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<scribe> scribe: jon_avila
kw: touch base on
non-interference of AT and then switch over to last pointer sc
-- Patrick can't make it but we can started on reviewing it and
get some notes and finalize next week
... any concerns or anything to add to SC that we have so
dm: 12-15 in first working draft - not sure how WCAG WG will put be able to put something together by then
kw: lot of work to be done in the
intent and what SC are similar between 3 task forces. They have
the start of a plan and key team of people to look at
... tf will work with wg to understand intent and focus a WCAG
WG meeting on all the keyboard and touch (hypothetical) --
perhaps too much for one meeting.
... questions about responsive layouts or breakpoints, etc. We
may want to add techniques into existing SC Did anyone see
anything to add based on emails on list?
mj: questions on m1 pointer and term pointer input -- why not use direct manipulation
kw: might be worth adding a note and more of a definition
detlev: how would direct manipulation be define?
mj: not sure direct manipulation was defined in a way that would work for us.
kw: pointer encompassing mouse and keyboard
<marcjohlic> Definition: Direct manipulation (DM) is an interaction style in which users act on displayed objects of interest using physical, incremental, reversible actions whose effects are immediately visible on the screen.
<DavidMacDonald> 10.3 Implicit Pointer Capture Some input devices (such as touchscreens) implement a "direct manipulation" metaphor where a pointer is intended to act primarily on the UI element it became active upon (providing a physical illusion of direct contact, instead of indirect contact via a cursor that conceptually floats above the UI). Such devices are identified by the InputDeviceCapabilities.pointerMovementScrolls property and should have "[CUT]
detlev: seems dated and doesn't reflect different mechanisms, questionable whether of value here
kw: others may have questions so we should make sure we clarify
dm: presented our SC at Toronto
a11y conference. 85% approval rating on ideas.
... a few objections, specifically on requirement to access
with one keystroke
kw: agree we need to work on wording
dm: wasn't the speech input one
detlev: some problems forking m14 from github
kw: need to work with Shadi to get it on right respository. all should be under the same. Patrick has moved most over including ones on the wiki
dm: some people not comfortable with orientation -- would like to see more research
kw: down to last couple of weeks. There will be a comment period under WCAG WG
dm: question was on m3 requiring support without multipoint gestures
<Jatin> SC Text M3-All functionality can be operated without requiring precise/timed pointer gestures or multi-pointer gestures.
dm: this is not when AT is running.
detlev: non-AT type of criterion - aimed at disability where people can't use separate fingers
dm: we already have a
non-interference conformance requirement. SC on this seems to
be redundant
... some argue that the conformance requirement is buried
kw: conversation needs to happen
dm: example of signature area that isn't accessible and is not relied on for conformance of page.
detlev: easy thing to test
... things in conformance requirements tend to get lost
dm: should we have two tier
strategy for including FPWD
... could say here are thing that are well developed and these
we are still discussing
kw: preference is to submit everything -- that was the plan -- up to WG for how they will review
kp: ready to go to m9
detlev: first sentence is not clear to me
dm: trying to say all operation can be operated with pointer and doesn't require just screen coordinates
detlev: screen coordinate issue might make it hard to pass
dm: talking about x y
... m10 already mentions sensors
ja: sensors seems to complicate m9
dm: a lot of overlap with m6, m9, m10, and m3
kw: pointer includes touch
<DavidMacDonald> David concerned lots of overlap M3, M6, M9, M10
detlev: requires simply access
with pointer without pressure
... makes it harder to understand with term screen
kP; point is that tilt and other thins are extra -- shouldn't rely on them.
detlev: hard to parse of people who aren't familiar with advanced pointer inputs.
kw: use to refer to this as
advanced pointer input but we changed the name
... didn't want to say 3d touch -- tried to make it
... do you see this as being covered under SC -- I see this as
dm: haven't put all 4 SC together
and look at overlap
... change shortname to simple pointer
<Kim> All pointer functionality can be operated using screen coordinates, without requiring additional sensor information.
kp: does what I put in make it clearer
kw; wg will look to see what can be combined
kw: are we saying the same thing in different SC
kp: does that sentence make it clearer.
dm: it is more clear.
detlev: beyond screen coordinates
seem like gestures next to device
... you don't operate the screen coordiantes
<Kim> All pointer functionality can be operated using screen coordinate information, without requiring additional sensor information.
dm: think we can be combined m3 and m9
<DavidMacDonald> All functionality can be operated without requiring pointer information beyond screen coordinates.
kp: see them as different
<DavidMacDonald> All functionality can be operated without requiring pointer information beyond screen coordinates.
<Detlev> +1 to Kathy
<Kim> +1
dm: a note would help
kw: david can you suggest a note
to put in both of them
... rewording is fine
... twist would be related to stylus
<DavidMacDonald> Note: the techniques M3 and M9 are releated and may be combined. M3 requires that functionality work without timing or multi gesters, M9 arequires it works without tilt, specific presure, or angle.
kp: any objections to rewording?
detlev: good distinction to make between pointer sensors and other sensor information such as shake, accelerometer
<DavidMacDonald> Note: the techniques M3 and M9 are related and may be combined in 2.1. M3 requires that functionality work without timing or multi gestures, M9 requires it works without tilt, specific pressure, or angle, etc..., M10 requires that it works without shaking or tilting the device etc...
kp: m9 is talking about sensor information related to pointer
kw: david will you do the pull request on that?
dm: sure
detlev: add acceleration
kp: m10 is different
... todos in a couple of areas
kw: any other concerns on things to add as todos so we can finalize for next week
detlev: we have 3d touch or pressure -- what about long press? Is that ok?
kp: would fall under timing
kw: device settings can be changed
detlev: have some more time to get comments in
trackbot, end meeting
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