14:04:48 RRSAgent has joined #auto-wcag 14:04:48 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/09/08-auto-wcag-irc 14:05:15 meeting: WCAG Accessibility Conformance Testing (ACT) Task Force 14:05:20 chair: Wilco 14:05:24 scribe: Shadi 14:06:16 cpandhi has joined #auto-wcag 14:06:49 present: Wilco_Fiers, Alistair_Garrison, Charu_pandhi, Jon_Gunderson, Mike_Scott, Rob_Fentress 14:07:25 present+ shadi 14:08:21 present+ Charu Pandhi 14:09:48 Lori Lane 14:09:52 Mike Scott 14:10:02 present+ Lori_Lane 14:10:19 present+ David_ONeill 14:10:56 Robert Fentress, Virginia Tech, Senior Accessibility Solutions Designer 14:11:13 1) Tooling introduction next week 14:11:17 present+ Katie_Haritos-Shea 14:11:24 Ryladog has joined #auto-wcag 14:11:31 Topic: Tooling Introduction Next Week 14:11:44 Present+ Katie_Haritos-Shea 14:11:47 Wilco: task force tools setup 14:12:06 ...want to have a call next week to introduce new participants to these tools 14:12:29 Sorry I will be on a plane at that time 14:13:00 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/ 14:13:10 rdeltour has joined #auto-wcag 14:13:27 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/ 14:13:49 shadi: please see the information on the conformanc etesting homepage 14:14:13 present+ Romain_Deltour 14:14:24 Lori has joined #auto-wcag 14:14:25 mikescott has joined #auto-wcag 14:14:32 david has joined #auto-wcag 14:14:34 ) Meeting time for ACT TF 14:14:51 Topic: Meeting Time for ACT TF 14:15:04 Wilco: plan is to have weekly meetings for ACT TF 14:15:12 ...need to determine possible times 14:15:28 ...either Thursday at this time, or same time on Wednesday 14:15:49 ...preference for Wednesday, to avoid rescheduling auto-WCAG 14:16:08 Katie: Wednesday works for me 14:16:25 Rob: when is auto-WCAG? 14:16:27 Wednesday +1 14:16:31 Wilco: at this time 14:16:57 Jon: can you describe the relationship between auto-WCAG and ACT TF? 14:17:13 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/ 14:17:40 Wilco: ACT TF will focus on standardizing the format of test rules 14:17:58 ...and auto-WCAG will continue to develop test rules according to that new standard 14:18:14 Rob: so auto-WCAG will develop a tool? 14:18:26 Wilco: no, the rules that get implemented by tools 14:18:45 Rob: how is that different to ACT TF? 14:19:01 Wilco: auto-WCAG writes the tools, ACT TF standardizes the format 14:22:46 Shadi: output of ACT TF is a standard of the rule format and the benchmark requirements 14:23:07 ...and output of auto-WCAG is a repository of test rules 14:23:30 ...those that pass the benchmark will be marked as such 14:23:48 Wilco: back to agenda - hearing no objections to Wednesday 14:23:52 Charu: fine for me 14:24:00 David: fine too 14:24:04 Lori: fine too 14:24:12 Romain: probably fine too 14:24:41 3) Sign up for ACT TF: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/participation 14:24:44 RESOLUTION: ACT TF will meet Wednesday from end-September onwards 14:24:51 Topic: Sign-Up for ACT TF 14:25:11 Wilco: need to register for ACT TF 14:26:00 shadi: the act tf will be a taskforce of the wcag wg, who are responsible for the standardization. they will do the validation and vatting to ensure uniform interpretations 14:26:27 ... the work will start very soon. If you want to participate, you need to join WCAG WG 14:26:41 ... there are different procedures if you work for a w3c member organization or you don't 14:26:45 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/ 14:27:02 ... on the homepage of the act tf there is information, go to 'how to participate'. there is a link to wcag wg participation 14:27:30 ... if you work for a w3c member, your ac rep need to asign you to the working group. You need to let Shadi know that you want to join 14:27:50 ... also let the chairs of the wcag wg know if you only want to participate in the taskforce 14:28:08 ... if you are not from a w3c member org, there is a procedure for invited experts 14:28:22 ... this is reviewed case by case, depending on what organization you are from 14:29:02 ... We will move all activities to the ACT TF, and auto-wcag will only keep working on test rules. 14:29:17 ... You are welcome to participate in both groups. 14:29:55 David: Do I need to reapply as a invited expert? 14:30:04 shadi: I'll need to check 14:30:23 shadi: Let us look separately 14:30:59 Charu: I have to get internal permission internally as well 14:31:41 shadi: if you have any questions please email me 14:32:04 rob: question, the auto-wcag group is a CG, and it does not go through the same process 14:32:06 shadi: yes 14:33:07 shadi: depending on your organization, you may need permission, but anyone can join a community group. It is much more open and easy to get involved 14:33:18 ... we want to do the rule development in that group 14:33:50 Wilco: several people not on the call 14:34:00 ...can I send them the links 14:34:16 Ryladog_ has joined #auto-wcag 14:34:18 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/#contribute 14:34:55 4) TPAC meeting: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/wiki/Face-to-Face_Meetings 14:34:57 Shadi: suggest that link from the homepage 14:35:06 Topic: TPAC Meeting 14:35:15 no 14:35:36 Alistair: not attending in-person 14:36:36 Wilco: goal is to work on the requirements document 14:37:00 regrets, conflict with usbln conference 14:38:07 shadi: TPAC is from the 19th to the 23rd of september, you can still join until tomorrow 14:38:25 ... This is an informal meeting to interact with the WCAG WG to get the group started 14:38:40 ... We'll work on the requirements to help kickstart the work 14:38:58 ... there will be remote participation for ACT participants 14:39:23 Topic: User Stories 14:39:28 5) User stories: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/wiki/User_stories 14:40:21 Wilco: approach to help evolve the requirements 14:40:31 ...grouped user stories into specific groups 14:41:21 [Wilco walks through the document] 14:42:44 David: like the approach and categorization 14:42:54 ...just nit-pick on #7 14:43:11 ...think policy makers often don't get to that level of detail implied 14:43:46 ...likely will refer to a body of work that their team is allowed or encouraged to use 14:43:57 Katie: can leave it as-is 14:44:12 ...but rephrase a "QA-lead following a policy" 14:44:26 ...or such 14:44:44 David: agree with Katie 14:45:36 ...this work relates to policy but not policy 14:45:47 ...agree that QA is where rubber will hit the road 14:46:06 Wilco: agree, QA-lead is that I was thinking about 14:46:21 Katie: but ensure to say "following a policy" 14:46:31 ...QA lead not typically write policy 14:46:46 David: mention of policy important, though 14:46:55 ...want to encourage use of repository 14:47:14 Alistair: this group is not designed to do that 14:47:33 ...it is this group plus auto-WCAG 14:47:48 ...suggest to drop out what is not being done by ACT TF 14:48:08 Katie: think keep together 14:48:24 ...large organizations will be thinking "what is the least I could do" 14:48:46 Alistair: need to decide which tests are good or bad 14:48:49 q+ 14:49:15 ...repository open to any contribution 14:49:28 ...concerned about watch-keeping 14:49:49 Wilco: put this in because expected this discussion 14:49:57 ...want to clarify scope 14:50:21 ...repository will be developed by ACT but who will maintain it is still open 14:50:35 q+ 14:50:42 ...will decide which get included and which not 14:51:00 ...will need at least a set of acceptance criteria to get to REC 14:51:15 ...need to figure how to maintain that repository 14:51:30 Alistair: did not realize that this is part of ACT 14:51:52 ack jon 14:52:13 Jon: had trouble with Techniques on which ones get in and which not 14:52:25 ...some get left out for whatever reason 14:52:35 ...hope that there will be a clear process 14:52:43 q- 14:52:55 ...to ensure transparency and reduce frustration 14:53:16 q+ 14:53:17 ...also to know which kind of rules should be submitted and which not 14:53:58 Wilco: looking at how this is done for Techniques will be important 14:54:06 ...will come later down the road 14:54:08 ack al 14:54:20 i need to leave a little early 14:54:22 Alistair: still concerned about scalability 14:54:46 ...took me a year to get a Technique accepted 14:54:55 ...lots of discussion 14:54:59 q+ 14:55:14 ...didn't realize we are going to vet rules 14:55:36 Wilco: not sure we will come up with a set that is definitive 14:55:50 ...but have a benchmarking deliverable 14:56:04 ...still have to figure out exactly how 14:56:17 ...will need to consider implementation time 14:56:34 ...also manage the quantity of rules 14:56:58 Alistair: talking about industry consortium rather than W3C group 14:57:05 Wilco: don't see why 14:57:35 Alistair: because knock-effect on entire industry 14:57:54 Wilco: again, manufacturers can go beyond 14:58:08 ...this is a minimum set that we all agree on 14:58:27 ...document these agreed rules in a repository 14:58:31 q- 14:58:34 q+ 14:58:41 q- 14:58:46 ack cp 14:59:14 Charu: reiterated that ACT will deliver framework, benchmark, and repository 14:59:33 ...repository includes test rules developed by auto-WCAG 14:59:57 Wilco: rules in the repository is at least test rules we agree on 15:00:33 ....figure out how to maintain ACT after we've solved the acceptance 15:00:54 Charu: trying to understand the relationship to auto-WCAG 15:01:21 Wilco: auto-WCAG writing rules but rules can come from other organizations as well 15:01:35 Topic: Closure 15:01:56 Wilco: please use Discussion Page to comment on these 15:02:27 Shadi: need to join ACT TF 15:02:41 Rob: next auto-WCAG meeting? 15:03:02 Wilco: 29 September 15:03:10 ...same time 15:03:37 Wilco: next ACT TF meeting next Thursday same time 15:26:24 shadi_ has joined #auto-wcag 16:30:56 rrsagent, make logs world 16:31:02 rrsagent, make minutes 16:31:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/08-auto-wcag-minutes.html shadi_ 16:31:21 rrsagent, bye 16:31:21 I see no action items