See also: IRC log
<laura> Scribe: Laura
Jim: any objections to Icon Fonts
... no objections.
<Kim> David: changed to pointer rather than touch. Do have concerns about this – think will be constantly explaining that pointer does include touch
<Kim> Kathy: Patrick did say that for some of them we might want to say touch. The specific type of pointer in this case is touch. So it might be okay to talk about touch rather than pointer here.
<Kim> David: I'm fine with that
<Kim> Kathy: if any of the assistive technology starts remapping touch gestures it applies
<Kim> David: platform assistive technology specifically – the stable stuff that's shipping with the OS
<Kim> David: when we do get into Windows and tablets world, though we people saying this should work with draws to, but that's not what we're requiring for this. It has to work with AT but not touch
<Kim> David: that's just warning about a discussion coming up
<Kim> General agreement that touches better than pointer for this one
<Kim> Marc: is talkback a good example here - does it come on the device? is narrator better example?
<Kim> David: it does ship with it
<Kim> Chris: base android devices all come with it
<Kim> Kathy: and then we have the Amazon screen reader – that's similar.
<Kim> David: broad and edits from Patrick. Just the top level where I didn't have pointer.
<Kim> Kathy: keep it with touch right now – we are talking about a specific type of pointer. Pointer is more global
<Alan_Smith> Alan is good with Level A for touch
<Kim> Kathy: priority level comments?
<jeanne> +1
<Alan_Smith> Can you put the link back in irc? when irc loads it removes all rows of text/converstations prior to me joining
<chriscm> SOrry, another meeting got to go! Didn't want to interupt.
<Kim> Alan: includes switch activated?
<Kim> David: I've never heard of problems because it's so granular and you're going from item to item. I'll put it in the boneyard is a possibility
<Kim> Alan: I'll try it on iOS to see
<Kim> Kathy: in the benefits, need documentation to prove that this is an issue – pretty cut and dried that this is a problem, but are there any links to research or other things to prove that this is indeed a user issue.
<Kim> Discussion about types of resources – sometimes it's people in the group seeing this happen with users. User groups…
<Kim> Kathy: link: all of the queries about gesture with voiceover. I think we can link to this
<Alan_Smith> I checked Switch control on iPad and tap is supported as a switch but it is not dependent upon target size. It does support long tap though.
<marcjohlic> +1
<marcjohlic> +1 on Touch w/ AT being ready
<Kim> David: this ready to go?
<davidmacdonald> These are examples of submitted SC as requested by Andrew with template here
<Kim> Alan: low vision user needing to use speech – is that speech input? Do we make it clear that assistive technology is voiceover? should we have that in the very beginning – it's not till you read through it that you realize that assistive technologies is voiceover and talk
<Kim> Kathy: can be anything
<Kim> Kathy: if any AT remaps it would fall under this
<Kim> David: written for specific use case but the description allows us to widen it
<Kim> Kathy: we have this almost completed
<Kim> Kathy: we will pick this up next week. A couple things to think about we need some evidence for this to insert. Touch target size Mark wrote up, I made edits. I started looking back at research. Couple things stood out. Android, Apple use CSS pixels. I put a summary of research and touch target sizes people were recommending with minimum. Right now we are recommending smaller than what the...
<Kim> ...research is showing. Need to discuss that next week. In boneyard there's a link to the summary of research – Patrick had actual millimeter size based on devices. I want to challenge the size that we've got. Take a look. I made it easy to digest the research – summaries are in there under evidence. Look at what I put and think about it. We will have to make a decision next week.
<Kim> Mark: easier to check pixels rather than measure millimeters, but it seems like millimeter measurement would be easier to follow across devices
<Kim> Kathy: if you look at Patrick research if you set a pixel size you've got different millimeters for different things
<Kim> Marc: if there's a way to make millimeters rather than pixels –
<Kim> Kathy: but you can't test that way
<Kim> Kathy: Apple went from pixels the point after the retina display came out. That's when they changed their recommendations from pixels the points. We need to look at this closely.
<Kim> David: I think the 44 and 20 were placeholders
<Kim> Kathy: it was – we have to finalize this. Look at Fitt law. Lots of links all on page.
<Kim> scribe: Kim
Scribe- Laura
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144 of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: Laura Inferring ScribeNick: laura Found Scribe: Kim Inferring ScribeNick: Kim Scribes: Laura, Kim ScribeNicks: laura, Kim Present: Kathy jeanne marcjohlic DavidMacDonald Kim Alan Found Date: 18 Aug 2016 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]