Education and Outreach Working Group Teleconference

23 Sep 2016


Co-chair Brent Bakken being in transit, Shawn led the weekly meeting. EO heard updates from RMs on the following:

  1. Easy Checks: Caleb reported that while there had been discussion of next steps to take the EC to the next level, the current priotity is to address all known issues and get the reosurce out of draft status. To that end, he has relied on Shadi's guidance for making decisions, and Shawn's support on the timeline. Is nearly ready to bring the current draft for group review but asked for discussion on his rewrite of the proposed section on blinking/flashing content. On the call, everyone agreed that the move to include impact on additional disability groups and to simplify the references was a good direction. EO will expect to soon reveiw the completed updates for final approval to publish (without Draft status).
  2. Policies related to Web Accessibility: MaryJo reveiwed the status of the current policy page - outdated info and broken links abound. She has studied the approach and proposes to streamline and simplify how the material is organized, presented, and maintained. The sortable table that she has developed as a prototype was considered by the group and suggestions were offered for notification when policy updates are made and how that is maintained. MaryJo asked EO to consider her questions and send comments to maryjom at us dot ibm dot com. Please copy wai-eo-editors@w3.org.
  3. WAI site top tasks: Chris and Joy reported tht their review of top task survey results from years previous was unsatisfying and suggested to cull the list and do another survey. EO agreed that would be useful and so Chris and Joy will make a curated list on the wiki using Joy's updated language.
  4. Presentations and Training: Andrew provided a link to his work analyzing existing pages, reveiwing WAI resources created over the past 4-5 years, highlighting things that should be included and making decisions on how to reference draft tutorials and other tricky questions. Expects to have more direction established within the next fortnight or so
Shawn then wrapped up the meeting with a reminder to join Thursday planning call when you have substantial updates; check minutes when you miss meetings; ask for GitHub guidance if/when you need it; and update availability for teleconferences and F2F - the one in November in Colorado is confirmed. Thanks all, have a good weekend.



Howard, Laura, Andrew, Shawn, Sharron, Caleb, MaryJo, Susan, Chris, Joy, EricE, James
Brent, Denis, Sylvie, AnnaBelle


Easy Checks update

Caleb: progress on listed issues, following Shadi's guidance he has given me a good model for how to make decisions.

Caleb: Current issue is the flashing section. There is a need to make the intro more helpful and I have made some edits to the original draft.

<shawn> New Check - Flashing & Blinking

<shawn> Based on the feedback it sounds like this might be the consensus for the intro paragraph:

<shawn> "People with photosensitive seizure disorders can experience a seizure if web content flashes at them within specific parameters. Flashing or moving content can also cause difficulties for people with attention or visual processing disabilities. This will be a problem only if all of the following are true:"

Caleb: consensus seemed to be that there was a requirement to add beyond the seizure issue to other cognitive disabilites that might be affected.
... please read through, let me know if you agree with this and if so, document in survey.
... issue also was do we need to recognize that some of this is very specific to the fact that we are no longer in the desktop only world. There was discussion about leaving off the detailed porportional discussion to simplify.

Chris: Yes, the math of it doesn't matter to the designer, just want the way around it.

<yatil> +1 to simplify this topic. It is so complicated in WCAG. If they really need it, look there.

Andrew: My experience is similar once designers know the issue, they are ususally happy to find another way to have the effect they are looking for.

Caleb: any strong counter feelings?
... ok if not I will make the suggestion in the survey and hope you will go on record with it.

Shawn: any other comments on anything else?
... seeing none, Caleb what is the update on the timeline?

Caleb: I am working with Shawn to close out issues and make pull requests. Should be ready to publish within four weeks or sooner.

<yatil> We just have to make sure that the group has the opportunity to do a full review of the changes and approve it :-)

Shawn: Have also talked about next steps and doing more with this. But have committed to doing the minimum to take draft off of this and happy with how it is proceeding.

Update on Policies related to Web Accessibility

Shawn: it is a high priority issue and Mary Jo is doing a great job on analyzing and proposing the approach.

MaryJo: The policies page is a list of world wide policies on web accessibility. Content is quite quite old, very outdated. The first priority si to get that updated with today's actual policies. Next is a look at what is in progress and when information is meant to be updated, can vcall attention to that.
... level of info on different countries is inconsistent, many irrelvant extra articles, adds to the length of th page without adding value. My thought is to remove that extraneous info. Marking which are voluntary and which are required. There is some difficulty with that, since it is not always clear what wil trigger lawsuits.

<shawn> proposal attached to https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-eo/2016JulSep/0037.html

MaryJo: some have actual penalties. In my opinion the navigation is wonky, takes up a lot of space. Please look at word doc, proposed to put ToC on left. To get the navigation out of the way and minimize the additional length added.
... Shawn and Shadi looked at this proposal and gave me additional feedback on what I am proposing. Some of the feedback I would like the opinion of the group.
... for example, I have listed individual countries within the EU even though there will be EU regulation, we do not know the timeline for countries to adopt the EU Guidelines and so I think it is important to retain the individual country status.
... questions about the disclaimer. Seems like there is too much general info before you get to what you are looking for. I would like group input on that.
... on second page I have added definitions, Shawn prefers the word "terms," but we need some precision. Please let me know if you have a preference. The word 'terms' can be easily misused. Understand that we need to be as precise as possible when talking about this so you can determine what is required by law and distinguish from policy. Even though policy itself is most often not law, it usually leads to the development of laws.
... this table then is meant to provide an easy way to compare and contrast.

Andrew: You mentioned trying to minimize additional material. One of the issues for us in the Australian government is the clarification of the fact that WCAG2 has been been picked up in additional notes etc, rather than in the legislation itself since our DDA predated the web. Also, rather than making the user go and dig around themselves, it is useful to provide here if easy to do. Also, you mentioned EU and the individual countries, and I agree that many will have their own legislation that must be recognized and documented. Also, you split law and legislation as terms and here in Australia we use them interchangably.

Shawn: It sounds like Andrew is suggesting that some of that additional material is needed or useful.

<shawn> Andrew: It looks like EU is a country and the counties are states under that - and that might not sit well with some.

MaryJo: Later on as we implement the new pages, I think we can make some determinations but many of the links are broken and want to also minimize maintainance since it is often the case that the external links will go away over time.

Shawn: Need to be sure we are not doing any interpretation of the regulations but sticking to the facts. This is an important approach which MaryJo seems to have well in hand. Also there is the idea of listing countries under the subheading of the EU. We need to understand the pros and cons of doing this and consider all POVs in making a decision about it.

MaryJo: any other questions?
... OK the table is not populated with accurate info yet, just wanted to show how it is meant to present itself and function. One of my goals is not to require horizontal scrolling and another is to have only the most useful info.
... type of law, inclusive of web only or broader, specific to WCAG version and level, derivitative or as-is, and status since some of the listings will be ones that are proposed or in progress.
... if we have a sortable table, this will be most helpful. I tried to think of ways that I might use it myself and how I would want it to be.

Sharron: +1 to quite useful

Andres: I find it quite useful. Only other thought was to add a reference to the scope of the policy in each country cited - such as who is subject to the law, is it regulation or policy (eg govt only or whole economy - govt, private, NGO, etc)?

Susan: Defintely like the idea of the table, need a bit of definition between the update column and the status columns?

MaryJo: When new information is added, it is called out specifically so that people who have internal responsiblility to their companies they can let them know what has changed.

Susan: New to the country or are we just letting people know that we (EO) has added new info.

MaryJo: Was hoping to use a "new" icon or something to let people know what it means. Or perhaps a definition.
... will make it very clear that what new or update means in this context.

<Andrew> need to beware of icons and lack of universality

MaryJo: Another question is if we do choose to make a note that something is new, how long does that status hold? Would like your thoughts on that as well.

<chris_langston> +1 to the maintenance issue, since it's likely to need updating semi-frequently

Laura: I like the table, wonder about maintenence and invite you to look at congress.gov for tracking current legistation.

Shawn: We would want to define how long it will be there and then have it programmatically maintained. May also provide notification of updates (maybe tweet, email, etc) that people could subscribe to.
... if we do that, will we not need to have the notification marked out in the page itself?

Chris: who visits this site? do we know in terms of their professional role? Who is looking for this level of detail?

Shawn: It is the target audience = policy makers, managers, etc Devs are secondary. We have lots already telling us they wish it had been updated a long time ago.

Sharron Yes, many people inlcuding software vendors really want and need this. Greatly appreciate you coming along to help MaryJo, excellent work!

MaryJo: I need a page like this at IBM and it is hard to difficult to find the info on my own when I only speak English

<shawn> ... Idea of update mailing list good -- but might also want the info on the page

Andrew: Periodically this comes up in diplomatic briefings and they need to know what the policy is in a place they are traveling to.

Shawn: Would be good to build the structure and format and use our contacts in various countries to update.

<yatil> +1 shawn

MaryJo: I have links to relevant documents - government websites rather than supportive articles - if guvs have written articles, I have inlcuded those as well. Any initial thoughts or feedback on that?

Sharron: I agree this is the reight direction. I appreciate Andrew's reminder that the articles provide some degree of efficiency for people looking for supporting documentation, but would strongly encourage that we steer away from that and include only the most definitive government issued information.

<shawn> [ Shawn notes that "scope" here is web or other -- whereas Andrew mentioned a different scope (govt, public, etc.) ]

Shawn: One of the things that MJ added was the Type, thought how super helpful and handy that is. Must also make sure that assignment of type is not interpretive and once that is ironed out it will be great.

<yatil> +1 types useful but to keep it simple :-)

<shawn> +1 for careful checking of info before publishing

Andrew: The announcement by the minister was related to an Australian standard that will be adopted by the government. EN301549 in AU. Thihs is an example of we should be sure to check with our local sources as we add updates, etc. Do we want to announce country's intentions or only what is in place?

<shawn> +1 that there is an issue of *when* to list potentially new stuff

MaryJo: Yes important to consider.
... and I know they take a long time. So do we want to give people heads up that there is an intention stated?
... example of 508
... Just looking for feedback on the way to present new information rather than the specific content at this time.

Andrew: This is something I work on and have felt very strongly through the years, feel free to contact and I will support this as much as I can.

MaryJo: So I am creating a template and then a form to allow updates to be posted by local experts, authorities to do it. Thinking next about the submission form and how it could facilatate the establishment and maintentnce of accurate, useful information.
... would appreciate any addiitonal comment or questions. Happy to have your input and welcome your comments as you review this.

<maryjom> Send any comments to maryjom@us.ibm.com

<shawn> and CC: wai-eo-editors@w3.org

Shawn: and please copy wai-eo-editors so it is recorded.
... for next teps, maybe you want to take these comments, mine and Brents and Andrew's and make the next draft to put into the survey.
... any other comments for MaryJo?

<yatil> [Well done, MaryJo. Well done, Caleb.]

Update on WAI site top tasks

Chris: Looking at task list from before. Did not realize how dated and so wondering if it is even useful or accurate? Maybe we need a new round of data gathering to determine that.
... scored the existing table to find a list of priorities based on this old survey. Can make decisions based on this or take new survey. Not surprised to see that #1 was need an overview...no real surprises.
... however a few other thing were suggested that had no responses at all, no one was interested at the time and may be more interested now. Mobile for example is not included at all.

<shawn> +1 for needing new tasks

Andrew: Can we look at your compilation and process before we comment?

<shawn> list is at: https://github.com/w3c/wai-website-design/issues/13

<James> +1 To Shawn

Chris: OK can post but really worry about using 11 year old data to make decisons.

<Laura> +1

Shawn: My guess is that everyone agrees. What we offer has drastically changed as well as the web itself.

Chris: OK so I will build a new survey based on group feedback and do a proper scoring, get a better sense.

Joy: I am hoping you are suggesting a list that includes some of the things Shawn sent.
... the 55 that are here do not include mobile etc.

Chris: Yes, suggest that we scratch some of these and add mobile and other considerations. It was interesting to see what people wanted.

Shawn: So we need an updated list and then rate it. In GitHub or wiki?

Chris: an open google doc?

Joy: limited success for me on google doc.

<Laura> +1 to wiki page

<Susan> was about to say the same as Joy re: google docs

<shawn> Andrew: wiki easy

<shawn> Sharron: why not rate the existing questions?

Andrew: The wiki could work, look back through wai ig for what they have asked for.

<shawn> Chris: too open. come up with curated list on our own

Shawn: So will make curated list on the wiki.
... use Joy's updated language

Presentations and Training

<shawn> https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Presentations-Training-updates

Andrew: I have a link to current work pulling things together, going through WAI resources created over the past 4-5 years to make a list of what needs to be incorporated.
... highlighting the ones that need to be included. In the next fortnight or so will have questions like how to reference draft tutorials etc.
... should have more within near future.


Shawn: reminder to join Thursday planning call when you have substantial updates. If you missed last week, make sure to check minutes. GitHub guidance and more. F2F in Colorado is confirmed. Please update availability.
... will define agenda based on who is available.
... for W4TW look at EasyChecks work in GitHub, no need to wait for the survey.
... policies we will see when we get that but not likely to be in the survey this week. May not have a survey until early next week.

Shawn: definitely plenty to do, thanks for your time. See you next week.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/09/28 11:17:14 $