16:57:50 RRSAgent has joined #DPUB 16:57:50 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/08/26-DPUB-irc 16:57:58 ScribeNick: clapierre 16:58:03 Chair: clapierre 16:58:14 Meeting: Accessibility DPUB Task Force Weekly Meeting 16:58:20 rrsagent, make logs public 16:58:28 present+ Charles LaPierre 16:58:33 Avneesh has joined #dpub 16:59:28 dkaplan3 has joined #dpub 17:02:05 present+ Avneesh 17:02:49 present+ George 17:03:15 present+ Deborah 17:03:49 Topic: PWP Accessible 17:07:04 George: Leonard points out that we have not made it clear that PWP needs to be accessible to persons with disabilities. So, I suggest that we introduce this requirement. 17:07:04   17:07:04 Entry: PWP need to be accessible to persons with disabilities when they are intended for use in schools, higher education, government, libraries or for public sale or distribution. The metadata associated with the accessibility and the accessibility hazards must be included. 17:07:04   17:07:06 Example 1: A university professor is developing a course and the professor knows that he is required to use accessible digital materials. The professor uses the search capabilities of available publications to determine which titles are accessible and therefore suitable for his use. 17:07:06   17:07:06 Example 2: The Center for Disease Control (CDC) wants to produce a PWP explaining the precautions needed in a public epidemic. Persons with disabilities need this same information and the publication is produced accessibility with the appropriate metadata. 17:07:07   17:07:35 Deborah: the use case there is a great one, and the software asks that the text is accurate. 17:08:06 … the requirement is that it gives the user all the tools they need to make it accessible. 17:10:43 … add a sentence, PWP needs to be accessible and this includes all components of a PWP such as annotations, etc… 17:11:20 … including annotations which could be user created, which means the annotations tools need to be accessible. 17:12:13 … a lot of stuff is ignored, but once you talk about annotations or anything dynamic, tests, bookmarking and that is authoring tools and there are no usecases there in PWP authoring components needs to be accessible. 17:13:46 George: annotations are on the Rec path and its all the underlying infrastructure and no lines to content, and we had it in originally when we worked with the annotations, and we currently don't have someone from a11y but now it comes through and it doesn't mention the content and whether or not it is accessible. 17:16:46 ACTION: dkpalan3 will add a sentence to section #2 that a PWP must be accessible in all components such as annotations etc… 17:16:46 Error finding 'dkpalan3'. You can review and register nicknames at . 17:17:01 ACTION: dkplan3 will add a sentence to section irc://irc.w3.org:6667/#2 that a PWP must be accessible in all components such as annotations etc… 17:17:02 Error finding 'dkplan3'. You can review and register nicknames at . 17:17:19 ACTION: dkaplan3 will add a sentence to section irc://irc.w3.org:6667/#2 that a PWP must be accessible in all components such as annotations etc… 17:17:19 Created ACTION-59 - Will add a sentence to section irc://irc.w3.org:6667/#2 that a pwp must be accessible in all components such as annotations etc… [on Deborah Kaplan - due 2016-09-02]. 17:17:54 George: Example 1: A university professor is developing a course and the professor knows that he is required to use accessible digital materials. The professor uses the search capabilities of available publications to determine which titles are accessible and therefore suitable for his use. 17:18:40 … this brings in metadata and out schema.org which has evolved and is not reflected in the pwp use cases. 17:18:50 Avneesh: this should be in the primary use cases. 17:19:16 … is there any section by Dave on personalization because this falls in the same set. 17:22:16 Topic: Write up an initial section that discusses the fact that Ivan raised here 17:22:17 17:22:17 Ivan: "I had the impression that what deborah said could be formulated noncontroversial. There's no reason to make a comparison to the web. What I heard about the stability of the publication which requires accessibility. The industry has faced legal action. Just stating that accessibility is important. I think it's possible to describe in a positive manor - as an introduction to section 8." 17:23:57 Deborah: someone raised, should we bring up why DPUB do this so much than the rest of the web, which is controversial and the DPUB industry cares which could be legal difference. We shouldn't make the statement that DPUB does this better. we can talk about what the industry does. 17:24:23 Avneesh: this is the intro to section 8 not for section 2. 17:24:46 Charles: lets figure out an intro to 2. 17:25:39 George: schema.org metadata should be a part of PWP moving forward. 17:26:02 Avneesh: before downloading / reading the book does it have the approprate a11y feature that is needed for them. 17:26:48 Charles: this goes in section 2.1. 17:27:25 AvneesH: user should be able to search and know what a11y features are in the book. 17:27:36 Charles: would we point to the IDPF? 17:28:02 Avneesh: that could be a political question. but the usecase is still valid. 17:28:32 ACTION: clapierre to write this new statement in section 2.1 17:28:32 Created ACTION-60 - Write this new statement in section 2.1 [on Charles LaPierre - due 2016-09-02]. 17:30:29 Avneesh: the main issue is braille. multiple renditions, preformatted, snippets for nemeth etc.. 17:31:02 George: mention that there are digital publishing efforts that are focused on delivering specific with people with disabilities and we want to use the same specification. 17:31:51 Deborah: what are the publishing specific use cases for Braille. Ivan was why is this more of an issue with publishing and it is just more of a legal issue with DPUB. 17:32:15 … we don't want to say that the web doesn't care but that is not what we want what say. 17:33:04 Avneesh: we have css files for the braille tables, if a text book has an image of a try, the preformatted braille should also look like a tree. the Web always uses dynamic and we are talking about more stringent requirement. 17:33:52 Deborah: because the DPUB world is so concerned with textbooks, technical documentation and legal documentation the precise and transmission of braille is of vital importance. 17:35:22 Deborah: this is the missing piece in the Braille section. Then maybe someone can write a precise example for braille. 17:37:00 ACTION: Avneesh, to make a Braille usecase for replica of a textbook and cleanup of existing examples if needed. 17:37:00 Error finding 'Avneesh,'. You can review and register nicknames at . 17:37:26 CTION: Avneesh to make a Braille usecase for replica of a textbook and cleanup of existing examples if needed. 17:37:34 ACTION: Avneesh to make a Braille usecase for replica of a textbook and cleanup of existing examples if needed. 17:37:35 Created ACTION-61 - Make a braille usecase for replica of a textbook and cleanup of existing examples if needed. [on Avneesh Singh - due 2016-09-02]. 17:39:26 George: the two usescases I offerd. one is for discovery and one is for content with metadata, which sits well with the user to identify and find a11y content they can purchase or find 17:41:16 Charles: did we cover web VS epub - dynamic VS static 17:41:44 Avneesh: I think this will be covered and we don't want to make this comparison outright. 17:42:36 Charles: what about the accessible Annotations Use-Case 17:43:18 George: the annotations work had an a11y review but it was all about the plumbing, nothing about content. 17:48:36 ACTION: clapierre take George's use case for annotations and put it in a new 8.6 section for accessible annotations. 17:48:36 Created ACTION-62 - Take george's use case for annotations and put it in a new 8.6 section for accessible annotations. [on Charles LaPierre - due 2016-09-02]. 17:49:42 Charles: my first action will be just to add a sentence on metadata in 2.1 and refer to section 8.1 accessible metadata. 17:57:21 s/CTION: Avneesh to make a Braille usecase for replica of a textbook and cleanup of existing examples if needed.// 17:57:31 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:57:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/26-DPUB-minutes.html clapierre 17:58:02 Florian has joined #dpub 17:58:27 regrets+ Tzviya 17:58:38 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:58:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/26-DPUB-minutes.html clapierre 18:00:08 s/Ivan:/Ivan said:/ 18:00:16 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:00:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/26-DPUB-minutes.html clapierre 18:02:56 rrsagent, bye 18:02:56 I see 7 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2016/08/26-DPUB-actions.rdf : 18:02:56 ACTION: dkpalan3 will add a sentence to section #2 that a PWP must be accessible in all components such as annotations etc… [1] 18:02:56 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/08/26-DPUB-irc#T17-16-46 18:02:56 ACTION: dkplan3 will add a sentence to section irc://irc.w3.org:6667/#2 that a PWP must be accessible in all components such as annotations etc… [2] 18:02:56 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/08/26-DPUB-irc#T17-17-01 18:02:56 ACTION: dkaplan3 will add a sentence to section irc://irc.w3.org:6667/#2 that a PWP must be accessible in all components such as annotations etc… [3] 18:02:56 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/08/26-DPUB-irc#T17-17-19 18:02:56 ACTION: clapierre to write this new statement in section 2.1 [4] 18:02:56 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/08/26-DPUB-irc#T17-28-32 18:02:56 ACTION: Avneesh, to make a Braille usecase for replica of a textbook and cleanup of existing examples if needed. [5] 18:02:56 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/08/26-DPUB-irc#T17-37-00 18:02:56 ACTION: Avneesh to make a Braille usecase for replica of a textbook and cleanup of existing examples if needed. [6] 18:02:56 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/08/26-DPUB-irc#T17-37-34 18:02:56 ACTION: clapierre take George's use case for annotations and put it in a new 8.6 section for accessible annotations. [7] 18:02:56 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/08/26-DPUB-irc#T17-48-36