16:03:04 RRSAgent has joined #eo 16:03:04 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/11/14-eo-irc 16:03:06 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:03:06 Zakim has joined #eo 16:03:08 Zakim, this will be 3694 16:03:08 ok, trackbot 16:03:09 Meeting: Education and Outreach Working Group Teleconference 16:03:09 Date: 14 November 2016 16:04:43 yatil has changed the topic to: Call Info and Agenda for the F2F: https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_F2F_November_2016 16:12:52 Sharron has joined #eo 16:12:56 Chair: Sharron 16:13:01 present: Sharron, Eric, Shadi 16:22:03 present+ Robert 16:23:13 rjolly has joined #eo 16:29:03 present+ Sharron 16:29:11 Topic: Web Tutorials 16:29:12 https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_F2F_November_2016/Tutorial_Discussion 16:29:16 Eric: 16:30:04 Eric: Created tutorials update page and done the updates from comments, mostly from Shadi 16:32:16 ...open issue is the basic styling section. I suggested to move it to a separate page, but not eveyone agreed. Do we want to have a wireframe of the carousel to provide a throuogh line based on wireframing. 16:32:28 Sharron: +1 to wireframe 16:33:47 Robert: Would it be a working example, fully functioning with all of the recommendations? Or a static wireframe? 16:33:56 q+ 16:34:08 Eric: I have envisioned a static example. 16:34:30 Shadi: What is the purpose of the wireframe, what exactly are you suggesting? 16:35:26 Eric: Images of the components of a working carousel as a point of reference for the person reading the tutorial. On the concepts page as an intro. 16:35:36 Robert: Or an the structure page. 16:35:54 s/an/on 16:36:18 Eric: Feedback has been good, quite constructive. 16:36:41 ...leaning toward having a separate styling page although it could be interwoven. 16:37:55 Shadi: I would suggest that if we go with a wireframe (which I like as a way to point to different parts) it be broken out separately after the three main sections - Working Example or something 16:38:21 https://w3c.github.io/wai-tutorials/carousels/full-code/ 16:38:26 ...wireframed illustration and then working example, and then source code 16:38:49 present+ Chris 16:38:53 present+ Chris 16:40:24 present+ 16:44:00 rjolly_ has joined #eo 16:48:10 Chris: My experince says styling is a separate topic and will be atteneded by a different person. It makes sesne to have it on a separate page. 16:48:16 q+ 16:48:39 s/atteneded /attended 16:49:23 Shadi: OK I am coming more to that point of videw. Just want to make sure we don't go too far away from the core lesson in accessibility. 16:49:41 Chris_Langston has joined #eo 16:50:20 +1 to that suggested resolution 16:50:23 RESOLUTION: Eric to propose a separate Styling page that is very specific to Carousels and accessibility. 16:50:28 +1 16:50:28 Sharron: +1 16:50:30 +1 16:50:33 +1 16:50:34 +1 16:56:14 q- 16:56:28 Shadi: Like the way the navigation highlights the content pages with numbering. Anyway to accent that even more? 16:57:06 Eric: Maybe make the pattern clear to the redesign group and not spend the time to tweak designs right now. 17:00:59 ...good, I have made my notes, I think this Tutorial discussion can be concluded, next is page Structure. 17:01:18 https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_F2F_November_2016/Tutorial_Discussion#Page_Structrure 17:02:48 Eric: At this point, we have done less organizational thinking so we can look at the structure of this. Shadi has suggested that we break this up, and has posted to the wiki. 17:04:14 https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_F2F_November_2016/Tutorial_Discussion#Proposal_from_Shadi_.28for_lively.21_discussion.29 17:05:11 Chris: I have concern about the potential for confusion between In-page navigation and site navigation. People may not make that distinction. 17:05:39 +1 to quick turn-arounds 17:05:41 ...but I think it is a good idea to break it up and allow people to find and use what they need. 17:06:17 Eric: and it would allow us to complete short focused tutorials more quickly. 17:06:45 q+ 17:07:02 ...not sure that this is the right approach to do that, especailly because we have the three topics that are so similar. Maybe re-think how we refer to them. 17:07:26 ack me 17:07:54 Shadi: Agree and the idea is to cross reference tutorials that suport each other. 17:10:39 Brent has joined #eo 17:13:46 Chris; How do these relate to the actual guidelines which always come up first in search? 17:14:01 Eric: if we institute smart search, it may be better. 17:15:11 s/especailly/especially 17:16:06 +1 to more wireframes 17:16:28 Chris: When I raise a concern for one or the other of the designer/developer group, the other side checks out. I worry about how these tutorials try to serve both masters and could alienate the other side of this equation. 17:17:24 Eric: Yes it is a hard thing to do. 17:17:27 q+ 17:18:14 Sharron: and on this topic, it is not as clear which belongs to what camp. 17:18:33 https://www.w3.org/WAI/gettingstarted/tips/designing.html#use-headings-and-spacing-to-group-related-content 17:19:16 Chris: Have had success with serving same content to different groups with different landing pages to make it seem customized. 17:20:46 rjolly_ has joined #eo 17:22:35 Eric: Something for consideration as we redesign site. For the current wireframe however, eric @@@@ 17:23:15 s/eric @@@@/we might want to explore it on new tutorials first and then add it to the older tutorials in the future. 17:23:16 Shadi: Do we know anyone who can help? 17:23:33 Robert: I am willing to help. 17:26:36 RESOLUTION: Page Structure tutorial will be broken into smaller, more specific units. 17:26:41 Sharron: +1 17:26:44 +1 17:26:46 +1 17:26:47 +1 17:26:49 +1 17:29:49 +1 17:33:15 Sharron: and what do we want those smaller, more focused elements to be? 17:34:11 Eric: it is here https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_F2F_November_2016/Tutorial_Discussion#Proposal_from_Shadi_.28for_lively.21_discussion.29 17:41:01 rjolly_ has joined #eo 17:44:22 rjolly__ has joined #eo 17:50:25 rjolly_ has joined #eo 18:03:36 shawn has joined #eo 18:12:16 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:12:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/11/14-eo-minutes.html shawn 18:13:13 be prescriptive - not descriptive: 18:13:43 "most websites have a region" -> "if your website has a region, then..." 18:13:54 present+ Shawn(11:00) 18:14:32 robert: expose the code itself on a separate page 18:16:26 present+ James 18:16:42 present- shadi 18:16:48 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:16:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/11/14-eo-minutes.html shawn 18:19:30 +1 to include backup 18:23:03 HTML4 and ARIA 18:34:47 James_ has joined #eo 18:35:00 Present+ James 18:41:12 q+ Shawn 18:41:22 ack shadi 18:41:45 shadi: maybe share.... 18:41:54 shawn: scope creep and loer priority 18:41:59 eric: +3 18:42:17 s/and loer/and lower 19:16:40 q+ Chris 19:16:42 q+ shawn 19:16:47 ack chris 19:17:08 q+ 19:17:27 ack shawn 19:20:38 q+ 19:20:40 ack sh 19:20:59 https://w3c.github.io/wai-tutorials/carousels/functionality/#announce-the-current-item 19:23:06 ack me 19:24:28 Sharron has joined #eo 21:15:04 Sharron has joined #eo 21:26:41 James has joined #eo 21:30:54 James_ has joined #eo 21:40:06 rjolly has joined #eo 21:40:36 shawn has joined #eo 21:44:48 Zakim has left #eo 21:46:09 Zakim has joined #eo 21:46:49 trackbot, start meeting 21:46:51 RRSAgent, make logs world 21:46:53 Zakim, this will be 3694 21:46:53 ok, trackbot 21:46:54 Meeting: Education and Outreach Working Group Teleconference 21:46:54 Date: 14 November 2016 21:46:57 https://projects.invisionapp.com/share/H299QZZGZ#/screens/203897923 21:47:12 Susan has joined #eo 21:47:28 Present+ Susan 21:47:42 present+ Sharron 21:48:05 zakim, who is on the phone 21:48:05 I don't understand 'who is on the phone', shawn 21:48:09 zakim, who is on the phone? 21:48:09 Present: Susan, Sharron 21:48:23 present+ eric, Robert, James, Chris 21:48:28 present+ shawn 21:48:33 zakim, who is on the phone? 21:48:33 Present: Susan, Sharron, eric, Robert, James, Chris, shawn 21:48:45 https://projects.invisionapp.com/share/H299QZZGZ#/screens/203897923 21:51:48 Impressions: strong, clean neat, professional, authoritative, stable, corporate 21:51:58 ...warmth despite the blue 21:52:27 ...Planning and Managing treatment of icon 21:52:49 ...is there an accent color outside the blue 21:53:02 ...what will be the graphic treatment 21:53:42 ...create style guide for going forward 21:54:17 James: Need to list the componenets of a style guide so Alicia can work on it. Can use it to follow as we add new images. 21:54:25 ...what is the font? 21:54:37 James: Open Sans 21:59:09 Impressions: looks like documentation, could introduce something more interesting, not engaging 21:59:45 ...the icons are great, but would need them on other pages 22:00:46 ...is it possible to have an icon on all pages? 22:00:52 ...a logo? 22:01:15 Eric: Having the corporate design discussion would delay things too much. 22:02:14 ...move breadcrumbs out from top banner 22:04:23 Eric: for the subpage, left align rather than center 22:15:17 https://projects.invisionapp.com/share/H299QZZGZ#/screens/203897923 22:15:22 ^^Brent 22:15:56 present+ Brent 22:18:02 Eric: Next steps - first, get IA work complete, then get Mobile First solution for text resizing as well; 22:19:18 Shawn: demos difference between exisiting WAI site and new design. Default font size is too small 22:20:03 Eric: Err on the side of larger fonts 22:21:04 rjolly_ has joined #eo 22:25:14 Eric: we like color palette, header (bar the breadcrumbs), authoritative, 22:25:26 ...really really like the icons 22:26:18 Shawn: Concerend that having in page nav on the left will confuse people who are used to that being the site navigation 22:27:06 Eric: Can float page nav right 22:28:24 ...and another thing we should tell her is that we have Suite navigation in some cases, an element with 4 or 5 pages or componenets. 22:28:26 s/Concerend/Concerned 22:28:58 s/componenets/components 22:29:25 q+ to say icons now 22:29:48 Chris: like the direction in general but we need user testing to validate some of these assumptions 22:30:18 Shawn: and we are unanimipous in liking the icons, is Alicia up for doing more of those? 22:31:08 s/unanimipous/unanimous 22:31:52 q+ to iconography reinforce categories 22:32:03 Eric: It would be great to have an icon for at least the overview pages that provides some whimsys well s the authrotative. 22:32:44 Shawn: and can use iconography to reinforce relationships, groupings 22:32:47 ack shawn 22:32:47 shawn, you wanted to say icons now and to iconography reinforce categories 22:32:49 +1 to iconography throughout for categories and organization. 22:33:17 Visuals are very powerful for intuitiveness 22:33:35 s/whimsys well s the authrotative/whimsy as well as the authoratative stance 22:34:36 Shawn: Get Involved at the bottom? 22:34:53 q+ to say get involved -> Github -> Working Groups ect. 22:35:18 q+ to say pub;ic image 22:35:35 Eric: we can see after we have done some work on the IA 22:36:02 ack yatil 22:36:02 yatil, you wanted to say get involved -> Github -> Working Groups ect. 22:36:14 ack me 22:36:14 shawn, you wanted to say pub;ic image 22:36:26 s/pub;ic/public/ 22:37:03 Shawn: Also need to be open and let people know doors are open. Need to convey that we welcome partiicpation 22:40:17 s/partiicpation/participation 22:40:27 Eric: Maybe we can introduce a box floating right that gets inserted into the content to get involved… also we can introduce a cookie that only shows that message every couple of weeks? 22:40:31 q+ 22:41:09 q- 22:43:24 scribe: Sharron 22:43:47 Robert: does she need more info about the icon as connective tissue? 22:44:18 Shawn: yes but we need more input from IA before we can develop that. 23:10:22 rjolly_ has joined #eo 23:14:39 Susan has joined #eo 23:21:48 q+ to say content analysis 23:22:54 q+ to say https://github.com/w3c/wai-website-design/issues/17 23:23:59 ack me 23:23:59 shawn, you wanted to say content analysis and to say https://github.com/w3c/wai-website-design/issues/17 23:29:15 shawn: I just don't want Charlotte to waste time. It seems it would be best for us to do some cooperative work ahead of time.