20:28:45 RRSAgent has joined #sdwssn 20:28:45 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/10/11-sdwssn-irc 20:28:47 RRSAgent, make logs world 20:28:47 Zakim has joined #sdwssn 20:28:49 Zakim, this will be SDW 20:28:49 ok, trackbot 20:28:50 Meeting: Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Teleconference 20:28:50 Date: 11 October 2016 20:30:14 s/Working Group/SSN Sub Group/ 20:30:31 chair: Armin 20:44:23 ahaller2 has joined #sdwssn 20:52:40 trackbot, start meeting 20:52:42 RRSAgent, make logs world 20:52:44 Zakim, this will be SDW 20:52:44 ok, trackbot 20:52:45 Meeting: Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Teleconference 20:52:45 Date: 11 October 2016 20:53:23 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:55:59 ClausStadler has joined #sdwssn 20:57:38 roba has joined #sdwssn 21:01:43 DanhLePhuoc has joined #sdwssn 21:01:47 kerrry has joined #sdwssn 21:02:01 maxime has joined #sdwssn 21:02:07 present+ kerry 21:02:17 present+ ahaller2 21:02:17 present+ maxime 21:02:25 SimonCox has joined #sdwssn 21:02:29 what is the webex pwd ? 21:02:30 present+ ClausStadler 21:03:09 present+ roba 21:03:11 pwd at the top of this screen 21:03:17 present+ DanhLePhuoc 21:04:55 present+ SimonCox 21:05:05 KJanowic has joined #sdwssn 21:05:08 topic: approve minutes 21:05:09 https://www.w3.org/2016/09/27-sdwssn-minutes 21:05:20 +1 21:05:21 +1 21:05:40 +1 21:05:41 +1 21:05:44 +1 21:06:08 JoelRamsay has joined #sdwssn 21:06:17 patent call: https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Patent_Call 21:06:51 present Kjanowic 21:06:57 present+ JoelRamsay 21:08:01 scribe: kerry 21:08:03 scribe: kerry 21:08:08 scribenick: kerry 21:08:09 scribenick: kerry 21:08:27 toic: redirection of ruls 21:08:33 topic: Demo of Slash URI ontology submodule implementation 21:08:35 s/ruls/urls/ 21:09:00 s/toic/topic 21:09:07 maxime show presentation 21:09:21 maxime: for smart energy aware systems 21:09:43 ...required the w3id namespace to be the only one for all the ontology mpodules and versions 21:09:49 ...i will sho how 21:09:55 s/sho/show/ 21:10:23 http://ci.emse.fr/seas/ 21:11:23 ...browser does not show rdf+xml 21:15:25 kerry has joined #sdwssn 21:15:53 maxime: if i go to this uri [shows] 21:16:11 [scribe had trouble missed a lot] 21:16:57 maxime: this is not what was requested put there is info as a cooluri to redirect to the vocab that you are loooking for 21:17:03 q+ 21:17:14 ...so the latest is how to deal with alignments 21:17:36 ...the main seas ontology and one modulewith a specific version 21:17:55 s/modulewith/module with 21:18:14 ...the documenation says ..note SDW bp 11 21:18:42 ...this one is the pep ontology 21:18:51 ...says align with ssn 21:19:16 ...the lates version of pep is this doc in html, this doc in ttl, 21:19:23 ..thist is an alignment with ss 21:19:34 s/ss/ssn/ 21:20:08 ...and I get the html by defualt and I can also get the ttl 21:20:09 this alignment imports pep and ssn 21:20:25 maxime: this is how we deal with external alignments... 21:20:37 ...import the ontologies that are alsigned... 21:20:39 this is also how we do it in GeoLink 21:20:46 q? 21:20:48 armin: questions? 21:20:50 q+ 21:21:14 armin: to clarify: all the differnt turtles are separate files? 21:21:22 maxime: yes they are different 21:21:53 armin:so this would allow us to have differnt files for differrnt modules with /uris to point to different moduels to differnt files 21:21:59 armin: so modules are still on the table, right? 21:22:00 q+ 21:22:05 q- 21:22:14 q+ 21:22:16 ack roba 21:22:20 rob: 3 questions 21:22:41 roba: when u redirect to a file why not the #identified in the file? 21:22:50 maxime: yes, we well have to do this 21:23:16 ... if i got to any there is no # and I just target the top of the html element 21:23:32 roba: # based urls, not uris 21:24:06 ... if we look at ontologies of sensor types they will not be in onel place... wwhat is the implication for large ontologies? 21:24:17 ...can the nodes of a federation do something like this? 21:24:24 s/onel/one 21:24:29 maxime: do you mean namespaces with multiple hosts? 21:24:37 s/wwhat/what 21:24:58 roba: what is mimimum for compatibility 21:25:07 ....the nevery host will need its own implementation choices 21:25:08 ...what behvaious is epcified? 21:25:16 maxime: "cooluris" does this 21:25:40 https://www.w3.org/TR/cooluris/ 21:26:07 roba: is this necessary and sufficient? 21:26:08 q? 21:26:21 maxime: er a re working on some lists of classes of sensor 21:26:40 ... if someone wants to create some new resouces e.g. new subclass of a sensor 21:26:41 s/er a re/we are 21:26:58 roba: has an alternative model with demonstrate 21:27:14 q- 21:27:24 ack kerry 21:28:03 kerry: the old ssn follows the cool URI approach. What were you referring to? 21:28:33 the issue was the content-disposition - so that you get a nice download name 21:28:36 maxime: Old SSN does not have any modules. 21:29:46 maxime: if I go to the URI of SSN I don't get what I want 21:29:53 I don't want to take any more time on this tech issue in this call, but would like to ask (1.) is Content-Disposition a new HTTP header (2.) when you say the property URI (a slash URI I think) is "not on the web" what do you mean? if it resolves to something on the web, then it looks like it is indeed "on the web" 21:30:14 e.g. the browser could offer for a file called Ontology.rdf using content-disposition a nicer filename such as SSN-Ontology-1.0.rdf 21:30:19 Lovely demo , btw 21:30:28 q? 21:31:28 armin: an idea now on how we want to implement 21:31:41 topic: https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/SSN_Tasks#Implementation_requirements_for_Rec-Track_document 21:31:50 ...follw up on email list 21:32:25 ...asking for commtments to implementations of new and changed terms 21:32:35 ...we have 3 options 21:33:14 ...we can have modules and extensions in rec track do as non-nornative or in a separate note or in ful rec track normative 21:33:15 What does 'implementation' mean? 21:33:25 q+ 21:33:34 q- 21:33:44 ......as long as we have a redirect from old terms to new terms we can use the old implementations 21:33:50 +1 21:34:00 ... e.g. phenomenon time that is not in ssn 21:34:08 as we have equivalence relations with the old ssn concepts 21:34:16 .... no qequivalent relation, we would need to show an implelentation 21:34:25 q+ 21:34:26 ...who would show this? 21:34:34 q? 21:34:34 ...please say if you can 21:34:40 I can do some work 21:34:45 [some yeses] 21:34:45 Could we clarify a bit more what this would take? 21:34:52 ack SimonCox 21:34:55 I can do some work 21:35:00 SimonCox: what does implementation mean? 21:35:16 It means prior use, right? 21:35:19 q+ 21:35:23 +1 for the Simon question 21:35:28 q+ 21:35:34 q+ 21:35:39 q+ 21:35:41 ack kerry 21:36:39 I think this is about semantics. there is the 'implementation' in terms of coding the SSN/SOSA and the 'implementation' in terms of showing prior use 21:36:41 q+ 21:37:13 ack roba 21:38:08 roba: if inferences in an existing implementation still work after changes, that I would see as evidence 21:38:15 Unfortunately, this cannot be shown in general but only by specific use cases 21:38:17 ack maxime 21:38:43 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdw-wg/2016Oct/0031.html 21:38:49 no, impossible 21:38:55 q? 21:39:05 q+ 21:39:27 armin... this would change to the new ssn and show that all the old classes still work 21:39:34 maxime: agree as long as inferences work in existing implementation. 21:39:40 maxime: agrees: redirection will not be possible here 21:39:43 ack KJanowic 21:39:54 KJanowic: 2 things, the term implementation has 2 flavours 21:40:05 ... 1 is the actual coding 21:40:16 ....2 is showing in prior use 21:40:25 .... these are confused. 21:40:33 s/..../... 21:40:38 ...when it comes to entialment we cannot show this execpet for some use cases 21:40:39 s/..../... 21:40:52 s/entialment/entailment 21:40:55 q? 21:40:59 ...we can not do it in general becuase if we remove 500 classes as in dul we cannot show this 21:41:15 phila: apologies for voice problems 21:41:29 ...so I hear my name about what implementation means 21:41:59 In ORG document there is an Annex which tabulates a number of implementations. 21:42:21 ...dcat and org ontology and rdf datacube have implementation reports 21:42:25 So, prior use, right? 21:42:31 e.g. https://www.w3.org/2011/gld/wiki/ORG_Implementations 21:42:33 ...show you term by term whether an app has used this term 21:42:52 q+ 21:42:56 .... if u report you used it we will beleive it...can you find running software that makes some use of each term 21:43:00 s/agrees: redirection will not be possible here/one would just need to change the owl:import axiom, and any inference that was possible before would still be possible thanks to the equivalence relations 21:43:07 ..in at least 2 pieces of independent software 21:43:20 ...underlying idea is do you have classes that are genuinely useufl] 21:43:27 s/../... 21:43:35 ...eveidence that you are doing somethinh useful is the big thing 21:43:45 q? 21:43:56 q+ 21:44:00 ...given that you have some legacy, if the old namespace wroks then we are ok 21:44:05 s/eveidence/evidence 21:44:12 ...you can propbaly adduce that evidence into the argument 21:44:18 So old SSN and O7m count as pior work, i.e., implementation, right? 21:44:27 armin: that pretty much covers the case for the unchanged terms 21:44:29 s/wroks/works/ 21:44:45 s/07m/O&M 21:44:46 ...anyone would just need to cvhange the import to the new namespace 21:44:56 q? 21:45:04 ack kerry 21:45:19 kerry: has capacity march next year 21:45:30 ...want to know who has the capacity to implement ? 21:45:34 q+ 21:45:37 q? 21:45:38 ack KJanowic 21:46:15 KJanowic: this depends on whther we havea problem ..."demonstrating priir use" by use somewhere else before 21:46:29 kerry: no! clearly not. 21:46:36 s/whther/whether 21:46:43 s/havea/have a 21:46:51 KJanowic: so this is easy eg. using o&M implementations 21:47:01 s/priir/prior 21:47:05 q? 21:47:29 phila: purl .org is up and running so you can redirect and use the old namespace -- that will work 21:47:50 s/purl .org/purl.org 21:47:58 q? 21:48:06 phil: are u suggesting that lots of use cases for a partiular term will be taken as use cases? that will not work, must be a term in the software 21:48:17 KJanowic: so it can't be a dataset? 21:48:25 phila: yes data is fine too! 21:48:32 ahaller: it can be a dataset, but it must use the URI that we define 21:48:34 q+ 21:48:34 q? 21:48:38 ack maxime 21:48:43 this is fantastic news 21:49:03 maxime: question: phil is it possible to change the redicrection of the old namespace to the new one 21:49:25 q+ 21:49:52 phila: yes, purl.org has been restored and you can redirect. we only need to redirect that namespace to the w3.org/ns namespace with a note that explains the redicrection 21:49:59 ...was not possible 2 weks ago 21:50:16 s/weks/weeks 21:50:45 roba has joined #sdwssn 21:51:00 q? 21:51:04 phila: with the caveat that I am not certain due to mobile phone, yes 21:51:29 21:51:35 s/lease/please/ 21:51:53 s/lease/please 21:52:01 phila:the bits of software need to be independent -- by 2 separate organisations. 21:52:14 s/phila:/phila: 21:52:22 ...what does happen is a telephne call with chairs editors and director and the director makes a judgement 21:52:27 q+ 21:52:44 ....if a term is implemented only once it would be looked at sceptically, it would be helpful if there are others 21:52:55 ...you need 2 independet implementations 21:53:08 q? 21:53:11 ack DanhLePhuoc 21:53:19 ...one term with only one im might be ok, but not half the ontology 21:53:36 q? 21:53:43 ack kerry 21:55:12 +q 21:55:55 kerry: proposes a survey of old implementations and the terms 21:56:37 +1 to kerry, this cannot be done 21:57:03 q+ 21:57:21 kerry: KJanowic thinks that terms that are implemented in O&M spec are sufficient, it is not ok, it has to use the namespace 21:57:34 hmmm 21:57:37 ack ahaller 21:57:58 armin, I would just need 30 sec 21:58:11 ahaller back to who can implelement? 21:58:15 I commit to implement some of that work 21:58:24 ahaller: I can do soemethin with acorn-sat 21:58:24 ack KJanowic 21:58:45 KJanowic: back to o&M stuff if we ppropose new terms then we do not have a namesapce 21:58:56 ...software I have wriiten is ok roight/ 21:59:06 s/roight/right 21:59:18 phila: maybe... a bit dodgy.... even better is someeone who is not a member of the grop 21:59:44 KJanowic: say the most basic "sensor" we only have to show there is some real software the namespace does not matter 21:59:54 proposed structure for the wiki page that lists the existing implementattions of ssn: 22:00:09 a) softwares that consume ssn terms 22:00:10 phila: no. you need to use the namespace. you cannot point to someon's iot sustem that has an "actuator' with no connection to ssn 22:00:19 b) softwares that produce ssn terms 22:00:24 s/soemethin with acorn-sat/soemethin with acorn-sat in collaboration with the BoM 22:00:31 c) datasets that use ssn terms 22:00:41 phila: you put the term in now and you ask for implementations in CR phae 22:00:41 q? 22:00:45 s/pha/phase/ 22:00:52 q+ 22:00:59 ack DanhLePhuoc 22:01:00 ..you just have to prove that the new features work 22:01:15 DanhLePhuoc: has capacity to implement some terms 22:01:17 DanhLePhuoc: can also implement , but do not yet know the new list! 22:01:21 q? 22:01:22 q+ 22:01:28 ack SimonCox 22:01:36 SimonCox: is now confused 22:01:39 Happy to implement as well 22:02:00 ... if the old ssn is prereq then what is staus of old ssn? 22:02:22 phila: current ontology is result of community group 22:02:34 .... process of working group us taking this to full status 22:02:57 ... if any existing terms are deprecated but not deleted ... we will confer formal status 22:03:15 SimonCox: so changing the semantics in subtle ways ? 22:03:37 +1 22:03:43 q? 22:03:46 phila: caution against subtle changes --- if you change the meaning do you break stuff? If you break stuff then be very careful 22:04:13 ack kerry 22:04:32 I have to leave now ... 22:04:44 armin: summarises 22:05:13 i can implement the SOSA core part 22:05:20 armin: please look at table as we will need implementations of sos core or will need to be non-normative 22:05:27 ...no time for 3rd agenda item. 22:05:39 bye bye 22:05:41 ..thanks to all! 22:05:44 bye! 22:05:50 rrsagent, draft minites 22:05:50 I'm logging. I don't understand 'draft minites', kerry. Try /msg RRSAgent help 22:05:51 RRSAgent, draft minutes 22:05:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/10/11-sdwssn-minutes.html ahaller2 22:05:57 rrsagent, draft minutes 22:05:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/10/11-sdwssn-minutes.html kerry 22:06:06 rrsagent, make logs public 22:06:22 bye! 22:31:55 ahaller2 has joined #sdwssn