16:28:32 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:28:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/09/01-aria-irc 16:28:34 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:28:34 Zakim has joined #aria 16:28:36 Zakim, this will be 16:28:36 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 16:28:37 Meeting: Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference 16:28:37 Date: 01 September 2016 16:28:48 RRSAgent, make log public 16:28:57 chair: Rich 16:29:14 present+ Janina 16:31:34 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 16:31:37 fesch has joined #aria 16:31:52 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Aug/0259.html 16:31:55 jaeunjemmaku has joined #aria 16:32:42 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Sep/att-0000/00-part 16:33:19 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Aug/0259.html 16:34:10 LJWatson has joined #aria 16:34:21 present+ LJWatson 16:34:58 scribe: Janina 16:35:01 present+ jaeunku 16:35:08 topic: Publishing HTML AAM 16:35:28 jongund_ has joined #aria 16:35:29 rs: Expected last week we would have a CfC handing this to Web Platforms 16:35:43 rs: However, there were concerns, mainly about resources over time 16:36:14 present+ jongund 16:36:14 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Sep/att-0000/00-part 16:36:37 q+ 16:36:46 rs: Web Platforms is now saying they want ARIA to own it alone, if it can't be exclusively Web Platform's 16:37:17 rs: We also had informal advice of an FO if kept joint 16:37:29 rs: This started to sound like some level of mistrust 16:37:37 rs: Don't believe that's a general feeling 16:38:00 rs: Also, noting comments on WAICC sharing the resourcing concern over time 16:38:07 cyns has joined #aria 16:38:15 rs: Meanwhile, the contributors have said we'll continue working whoever owns it 16:38:48 rs: Leonie has agreed to a one month review before major transition, i.e. CR 16:38:49 present+ 16:39:04 lw: Yes. We'd be looking to sync with HTML transitions 16:39:37 rs: Seems it needs to be one group or the other 16:40:05 q+ 16:40:15 mc: Don't understand why joint isn't acceptable 16:40:48 mc: It provides process protections to both groups, 16:41:15 mc: Influencing consistancy is important to ARIA, imo 16:41:37 mc: I have gone out of my way to absorb publication process from wp 16:41:51 rs: If they give us a 2 month review, why is that an issue? 16:41:58 mc: That helps in reviewing content 16:42:12 mc: Well, we also have structure and tooling involved 16:42:34 lw: We're not saying we don't want to work with ARIA 16:42:48 lw: We have one member saying no joint deliverables, but not ARIA specific 16:43:24 lw: Chairs concerned that objections need to be dealt with in two different places when they arise, and that complicates things 16:43:54 lw: We've different tooling, i.e. github; this group email 16:43:59 q+ 16:44:17 q+ to say many of the ¨have to coordinate on xyz¨ are features not bugs 16:44:28 lw: Happy to work out good coordination, just not want official process in two different places 16:44:29 q+ to say I am not aware of process burdens having been a problem for HTML-AAM 16:44:59 lw: WP also has many a11y people, well represented 16:44:59 q+ to say we would be open to setting up infrastructure to ensure there aren´t things like duplicate issues, e.g., standalone github repository already in the works 16:45:04 q? 16:45:16 q+ Matt 16:45:18 ack l 16:45:23 ack LJWatson 16:45:40 cs: Microsoft is generally in favor of single point of ownership and accountability. 16:45:46 ack me 16:45:51 cs: I plan to work on this doc regardless of where it lives 16:45:56 ack cyns 16:46:03 ack me 16:46:03 MichaelC, you wanted to say many of the ¨have to coordinate on xyz¨ are features not bugs and to say I am not aware of process burdens having been a problem for HTML-AAM and to 16:46:06 ... say we would be open to setting up infrastructure to ensure there aren´t things like duplicate issues, e.g., standalone github repository already in the works 16:46:21 mc: Most of the points on accountability and process are actually features, imo, not bugs 16:46:47 mc: I'm simply not aware that there have been any process problems to date 16:47:14 mc: I believe we can minimize issues in two places, other kinds of duplicative process concerns 16:47:49 lw: Believe only one CfC so far, for fpwd 16:48:39 lw: believe mappings had 3 cfcs via HTML-A11y TF, PF, and HTML -- but mostly the same people 16:48:55 lw: ARIA in HTML is already sole ownership of WP 16:49:02 mc: Believe that's a different niche 16:49:12 q? 16:49:23 ack Matt 16:49:24 mc: The AAM mappings are different, part of a suite of AAMs that involve multiple groups 16:50:06 mk: Wondering whether issues of joint ownership could be solved by single repo, single process/issues, logging, etc 16:50:50 rs: To me one of the big problems is serialized signoffs 16:51:02 +1 to Rich 16:51:07 mc: No reason not to do it in parallel 16:51:26 mc: But however we structure it, we're still looking for sign off from both groups 16:51:55 lw: Wondering what input is at risk if it's input via wide review? Rather than ownership? 16:52:21 mc: 1.) structurally can't insure it fits the larger suite of aams, divergence over time 16:52:29 mc: 2.) insure that it gets completed 16:53:03 mc: Not saying this will happen, but such things do happen. We wouldn't be able to pick up the work should that happen 16:53:32 lw: Should we amend our Charter to clarify this? Would that do it? 16:53:52 mc: We coordinate via aria eeditors, we don't have a single doc that lays it out 16:53:59 mck has joined #aria 16:54:16 mc: common toc, certain items the doc covers, relationship to host docs, some tooling that facilitates all this 16:54:35 mc: Don't believe the editors attend coord calls 16:54:43 mc: No, but they follow the list and respond 16:54:55 mc: They do use the tools, and they pose questions to the other editors 16:55:05 mc: They do avail themselves of this infrastructure 16:55:06 /me Yay, got on to chatzilla ... now will JAWS read this back to me? 16:55:26 rs: It doesn't sound like web platforms won't accept joint ownership 16:55:51 mc; We're being told one member won't accept, that shouldn't speak for the entire w3c that way. 16:56:00 mc: It's a precedent for other groups as well 16:56:21 lw: Notes that this is a very active discussion, not just aria, currently 16:56:39 rs: Expect we should put out two proposals and decide between them 16:57:05 rs: if WP takes ownership, what are the stiuplations? 16:57:36 mk: seems, aria owns, wp owns, and joint -- is any one of these actually going to clearly achieve consensus 16:58:13 rs: Note this has been discussed on several calls, in several contexts 16:58:27 rs: reminds me of role=text 16:58:46 mk: wonder if laying out the options, then discussing at tpac might be helpful 16:59:12 lw: Noting this the one thing holding us back from advancing our Charter 16:59:30 rs: So, if WP owns, what are the stipulations? 2 month review? 16:59:49 jn: 1 month should be enough. More, and people would just delay 17:00:05 mk: what transition? 17:00:12 rs: major milesont, specifically cr 17:00:27 rs: so 1 month, cr, major pub 17:00:37 rs: make that cr and pr 17:00:59 rs: Second stipulation, github? a common github for all aams? 17:01:11 mk: we're looking at this anyway, i think 17:01:55 mk: Noting we had some informal agreements, like feature freeze ahead of cr. 17:02:07 rs: like unofficial last call? since no more official last call? 17:02:32 lw: so the cfc proposing cr is the lc now 17:03:03 mc: we just did a pseudo lc, which is recommended by process and many groups that review 17:03:14 mc: even though not mandating, mor and more groups are adopting that 17:03:25 rs: would wp agree to feature complete ahead of cr? 17:03:27 lw: probably not 17:03:38 rs: so objections on cr, just return to cr 17:04:22 mk: how do nonmembers participate while aam changes are ongoing prior to cr? 17:04:27 lw: filing issues on github 17:05:06 mk: input from the outside wouldn't be possible unless one were involved and aware 17:05:18 lw: it would be easy to keep this call informed 17:05:27 mk: aria cfc's are public 17:05:31 lw: same for us 17:06:12 mc: PF was the only nonpublic, and migrated some years ago -- of the a11y groups 17:06:28 rs: 2nd option is aria ownership. any stipulations? 17:06:42 mc: would want the same review reqs on us 17:07:01 lw: month's review would be ok 17:07:24 rs: if joint -- we need to paralelize the process, imo 17:08:24 mc: we rs: so both groups have to sign off? so two cfc's? 17:08:33 rs: so if one agrees and the other doesn't? 17:08:50 mc: but that's exactly what we need to resolve, regardless of whether single or joint 17:09:04 lw: but that divides the discussion 17:09:13 Stefan_ has joined #aria 17:09:13 mc: I think we would move to a joint discussion to resolve 17:09:46 rs: so if joint, would need to resolve disagreements in joint discussion 17:10:19 Stefan2 has joined #aria 17:10:38 janina: suggesting best as wbs 17:10:47 mc: soonest late today, probably tomorrow 17:11:00 rs: OK, just don't want to hold up charters. we know how that's problematic! 17:11:13 topic: name from author --action 1723 17:11:16 action-1723? 17:11:16 action-1723 -- Joanmarie Diggs to Editorial - create sections listing the roles that provide (1) nameFrom:author and (2) nameFrom:contents -- due 2016-08-17 -- OPEN 17:11:16 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1723 17:11:25 jd: nothing changed 17:11:35 jd: needs to know what clown needs 17:11:37 rs: ok 17:11:43 topic: blockers for entering cr 17:12:05 rs: need error message, details mapping, a few others resolved 17:12:10 rs: people have been away 17:12:40 rs: nvda wanted to concatinate -- didn't think it was appropriate 17:12:49 rs: had issues from matt 17:12:51 cyns has joined #aria 17:13:02 chaals has joined #aria 17:13:16 fesch_ has joined #aria 17:13:54 cyns: will take a pass, but there are some we don't have mapped 17:14:09 cyns: do i have an action? 17:14:56 Action: Cynthia provide UIA mappings for new ARIA construct gaps (rich to provide) 17:14:57 Created ACTION-2113 - Provide uia mappings for new aria construct gaps (rich to provide) [on Cynthia Shelly - due 2016-09-08]. 17:15:27 rs: need to go through the several platforms, probably apple last 17:15:39 topic: testable statements 17:15:47 rs: had good discussion on automated 17:16:20 cyns: fred has provided testable statements with great detail that are convertible to json 17:16:25 cyns: he has scripts for that 17:16:32 cyns: microsoft has tooling to test 17:16:41 cyns: we import the json 17:17:06 cyns: I need to add some of the uia -- but it's all moving along, even with some staffing changes here 17:17:19 cyns: we need people to create test cases based on the statements 17:17:35 cyns: believe JF's India people working on that, but more people would be helpful 17:18:03 cyns: Also jg has student o work on ia2 connector for the automated testing 17:18:26 rs: msaa and ia2 will need to be done together,otherwise not automatable 17:18:39 https://www.w3.org/wiki/ARIA_1.1_Testable_Statements 17:18:39 rs: anyone spoken to jcraig about osx? 17:18:45 [crickets] 17:18:54 rs: OK, I'll reach out 17:19:14 cyns: jg has a student for ia2, maybe could get another? 17:19:28 jg: Yes, first priority is msaa/ia2, which is the priority 17:19:37 jg: but if they complete that, could work on os10 17:20:03 jg: believe overall theme here is to create a generalized test suite for all of aria 17:20:17 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:20:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/01-aria-minutes.html chaals 17:20:23 jg: would be nice to have someone else on os10 17:20:52 cyns: suggest that it's a good intern project 17:22:02 jg: can i just reach out? or need to do all the w3c structure? 17:22:09 mc: use judgement. 17:22:33 rs: I am finding some isues, formatting, and results 17:22:36 https://www.w3.org/wiki/ARIA_1.1_Testable_Statements#aria-busy_on_a_listbox_Rich_Start 17:23:05 rrsagent, make minutes 17:23:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/01-aria-minutes.html LJWatson 17:23:29 rs: for global tests, i suggest 3, representable list should suffice 17:23:40 q+ to say I have uploaded the perl script to convert wiki to JSON 17:23:49 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 17:24:01 rs: I have several sections on me, i will do a few, then will discuss on how to hand some of this over 17:24:15 jg: should we discuss next wednesday? 17:24:21 rs: we need jf for that 17:24:46 rs: we're not in cr yet because mainly we should get some of the mapping done and convince ourselves nothing is at risk 17:24:51 topic: tapc coordination 17:25:03 ARIA Working Group Meetings: https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2016 17:25:04 - APA Working Group Meetings: https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2016 17:25:05 ack me 17:25:05 fesch, you wanted to say I have uploaded the perl script to convert wiki to JSON 17:25:13 - Web Component ARIA Issue: https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents/issues/552 17:25:13 - Web Component and Extensibility Issue: https://github.com/w3c/webcomponents/issues/553 17:25:13 rs: when can we meet with web components 17:25:17 jamesn has joined #aria 17:25:24 lw: need to speak with chaals 17:25:26 rrsagent, make minutes 17:25:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/01-aria-minutes.html jamesn 17:25:29 rs: hasn't been responding to email 17:25:36 lw: will try and chase him down 17:26:19 rs: any other points? 17:26:27 mc: no 17:26:38 jn: is agenda finalized? can times still be moved? 17:26:45 jn: ok if not involving another wg 17:27:05 jn: have conflict with AC 3PM 17:27:11 rs: had to move for jcraig 17:27:21 jn: could it be earlier in the day? 17:27:31 jn: perhaps the 11am slot? 17:28:05 lw: progress, the ab meeting no longer at the same time! 17:28:16 rs: I'll send a note 17:28:31 rrsagent, make minutes 17:28:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/01-aria-minutes.html janina 17:28:51 zakim, bye 17:28:51 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Janina, Joanmarie_Diggs, LJWatson, jaeunku, jongund, cyns 17:28:51 Zakim has left #aria 17:28:57 rrsagent, make minutes 17:28:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/01-aria-minutes.html janina 17:59:43 mck_ has joined #aria 18:09:21 Rich has joined #aria 18:59:56 Rich has joined #aria 19:42:49 Rich has joined #aria 20:36:41 Rich has joined #aria 22:33:56 Rich has joined #aria 22:37:18 chaals has joined #aria 22:52:43 chaals has joined #aria