16:00:38 RRSAgent has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 16:00:38 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/09/30-wpay-digitaloffers-irc 16:01:35 alyver has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 16:01:43 present+ Linda 16:01:46 dezell has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 16:01:46 present+ Brian 16:01:49 present+ Dezell 16:01:52 present+ Ian 16:02:00 present+ Andre 16:02:18 regrets+ Manu 16:02:21 regrets+ Joerg 16:04:27 ed_ has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 16:04:32 present+ Ed 16:06:06 IJ: Summary: 16:06:20 - take into account any IG comments from Lisbon in our discussion points 16:06:36 ACTION: David to review minutes to see what changes are necessary to discussion points 16:07:01 - Continue to reach out to people to socialize the points and charter and get them prepared to join 16:07:08 (e.g., get a w3c account) 16:07:16 - Launching the CG is easy; Ian can do that part. 16:09:02 ACTION: Ian to draft email to send to people on 10 October when the community exists 16:10:18 https://www.w3.org/2016/09/22-wpay-minutes.html#item02 16:12:42 https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Main_Page/Loyalty2016/Charter 16:38:59 Action: linda to write an email to the TF: 16:39:04 - Canceling 7 Oct meeting 16:39:13 - Asking for feedback on charter by 6 Oct 16:39:42 - Any other comments on the discussion points by 6 Oct 16:39:54 - Ian will manage the CG launch 16:40:12 - ..there will be a draft email to send to people we've reach out to that people should send after CG launch 16:40:55 - Ian will name Linda and Joerg co-Chairs once they have joined 16:42:30 - We will use the first few weeks of the CG to encourage people to join 16:44:50 - Ian or the co-chairs will do a blog post to make clear on the CG home page that we plan to organize a first call on 4 November at noon ET 16:45:39 rather: 4 Nov at 11am ET 16:47:04 On 31 October, Linda will send call information to the (future) CG's public mailing list announcing the call time and logistics. 16:47:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/30-wpay-digitaloffers-minutes.html Ian 16:47:49 Topic: Early running of the CG 16:47:52 Agenda items: 16:47:57 - Review the mission of the group 16:48:31 - Copy the draft charter into the CG's wiki / blog and ask people to review it 16:49:30 - Ask people to review the discussion points and, e.g., rank them, ask questions 16:49:54 - Participation 16:50:09 - Comms efforts? 16:50:27 ...tweeting, events, etc. 16:50:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/30-wpay-digitaloffers-minutes.html Ian 16:51:50 actions? 16:53:59 alyver has left #wpay-digitaloffers 16:54:13 Chair: Linda 16:54:19 Meeting: Digital Offers Task Force 16:54:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/30-wpay-digitaloffers-minutes.html Ian 18:38:26 Zakim has left #wpay-digitaloffers