15:52:28 RRSAgent has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 15:52:28 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/09/02-wpay-digitaloffers-irc 15:52:36 agenda+ problem statements 15:52:40 agenda+ other conversations 15:52:49 agenda+ planning 15:53:09 Meeting: Coupons and Loyalty Task Force 15:53:12 Chair: Linda 15:53:17 Regrets+ Andre 15:58:11 ed_ has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 15:58:31 present+ 16:01:29 ltoth has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 16:01:32 present+ Ian 16:01:57 dezell has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 16:02:37 present +ltoth 16:02:45 zakim, who's here? 16:02:45 Present: ed_, Ian 16:02:47 On IRC I see dezell, ltoth, ed_, RRSAgent, Zakim, Ian, manu 16:03:05 present+ Linda 16:03:09 zakim, who's here? 16:03:09 Present: ed_, Ian, Linda 16:03:11 On IRC I see dezell, ltoth, ed_, RRSAgent, Zakim, Ian, manu 16:03:12 present+ DavidE 16:03:54 regrets+ Manu 16:04:11 zakim, take up item 1 16:04:11 agendum 1. "problem statements" taken up [from Ian] 16:07:37 IJ: Let's wait a bit before drawing explicit attention to (the public) https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Main_Page/Loyalty2016 16:08:01 ...let's get some feedback from others we reach out to and include those comments for discussion at TPAC 16:08:10 dezell: I like the direction. 16:08:29 ...+1 to waiting a bit before sharing 16:09:00 ...I do want to get clarity on the term(s) we'll use (loyalty/coupons/etc.) 16:10:32 Goal: 16:10:33 * Build community around improving E-Commerce around digital offers, including loyalty, coupons, rewards, points, vouchers, etc. with a goal of identifying a standardization opportunity for W3C. 16:11:09 LGTM 16:13:15 q+ on outreach 16:16:25 ack dezell 16:16:25 dezell, you wanted to comment on outreach 16:19:40 https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Main_Page/DigitalOffers2016 16:23:00 q? 16:23:09 zakim, take up next item 16:23:09 agendum 2. "other conversations" taken up [from Ian] 16:24:20 - Chad 16:24:49 IJ: I suggest sending him the URL and asking for early feedback 16:28:26 IJ: I had tried to reach inmar previously with no success. 16:33:55 IJ: Three things to think about for outreach: 16:34:02 - awareness 16:34:04 - feedback 16:34:08 - contributions 16:34:21 Ed: Definitely we should get back to Inmar with survey and invitation to CG 16:34:45 zakim, take up next item 16:34:45 agendum 3. "planning" taken up [from Ian] 16:35:12 List of potential deliverables: 16:35:16 * problem statements 16:35:19 * email draft 16:35:24 * survey 16:35:26 * draft charter 16:35:37 Timeline to TPAC 16:35:43 Structure of TPAC session 16:35:48 Owners of actions and due dates 16:41:36 agenda+ Email update 16:46:20 - report on digital offers on the web 16:46:26 - gap analysis 16:46:28 - first spec draft 16:46:38 - propose wg charter 16:48:49 https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Main_Page/DigitalOffers2016#Timeline 16:50:12 For next meeting: structure of TPAC session (need Joerg) 16:51:38 IJ: Should we: 16:51:47 * Have a longer email with problem statements inline? 16:51:52 * Short email with link to problem statements? 16:52:03 * Short email with link to survey (updated with problem statements)? 16:53:42 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1BQK2aHA_nFSTimDzXNDesbZy5uIr2IwqVHqlQW9jq60/edit?ts=57c09272 16:54:40 q+ 16:55:06 ltoth: I will look through survey points to convert to problem statements. 16:55:09 ack dezell 16:55:16 ed_: I will do that as well 16:55:40 zakim, take up next item 16:55:40 agendum 4. "Email update" taken up [from Ian] 16:55:48 ltoth: Please ask them 16:55:53 - for feedback by 16:55:58 - for feedback on the problem statements 16:56:04 - whether interested in participating in a future CG 16:56:10 - additional problem statement ideas 16:56:47 ACTION: Ian to revise email to people we reach out to, due 5 September 16:59:14 ACTION: Linda to schedule TF calls on 9 and 16 September 16:59:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/02-wpay-digitaloffers-minutes.html Ian 19:21:16 brian_r1 has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 20:59:28 zakim, bye 20:59:28 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been ed_, Ian, Linda, DavidE 20:59:28 Zakim has left #wpay-digitaloffers 20:59:30 rrsagent, bye 20:59:30 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2016/09/02-wpay-digitaloffers-actions.rdf : 20:59:30 ACTION: Ian to revise email to people we reach out to, due 5 September [1] 20:59:30 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/09/02-wpay-digitaloffers-irc#T16-56-47 20:59:30 ACTION: Linda to schedule TF calls on 9 and 16 September [2] 20:59:30 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/09/02-wpay-digitaloffers-irc#T16-59-14