See also: IRC log
<shawn> have docs in different buckets...
<shawn> Shawn: then what do you do with the breadcrumbs?
<shawn> sharron: eat 'em !
<shawn> sitemap *plus* planned new resources, changes here:
<rjolly> and this issue too?
trackbot, end meeting
<scribe> Scribe: Sharron
Sorting among categories: Implement, Advocate, Understand, Participate
Chris: Will put the cards on four tables, one for each category. everyone move the cards around until we have rough sort.
James: then we will sort within each category...some will fall out of these categories entirely
Shawn: and as we do this, we must
remember that with the re-org, the WGs are no longer housed
under WAI exclisuvely. We want everyone to find the
accessiiblity work going on in all W3C WGs so that will include
the (former) WAI groups as well as accessibility work going on
in other groups, such as SVG accessibility.
... so it is open as to what we do with the IA and the visual
design of those WG pages since other W3C WGs do not follow a
standard design pattern. For example the CSS and DigiPub groups
have their own visible presentation.
James: (drawing circles on the board) so these pages will live under W3C need to link to working groups and ones that do not do a11y work won't be linked.
Shawn: There are no WAI groups
any longer, they are all W3C WGs now.
... and IGs as well.
Susan: at the reception tonight, can we leave the card sort and project the new site?
James: as long as we make it
clear that this is a work in progress
... as for the handling of groups, we understand there may no
longer be groups designated as "WAI groups" but some are
exclusively a11y and others have accessibility features going
on in there work. We will have to determine how to categorize
and link to them.
Susan: Our goal here is to Update
content, expand it, and integrate into what is there.
... current content is an Overview (recently updated by Shawn)
common barriers with w/older and overlap with WCAG2 - to me
that no longer makes sense.
<shawn> hi brent webex
<shawn> (we're tlaking about mobile)
Sharron: will be codified and clarified in wcag 2.1
<shawn> meeting # 649 023 934 (same password)
James: why are we holding off on native? WCAG applies to those, so many elements apply
Susan: There are many more coming, they are not yet standards but can recommend as IOS standard, not sure we can point them since they are not finalized.
James: Even though there is more coming, we can make the items that apply to native clearer.
Susan: Makes sense, OK will add to the goals
Shawn: those pages do not answer the questions that most people have but do give some guidance for some people so may not want to get rid of them
Susan: *Really* would like to get rid of the "overlap" documents
<Brent> webex
James: Should survey at all the
content for mobile, see gaps, look as well at the W3C site
identify all the gpas. Need a comprehensive plan and integrate
mobile into our Palnning.
... I want people to come here, understand that they must do
mobile accessibility, and be able to find complete and simple
accessibility guidance.
Susan: One of my problems is how we find it...need to tersify and clarify content.
Susan: rewriting content is easy part, bigger problem is the overlap docs that are currently obsolet.
Sharron: Can we agree to make these obsolete?
Shawn: May be useful to some people?
James: Were useful at one time perhaps but now we need to make a clear distinction and stand for the fact that WCAG is mobile. period.
Shawn: Can we leave this as a maybe and ask WAI-IG?
Susan: OK as long as we take it
out from under mobile section of site, not in IA, I don't feel
that it should remain here?
... I propose the following these things to do: Overview
document will be tersified, and the sub documents (Overlaps
with PWD, and overlap with WCAG/mobile) will have relevant
content pulled out, integrated and the retired.
Shawn: Planning groups is here,
we say that's OK as the plan, and to run past EO
... And at some point, we should run past WAI-IG to determine
if anyone uses them
Susan: Then second phase is to integrate relevant content rather than have a separate mobile section
James: Persona of a person who only cares about native Android?
Susan: linked from mobile overview
James: we can structure and put
anywhere, but if I am navigating with only mobile in mind want
to be sure to find it easily
... a mobile developer wants to see the answer to their
problems or concerns. need a clear path for them.
... so Charlotte needs to know what is coming.
Susan: But we can't set something up that we don't have yet.
James: Must create an IA based on known gaps
Shawn: We don't even know yet
James: Use case: mobile developer comes to W3C to find our what do I do to meet requirements.
Shawn: WCAG
James: Developers won't read it, won't use it, we already know that.
Shawn: Here's the link to the Quick Ref, filtered for mobile
<shawn> Sharron: if filter for mobile, go to Techniques - which are mini tutorials
<shawn> ... seen developers do that path
James: In doing the redesign we
are competing (if we want to be the go-to site) with other tech
support sites like Bootstrap and getting just what they
... we are not well serving our (potentially) largest
Susan: After lunch I would like to finish the RA for this phase 1 and then after the redesign is done, jump into Phase 2 get volunteers to help and integrate and build out mobile content.
Sharron: Can we do that in parallel
Susan: Maybe, when is the launch?
Sharron: March is my hope.
James: No promises since the
process continues to bog down our progress
... and it is meant to be a living site going forward?
Shawn: That is my great hope.
Sharron: need greater awareness in mainstream dev congferences
James: most line developers don't
even go to conferences
... maybe get together in Austin and brainstorm
Susan: yes would like to get some real data
<shawn> hi brent - we've got webex audio & screen sharing going now
Susan: I share James' concerns and realize that time committment of each of us is so limited. Hearing about priorities was helpful. Getting direction on priorities is helpful.
Brent: I also made the suggestion that people have c0-leaders for each resource. What is your feeling on that?
Susan: yes I agree and have asked
for that.
... may not be good for everyone, maybe suggest it expecially
for those who are getting stuck
<Brent> +1 for me on issues as well. I try to read all issues before creating more of my own.
<shawn> little help: good topics
<shawn> (rather than Update (90344fe))
<Brent> Like Susan sain, I also like it when the editor outlines a list of work by listing and linking issues or pull requests to look at.
<Brent> Helps with focus.
Susan: I got wquickly
overwhelmend and stuck on req analysis
... felt like writer's block and needed help getting
<shawn> susan: deer in headlights... got stuck
Shawn: So if we hava a "kick-off" meeting for all the RMs, might that be helpful
Susan: yes especially for the bigger things.
Shawn: even some of the smaller ones, you can easily get unstuck
Susan: yes wishing we could get more input, were ambitious at May f2f but now need to reassess - what is working/not working and set reasonable expectations.
trackbot, end meeting
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.148 of Date: 2016/10/11 12:55:14 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/paln/plan/ Succeeded: s/paln/plan/ Succeeded: s/docusment/document/ Succeeded: s/pahse/phase/ Succeeded: s/Shaaron/Sharron/ Succeeded: s/ developers even g/ developers don't even g/ Succeeded: s/update 294/Update (90344fe)/ Found Scribe: Sharron Inferring ScribeNick: Sharron Default Present: Susan, Sharron, eric, Robert, James, Chris, shawn, Brent Present: Susan Sharron eric Robert James Chris shawn Brent Eric Shawn Found Date: 15 Nov 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]