14:29:10 RRSAgent has joined #silver 14:29:10 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/12/13-silver-irc 14:29:12 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:29:12 Zakim has joined #silver 14:29:14 Zakim, this will be 14:29:14 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 14:29:15 Meeting: Silver Task Force Teleconference 14:29:15 Date: 13 December 2016 14:29:34 agenda+ Next steps for the Discovery phase 14:30:25 jemma has joined #silver 14:30:36 present+ Andrew, Jeanne, Michael, Sarah, Shawn 14:31:17 AWK has joined #silver 14:31:21 present+ jemmaJaeunku 14:31:32 agenda+ Research Projects 14:32:00 agenda+ Finish work on research preparations for January 14:32:11 agenda+ CSUN outreach 14:32:27 agenda+ task force structure and tooling 14:32:36 zakim, take up item 1 14:32:36 agendum 1. "Next steps for the Discovery phase" taken up [from jeanne] 14:32:55 sloandr has joined #silver 14:33:01 MC: we should have an open ended request for comments and ideas for the research that is sent publicly. 14:33:18 hi, can someone remind me of the webex password, please? 14:33:42 thanks! 14:36:23 JS: we need to do that soon, so it can help guide some of the research surveys 14:37:26 present+ David_Sloan 14:37:47 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Research_Projects 14:38:12 SarahHorton has joined #silver 14:38:18 MichaelC, I'm sloandr on IRC 14:38:35 not David_Sloan :) 14:39:30 Jeanne: Update on research partners outreac 14:40:00 s/outreac/outreach 14:40:40 David: Has reached out to individuals and has heard back from several, have good response so far 14:41:05 +AWK 14:41:12 …positive response about the process of using research to guide Silver decision making 14:43:00 Jemma: Has reached out, would like to know next step 14:43:48 Sarah: Also has reached out, gotten responses 14:44:53 Jeanne: Not sharing list of names for privacy reasons, will make public page once we get started 14:48:37 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Research_Projects 14:51:14 Jeanne: We need help doing research we need answers to in order to make decisions about Silver requirements 14:52:30 Jeanne: We need to think about research questions for the surveys 14:53:20 Jeanne: We need a new conformance model for Silver, how can we balance need for specific testing and flexibility to adapt to new technologies 14:55:29 Jeanne: What accessibility issues aren't covered by WCAG 2 14:56:07 Michael: Conforming means different things in different places 14:56:22 Michael: How are you having trouble implementing WCAG in practice 14:56:35 Jeanne: How much could be moved to user agents 14:57:31 +1 for michale's suggested research question 14:57:52 Michael: How can we create guidelines that are universally usable 14:58:02 it could also be part of "gap analysis" 14:58:33 Andrew: When people are using sites that conform, what are the gaps in their experiences 14:59:09 Michael: Better concept of differentiation between normative and best practices 14:59:57 Michael: Would like Silver to have both, have good way of differentiating 15:00:20 Jeanne: Better way to solve conflicts between what people need 15:01:27 Andrew: Concept that WCAG will result in 100% accessible site but that isn't the case 15:02:03 Andrew: Standard cannot be the be-all end-all that meets needs for every user, what do people do in the gaps? 15:03:01 Andrew: Silver should be normative guidelines 15:03:55 Shawn: Reality is that Silver will become guidelines that people point to to make things accessible 15:05:00 Michael: Always use words WCAG conformant rather than "accessible" 15:06:19 David: Based on people who have responsed, lots of research happening outside of W3C, need to learn about those research questions and answers 15:06:52 David: Literature review, there will be literature that has explored WCAG that we can look at 15:07:15 David: There are different ways to get the partners involved, need to bear that in mind in how we define questions 15:07:32 Shawn: Should prioritize literacture, article review, WCAG adaptations with partners 15:08:26 David: Ready to help 15:09:07 David: Look at PhD theses, could save legwork 15:09:19 Jeanne: Could we get this rolling over the holidays? 15:09:42 Jeanne: Literature review on Friday 15:10:45 Phase 2 agenda scratch doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/132b4XZFOTQikKAmsRuc4Q_NvuhUqsRzX5JZ3iynKzxg/edit?usp=sharing 15:13:29 Andrew: Implementing WCAG in practice, can we scope out how to provide success criteria 15:13:56 Andrew: The scope of the SCs are different 15:14:27 Andrew: E.g., page title and providing audio description 15:15:01 Andrew: Some way to balance effort and impact 15:15:56 Sarah: What can we report back to people who have agreed to partner 15:16:07 Shawn: List of topics, as starting point 15:16:43 Shawn: Partnering one of task for with partner 15:17:57 s/task for/taskforce 15:19:01 Sarah: User research should yield research questions/needs 15:19:51 agenda? 15:20:04 zakim, close item 1 15:20:04 agendum 1, Next steps for the Discovery phase, closed 15:20:05 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 15:20:05 2. Research Projects [from jeanne] 15:20:17 zakim, close item 2 15:20:17 agendum 2, Research Projects, closed 15:20:18 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 15:20:18 3. Finish work on research preparations for January [from jeanne] 15:20:23 zakim, take up item 3 15:20:23 agendum 3. "Finish work on research preparations for January" taken up [from jeanne] 15:21:05 Michael: Operating on behalf of WCAG WG, timeline/project plan, articulate those expectations 15:21:26 Michael: All work is done under W3C process, will be under W3C copyright 15:21:54 Jeanne: Researchers can publish own research 15:21:56 +q 15:22:22 can we have those in writing? 15:22:33 Michael: Anything they submit cannot be proscribed from W3C publication 15:22:53 Jemme: Explaining the expecations, share in writing to share with researchers 15:23:02 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yqbKKSDAsQ9KkuXhxa5di30CmZHpj4npZMoUDKRhSNU/edit#gid=0 15:23:23 s/expecations/expectations 15:23:57 action: Jeanne to update research page to add timeline and IP 15:23:57 Created ACTION-14 - Update research page to add timeline and ip [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2016-12-20]. 15:24:40 Jemma: Also add what we are trying to get from research 15:25:26 Jemma: Goal we are trying to achieve together with researchers — expectations 15:26:00 Jeanne: We want them to share data with us, still researchers data for them to use 15:26:17 s/researchers/researcher's 15:26:51 action: Jeanne to add expectations to research page 15:26:51 Created ACTION-15 - Add expectations to research page [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2016-12-20]. 15:28:59 This is request for research partners: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qigkeRt2jXkhyUPxLVzFkhTevPngs4r0X3vBfcHhlI8/edit?usp=sharing 15:31:53 rrsagent, make minutes 15:31:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/13-silver-minutes.html SarahHorton 15:31:57 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/Post_WCAG_2_Issues_Sorted