18:31:58 RRSAgent has joined #waicc 18:31:58 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/07/20-waicc-irc 18:32:10 present+ Tzviya 18:32:13 present+ MichaelC 18:32:14 present+ Janina 18:33:01 shadi has joined #waicc 18:33:07 present+ shadi 18:33:20 present+ Joshue108 18:33:26 present+ Brent 18:33:35 Present+ Katie_Haritos-Shea 18:34:42 present+ Judy 18:34:51 Lisa_Seeman has joined #waicc 18:35:04 fesch has joined #waicc 18:35:21 present+ Lisa_Seeman 18:36:04 Scribe: Joshue 18:36:10 zakim, agenda? 18:36:10 I see 5 items remaining on the agenda: 18:36:11 8. Liaison needs: Community Groups, new WGs, Workshops with accessibility angles? [from Judy] 18:36:11 10. Any Task Force updates or coordination questions? [from Judy] 18:36:11 11. Milestones: Rechecking progress on chartered milestones [from Judy] 18:36:12 12. Any other business? [from Judy] 18:36:12 13. Next meeting: date, and requested topics [from Judy] 18:36:39 agenda? 18:37:26 zakim, clear agenda 18:37:26 agenda cleared 18:37:29 agenda+ Confirming scribe and any agenda additions 18:37:29 agenda+ RQTF: Good to see RQTF/CAPTCHA announcement on WAI IG; ways to promote input into that thread? 18:37:29 agenda+ Mobile accessibility progress request relative to EC work 18:37:29 agenda+ REVIEWS: Pending inter-group review requests 18:37:30 agenda+ PUBS: Upcoming publications, announcements, discussion threads to promote? 18:37:30 agenda+ TPAC: registration reminders and pre-coord on joint meetings 18:37:32 agenda+ TAG/ARIA discussion moving; is APA watching any TAG discussion on access key? 18:37:34 agenda+ HTML 5.1 diff reviews nearly set? 18:37:36 agenda+ Liaisons: needs in Community Groups, new WGs, Workshops? 18:37:38 agenda+ TFs: any TF updates 18:37:39 agenda+ Any other business? 18:37:41 agenda+ Next meeting: date, and requested topics 18:37:48 zakim, take up agendum 2 18:37:48 agendum 2. "RQTF: Good to see RQTF/CAPTCHA announcement on WAI IG; ways to promote input into that thread?" taken up [from Judy] 18:38:07 JB: Its good to see this announcement on WAIIG. 18:38:20 JB: We have Jason to thank for that, along with Katie. 18:38:38 allanj has joined #waicc 18:38:53 JB: Can we talk about how to big up the CAPTCHA question on WAIIG? 18:39:10 JB: I think if people see the announcement and coversation that would be good. 18:39:17 JB: May get more traction etc. 18:39:37 JB: We want to draw others in for a started TF at TPAC. 18:39:41 JB: Any ideas? 18:39:46 Suggest asking individual questions 18:39:51 present+ Liam 18:39:55 to memebers 18:40:03 JB: Can you give examples Katie? 18:40:10 What particular issues you may have had? 18:40:16 kathy has joined #waicc 18:40:24 What have you seenis a very good experine? 18:40:26 present+ Kathy 18:40:31 JB: That would be of interest - esp in China. 18:40:47 JB: Thats good. 18:41:06 What modalities are we missing? 18:41:08 q+ 18:41:08 yes 18:41:15 JB: Those are good suggestions Katie, would you be happy to pose those? 18:41:19 JB: Ty 18:41:40 TZ: This would be of interest to lots. 18:41:44 What alternatives to CAPTCHA can you suggest? 18:41:53 TZ: Also to hear about any positives? 18:42:10 JB: Janina, Michael could you get Jason into these discussion? 18:42:14 Q+ 18:42:18 agenda? 18:42:25 TZ: There are breakout session etc, that would be successful. 18:42:26 We could put up aposter andask people to just write a note - that we could discuss in the group 18:42:46 q- 18:42:47 TZ: For solutions, its depends who is there but internationa aspect is good. 18:43:25 MC: Put a proposal in the wiki, there is one there, and one on the way - but we need help. 18:43:33 MC: I support adding it however. 18:43:51 JB: Tziya would you support if from the dPub angle? 18:43:52 In a public area, may be in the lunch room, we could put up a poster, with pens attached - to get feedback from all attendees at TPAC 18:43:58 TZ: A little of topic. 18:44:01 ack judy 18:44:04 TZ: But of interest. 18:44:09 q+ 18:44:29 LS: From COGA angle, there are also problems. 18:44:44 LS: Logging in and identification for example. 18:44:53 LS: There is a teachable moment here. 18:45:08 q+ to seemy notes above about putting up a poster to ask people to write in their experiences and ideas 18:45:11 LS: Passwords aer problematic for example.. 18:45:28 LS: Can we broaden the scope? 18:45:49 LS: There is a huge market here. Over 60s have memory issues for example. 18:46:03 LS: There is a wider market angle. 18:46:16 +1 to Lisa's concept of a teachable moment on cognitive accessibility 18:46:23 LS: If people think about it. 18:47:06 JB: The reaserach questions tf could look at this, in terms of problem,solution and wraparound package. 18:47:08 +1 to Lisa's comment 18:47:15 LS: COGA has a long issue paper on this. 18:47:32 LS: There are @alts such as biometrics etc. 18:47:53 LS: I also have an abstract on technology agnostic architecture. 18:48:15 q? 18:48:22 ack l 18:48:51 JS: For some context.. 18:49:09 JS: We started out with CAPTCHA problem, then that leads into improved authetication. 18:49:26 JS: There is recognition that we do want a better approach. 18:49:46 JS: We haev discussed this in APA. 18:50:15 JS: There is a broader issue around security, we need their engagment to develop inclusive platforms. 18:50:21 present+ Judy 18:50:25 JS: We are working in tandem with COGA. 18:50:55 JS: The immediate problem is the deliverable in APA charter.. PF did publish a note on these issues but it needs updating. 18:51:02 JS: We should start from that point. 18:51:25 JS: Dual factor authentication is also a factor. 18:51:45 JB:Reads Katies comment. 18:52:17 JS: Katie did you want to say anything more? 18:52:18 No thanks 18:52:38 s/haev/have 18:52:42 Katie: We could put up aposter andask people to just write a note - that we could discuss in the group 18:52:47 In a public area, may be in the lunch room, we could put up a poster, with pens attached - to get feedback from all attendees at TPAC 18:52:55 zakim, drop item 1 18:52:55 agendum 1, Confirming scribe and any agenda additions, dropped 18:52:56 s/aposter andask/a poster and ask 18:53:00 zakim, take up next item 18:53:00 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, Judy 18:53:04 q? 18:53:08 ack j 18:53:09 ack r 18:53:09 Ryladog, you wanted to seemy notes above about putting up a poster to ask people to write in their experiences and ideas 18:53:15 zakim, take up next item 18:53:15 agendum 3. "Mobile accessibility progress request relative to EC work" taken up [from Judy] 18:53:26 JB: Shadi? 18:54:00 Yeah! 18:54:06 SAZ: In Europe we have the Web A11y directive approved by parliment :-) 18:54:10 For gov sites right? 18:54:33 SAZ: It didn't originally cover mobile, but does now. 18:54:48 SAZ: They have been looking at our work on mobile however. 18:55:07 SAZ: There is a revision of the EU procurement standard also. 18:55:15 SAZ: This will start in autumn. 18:55:33 SAZ: We need to align the timelines, from Mobile TF to other core work. 18:55:47 ack j 18:55:49 SAZ: This is important for uniform adoption. 18:56:00 q+ Janina 18:56:20 SAZ: I'm getting more info at the mo to share with the chairs etc. 18:56:35 ack j 18:57:07 JB: This is mentioned in regard to the upcoming announcement from the WCAG group. 18:57:14 SAZ: Yes, this is important. 18:57:29 q+ to say separate announcement if it´s proposing a big change 18:57:34 SAZ: We should mention some specifics in the upcoming work with an emphasis on mobile etc. 18:57:45 SAZ: There is an optics issue here. 18:59:12 MC: Yes, there is work on a draft annoucement, some requests to modify the core announcement, would have reservations unless the additions are minor. 19:00:28 JB: Could be useful to break up that message per audience. 19:00:45 JB: Good to co-ordinate with Katie also. 19:00:54 ack M 19:00:54 MichaelC, you wanted to say separate announcement if it´s proposing a big change 19:01:07 agenda? 19:01:12 SAZ: To add to that, Michael does have a point. We shoud take a step back, reassess etc. 19:01:26 SAZ: Good to hear what Kathy thinks... 19:01:35 SAZ: So we are on message. 19:01:58 JB: We have some pending offers to do articles/blog on the mobile area. 19:02:00 I am good 19:02:15 zakim, take up next item 19:02:15 agendum 4. "REVIEWS: Pending inter-group review requests" taken up [from Judy] 19:02:46 JB: when the message goes out Michael, Katie, Kathy etc will co-ordinate etc. 19:03:02 JB: There should be timely links to things on public facing things. 19:03:10 SAZ: The Mobile A11y page can be updated. 19:03:23 JB: Good idea. 19:03:39 JB: Do we need reminders on any that are out for review? 19:03:57 JB: Michael, anything about ARIA? 19:04:28 MC: ARIA 1.1 LC working draft (pseudo) is going out tomorrow. 19:04:35 MC: Maybe issues with the new pub sys. 19:04:36 q+ to mention EPUB A11y 19:04:56 JB: The WAIIG, is that the ARIA authoring practices replaces older resources etc. 19:05:04 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ig/2016JulSep/0053.html 19:05:38 scribenick: tzviya 19:05:54 There is none at this time 19:06:07 TS: George Kerscher sent email about EPUB A11y documentation 19:06:11 I thinkthey do need context 19:06:25 That would be good 19:06:30 JB: I received many emails, but people may need context 19:07:56 AWK has joined #waicc 19:07:58 TS: I will respond to george's email to WAI IG and give some context and ask some targeted questions to the group 19:08:00 +AWK 19:08:32 q- 19:08:44 agenda? 19:08:54 zakim, take up next 19:08:54 agendum 5. "PUBS: Upcoming publications, announcements, discussion threads to promote?" taken up [from Judy] 19:10:05 MC: WCAG Understanding and Notes published yeterday, COGA FPWD coming soon 19:10:30 MC: I am drafting announcements 19:10:45 ...Should pub announcements go through Katie as well? 19:11:33 JB: Will clarify later, have to look at notes 19:12:14 q+ 19:13:44 LS: We started designing semantics to support reminders, so that they can be turned off/on (based on machine and user input) 19:13:51 s/at notes/at notes, don't believe it was for formal review but may be helpful to know that it's coming up/ 19:14:12 ...and a log - similar to a breadcumb of events 19:14:28 JB: Is this a Task Force FYI? 19:15:04 LS: Working on in COGA 19:15:14 zakim, take up item 6 19:15:14 agendum 6. "TPAC: registration reminders and pre-coord on joint meetings" taken up [from Judy] 19:15:19 zakim, close item 4 19:15:19 agendum 4, REVIEWS: Pending inter-group review requests, closed 19:15:20 I see 8 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 19:15:20 5. PUBS: Upcoming publications, announcements, discussion threads to promote? [from Judy] 19:15:22 zakim, close item 5 19:15:22 agendum 5, PUBS: Upcoming publications, announcements, discussion threads to promote?, closed 19:15:22 we are looking at syntax for reminders and for log information 19:15:24 I see 7 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 19:15:24 6. TPAC: registration reminders and pre-coord on joint meetings [from Judy] 19:15:33 and what infromtion needs be captured for that 19:16:08 JB: Weekly reminders about TPAC in active meetings 19:16:47 AWK: Lisa and I need to talk about COGA meeting and whether that is with/apart from WCAG 19:18:18 agenda? 19:18:29 zakim, take up next 19:18:29 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, Judy 19:18:47 JB: TAG/ARIA discussions moving smoothly 19:19:11 ...There is a second a11y issue on TAG list regarding access-key 19:19:39 s/access-key/access key 19:20:23 JS: I don't think there has been activity on that issue recently. I would rely on Leonie if there was any discussion 19:20:28 q+ to speak when I don´t have to try to get a word in edgewise 19:20:39 JB: It would be good to close out the HTML A11y TF if it's not active 19:21:20 q? 19:21:25 ack l 19:21:27 ack m 19:21:27 MichaelC, you wanted to speak when I don´t have to try to get a word in edgewise 19:21:27 MC: I subscribed to the GitHub issue after Judy mentioned it. It's not clear if it's on TAG agenda for next week yet 19:21:40 agenda? 19:22:22 ack me 19:22:30 zakim, take up item 8 19:22:30 agendum 8. "HTML 5.1 diff reviews nearly set?" taken up [from Judy] 19:22:38 [JB notes that people are welcome to queue at any time] 19:22:43 JB: This seems to be largely completed 19:22:51 JS: We are done with that 19:23:01 zakim, take up item 9 19:23:01 agendum 9. "Liaisons: needs in Community Groups, new WGs, Workshops?" taken up [from Judy] 19:23:14 JS: We are overdue to review CGs 19:23:52 ...The agenda is a little lighter now, so we should be able to get to this soon. 19:24:21 Virtual? 19:25:57 JB: We spoke about recruiting in WAI IG for VR Workshop. Has that happened? 19:26:24 I havent yet, buut it is a good idea 19:26:24 Do we have a link to the workshop? 19:26:29 I willdo that 19:26:55 no 19:26:58 link 19:27:04 or Ill look for it 19:27:14 This one: https://www.w3.org/2016/06/vr-workshop/ 19:27:36 Perfect thanks Andrew 19:27:47 zakim, next item 19:27:47 agendum 6. "TPAC: registration reminders and pre-coord on joint meetings" taken up [from Judy] 19:27:54 zakim, take up item 10 19:27:54 agendum 10. "TFs: any TF updates" taken up [from Judy] 19:28:22 zakim, take up item 12 19:28:22 agendum 12. "Next meeting: date, and requested topics" taken up [from Judy] 19:28:25 Aug 3rd? 19:29:07 Any regrets for Aug 3rd? 19:29:32 rrsagent, make minutes 19:29:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/07/20-waicc-minutes.html tzviya 19:29:42 bye 19:30:07 rrsagent, make logs public 19:30:53 zakim, bye 19:30:53 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Michael_Cooper, Janina_Sajka, Judy_Brewer, Josh_O'Connor, Fred_Esch, Tzviya, Katie, Haritos-Shea, Kim, Patch, Joshue108, Liam, 19:30:53 Zakim has left #waicc 19:30:56 ... fesch, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Wilco, George, Jim, accessibility_gods, AWK, MichaelC, Katie_Haritos-Shea, shadi, Brent, Lisa_Seeman, Kathy 19:43:32 allanj has left #waicc