11:28:36 RRSAgent has joined #poe 11:28:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/08/08-poe-irc 11:28:38 RRSAgent, make logs public 11:28:38 Zakim has joined #poe 11:28:40 Zakim, this will be 11:28:40 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 11:28:41 Meeting: Permissions and Obligations Expression Working Group Teleconference 11:28:41 Date: 08 August 2016 11:28:58 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160808 11:29:12 ivan has changed the topic to: agenda for 2016-01-08: https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160808 11:29:31 Chair: Renato 11:30:40 benws has joined #poe 11:34:54 benws2 has joined #poe 11:51:51 renato has joined #poe 11:53:34 simonstey has joined #poe 11:57:42 michaelS has joined #poe 11:58:12 present+ renato 11:58:43 RRSAgent, make logs public 11:58:54 CarolineB has joined #poe 11:59:10 present+CarolineB 11:59:47 present+ 12:00:11 we heard ;-) 12:00:22 present+ michaelS 12:00:33 chair: Renato 12:00:51 Regrets: Phil, James 12:01:06 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160808 12:01:12 smyles has joined #poe 12:01:45 present+ 12:02:01 present+ 12:02:07 Any volunteers to Scribe: https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/wiki/Scribes 12:02:59 present+ 12:05:03 Happy to try but not sure how to do actions 12:05:17 scribe: CarolineB 12:05:17 cool 12:05:37 TOPIC: admin 12:05:43 scribeNick CarolineB 12:05:47 Sabrina has joined #poe 12:05:51 approve: https://www.w3.org/2016/08/01-poe-minutes 12:06:29 accepted 12:06:36 TOPIC: UCR 12:06:51 present+ Sabrina 12:07:09 renato: we'll go through the use cases, 12:07:31 ...leave Mo's since hes not here 12:07:36 UC.18 https://www.w3.org/TR/poe-ucr/#policyAssertion 12:09:06 renato: ...UC18 comes fro Plus and allows people to assert rights 12:09:43 requirement: new PolicyType for an "Assertion" of terms 12:10:35 smyles: who is making the assertion. Is there a difference? 12:12:35 renato: its someone managing rights on behalf of another. No validation is implied (answering benws) 12:13:49 UC.19 https://www.w3.org/TR/poe-ucr/#relTimeConstraint 12:14:58 michaelS: It's temporal, allowed to do something before or after the event, but no exact time for the end. 12:15:25 https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/WD-owl-time-20160712/ ? 12:15:26 ... so we need something more than fixed date and time 12:16:18 renato: there is an event constraint, could it work for this? 12:16:32 q+ 12:16:53 michaelS: it needs to be related to a time 12:17:11 "elapsedTime" - A period of time in which the policy action can be exercised. The start of the period is when the action is first exercised. 12:17:51 q+ 12:18:44 smyles: talks about how you "know" the event has happened and how it is commonly handled by organisations 12:18:52 ... if we buld it in will it be used? 12:19:17 michaelS: remembers this UC comes from earlier discussion re sport 12:19:23 ... often written in natural language 12:19:31 meteredTime The maximum period of metered usage time Value must conform to [ISO-8601] as represented in [W3CXMLSCHEMA]. For example “P30H” indicates a 30 hour period. 12:19:48 timeInterval Recurring period of time in which the usage may be exercised Interval value must conform to [ISO-8601] as represented in [W3CXMLSCHEMA]. For example, “P7D” indicates a 7 day period. 12:20:25 michaelS:don't need a description of event only an identifier of it 12:20:59 benws: wonders what ODRL needs for this. Agrees Michael just an identifier 12:21:24 +q 12:21:35 q- 12:21:51 q- 12:22:21 https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/WD-owl-time-20160712/ 12:23:43 q- 12:24:11 renato: we'll look at the OWL temporal spec and see what can be used for an encoding agnostic solution 12:25:01 renato:we've covered all we can in the UC doc for now 12:25:38 ... we need the originators to cover the reamining ones 12:26:08 renato: so - now we look at actions 12:26:20 https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/track/actions/17 12:27:16 https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/track/actions/open 12:27:59 q+ 12:28:12 benws: how many poeple do we need on the call for decisions re names 12:28:27 s/poeple/people 12:28:30 q- 12:29:15 benws: clarifies list is a list of roles 12:29:41 sabrina: claims interesting action names 12:30:03 https://www.w3.org/2016/poe/track/issues/raised 12:31:06 renato: need to do a horizontal list of deliverables. Need a privacy/security review 12:32:34 renato: editors, will you put the requirements into the WIki first? 12:33:26 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:33:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/08-poe-minutes.html ivan 12:34:03 trackbot, end telcon 12:34:03 Zakim, list attendees 12:34:03 As of this point the attendees have been renato, CarolineB, simonstey, michaelS, benws, ivan, smyles, Sabrina 12:34:11 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 12:34:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/08/08-poe-minutes.html trackbot 12:34:12 RRSAgent, bye 12:34:12 I see no action items