14:58:07 RRSAgent has joined #wpwg 14:58:07 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/01/05-wpwg-irc 14:58:09 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:58:09 Zakim has joined #wpwg 14:58:11 Zakim, this will be 14:58:11 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 14:58:12 Meeting: Web Payments Working Group Teleconference 14:58:12 Date: 05 January 2017 14:58:56 adamR has joined #wpwg 14:59:57 pascal_bazin has joined #wpwg 15:00:33 Adam_ has joined #wpwg 15:00:45 Ian has changed the topic to: WPWG Conf Call - 5 January https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20170105 15:00:48 agenda: https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20170105 15:01:17 present+ 15:01:22 present+ Olivier 15:01:25 rouslan has joined #wpwg 15:01:27 present+ Pascal 15:01:30 present+ 15:01:34 present+ Rouslan 15:01:44 regrets+ Nick 15:01:49 Chair: AdrianHB 15:03:23 present+ AdrianHB 15:03:26 present+ Alan 15:05:00 stan has joined #wpwg 15:06:19 present+ Stan 15:06:21 zkoch has joined #wpwg 15:06:28 present+ zkoch 15:06:55 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20170105 15:07:05 topic: Deployment 15:07:15 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Adoption2017 15:07:40 Proposed time /date is 20 January at noon ET 15:08:32 [review] 15:08:45 call for review: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/chairs/2017JanMar/0002.html 15:10:14 topic: Manifest Specification 15:10:23 https://w3c.github.io/webpayments/proposals/Payment-Manifest-Proposal.html 15:11:08 IJ: Any experimentations that should be reflected in this spec? 15:11:45 zkoch: As we've explored third-party apps we've expanded a bit to solve various use cases like certificate change 15:11:49 oyiptong has joined #wpwg 15:11:49 q+ 15:12:03 ...but these would fall under the "Android" heading of a payment method manifest file 15:12:04 q+ 15:12:20 ...I think the biggest open question is probably the addressing question 15:12:38 ...how do you get the manifest file given the payment method identifier? 15:12:49 This is issue 19 15:12:52 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments-method-identifiers/issues/19 15:13:46 rouslan: the manifest file spec shape comes from Google/Alipay discussions 15:14:04 ..the Web section aligns with the payment app api spec 15:14:14 ..in the payment app api spec we talk about manifest format (not files) 15:14:42 so the manifest file format has web and extension points 15:15:06 ...and the manifest format also allows some scoping of which payment apps may be used to implement a payment method 15:15:07 q? 15:15:10 ack me 15:16:15 q+ 15:17:01 pea13 has joined #wpwg 15:17:03 canton_ has joined #wpwg 15:17:05 q+ 15:17:30 IJ: Need to address big issues like security here 15:17:33 ack rou 15:17:45 rouslan: Definitely issues about security and who can do what needs to be spelled out 15:17:51 q+ 15:18:32 ...one thing that zkoch mentioned that is important is how to map between the payment method manifest file, the way to invoke the payment app, and the payment method and payment app identifier 15:18:35 (Issue 19) 15:19:01 rouslan: If you have a payment method manifest file, that file describes how to get the payment app 15:19:25 ack zk 15:20:06 zkoch: Ian is right - there is clearly a lot to be written... 15:22:05 ack ad 15:22:26 adamR: I do think that writing down the issues in the doc is a good idea 15:22:33 ...I have a strong opinion about defaults 15:23:09 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments-method-identifiers/issues/19 15:24:13 q+ 15:24:23 ack a 15:24:36 adamR: -1 to "more than one way to do this" 15:24:44 q+ 15:24:47 ..you end up with non-overlapping choices by implementers 15:24:49 ack zk 15:25:09 zkoch: I think realistically the two ideas with the most traction are HTTP link headers and known string (options 1 or 2) 15:25:28 q+ 15:25:29 ...I'm ok with either one. Let's pick one and go with it and see how it plays, then come back and change if we need to. 15:25:47 ack rou 15:26:00 rouslan: HTTP Link headers...is that what goes into Web page? 15:27:00 https://www.w3.org/wiki/LinkHeader 15:27:02 q+ to ask which format is mandatory 15:27:21 rouslan: If server-level config, this means that we'd not be able to handle payment methods on github, for example 15:27:38 ...what is level of support for HTTP Link headers? 15:27:57 This is just HTTP I think 15:27:58 ack A 15:27:58 AdrianHB, you wanted to ask which format is mandatory 15:28:23 adrianhb: If we have dev documentation and also machine readable. 15:28:35 Not worth taking time on the queue, but Firefox most certainly implements Link: headers 15:28:41 ...it feels to me that the human-readable info is OPTIONAL and the machine-readable thing is MANDATORY 15:28:59 ...and so perhaps we should favor the payment method identifier pointing to the machine-readable information 15:29:01 ...and the JSON points to documentation 15:29:11 q+ 15:29:15 ...that feels to me like the right priority 15:29:17 q+ 15:29:17 ack zk 15:30:19 zkoch: I agree with the prioritization (machine-readable is most important). It seems to me ok to pursue both worlds. 15:30:26 q+ 15:30:29 ack rous 15:30:44 rouslan: One thing to keep in mind - android pay has a bunch of documentation 15:30:59 ....serving JSON from that space is probably not feasible 15:31:12 ...and asking merchants to switch URLs would be a burden 15:31:14 ack me 15:33:00 To be clear, proposal is to have PMI point to JSON and use link header (or link within JSON) to point to human-readable. 15:33:02 -1 on 4 :) 15:33:09 IJ: Option 4 favors the data and is basically "2" but inverted 15:34:21 zkoch: I think it's easier for people to find human-readable documentation when they are hunting around 15:34:28 ...so I would put that first. 15:34:42 ...it's not really that hard to do both worlds (e.g., via HTTP Link Headers) 15:35:13 zkoch: Known assets works 15:35:27 q? 15:35:45 q+ 15:35:48 ack ad 15:35:56 q+ with a proposal 15:36:08 q? 15:36:26 [Review of link headers] 15:36:27 BTW, http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5988.txt 15:37:27 q+ to talk about proposal next steps 15:37:56 adamR: .well-known is for constrained situations (that we are not in) 15:38:02 ack me 15:38:02 Ian, you wanted to talk about proposal next steps 15:38:11 PROPOSED: Resolve issue 19 with HTTP Link Headers 15:38:53 q+ to ask what PMI points to then? 15:39:05 IJ: This approach suggests a link type registration 15:39:25 zkoch: I'd like to test this approach and come back to the group 15:39:41 ack adrianhb 15:39:41 AdrianHB, you wanted to ask what PMI points to then? 15:40:01 adrianHB: What does the PMI point to? 15:40:02 https://w3c.github.io/webpayments-method-identifiers/ 15:40:43 zkoch: My understanding is this is the desired behavior: 15:40:59 1) Given a PMI, user gets human readable documentation 15:41:22 2) Given a PMI, the user agent can GET on this URL and get a response header that points to the JSOn 15:41:38 3) The response header uses an IANA registered relationship 15:42:13 q+ 15:42:20 adrianHB: I think we could support both options - PMI gives back JSON and from there the browser can find human-readable 15:42:53 ..rouslan's point is interesting about hosting these files on other sites, like github 15:43:20 q+ 15:43:22 This makes me think #1 is the correct route :) 15:43:22 ack adam 15:43:50 adamR: Link headers are defined to have semantic equivalents to link elements in an HTML document. in all likelihood we already have that in browsers... 15:44:07 ...we probably could specify this such that link headers in an HTMl document can be used when HTTP headers are not available 15:44:19 ...but this is more costly because you have to GET a full document 15:44:27 s/GET on this URL/HEAD on this URL/ 15:44:36 q+ 15:44:40 ack me 15:45:46 adrianHB: If we want to accommodate people who can't easily do server-side configs, then we should define what the default form is what they host at that URL 15:45:53 q+ 15:46:02 ...so I am hearing the default is "HTML" with a Link element...but that can be inefficient 15:46:06 But if we accept that as true, then why not do #1? This was my complaint from the beginning. 15:46:20 ...the alternative is to favor the JSON and find documentation from there 15:46:53 ack rous 15:47:16 rouslan: the point from AdamR is that if we define two ways to access this, then there will be interop problems 15:47:25 ...why don't we define an algorithm? 15:47:35 q+ 15:47:47 q- later 15:47:58 ..that will increase browser dev cost, but it will meet adrianHB need (e.g., allow files on github more easily) 15:48:25 ...so I'd like to propose the algorithm approach of HTTP Link header first, then if not there, look for link relationship second after GET of HTML 15:48:29 AdamR: I'm ok with that 15:48:39 ..I think a lot of machinery for that exists 15:48:43 q? 15:48:48 ack ad 15:48:53 ack adrianba 15:48:57 +1 to rouslan (also doubt we'll actually have many PMI inventors with minimal technical capability) 15:49:08 adrianba: I am fine with any of the choices except for option 4 15:49:27 ...at the risk of prolonging the discussion, I don't think we should optimize for people creating payment method identifiers 15:49:40 ...in the end we will have relatively few of those compared to the number of developers using those URLs to make payment requests 15:50:36 Straw pool: 15:50:44 +1 to adrianba (but we should be explicit about that design decision and priority of constituents) 15:50:51 Option 1) HTTP Link header 15:51:04 Option 2) HTTP Link header, otherwise look in HTML for Link element 15:51:12 Option 1 15:51:16 1 15:51:17 1 15:51:25 1 15:51:30 Umm… which is the one I’ve been saying? 15:51:31 1 (but still prefer content neg) :) 15:51:31 :) 15:51:33 1 15:51:46 Great, 1? 15:51:51 _1 15:51:56 since, adrianba is 1, i am 1 too 15:52:13 s/adrianba/adrianhb/ 15:52:33 sgtm 15:52:35 +1 15:52:51 q+ 15:53:00 ack adamR 15:53:02 ACTION: zkoch to experiment with HTTP link header as a means of addressing issue 19 15:53:03 Created ACTION-43 - Experiment with http link header as a means of addressing issue 19 [on Zach Koch - due 2017-01-12]. 15:53:23 alan: We will do the same 15:53:29 ACTION: Alan to experiment with HTTP link header as a means of addressing issue 19 15:53:30 Created ACTION-44 - Experiment with http link header as a means of addressing issue 19 [on Alan Marshall - due 2017-01-12]. 15:54:00 IJ: When should we bug you about your findings? 15:54:02 ::looks at Rouslan:: 15:54:10 2-3 weeks sgtm 15:54:19 rouslan: +1 to 2-3 weeks 15:54:28 web-payments-manifest 15:54:32 payment 15:54:34 pay 15:54:41 payment-method-manifest 15:54:52 application/json+payment-method-manifest 15:55:12 q+ 15:55:19 ack rous 15:55:39 sorry, that is a mime-type :) 15:55:45 BTW, existing relations are listed here: http://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations/link-relations.xhtml#link-relations-1 15:56:12 “payment-method-manifest” would be, by far, the longest name in that table. :) 15:56:26 rouslan: Another place to experiment is to determine how well http link headers are deployed 15:56:32 +1 payment-method-manifest 15:57:18 ACTION: Ian to investigate HTTP Link header deployment status 15:57:18 'Ian' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., ijacobs, ijmad). 15:57:23 Ian: I think the number of registered relations speaks to how well deployed this is. 15:57:34 +1 adamr 15:58:16 Ian: We will return in 3 weeks to this question. 15:58:35 topic: Basic Card 15:58:44 https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/blob/gh-pages/proposals/supported-networks-list.md 15:59:07 Web Linking (RFC 5988) is referenced by LOTS of other specs which suggests it is stable and widely used: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc5988/referencedby/ 16:00:26 +1, let’s do it 16:00:40 SGTM 16:00:43 PROPOSED - adopt this proposal => https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/blob/gh-pages/proposals/supported-networks-list.md 16:00:44 The strings are already being used in the wild, sooo *shrug* 16:00:45 +1 16:00:48 +1 16:01:00 yep 16:01:12 we also have "mir" 16:01:18 (but would like to hear from card acquirers...) 16:01:45 [Added "mir"] 16:02:11 Have to go to next meeting. See ya! 16:02:18 ahhh 16:02:39 Ian: Would like to get trademark input before we finally adopt 16:02:50 RESOLVED: Adopt the network list proposal (pending trademark input) 16:03:11 p.s. Open source card data: https://github.com/binlist/ 16:03:32 Topic: FTF 16:03:34 register! 16:03:37 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/83744/wpwg-201703/ 16:03:51 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/83744/wpwg-201703/results 16:04:11 Also the WPIG is likely to meet on 22 March 16:04:17 (expect formal decision next week) 16:04:24 Topic: Next meeting 16:04:35 12 Jan 16:04:35 12 Jan 16:04:38 rrsagent, make minutes 16:04:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/01/05-wpwg-minutes.html Ian 16:04:41 rrsagent, set logs public 17:05:23 stan has joined #wpwg 17:57:41 stan has joined #wpwg 18:22:08 Zakim has left #wpwg 19:43:44 Adam__ has joined #wpwg