21:04:00 RRSAgent has joined #aria-test 21:04:00 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/07/13-aria-test-irc 21:04:02 RRSAgent, make logs world 21:04:02 Zakim has joined #aria-test 21:04:04 Zakim, this will be 21:04:04 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 21:04:05 Meeting: Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference 21:04:05 Date: 13 July 2016 21:04:06 jongund_ has joined #aria-test 21:04:21 Hi Joanie 21:04:28 Chair: Jon Gunderson 21:05:10 present+ ShaneM 21:05:17 present+ Cyns 21:05:22 present+ jongund_ 21:06:06 ShaneM has changed the topic to: ARIA Testing meeting 647 543 114 21:06:12 aria 21:06:15 is the code 21:06:37 s/aria// 21:07:18 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 21:08:18 TOPIC: What we are doing with test automation for ARIA 21:08:25 Some notes at wiki: https://www.w3.org/wiki/ARIA_1.1_Automated_Testing 21:10:10 Rich has joined #aria-test 21:10:13 present+ Rich 21:10:40 https://github.com/MicrosoftEdge/A11y 21:15:10 Shane: The WPT can hold the tests 21:15:40 Shane: How it interfaces with AT, my assumption was acting as an AT 21:15:48 David: yes 21:16:31 Shane: The concept is to make a channel communication between AT and the test framework 21:16:51 Shane: The WPT has a framework for reporting to W3C 21:17:12 CS: The W3C has a report framework 21:17:40 CS: A way to communicate the AT and the test page with some Javascript 21:18:02 CS: The information can then be passed/fail 21:18:18 CS: We output CSV 21:18:42 Shane: There are security issues with local file system, browser have work arounds 21:19:11 Shane: Providing the fake AT a URL handler with the results 21:19:27 Shane: Pass the data in any useful format 21:19:47 Shane: Goal is to inspect the result automatically 21:20:11 Shane: We want the tests to be run automatically during normal browser development testing 21:20:22 CS: We care about more than CR 21:20:37 CS: We don't need W3C CR reports everytime 21:20:55 Shane: The webkit team uses this, the data is more than just reports 21:21:17 Shane: Edge maybe using the WPT already, they are in the IRC channel 21:21:22 CS: Somebody 21:21:43 Shane: Joanie has been thinking of this for other APIs 21:21:51 JD: Narrow it down for me 21:22:00 Shane: Linux 21:22:09 JD: Yes, accessibility APIs 21:22:37 JD: Each platform would provide their own API 21:22:45 CS: Can you try to do this 21:23:07 Shane: David how do you feel about the code, can it send code 21:23:18 David: Yes I think it could be extended 21:24:13 Shane: It is strictly browser testing, no capability in turning on the AT connector 21:24:49 Shane: You would need to start the AT emulator, then the browser 21:25:05 Shane: Does AT attach to a window or how does it work 21:25:34 David: The AT looks at the Accessibility API to find edge 21:25:58 Shane: If there is a named window the AT could find the right window 21:26:26 David: You can just start with the top node and then start looking for the right window 21:26:47 JD: One event we get is a document load event, you can key off that event 21:27:06 Shane: In WPT test is a load, so there would be a load event 21:27:42 JD: That is like ideal, the first thing you need is the document and the event tells you it ready 21:27:59 RS: One question is there an MSAA? 21:28:16 rrsagent, make minutes 21:28:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/07/13-aria-test-minutes.html ShaneM 21:28:27 David: There was initially, but we didn't create all the tests for MSAA 21:28:38 David: There are old commits 21:29:05 JG: The WPT is feasible? 21:29:41 Shane: Let's talk about ARIA 1.0, how many tests? 21:29:51 RS: ~900 21:30:07 Shane: They were generally automatically generated? 21:30:30 CS: The expected results though where human readible 21:30:53 CS: I was planning on working on a format 21:31:11 RS: Some tests required a time delay, did you allow for that 21:31:19 David: Yes, we can handle waiting 21:31:39 CS: We will start with the simpler tests 21:32:21 Shane: WPT and its test runner framework, has an interesting async test module, based on events, so it can handle delays 21:32:52 Shane: The battery test API is an example, so you have to wait for the battery percentage changes 21:33:13 Shane: Let's not reinvent 21:33:30 CS: The format on the wiki looks OK, but is too simple 21:34:02 RS: You doing a comparison with a predicted states and properties, can you test events 21:34:27 CS: Is there anything else other than live regions 21:34:34 CS: Can we test events? 21:34:43 David: It is possible 21:34:57 Shane: How do events get exposed? 21:35:16 CS: There are accessibility API event and then start plateform events 21:35:24 http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/core-aam/core-aam.html#mapping_events 21:35:27 RS: State change events... 21:35:58 RS: You have text remove..., live regions...., there are special ones for UIA 21:36:20 RS: MSAA/IA2 they are pretty standard 21:36:44 CS: It is a feature, but there are many other things more important 21:36:47 RS: Agree 21:36:59 CS: We can work on that in the future 21:37:13 RS: They are pretty simple tests 21:38:08 JD: Event testing should be easy, if we are listening for events for knowing when to check, then we are already testing the events 21:38:56 Shane: There are 2 kinds of test, declarative states and properties, there are more complex tests that evaluates .... 21:39:16 Shane: It sounds like the current test only sends back one file 21:39:48 CS: Event testing will be a different kind of test 21:40:06 David: There is a way to get the data back iteratively. 21:40:14 JD: I will be automating the even test, I think this will be easy 21:40:42 JD: If this is going to change the harness, then that would be a priority 21:41:07 David: DIfferent branch for each browser and platform 21:41:39 JD: We need to figure out exactly needs to be done 21:42:28 Shane: SpecOps has some resources for this, what I can volunteer to do is get the infrastructure in place 21:43:04 Shane: If we set this up so there is one click to start, if the test requires a change ..... 21:43:30 Shane: The low hanging fruit is where we should start 21:43:45 CS: We can do some interaction testing, but that is more work 21:44:06 Shane: If you are using web drive it works across browsers 21:44:19 David: It is just navigate and open 21:44:44 CS: We tested the date controls, but are more work to write 21:48:25 Shane: WPT is more than reporting, it will also a runner framework 21:58:53 CS: I will be looking at test cases, and port them to the fields 21:59:24 Shane: RS put a pointer in to core AAM 21:59:50 Shane: Aren't the assertions in the document 22:00:23 JD: We have a chicken and egg issue 22:00:39 RS: ARIA 1.1 process to CR .... 22:00:59 JG: Next call in two weeks 22:01:21 Shane: We should be looking at next time having this machine extractable 22:02:06 JD: Is what the core AAM does is ... the checkbox is checked is is different on each platform 22:03:55 ACTION: ShaneM to create sample wrapper to talk with a fake AT under WPT by 7/27 22:03:56 Created ACTION-2095 - Create sample wrapper to talk with a fake at under wpt by 7/27 [on Shane McCarron - due 2016-07-20]. 22:04:22 ATK connector (Joanie) IA2 connector AX Connector Event testing (Joanie) Reporting with WPT (Shane) Document test case format (Cyns) Parsing JSON test case format (Brett) Create tests (working group) 22:05:44 rrsagent, make minutes 22:05:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/07/13-aria-test-minutes.html ShaneM 22:06:15 joanie has left #aria-test 22:06:26 ACTON: joanie ATK connector 22:07:04 ACTION: joanie ATK connector 22:07:04 Created ACTION-2096 - Atk connector [on Joanmarie Diggs - due 2016-07-20]. 22:07:22 ACTION: joanie IA2 connector AX Connector Event testing 22:07:22 Created ACTION-2097 - Ia2 connector ax connector event testing [on Joanmarie Diggs - due 2016-07-20]. 22:07:47 ACTION: cyns Document test case format 22:07:48 Created ACTION-2098 - Document test case format [on Cynthia Shelly - due 2016-07-20]. 22:08:37 ACTION: cyns David Brett will work on parsing JSON test case format 22:08:37 Created ACTION-2099 - David brett will work on parsing json test case format [on Cynthia Shelly - due 2016-07-20]. 22:08:49 rrsagent, draft minutes 22:08:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/07/13-aria-test-minutes.html jongund_ 22:24:11 jongund_ has joined #aria-test 22:28:38 Rich has joined #aria-test 23:51:28 Zakim has left #aria-test