Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Teleconference

10 Aug 2016

See also: IRC log


kerry, billroberts, dmitrybrizhinev
bill roberts
Rob Atkinson


<billroberts> https://www.w3.org/2016/07/27-sdwcov-minutes

<billroberts> PROPOSED:approve minutes of last meeting

scribenick roba

<kerry> +1

<billroberts> +1

<dmitrybrizhinev> +1

<scribe> scribenick: roba

<kerry> scribe: Rob Atkinson


<billroberts> https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Patent_Call

RESOLUTION: minutes approved

<billroberts> https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:Coverage-Telecon20160810

<dmitrybrizhinev> https://github.com/ANU-Linked-Earth-Data/ontology/blob/master/ANU-LED.owl

<billroberts> sam - we can see you are nearly on webex - dmitry will go first on his part of the work

<dmitrybrizhinev> https://github.com/ANU-Linked-Earth-Data/ontology/blob/master/ANU-LED-example.owl

dmitrybrizhinev: most of the work of defining a coverage compatible with way datacube works.
... have defined subProperties of geo:location etc for cells
... explained another DGGS example
... support SPARQL queries over image metadata

<billroberts> roba: has also been looking at an ontology that builds on QB for spatial concepts

<kerry> roba asks about qb dimensions for basic geospatial concepts -- no problem with you defining lat/long in your own namespace and a broader one might be better

<kerry> dmitry: yes

<kerry> roba: a subproperty of WGS 84 CRS may not be a useful coord system

<kerry> dmitry: yes when there is a tem as advised by BP gropu we should subclass that

<kerry> roba; will suggest something tomorrow

<kerry> billroberts: this is and rdf approach top tiliing, with metadata in rdf, is a way towards metadata discovery.

bill: is an RDF approach to tiling

<kerry> ...are you looking for a rdf version of what is in the image?

kerry cant help scribing :-)

dmitrybrizhinev: SSN has capabilities?

kerry: featureofinterest missing in example - what is it for coverage
... we should ask Peter Baumann

roba: feature of interest is the thing that has a property whose value is the coverage range (i think)

kerry: deployment metadata would be useful
... use PROV to talk about processing

what is on coverage BP scope/

<billroberts> roba: feels that current practices for describing coverage metadata is not good enough

roba: suggests we focus primarily on describing the spatio-temporal aspects of coverages
... including the "range envelope"

sam: RDF QB not designed for serialising dense grids - but useful for description
... materialising subset over the wire may be useful though
... experience/experiment? is storing data in HDF
... serving in RDF

use case is also describing any access method - e.g. WCS

roba: have you done anything reasoning over descriptions?

sam: not yet

<billroberts> qxk k

<dmitrybrizhinev> roba: is it reasonable to ask the user "figure out on your own how to write the query that will give you the metadata you want?"

<dmitrybrizhinev> What I want is give me the entire graph of your metadata, but without the metadata, as a thing

<dmitrybrizhinev> roba: What I want is give me the entire graph of your metadata, but without the data, as a thing

<dmitrybrizhinev> kerry: "something like select * ?"

<dmitrybrizhinev> roba: You might be able to find a best practice, but there needs to be a shortcut, a best practice

<dmitrybrizhinev> roba: You might be able to find a pattern, but there needs to be a shortcut, a best practice

<dmitrybrizhinev> billroberts: This is why we need a well defined data model

<dmitrybrizhinev> billroberts: ... so the common tasks for the user are simple

<dmitrybrizhinev> roba: it's nice having a data model with both data and metadata, but it makes it harder to say "give me all the metadata without the data"

<dmitrybrizhinev> roba: so we need a best practice to say that the metadata on its own should be easily accessible

<dmitrybrizhinev> roba: have a data model that can support both description and serialisation

<dmitrybrizhinev> roba: have a look at the existing working group requirements, maybe we need to define a new one

<dmitrybrizhinev> sorry, I keep making errors

<dmitrybrizhinev> billroberts: have a look at the existing working group requirements, maybe we need to define a new one

<dmitrybrizhinev> roba: I'll take an action to write up a usecase for rdf metadata description

<dmitrybrizhinev> roba: I want prov, I want SSN, I want that extensible description

<dmitrybrizhinev> kerry: one of my favourite things about rdf is it doesn't distinguish between data and metadata

<dmitrybrizhinev> kerry: you can treat it as a view of the data

<dmitrybrizhinev> roba: yes I would treat it as a view of the data, but the way to do this is not yet standard

<dmitrybrizhinev> billroberts: please write up examples of some of the things you would want to retrieve

maybe - maybe thats an implementation detail ?

<kerry> +1 and me too

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. minutes approved
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/08/10 14:04:15 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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Found ScribeNick: roba
Found Scribe: Rob Atkinson

WARNING: No "Topic:" lines found.

Present: kerry billroberts dmitrybrizhinev
Regrets: scottsimmons
Found Date: 10 Aug 2016
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2016/08/10-sdwcov-minutes.html
People with action items: 

WARNING: No "Topic: ..." lines found!  
Resulting HTML may have an empty (invalid) <ol>...</ol>.

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new discussion topics or agenda items, such as:
<dbooth> Topic: Review of Amy's report

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