12:08:20 RRSAgent has joined #poe 12:08:20 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/11/14-poe-irc 12:08:22 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:08:22 Zakim has joined #poe 12:08:24 Zakim, this will be 12:08:24 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 12:08:25 Meeting: Permissions and Obligations Expression Working Group Teleconference 12:08:25 Date: 14 November 2016 12:08:33 benws1114 has joined #poe 12:08:39 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20161114 12:08:49 chair: renato 12:08:57 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:23:10 James has joined #poe 12:24:14 present+ james 12:26:18 Regrets: Phil 12:26:26 present+ renato 12:28:44 michaelS has joined #poe 12:29:37 present+ 12:29:50 present+ michaelS 12:30:27 Serena has joined #poe 12:31:55 Brian_Ulicny has joined #poe 12:32:09 present+ 12:32:37 victor has joined #poe 12:33:19 Scribe volunteer? 12:33:24 present+ 12:33:42 present+ victor 12:33:49 Brian to scribe 12:34:15 Approve: https://www.w3.org/2016/11/07-poe-minutes.html 12:34:17 present+ Serena 12:34:30 Renato: Motion to approve minutes? 12:34:33 scribe: Brian_Ulicny 12:34:53 Silence taken as resolution to accept minutes. 12:35:35 sabrina has joined #poe 12:35:42 present+ sabrina 12:35:42 Book Industry group has answered our questions and updated Google Docs doc. 12:35:56 "Has everyone seen it?" 12:36:18 "Let's look at the comments in the Word doc dated Nov 5" 12:36:40 "let's go through those" 12:37:13 "Requirement 28.2: weren't sure what display of a work for discovery purposes meant" 12:37:46 "Was about displaying snippets of a work in search or other preview texts (Amazon Look Inside the Book)" 12:38:14 "So this is not a new requirement. Supported already." 12:38:27 "Anyone think otherwise?" 12:38:31 No responses. 12:39:03 "next one is UC 29: about chunks -- chunk A is part of chunk B" 12:39:20 "Bill says it would be useful to support inheritance." 12:39:42 "We support policy inheritance, not asset inheritance, currently" 12:40:36 "Next one talks about not having to repeat inheritance constraints" 12:41:16 "Next comment is about chunk context. Different constraints in different chunk contexts" 12:41:40 question+ 12:41:50 "Won't help when one asset is part of another asset" 12:41:50 q+ 12:43:00 James: "Tree model of an asset tree used in a different project quickly got very unwieldy." 12:44:15 Renato: "My view is that it might be better to manage the leaves than to manage the tree of assets" 12:45:12 "Re 29.4: Identifiers - Using DOIs and ISBNs instead of URIs. Those are impossible for us." 12:45:48 Ivan: "Can use a URN version of a DOI and an ISBN is possible. But not the non-URI version" 12:45:53 Renato: "Agreed" 12:46:46 "Re 30.2: Associating permissions with a group of articles - a subscription model is how we interpreted it. They mean something different." 12:47:21 "Party A and Party B associate different permissions with the same products." 12:47:40 "We'd just express two different policies with the same target." 12:48:09 Brian: "Is this to do with resolving policy conflicts?" 12:48:22 Renato: "Really couldn't tell." 12:49:29 "From our point of view, an abstract product is denoted by a URI. Policy applies to that thing, abstract or not." 12:50:02 "Next one: at one point do royalties apply?" 12:50:48 This can also be applied to other media (excerpts of videos, resolution of images, etc.). 12:50:52 "used to have a constraint like this in Open Mobile Alliance on seconds played to inform previewing video." 12:51:52 Ivan: "His example is not a matter of time. Reading 2 pages is not a matter of time." 12:52:08 q+ 12:52:13 "To describe what they need is very complex." 12:52:44 BenWS: "a lot this sounds profile-specific." 12:53:01 James has joined #poe 12:53:17 present+ 12:53:20 q- 12:53:21 Renato: "Bill's next on is UC 33" 12:53:23 q- 12:53:38 "Nothing new" 12:54:22 "That's all of Bill's comments." 12:55:14 Next item: Exit criteria 12:55:31 "How are we going to support the vocabulary of terms?" 12:56:13 "Found some examples from annotations working group, etc." 12:56:45 "All describe things with different levels of specificity" 12:57:04 "We need to determine our exit criteria." 12:57:13 http://w3c.github.io/poe/vocab/ 12:57:19 "Our vocab spec" 12:57:27 "Section 4 includes everything." 12:57:50 Serena has left #poe 12:57:55 "One thing we could do is split Section 4 into a core vocabulary" 12:58:31 (I support this first option) 12:58:44 "Another section, 5, common vocabulary for the rest." 12:59:33 (these terms do not need to be "non-normative") 12:59:41 q+ 12:59:43 "So then we don't have to force implementers to implement everything" 12:59:52 smyles has joined #poe 13:00:15 Ivan: "perhaps talking about exit criteria is premature." 13:00:40 "Better to ask: what is a conformant usage and a conformant implementation" 13:02:12 "Are there pieces of code that do this?" 13:02:47 "So I could say that a conformant implementation must be able to produce all the classes and properties of the core vocabularies" 13:03:29 "That is a conformant implementation. If there are at least two of these, this is an exit criterion." 13:03:39 (I would say conformance is about actions. There is (or there is not) a conformant behaviour) 13:04:44 Ivan: "If IPTC uses these vocabularies in its own environment, then this is a proof of the utility? of the standard" 13:05:44 Victor: "Conformance consists of a set of tests." 13:06:19 "The algorithm must exhibit some behavior." 13:07:13 (https://hypothes.is/) 13:07:35 Ivan: "we do not specify the user interface. Must produce some structures, which they dump and we determine whether those structures conform or not." 13:08:37 Hypothes.is is an annotation engine that implements the annotation standard Ivan mentioned as an example. 13:09:26 Survey: https://docs.zoho.com/sheet/ropen.do?rid=0atbh53daf7b68efb4d39846bf1ff465369ba 13:09:43 Renato: "Next item, is a survey. TOC from vocabulary." 13:09:58 "Which of these have you implemented or plan to implement?" 13:10:12 "This will give us a good idea of what's core and what's not." 13:10:34 "If everyone is happy with this survey, then let's send it out to implementers." 13:10:37 q+ 13:10:51 good idea: +1 from my side.... 13:10:52 q- 13:11:37 BenWS: "Some items will be in a gray area -- not clearly on path to implementation." 13:12:13 Renato: "How about Yes/No/Maybe?" 13:12:23 "for plan to implement?" 13:12:39 Renato: "OK. I'll send out." 13:13:58 Next item: "F2F meeting" 13:14:08 "Phil to send out poll on options." 13:14:43 "Madrid and NYC the two options" 13:14:51 My appologies - have to join another call 13:15:11 Next item: "Constraint call?" 13:15:25 +1 to join a constraint call 13:15:25 "have an additional call to focus on constraints?" 13:15:42 https://github.com/w3c/poe/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc 13:15:46 "This seems to have the bulk of requirements." 13:15:56 "See Github list." 13:16:06 "First 5 are all about constraints" 13:16:12 "So let's tackle them" 13:16:23 "OK?" 13:16:51 James has joined #poe 13:17:04 "Ivan can only do a call tomorrow." 13:17:13 +1 13:17:53 11GMT would be great for me too 13:18:17 Sure..... 13:20:05 OK. Same time tomorrow. 13:21:27 :) 13:22:18 Renato: "Any last business? No. Then please read Github issues for tomorrow" 13:22:23 C Utomorrow 13:22:37 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:22:54 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:22:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/11/14-poe-minutes.html ivan 13:23:07 trackbot, end telcon 13:23:07 Zakim, list attendees 13:23:07 As of this point the attendees have been james, renato, ivan, michaelS, Brian_Ulicny, benws, victor, Serena, sabrina 13:23:15 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 13:23:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/11/14-poe-minutes.html trackbot 13:23:16 RRSAgent, bye 13:23:16 I see no action items