12:06:17 RRSAgent has joined #poe 12:06:17 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/11/21-poe-irc 12:06:19 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:06:19 Zakim has joined #poe 12:06:21 Zakim, this will be 12:06:21 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 12:06:22 Meeting: Permissions and Obligations Expression Working Group Teleconference 12:06:22 Date: 21 November 2016 12:06:26 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:06:42 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20161121 12:06:51 present+ renato 12:06:55 chair: ben 12:07:05 Regrets: Phil, Sabrina, Ivan, Caroline 12:13:54 simonstey has joined #poe 12:28:40 michaelS has joined #poe 12:29:31 michaelS has joined #poe 12:31:51 present+ 12:34:03 smyles has joined #poe 12:34:46 zakim, who's here? 12:34:46 Present: renato, benws 12:34:48 On IRC I see smyles, michaelS, simonstey, Zakim, RRSAgent, renato, benws1119, trackbot 12:34:52 present+ 12:35:04 present+ 12:35:07 Brian_Ulicny has joined #poe 12:35:17 present+ 12:36:03 present+ 12:36:20 scribe: simonstey 12:36:52 chair: benws 12:36:57 Can someone post the Webex link 12:37:06 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20161121 12:37:07 https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m26bd8696de908ff6bd04482e85fa34e7 12:37:18 victor has joined #poe 12:37:22 OR ;-) 12:37:22 topic: admin 12:37:32 present+ victor 12:38:15 benws1119: approval of last week's minutes 12:39:45 UCR Editors Draft: http://w3c.github.io/poe/ucr/ 12:41:33 topic: ucr 12:41:45 https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Constraints 12:42:11 simonstey: missing links between ucs & reqs; played around with Ivan's script and got it to work 12:42:18 ... will continue working on that 12:42:21 topic: constraints 12:42:49 michaelS: Victor and I started to work on a wiki page 12:43:02 ... victor is the "green guy" 12:43:35 ... there is a link to a second page where i've rewritten some definitions 12:44:28 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qGlBEpRgi60WyNnHLCfMuXlnTV1zzpoRz8DakIiOcP0/edit#heading=h.ai7fbfrg2s0a 12:44:53 ... leftoperand & rightoperand, where the leftoperand is the more "flexible" representation 12:45:33 second page: https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Constraints_in_the_Information_Model 12:46:03 q+ 12:46:38 renato: what do you mean with "defining how a value must be retrieved"? 12:46:53 michaelS: what has to be measured in this constraint 12:47:27 ... it's about having a very clear definition of what the constraint is about 12:47:36 q+ 12:47:40 ... less room for interpretation 12:48:14 smyles: I have a similar point -> for each constraint operator, where do you get the values from? 12:48:36 ... and we have to distinguish between duty constraints and "normal" constraints 12:48:41 q+ 12:48:52 q- 12:48:56 victor: either you leave this undefined 12:49:11 q+ 12:49:39 ... you also want do define some additional information for each constraint, right? 12:49:48 ... e.g. domain/range of properties? 12:49:57 q? 12:50:01 michaelS: maybe.. there are some pros & cons for that 12:50:04 ack victor 12:50:08 ack michaelS 12:50:13 (I am referring to my fourth comment at the bottom of https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Constraints) 12:50:46 michaelS: I think this could be solved in two ways.. either as ben said 12:50:57 ... defining it in the free text 12:51:16 ... or using "anonymized" properties 12:51:18 q- 12:51:47 ... e.g. "value is found at property1" 12:52:17 renato: we should define domain/range, as long its valid for all uses of that constraint 12:52:41 ... do you want to split "absolutposition" into multiple constraints michael? 12:52:44 michaelS: yes 12:52:50 ... maybe even more! 12:53:04 ack renato 12:53:20 renato: also regarding "language" 12:53:37 ... what do you mean with before and after? 12:53:49 michaelS: when the constraint should be evaluated 12:54:29 ... either before an action is performed or afterwards 12:54:36 q? 12:55:06 (are the new ones truly supported by Use Cases?) 12:55:15 renato: so you are proposing to deprecate some of those constraints an only use the new ones? 12:55:45 q+ 12:55:53 ... the other option would be to clean up the definition of some of those things 12:56:22 michaelS: well.. depends on the users of such constraints 12:57:07 smyles: could we try (right now) to define one of those constraints more precisely 12:57:33 ... i.e. taking one of those we think isn't defined precise enough 12:57:53 ... and following all way through 12:59:04 michaelS: lets try "spatial" 12:59:26 ... "A code representing a geospatial area." -> what does that mean? 13:00:08 ... it should refer to the area respective action is exercised in 13:00:16 q+ 13:00:19 ... but how to measure that? 13:01:08 ... kind of difficult, so lets break it down into more simpler terms 13:01:23 q? 13:01:23 ... e.g. name of country or alike 13:01:48 q+ 13:02:06 ... so I came up with "namedGeoArea" 13:02:38 q+ 13:02:42 smyles: this is actually a very common type of restriction 13:03:04 ... 1) how the AP currently deals with geographic restrictions 13:03:30 ... some of the restrictions are country based, but most are city and/or region based 13:03:48 ... "my competitor across town cannot use this" 13:04:11 ... we deal with those restrictions, by assigning a geography to each recipient 13:04:33 q? 13:04:45 ... we make a decision upfront 13:04:49 ack smyles 13:05:10 smyles: what I did was, to built a geography hierarchy 13:05:47 q+ 13:05:58 ... so you would have to say "in paris -> france -> europe.." 13:06:02 ack renato 13:06:28 renato: could you use a getty thes. for that hierarchy? 13:06:45 smyles: AP has both an editorial & business hierarchy 13:07:43 renato: my question is: how far do we want to go wrt. supporting implementations? 13:08:45 ... using conditions as some form of machine readable representation 13:09:19 ... or having all of them also automatically verifyable 13:10:35 ... for some constraints we can't know how the community will interpret them 13:11:08 +1 13:11:28 benws1119: there are two streams: 1) we have to increase precision thus include more and more constraints 13:12:04 ... 2) do the opposite and leave most of those constraints for profiles 13:12:17 q+ 13:12:17 q? 13:12:21 ... some of those are very domain specific 13:12:24 ack benws1119 13:12:41 Brian_Ulicny: we use geonames a lot in our group 13:12:44 q- 13:12:44 (we also use and love geonames 13:12:47 ) 13:13:39 q- 13:13:43 q+ 13:13:44 ... we also need to be able to say "this is constrained to western europe and by western europe we mean the union of "..."" 13:13:53 ack Brian_Ulicny 13:16:20 smyles: one way forward is to say: here is the def. of what we mean with geospatial 13:16:33 ... and those are the different choices of implementing this 13:16:42 q? 13:16:59 useful discussion? Yes but... which are the conclusions? 13:17:08 ack smyles 13:17:10 topic: upcoming f2f 13:18:39 renato: [explaining his email regarding constraints on constraints] 13:20:15 q? 13:20:49 ... will send an update of the example around 13:21:02 benws1119: we have a virtual f2f coming up soon 13:21:37 renato: depends on our deliverables 13:22:14 ... the week after the VF2F we should publish the 3 documents we have for now 13:22:31 benws1119: what about progress on constraints? 13:22:33 https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues 13:23:11 renato: yes, we should focus on open issues 13:23:20 +1 13:23:36 benws1119: maybe we should agree on a set of decisions we want to make at the meeting 13:24:01 renato: probably constraints on constraints/assets/... 13:24:05 also constraints on duties 13:24:55 q? 13:25:04 renato: if we aim to get constraints fixed/updated 13:25:43 yes 13:26:14 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/87755/F2F-2-prefs/results 13:26:42 [trying to interpret the results] 13:27:36 renato: seems like there's a slight tendency towards europe 13:28:54 present - 13:28:55 rrsagent, generate minutes 13:28:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/11/21-poe-minutes.html simonstey 14:10:40 ivan has joined #poe 15:37:12 Zakim has left #poe