15:40:06 RRSAgent has joined #apa 15:40:06 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/08/17-apa-irc 15:40:08 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:40:08 Zakim has joined #apa 15:40:10 Zakim, this will be 15:40:10 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 15:40:11 Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference 15:40:11 Date: 17 August 2016 15:40:34 agenda? 15:40:39 agenda+ preview agenda with items from two minutes 15:40:39 agenda+ TPAC Planning -- Details Discovery; Note & NoteRef 15:40:39 agenda+ HTML Custom Elements Overview -- Leonie 15:40:39 agenda+ Actions Checkin (Specs) https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/track/products/8 15:40:40 agenda+ new on TR http://www.w3.org/TR/tr-status-drafts.html 15:40:41 agenda+ Other Business 15:40:44 agenda+ next and future meetings 15:40:46 agenda+ be done 15:53:26 zakim, next item 15:53:26 agendum 1. "preview agenda with items from two minutes" taken up [from janina] 15:53:34 present+ Janina 15:53:38 Chair: Janina 15:56:23 tzviya has joined #apa 15:57:19 Avneesh has joined #apa 15:57:35 present+ Avneesh 15:58:00 present+ Tzviya 15:59:08 LJWatson has joined #apa 15:59:12 tdrake has joined #APA 15:59:46 chaals1 has joined #apa 16:00:42 fesch has joined #apa 16:01:21 Can someone pass me the webex link? 16:02:45 richschwer has joined #apa 16:03:45 clapierre has joined #apa 16:05:11 JF has joined #apa 16:05:15 scribe: fesch 16:05:27 Present+ JF 16:05:36 present+ LJWatson 16:05:46 present+ fesch 16:06:08 present+ Charles_LaPierre 16:06:31 janina: will identify folks 16:07:02 js: we have a pair of topics - HTML and dPub 16:07:17 js: introduced herselft 16:08:09 lw: Leonie Watson , Web Platforms co-chair 16:08:32 rsL Rich CTO a11y IBM 16:08:44 fe: IBM co-lead SVG a11y tf 16:08:59 jf: Deque, lots of W3C 16:09:10 tz: DPub 16:09:33 cp: Charles from Benetech, dPub TF 16:09:55 anish: xxx 16:10:06 s/anish/avneesh 16:10:26 s/xxx/COO of DAISY Consortium, Chair of EPUB A11y TF 16:11:19 js: main topics aria-details.... will Defer Shane's item 16:11:33 js: work in HTML on custom elements 16:11:51 s/cp:/cl: 16:12:55 ted: intuit a11y, joining Web Payments WG 16:13:35 zakim, take up item 1 16:13:35 agendum 1. "preview agenda with items from two minutes" taken up [from janina] 16:13:42 zakim, close item 1 16:13:42 agendum 1, preview agenda with items from two minutes, closed 16:13:43 I see 7 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:13:43 2. TPAC Planning -- Details Discovery; Note & NoteRef [from janina] 16:13:47 zakim, next item 16:13:47 agendum 2. "TPAC Planning -- Details Discovery; Note & NoteRef" taken up [from janina] 16:14:12 https://github.com/w3c/html/issues/561 16:14:31 js: we have a github tracker... 16:15:14 tz: discussion on extended descriptions - result aria-details for all users not just AT users 16:15:31 Q+ 16:16:00 tz: aria-details exist, not a good way to hide them... need to come up with some approach for all users 16:16:04 q? 16:16:45 tz: creating attributes/properties that make it displayable (toggles) - give user option of display/hide 16:17:31 lw: is the idea that someone has a icon (affordance) when closed, and a difference icon when open? 16:18:00 lw: are you asking for an visible icon (affordance) ? 16:18:20 present+ MichielBijl 16:18:47 js: part of the problem with details/summaries is we need a way to know what is behind the presentation is an extended description 16:18:59 js: and we can trigger this on ... 16:19:13 rs: details element shows a button with a drop down icon 16:19:36 rs: they don't want a visible button as it disrupts the flow 16:20:35 tz: we don't usually dictate display.... but a button saying summary can be disruptive 16:20:41 q? 16:21:03 tz: if we could have something that triggers the extended description, that would be ideal 16:21:11 "The aria-details attribute references a single element that provides more detailed information than would normally be provided by aria-describedby. Unlike aria-describedby, authors must ensure the content is not hidden and is included in a container that exposes the content to the user as it is expected that the assistive technology user navigate to the content to access it." - 16:21:17 https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.1/#aria-details 16:21:39 js: there are reasons why we would want the presence of the details hidden 16:22:31 avneesh: may need to visually exactly replicate a printed book 16:23:19 lw: in the browser when the attribute is present, make the description available or show an affordance for the description 16:23:35 q+ 16:23:40 lw: HOW DOES THIS DIFFER FROM LONDESC? 16:24:00 js: we didn't get that far, before the formal objection 16:24:23 q+ to say that i don't think we need the default to be invisible 16:24:24 Q? 16:24:28 lw: issue invisibility of longdesc 16:24:53 Longdesc only applies to images not other element… like tables etc.. 16:24:59 rs: longdesc would actually take you to another page, details is in the same page 16:25:22 rs: that is a difference from longdesc 16:25:36 lw: browsers don't want to change their UI 16:25:39 ack jf 16:28:25 jf: there is a disconnect between what Tziviya and avneesh .... and what is written 16:28:42 rs: publishers don't want javaScript in the page... 16:29:06 jf: is the content part of the page or fetched on demaind? 16:29:47 ts: there could be links to external objects as well 16:29:53 rs: can use iframes 16:30:13 js: in the spec examples of both in the page and external 16:30:15 ShaneM has joined #apa 16:30:47 cl: longdesc is only a reference by xxx 16:30:56 s/xxx/any object 16:31:15 lw: I meant with regard to browsers whether it is visible or hidden 16:31:37 s/any object/by images, and we need it referenced by any object. 16:32:16 ts: Avneesh said the default is descriptions are hidden, but in plain sight 16:32:31 janina_ has joined #apa 16:32:40 lw: so you would still see a little icon? 16:32:40 q? 16:32:48 ack cl 16:32:50 q- 16:32:53 ack tz 16:33:00 ts: yes, but if it would be easy to turn off 16:33:12 Presumably the "icon" would also be stylable using CSS? 16:33:47 lw: I don't believe the default icon is styleable 16:34:16 avneesh: we don't want to see anything there 16:34:17
Complex picture Detailed description here
16:34:32 richschwer has joined #apa 16:34:34 tz: the default should be the icon is there 16:34:57 https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-1.1/#aria-details 16:35:02 q? 16:35:06 tz: you can see examples in ARIA 1.1 16:35:16 tz: examples 1`7 and 18 16:35:38 s/1'7/17/ 16:36:01 lw: can someone put this discussion in github? 16:36:51 js: would be nice to obsolete longdesc... but how do we approach web platforms? 16:37:14 lw: we use the web platforms community group 16:37:52 lw: we are looking at a variant... 16:38:14 rs: we could have a 3rd state to let it be platform defined. 16:38:57 lw: looking at incubating in cg, you should start talking with browsers... 16:39:55 js: there are two cases that need to be made, first case is other users that need to see descriptions, 2nd case is why it should be in a browser 16:40:14 s/lw: looking at incubating in cg, you should start talking with browsers.../LW: This can be incubated within WPWG I think, rather than in the CG. I strongly suggest you tal to browser implementors to get feedback and test the water./ 16:40:29 tz: reading system are based on browsers... thus need to start with browsers 16:41:11 js: if webkit supports it it doesn't mean it is in FireFox, do we need it in the rendering agent or all the way through? 16:41:35 lw: exit criteria - need 2 implementations in browsers not rendering agent 16:43:03 fesch_ has joined #apa 16:43:36 richschwer has joined #apa 16:43:56 I need to drop 16:44:24 scribe: JF 16:45:10 LJW: hoping to have Tzviya to update the github comments (as requested by Leonie) 16:45:29 zakim, next item 16:45:29 agendum 3. "HTML Custom Elements Overview -- Leonie" taken up [from janina] 16:45:58 LJW: Custom elements is part of web compnents (along with shadow dom) 16:46:11 they are closely related 16:46:29 Custome elements allows for the creation of new custom elements that currently do not exist 16:46:48 s/Custome/Custom 16:47:06 closely related to Shadow DOM 16:47:29 when you use somethnig like