:02 mc: Need access to content 18:48:13 mk: None preserves, and anything inside the iframe 18:48:50 jn: Can navigate by iframes 18:49:17 rs: Could be confusing in a mashup 18:49:21 jn: Yes, sometimes 18:49:39 mk: Agree we don't need a new role for it 18:49:54 mk: Perhaps mapping to "none" might be a worthy discussion with AT 18:50:33 mk: Maybe if we have title -- just like we treat section 18:50:49 jd: Are we pruning iframes from the tree? 18:51:23 jd: Just want to avoid nested doc frames 18:52:03 rs: Leave as is? 18:52:22 jd: Yes, no ARIA role, but other expose may be useful 18:52:51 RESOLUTION: No new role for Iframes in ARIA 18:52:53 q? 18:53:14 TOPIC: eMBED eLEMENT 18:53:40 https://w3c.github.io/html-aam/#el-embed 18:54:06 s/eMBED eLEMENT/Embed Element/ 18:54:55 jd: Believe we've morphed the application role recently 18:55:16 jd: Believe Embed is like 1.1 Application -- Custom control like 18:56:13 https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/semantics-embedded-content.html#the-embed-element 18:56:25 Allowed ARIA role attribute values: 18:56:25 application, document or img or presentation. 18:56:37 rs: Don't believe there's anything for us to do that adds value 18:57:26 rs: Believe we have what we need 18:57:43 RESOLUTION: No new role needed for Embed 18:57:49 mc: Also for Object? 18:57:51 rs: Yes 18:58:06 RESOLUTION: No ARIA role needed for Object either 18:58:18 topic: Next Week 18:58:28 rs: Pick up with Video and Audio 18:59:02 RESOLUTION: No ARIA role for Param element 18:59:05 https://www.disneymoviesanywhere.com/support 19:00:16 rs: So, for next week. 19:00:38 present+ Joseph_Scheuhammer 19:00:42 present+ matt_king 19:00:58 zakim, who is here? 19:00:58 Present: Joanmarie_Diggs, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, MichaelC, Janina, JF, Joseph_Scheuhammer, Léonie, matt_king 19:01:00 On IRC I see jamesn, JasonDuan, mck, JF, clown, tink, Zakim, RRSAgent, Rich, Stefan, jongund, JonathanNeal_, janina, MichaelC, Josh_Soref, MichielBijl, timeless, slightlyoff, 19:01:00 ... AmeliaBR, ShaneM, joanie, trackbot, yatil 19:01:23 zakim, bye 19:01:23 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Joanmarie_Diggs, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, MichaelC, Janina, JF, Joseph_Scheuhammer, Léonie, matt_king 19:01:23 Zakim has left #aria 19:01:35 tink has left #aria 19:01:37 rrsagent, make minutes 19:01:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/01/12-aria-minutes.html janina 19:03:29 jcraig has joined #aria 19:29:31 clown has joined #aria 19:35:10 jcraig has joined #aria 19:38:51 jcraig has joined #aria 19:55:27 jcraig has joined #aria 20:14:28 Rich has joined #aria 20:19:18 clown has left #aria 20:24:17 jcraig has joined #aria 20:38:55 jcraig has joined #aria 21:02:45 jcraig has joined #aria 21:06:20 Rich has joined #aria 21:38:21 jcraig has joined #aria 23:33:38 Rich has joined #aria 23:44:55 jcraig has joined #aria 23:55:37 jcraig has joined #aria 23:58:34 jcraig has joined #aria