15:59:54 RRSAgent has joined #annotation 15:59:54 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/01/06-annotation-irc 15:59:56 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:59:56 Zakim has joined #annotation 15:59:58 Zakim, this will be 2666 15:59:58 ok, trackbot 15:59:59 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 15:59:59 Date: 06 January 2017 16:00:16 Present+ 16:00:35 Present+ Jacob_Jett 16:01:41 bjdmeest has joined #annotation 16:01:55 Present+ Ben_De_Meester 16:02:10 Present+ Tim_Cole 16:02:57 scribenick: TimCole 16:04:30 present+ 16:05:11 takeshi has joined #annotation 16:06:23 TOPIC: Scribe Selection, Agenda Review, Announcements, Minutes Approval 16:07:36 azaroth: agenda review. Anything else? 16:07:55 ... no other topics, so we will move forward. 16:07:57 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Minutes of the previous call are approved: https://www.w3.org/2016/12/16-annotation-minutes.html 16:08:14 +1 16:08:22 +1 16:08:24 +1 16:08:27 +1 16:08:30 RESOLUTION: Minutes of the previous call are approved: https://www.w3.org/2016/12/16-annotation-minutes.html 16:08:38 +1 16:08:46 TOPIC: Update on status of PR Transition Request 16:09:13 :) 16:09:16 ivan: we have been approved to transition to PR (on call earlier today) 16:09:49 ... went smoothly, so thanks to Shane / Spec-Ops, Tim, Rob, Benjamin et al. who made it possible 16:10:04 ... offical publication of PR will be on 17 Jan 16:10:30 ... practicalities, Ivan will send out request for publication 16:10:37 please remember that the decisions about transition are member only until formally done. do not announce. 16:10:59 ... will check final versions of docs next Tuesday (10th), does that work for everyone and the editors? 16:11:04 azaroth: yes 16:11:12 ivan: a diff will be required 16:11:45 ... any changes on namespace, context doc, etc.? 16:11:52 azaroth: don't think so 16:12:02 q+ to ask about that one change to the vocab that gregg requested - I think that was done. 16:12:08 ivan: make sure docs in right section of repo 16:12:21 ... need to run the checkers again on Tuesday. 16:13:32 azaroth: how is diff integrated into doc? 16:13:45 https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/393 16:13:57 ack ShaneM 16:13:57 ShaneM, you wanted to ask about that one change to the vocab that gregg requested - I think that was done. 16:14:13 ivan: there's a special way to add it and also for final rec we will do an EPub version. 16:14:40 ShaneM: The results of PR Transition meeting are member only for now 16:15:00 ... did vocab change that Greg identified a while ago get fixed? 16:15:20 azaroth: we closed #381 and I think that means we did 16:15:27 ivan: yes, I remember we did 16:16:05 ... the change was on ns and json-ld files and was done, and since not part of rec does not need to be documented further 16:16:10 https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/blob/gh-pages/vocab/wd/ontology/mk-ontology.py#L16 16:16:19 q? 16:17:05 http://emblematica.library.illinois.edu/detail/emblem/E000004 16:20:45 TOPIC: What's left to finish re Selectors and States Note 16:21:15 http://w3c.github.io/web-annotation/selector-note/index-respec.html 16:21:33 https://rawgit.com/w3c/web-annotation/selector-note-reference-note/selector-note/index-turtle-not-highlight.html 16:22:01 TimCole: question to Shane, will we continue to have access to testing, and can update schemas? 16:22:22 ShaneM: yes, but test report generator updates are needed, and Shane will get to those. 16:22:43 ivan: have made added abstract, made updates 16:22:58 ... would like review to make sure still aligned with core model 16:23:15 ... differences are to make Note stand alone 16:23:26 ... added Turtle structures 16:23:35 ... added a syntax for fragment ids 16:23:49 ... examples all have frag ids 16:24:03 ... has small program linked from document (javascript) 16:24:17 ... that last definitely needs review 16:24:38 q+ 16:24:59 ack TimCole 16:25:27 ivan: there will need to be a vote of the WG endorsing publication 16:25:58 ... correct way is to publish in the same round as when we publish Rec (make sure all links correct) 16:26:17 ... some in publishing community have expressed interest 16:26:48 azaroth: timeline? 16:27:05 ivan: Recs will be published mid to late feb 16:27:20 ... so people should feedback by end of this month 16:27:31 ... raise issues or send to mailing list 16:27:37 q+ different topic 16:27:49 ack TimCole 16:27:56 ack different 16:27:57 ack topic 16:29:07 TimCole: do we have to round up AC votes, and does the WG have ideas about what to say in blog when we go Rec status 16:29:25 ivan: yes, AC vote will open on 17 Jan for 4 weeks. 16:29:37 ... we will need to watch for comments (hopefully no objections) 16:30:01 ... we should make sure that the orgs represented in the WG to vote in favor 16:30:16 ... may want to contact CG members who have AC reps 16:30:38 ... not same as charter in terms of minimum, but it looks nicer if we get a good number of votes 16:30:46 q+ 16:30:57 ack TimCole 16:31:41 ... should talk to Garth about raising that vote is open with DPub IG 16:32:35 ... WG should plan for blog (in Feb) so not urgent, but should not forget 16:32:52 ... ideally Rob or Tim should write the blog entry announcement 16:33:00 azaroth: happy to work on that 16:33:45 ivan: getting testimonals or less formal from implementers would be good (e.g., Europeana?, Hypothes.is?) 16:34:04 ... this may require a little lead time - so Tim or Rob should contact some groups 16:34:11 azaroth: happy to do that 16:34:13 ivan: 16:34:44 ivan: implementers on WG should also consider contributing 16:35:15 azaroth: including quotes from Takeshi and Dinesh would be good 16:35:27 ... presumably will require approvals, etc. 16:35:37 TOPIC: Maintaining GH Repository 16:36:03 azaroth: what do we want to maintain? 16:36:30 ... we have to be careful not to allow editing of Editor's Draft, but could make branches, etc. 16:37:09 ... will want to coordinate with CG to make sure we provide opportunities for them to do what they want 16:37:24 ivan: CG could also decide to have their own repository 16:37:38 ... not only issues, but can also use wiki 16:38:14 azaroth: a shame that forking repos doesn't copy issues or wiki 16:38:40 ... technically wiki is just another repository so can be cloned, but tricky 16:38:44 q+ 16:38:50 ack TimCole 16:39:11 TimCole: have web-annotation-tests 16:39:31 ... do we need to maintain that or should it be a folder in the main repo 16:40:55 ... bring json schemas into main repo 16:41:44 TOPIC: Other handoffs to the CG? 16:41:55 ... continue to do PRs to w3ctest.org repository 16:42:24 azaroth: will have ability to raise and track issues 16:42:52 ... might do a little publicity to reinvigorate the CG 16:43:13 ... still has more than 100 members (on paper) 16:43:22 ... should plan to announce the transition 16:44:32 q+ 16:44:35 ivan: to be on the safe side, we should wait until Rec publication before announcing to CG 16:44:36 ack takeshi 16:45:27 takeshi: what will CG do in regard to possible new charter, etc. 16:45:43 https://www.w3.org/community/openannotation/ 16:45:47 ivan: CG can propose a charter for a WG 16:46:18 azaroth: but CG may need to re-publish their own 'charter' - current one (link above) out of date 16:46:31 ... not sure how CG charters get edited 16:46:55 ivan: yes, CG should update. In practice someone on the team will have to be involved 16:47:39 ... CG should give something to Ivan when we go to Rec and then the change will be made 16:48:03 ... change to CG charter can happen very quickly. 16:48:25 azaroth: not as easy as a Wiki page, but not hard to do 16:48:53 takeshi: not currently a member, but CG charge should be updated to make it easier to join 16:48:59 q? 16:49:07 ivan: needs to be done 16:49:17 TOPIC: Other work? 16:49:29 q+ 16:49:39 ack TimCole 16:52:08 https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/256 16:52:17 azaroth: issue 256 - add wiki page 16:52:41 ... regarding motivations, etc. 16:52:55 ivan: put it in repo wiki page so CG can keep updated easily 16:53:36 ... don't have to be W3C member, also given that WG wiki space will freeze at end of Feb. 16:54:26 TOPIC: Next meeting: 2017-01-20 16:55:39 TOPIC: Adjourn 16:55:41 azaroth: consensus on 20th 16:55:51 ... adjourn 16:56:14 with 4 minutes to spare 17:01:00 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:01:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/01/06-annotation-minutes.html ivan 17:01:09 trackbot, end telcon 17:01:09 Zakim, list attendees 17:01:09 As of this point the attendees have been ivan, Jacob_Jett, Ben_De_Meester, Tim_Cole, ShaneM 17:01:17 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:01:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/01/06-annotation-minutes.html trackbot 17:01:18 RRSAgent, bye 17:01:18 I see no action items