15:51:02 RRSAgent has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 15:51:02 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/08/26-wpay-digitaloffers-irc 15:57:52 ltoth has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 15:58:41 bob has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 16:00:14 ed_ has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 16:00:19 +present 16:01:12 bob has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 16:02:03 brian has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 16:02:08 present+ Linda 16:02:19 present +Brian 16:02:19 alyver has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 16:02:25 present+ Aisho 16:02:26 present+ alyver 16:02:27 present+ Andre 16:02:31 present+ Bob 16:02:35 agenda+ Ted 16:02:38 agenda+ brian 16:02:42 present+ Ted 16:02:46 present+ Brian 16:02:48 present +Ed 16:02:49 present+ DavidE 16:02:54 zakim, clear the agenda 16:02:54 agenda cleared 16:02:59 Present+ Manu 16:03:00 present- Ted 16:03:48 agenda+ Invitations, letter, spreadsheet 16:03:48 agenda+ TPAC 16:03:54 agenda+ Review updated CG Charter 16:04:55 IJ: I have seen no objections to the draft letter; people will salt to taste 16:05:46 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1td9Lo6QOvPkK2W41_mEvSkmC7qlYKDvRfgG8v6XqOtA/ 16:10:38 +1 to contacting more than one person, as long as we let folks know. 16:12:57 IJ: Should we send link to draft charter? 16:13:05 https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Main_Page/Loyalty2016#Draft_Charter 16:14:59 q+ to ask what the desired outcome from W3C TPAC 16:17:46 ack manu 16:17:46 manu, you wanted to ask what the desired outcome from W3C TPAC 16:17:47 q+ 16:17:49 +1 to manu 16:17:55 ack me 16:18:18 q+ to ask how those that don't have contacts can help. 16:19:48 q? 16:19:52 ack manu 16:19:52 manu, you wanted to ask how those that don't have contacts can help. 16:20:34 q+ to revisit steps - 16:22:38 q+ to return to the letter (after TPAC goals clarified) 16:22:49 ack dezell 16:22:49 dezell, you wanted to revisit steps - 16:22:58 Linda: Deliverables for TPAC? 16:23:05 dezell: Charter 16:23:33 IJ: Add 16:23:40 - list of people we have spoken to 16:23:46 - their priorities and suggestions 16:24:08 Goals/Scope/Deliverables 16:24:34 sDeliverables/Deliverables\/ProspectiveMembers 16:24:37 sDeliverables/Deliverables\/ProspectiveMembers/ 16:25:49 q+ 16:26:56 I do not have contacts at the remaining companies, but happy to do some reach outs if others want to share their contacts. 16:27:14 q+ 16:27:28 ack dezell 16:27:32 ack bob 16:27:59 Bob: I will go speak with our product/sales people for contact names for a number of these organizations 16:28:20 ack me 16:28:20 Ian, you wanted to return to the letter (after TPAC goals clarified) 16:29:46 IJ: we have not yet framed questions we have for them 16:29:50 ..to engage people more: 16:29:56 - make it more like a great opportunity 16:30:02 q+ 16:30:02 - give a sense of what we would like from them 16:30:07 q+ to say we're asking them about their biggest problems in the digital offers space, right? 16:30:11 ack dezell 16:30:27 dezell: I spoke with someone from NACS magazine this week. He is writing a piece on digital offers 16:30:50 ...I think there are two big costs to people who distribute coupons: 16:31:02 1) Deployment (tracking, burning, etc.) 16:31:07 2) Cost of redemption (to merchants) 16:31:35 ....so I think the opportunity is to reach more people (e.g., social media) and also lower the cost of redemption 16:31:54 q? 16:32:18 ack manu 16:32:18 manu, you wanted to say we're asking them about their biggest problems in the digital offers space, right? 16:32:37 manu: if we want to engage them, we could say "here are the things we think are the most pressing issues today" 16:32:46 ...we would like to hear from you - did we miss something? 16:33:07 ...we are looking for feedback soon -- upcoming meeting, want to integrate (sooner than later) into the emerging payments APIs 16:33:22 q+ 16:33:37 ack ltoth 16:34:03 ltoth: Realistically, looking at the time frame, we are looking at an opportunity to have 2 phone calls 16:34:19 ...I am wondering if rather than scheduling a meeting, should we do a survey instead? 16:34:31 +1 to survey, we had very good results w/ Verifible Claims and that approach 16:34:33 q+ 16:34:34 q+ 16:34:48 q+ to +1 a survey - you could look at Verifiable Claims survey as template. 16:34:55 ltoth: So maybe 5-10 mins of time rather than hour of call? 16:34:57 ack dezell 16:35:11 dezell: I still think a call is useful (could be after labor day). I think a survey could be good 16:35:35 ...Ian do you want to take a pass at revising the letter? 16:35:49 q+ 16:35:55 ack me 16:37:18 q+ 16:37:56 ack manu 16:37:56 manu, you wanted to +1 a survey - you could look at Verifiable Claims survey as template. 16:37:59 IJ: would love a "here's what we think" view around which we have consensus. And use that at a starting point for outreach. I don't think we have it. 16:38:10 Manu: I think we do have that perspective. 16:38:27 ...and use the group to refine 16:38:30 Compelling VC use cases: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1uCnDSDzPtzAK4h0rPJEr90bjDeh4rRLFBaqGNBRb_tA/edit 16:38:31 [IJ thinks we are not there at al] 16:38:51 ...we had success through a survey 16:39:09 ...so I think survey better approach than call 16:39:25 ...people can list some issues that exist today 16:39:37 ...ask people to agree/disagree with the problem statements. 16:39:55 ...I think we can open a survey and get data in advance of TPAC 16:40:04 q+ 16:40:16 ack ltoth 16:40:49 ltoth: I am confused...I took out specifics from charter 16:40:54 ..but now I hear people want specifics. 16:41:05 ltoth: I'd be happy to sit with people today to talk about questions for a survey 16:41:12 q? 16:41:55 1) Write down the problems we want to solve 16:42:03 2) We ask people (see spreadsheet) if they agree or have other issues 16:42:08 3) we have data to discuss at TPAC 16:42:35 can join at 4 a well 16:43:57 q+ to note that he's hearing - "Let's focus on the survey" 16:44:04 ack Ian 16:44:26 q? 16:44:28 IJ: +1 to writing down problem statements, then socializing them 16:44:29 ack manu 16:44:29 manu, you wanted to note that he's hearing - "Let's focus on the survey" 16:44:31 q+ 16:44:42 Manu: I heard the survey is "top priority" 16:44:55 (IJ: I think the _problem statements_ are the most important...the survey is a means to getting data [in a timely fashion]) 16:45:23 Manu: In my mind, then next step is pretty clear - meet today 16:45:29 ...or over next few days 16:45:33 q+ 16:46:02 q+ to suggest focus is on problem statements 16:47:49 q+ to note normalcy of the "Thrashing around when taking a group to the next step at W3C" 16:48:34 ack me 16:48:34 Ian, you wanted to suggest focus is on problem statements 16:48:39 ack dezell 16:48:54 IJ: I think some churn inevitable; I think we are progressing and some time required to get on the same page 16:49:15 ...+1 to crafting problem statements and those will help foster discussion 16:49:32 dezell: What I would like to do ... take the remainder of this call to look at what came out of charter 16:49:41 ...that material might be useful for problem statements. 16:49:55 ...I suggest that those who can convene at 4pm ET should do so 16:50:07 ...create initial set of problem statements. 16:50:21 {IJ suggests "thinking about survey" but not "creating a survey" as you think of problem statements} 16:50:22 q? 16:50:23 ack manu 16:50:23 manu, you wanted to note normalcy of the "Thrashing around when taking a group to the next step at W3C" 16:50:39 https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/Main_Page/Loyalty2016 16:51:10 https://www.w3.org/Payments/IG/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page%2FLoyalty2016&diff=3844&oldid=3827 16:52:00 q+ to provide feedback on charter 16:52:05 https://www.w3.org/2016/08/19-wpay-digitaloffers-minutes.html 16:52:24 ack manu 16:52:24 manu, you wanted to provide feedback on charter 16:52:42 Manu: I like the new charter...gets right to the point 16:52:51 ...however, I think the CG should work on technical specificaiotns 16:53:21 ...I think we are going to want to list some things that are out of scope as well...but I have no idea what they would be. 16:53:29 ...e.g., new identification schemes 16:54:19 ...we should make clear we are not going to propose specs in scope for other orgs 16:54:52 q+ 16:55:16 Manu: We should indicate some things are out of scope (to show we are limiting the work) 16:55:28 ...the other thing under deliverables: we should plan to work on technical specifications. 16:56:08 q+ re scope 16:58:28 ack Ian 16:59:38 ack brian 16:59:38 brian, you wanted to discuss scope 16:59:42 ack brian 17:00:13 q+ 17:01:04 q+ 17:01:07 ack dezell 17:01:49 phone call at 4pm: 540-961-4469 x6500 17:02:01 https://www.w3.org/2016/08/19-wpay-digitaloffers-minutes.html 17:02:11 "again, it feels like what the CG should be focusing on, the goal of the group, is to understand what the key industry use cases are and what the Web needs to facilitate ecommerce around digital offers. Descriptions of the problem space, wrt. how W3C could standardize stuff." 17:02:51 q+ to note the technical spec writing part is /really important/ 17:02:59 q- 17:03:31 ack Ian 17:04:03 q+ 17:06:53 * talk at 4 17:07:00 Topic: Next meeting 17:07:05 2 September, noon ET 17:07:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/26-wpay-digitaloffers-minutes.html Ian 17:33:24 alyver has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 18:01:45 alyver has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 18:36:24 alyver has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 19:35:24 alyver has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 20:00:05 hello folks 20:01:34 call into 540-961-4469 x6500 20:21:59 The Web Payments group at W3C is currently exploring challenges related to "loyalty" and digital offers, and how they relate to payments on the web. Target areas for consideration include issuing..." 20:24:30 Which specific capabilities do you feel are most crucial to the success of a loyalty and digital offer system for the web? 20:24:55 ed_ has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 20:25:20 + Ed present 20:25:41 that can accomodate existing brick and mortar requirements, 20:28:34 alyver has joined #wpay-digitaloffers 20:29:31 hi alyver - call into 540-961-4469 x6500 20:34:51 distribution, acceptance, settlement (batch, real-time) 20:54:00 https://www.facebook.com/david.ezell.52?fref=nf