See also: IRC log
<scribe> scribe: Janina
rs: We've been ending early
... Much of our current work in subteams
... Any objection to reducing our call to 1 hour?
[people agreeing--no one disagreeing]
<ShaneM> +1
<clown> +1
mc: Suggest we should put out an announcement
rs: So, cut up front? Or at the end?
jd: Believe we may need the full
1.5 hours when we get to ARIA 2.0
... Suggest we start as now, but just adjourn early
rs: OK.
mc: People need to know to update calendars.
<ShaneM> I don't care personally - whichever
rs: We'll move to 1 hour, and try to keep it there.
RESOLUTION: ARIA telecon will continue to begin at 12:30 Boston, but end in 1 hour
jn: This takes a 2 hour block, because corporate meetings are based on the hour
RESOLUTION: Meeting will begin at 13:00 Boston
rs: We have outstanding issues, some of which haven't been examined in some time
<jamesn> +1 to having all issues in 1 place
rs: Should we move from tracker to github going forward?
clown: Trackbot has some good commands integrated into irc
mc: That's why we didn't move
... If we move, we will lose the integration--though creating
irc support should be possible
mk: Suggest just using tags
... I really like github milestones. Tracker doesn't have
anything like that
Oops. I've lost audio HELP!
<ShaneM> ACTION: ShaneM to write an IRC bot that will query github [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2115 - Write an irc bot that will query github [on Shane McCarron - due 2016-09-15].
rs: Suggest we might want to start by migrating ARIA 2 issues
<JF> +1 to staqrting at ARIA 2.0
rs: I'd like to start tiraging 2 issues during TPAC
mc: Another question on github
... Do we want an email list link for github
+1 to email link
mk: Do we want conversations logged for archival reasons?
mc: A subject of much discussion--but unresolved still
<ShaneM> +1 to having the issues sent to a (separate) mailing list
<Zakim> ShaneM, you wanted to mention that web payments does it with a separate mailing list for the issue relay
<ShaneM> ACTION: ShaneM to figure out how github issue relaying works for webpayments [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2116 - Figure out how github issue relaying works for webpayments [on Shane McCarron - due 2016-09-15].
mc: When to transition?
rs: ARIA 2
... Let's triage first, then move to github
mc: Still good to have a target
rs: Year's end
rs: Prefers Web Platforms
... Think we have a decision
lw: Requesting quick decision email as important to Web Platforms process
js: Found sometime to look at this
clown: Don't need to list from author, as all roles support ...
rs: do we need to list?
clown: yes
... removed abstract roles from js
... Script still putting out some bad results
sm: Interesting
... Don't recall, but know where to look. Did changes get
jd: yes
rs: do we need to discuss further?
topic Testable Statements
rs: Asking Fred how it's going
fe: Run into an inssue as to how
"not" should be represented
... Otherwise, OK. Looking to get the json and tables right
<ShaneM> <defined> for "exists", <undefined> for "not exists
<ShaneM> (for example)
fe: NOting we need to get whatever is meaningful to the particular platform into the table
<ShaneM> have "defaults" for column 3
<ShaneM> script needs to generate something sensible and predictable, but the script can do that when it creates the output. not worried
fe: We need to agree on how to
represent "exist" and "don't exist"
... When can always transform if need later
... We should resolve on the thread, because I'm out after
Tuesday as things stand
mc: Noted
<ShaneM> Note that I am happy to take on evolution of the perl if there is a transition period.
rs: Note both APA and ARIA
... Reviewing schedule
... Noting the Thursday 11:00-12:30 meeting on the lowlevel
jf: Will we have telecon bridge?
rs: Yes, and dialin OK
mc: Will update the Wiki
ts: 11:00 slot also same as Judy & George at Dpub meeting
rs: Can't move,
... Would dpub want some of the 16:00-18:00 time?
ts: Let me respond later
rs: Friday with TAG in the
morning, then a discussion of input from Web Components, and
probably js discussion
... Next steps discussion at end of day
<jcraig> what's the webex pass again?
rs: Not sure our remaining time is sufficient!
<jcraig> okay. see you at TPAC then
<jcraig> okay. installing the WebEx plug-in :-/
<jamesn> you can just dial in if you like
jc: api tries to provide
underlying a11y structur
... Also covering things like canvas and webgl
... want to make sure we can make those accessible
... proposals were closely related to vendors proposing
... accessibility-activate is our version of click
mk: We're unable to distinguish between real mouse click and emulated screen reader click
jc: This will help
... Still concerned that a mouse substitute can be
... Most of the spec doesn't rely on anything with privacy
mk: Notes it's easy on native
apps to distinguish
... can't do that on the web, and would be helpful
jc: Apps get levels of access
that aren't necessarily available via the web interface
... We know some third parties are misuisng this kind of
/party/party websites /
jc: Looking to prompt the insert when necessary, and give site the opportunity to explain why
rs: Anything about user prefs? or just interoperability for now?
jc: User prefs still in CSS
rs: Recalling that doing more with media queries was a CSS issue
jc; Yes, but when there was no OS setting
jc: Recalls first IndieUI at
... the GPII scope scared most people away
rs: We're recently told "no more
with media queries"
... One iterest is a mq for expose or hide ARIA-Details
<Rich> 12:00-13:00 lunch
<Rich> 13:00-15:00 ARIA-Details Discovery
jc: Think the Details
discoverability should be addressed by getting a native OS
setting first
... Suggest not fishing for solutions, but to gring forward
specific proposals
jf: Notes our proposals have been rejected, so would like to hear counter proposals that meet the requirements
jc: Propos how a user can set a
custom CSS setting
... Media queries extensibility is a concrete propsal you coudl
take for discussion
... Maybe not likely, but a good concrete proposal
jf: Notes the history of pain around custom style sheets
rs: Would like to see extensible
mq, so we could use browser plugin
... Noting that dpub authors already extending the browser by
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/REESOLUTION/RESOLUTION/ Succeeded: s/w3c// FAILED: s/w3c// Succeeded: s/Media queries extensibility is likely/Media queries extensibility is a concrete propsal you coudl take for discussion/ Found Scribe: Janina Inferring ScribeNick: janina Default Present: Janina, Joanmarie_Diggs, Rich_Scwherdtfeger, ShaneM, Joseph_Scheuhammer, MichaelC, tzviya, Léonie, Bryan_Garaventa, 1 Present: Janina Joanmarie_Diggs Rich_Scwherdtfeger ShaneM Joseph_Scheuhammer MichaelC tzviya Léonie Bryan_Garaventa 1 JaEunJemmaKu JF LJWatson matt_king jongund jcraig Agenda: Found Date: 08 Sep 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: shanem WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]