14:56:07 RRSAgent has joined #wcag-act 14:56:07 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/11/16-wcag-act-irc 14:56:09 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:56:09 Zakim has joined #wcag-act 14:56:11 Zakim, this will be 14:56:11 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 14:56:12 Meeting: Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference 14:56:12 Date: 16 November 2016 14:56:39 present+ Alan 14:56:45 present+ Katie 14:56:49 present+ Shadi 14:57:53 Ryladog has joined #wcag-act 14:58:16 Present+ Katie Haritos-Shea 14:58:28 agenda+ Framework: Update management 14:58:38 agenda+ Framework: Introduction (no link yet) 14:58:57 agenda+ WCAG WG Requirements feedback 14:59:12 agenda+ Open Actions Items 14:59:16 Scribe: Alan 15:00:28 Moe made pull request for update to the introduction prior to the meeting and emailed the list. 15:01:39 rdeltour has joined #wcag-act 15:02:42 maryjom has joined #wcag-act 15:02:47 present+ Moe, Charo, MaryJo, Romain 15:02:58 present+ Jemma 15:03:25 MoeKraft has joined #wcag-act 15:03:34 Chair: Shadi 15:03:48 shadi has joined #wcag-act 15:03:54 jemma has joined #wcag-act 15:04:18 cpandhi has joined #wcag-act 15:04:25 Ryladog has joined #wcag-act 15:04:31 present+ MoeKraft 15:04:35 present+ Alistair 15:04:36 s/Charo/Charu 15:05:01 present+ CPandhi 15:05:01 present+ JaEunJemmaKu 15:05:26 Present+ Katie_Haritos-Shea 15:05:27 Agenda: WCAG WG Requirements feedback https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/ACT_DPUB_Review_Nov_2016/results 15:06:26 See what the response where from the review. 15:06:35 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/ACT_DPUB_Review_Nov_2016/results 15:07:24 Katie: People not sure about metadata in this instance and confused about it. Will have another meeting next week. 15:07:55 Also concerned that this would be a requirements. It can be just a best practice. Perhaps in 2.1. 15:08:34 Now for electronic docs and other things not same as in 2006. 15:08:41 q+ 15:08:48 More discussion needs to be conducted next week. 15:09:23 Discussed some of Andrew's comments. 15:09:54 Shadi: we need to do more work on this. 15:10:13 Katie: people say this will take a bunch of time and slow things down. 15:11:06 Shadi: replied to Alistar's question about this. 15:11:21 WCAG has a discusion after the survey. 15:11:51 Katie: it was the last thing on the agenda and not enough time to cover this. Hopefully start with this next week. 15:12:30 Moe: Clarity the survey that went out was Testing Framework and 2 topics on the metadata. 15:12:53 Ist item was Testing Framework. 15:13:19 agarrison has joined #wcag-act 15:13:30 Moe: Andrew concerned we don't cover WCAG and other requirements. 15:14:00 Why are we leaving this opened ended we are providing a framework of testing a11y standards in general. 15:14:28 Shadi: intent here we did not want to nail down actual wcag number. 15:14:38 May have opened it too much. 15:15:06 May need to find a balance of content standards. or for wcag but can be applicable to other guidelines. 15:15:32 Moe to open github issue on this. 15:16:16 Katie added comment on teams comments? 15:16:23 Missed actual text. 15:16:48 Shadi: We should specific how this works. 15:16:57 Katie: yes, make it clear and what tools do. 15:17:37 Shadi: open another that req doc should specific relationships to failures and techniques 15:17:48 Open another issue. 15:18:32 Shadi: suggested others to review survey results. 15:18:46 q+ jemma 15:18:50 ack moe 15:19:07 scribenick: Alan_ 15:19:14 scribe: Alan 15:20:42 q+ 15:20:54 --- 15:21:03 ack je 15:21:27 Jenna: Choice is wide open. 15:21:52 What should we get from this? 15:22:32 Katie: Andrew clarified his comments and that topics were mixed. 15:22:38 s/jenna/jemma 15:22:49 Open GitHub Issue #5: ACT Framework Requirements document is too general, https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/5 15:22:56 Shadi: some copy paste issues. Sent to the chairs with questions for them to look at. 15:23:29 Perhaps we should be more specific on what working group should review. This one was a "are we on the right track" communicatoin. 15:24:16 More importantt to look at their reaction. Thier first look and what they think. 15:24:17 q+ 15:24:39 q+ 15:24:42 Jenna: they seem to look at metadata. 15:25:19 Romain:Mike C made some specific comments. Should we look at these? 15:25:54 Can we make this more clear from his questions? 15:27:05 s/they seem to look at metadata/most comments are more focused on 'negative rules" 15:28:02 I'm having a hard time hearing Romain 15:28:30 ack rd 15:28:35 ack moe 15:28:58 Moe: looking at survey results there are clear issues we can put in github. won't get lost that way. 15:29:41 I have hearing loss of certain frequecies. Sorry. 15:30:05 Shadi: we can put in Github and assign and record. 15:30:07 q+ 15:30:13 ack cp 15:30:57 Charu: on negative texts may be some confusion. Only report negatives but will test for all requirements. It is doing all positive tests. Only tell you when it fails. 15:31:28 Shadi: this is a testing framework as a reply to othes concern about this. 15:32:32 Alistair: That is not what it means. We will test for things but when you write in the negative ways. Positive test: does car have doors: Negative test: test car does not have doors example. 15:33:00 Shadi: can we make it more clear. 15:33:12 Alistair: it is just a way we write the tests. 15:33:33 Charu: we are going to test postive and negative and only report on negative? 15:34:03 Alistair: No, it depends on what we want to test for: to conform or not conform. 15:34:26 --- 15:34:43 dont confuse what we test for with how we write the test. 15:35:29 rrsagent, make minutes 15:35:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/11/16-wcag-act-minutes.html jemma 15:35:36 Charu: you have a rule to test does the link have link text? rules will check for all ways to provide it. If it passes all you will not see errors. only if it does not pass a condition it will fail. 15:35:44 make log public 15:36:16 May be a matter of clarifying rule descriptions. 15:36:17 rrsagent, make log public 16:07:31 s/jenna/jemma 16:07:31 s/Jenna/jemma 16:07:31 Alistair: you have to write some failure reason. Claim you have a skip link: if true it is possitive. or does not have a skip link and this is false. 16:07:31 Shadi: can Alistair send his suggested differences between positive and negative testing wording. 16:07:31 https://w3c.github.io/wcag-act/act-fr-reqs.html#28-rules-test-for-failures 16:07:31 +1 16:07:31 https://github.com/w3c/wcag-act/issues/7 16:07:31 Shadi: can you add it to the rules to test for failures?