16:28:00 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:28:00 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/07/07-aria-irc 16:28:02 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:28:02 Zakim has joined #aria 16:28:04 Zakim, this will be 16:28:04 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 16:28:05 Meeting: Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference 16:28:05 Date: 07 July 2016 16:28:27 present+ Rich, Jemma, MichaelC 16:29:35 fesch has joined #aria 16:29:47 JemmaKu has joined #aria 16:30:17 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 16:30:26 present+ Janina 16:30:55 jamesn has joined #aria 16:31:11 present+ JaeunJemma_Ku 16:33:05 LJWatson has joined #aria 16:33:18 present+ LJWatson 16:33:21 Stefan has joined #aria 16:34:01 mck has joined #aria 16:34:19 scribe: MichaelC 16:34:37 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Jul/0032.html 16:34:39 chair: Rich 16:34:53 topic: CfC Results 16:34:57 clown has joined #aria 16:35:00 - Move Password Role to ARIA 2.0 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria-admin/2016Jun/0068.html 16:35:00 - Approve changes to the separator role https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria-admin/2016Jun/0069.html 16:35:00 - Approve changes to the spin button role https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria-admin/2016Jun/0074.html 16:35:07 rs: no objections, these can go forward 16:35:21 topic: Current Survey Results: aria-roledescription, role=static/text 16:35:29 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/83726/2016-07-07_roledescription/results 16:35:41 rs: no clear consensus 16:35:57 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/83726/2016-07-07_roledescription/results 16:35:57 present+ Joseph_Scheuhammer 16:36:20 opinions are all over the map 16:36:37 Cyns doesn´t want to deal with text / static in 1.1 16:37:00 Edge just finished implementing text pattern, which is no small task 16:37:07 so they may not want to open up rightnow 16:37:23 JamesC thinks roledescription is doable but a hack 16:37:27 which everyone agrees with I think 16:37:38 he´d prefer a role, but willing to move to ARIA 2 if we have the hack for now 16:37:51 SteveF and JamesN wanted this 16:38:01 (the role) 16:38:11 role=text implemented in Webkit 16:38:24 I don´t want misuse of roledescription 16:38:45 use cases for it were primarily education industry 16:39:09 so you could change a functional listbox to e.g., slices of pizza 16:39:11 jongund has joined #aria 16:39:27 just a way of exposing author presentation intent 16:39:28 +q 16:39:39 so APG would need to speak about misuse 16:39:41 ack s 16:39:42 q+ 16:40:05 ss: there are many specialized uses of options and listitems 16:40:29 present+ jongund 16:40:34 supplemental role string saying look at documentation very helpful 16:40:35 q? 16:40:38 ack j 16:40:41 ack jamesn 16:40:54 jn: charts and graphs also benefit from this 16:40:55 q+ 16:41:04 q+ 16:41:05 bgaraventa1979 has joined #aria 16:41:09 ack me 16:41:18 q+ 16:41:27 present+ Bryan_Garaventa 16:41:30 q+ to say - I never used roledescription in charts 16:41:39 present+ matt_king 16:41:49 mc: these are use cases for roledescription, right? would null roledescription impair those? 16:41:54 rs: no 16:41:58 we just don´t want people abusing it 16:41:59 ack l 16:42:00 q+ 16:42:02 ack ljwatson 16:42:09 lw: use cases focus on interactive component 16:42:20 yet spec specifically advises against that 16:42:28 yet @@ lost interaction 16:42:51 jd: initially expected stronger language 16:43:09 q? 16:43:11 but would have made such uses author error 16:43:20 so we went to ¨discourage¨ 16:43:23 because of user interaction implication 16:43:28 *if people really know what they´re doing* 16:43:39 lw: that´s clearer, but it´s still terrifying 16:44:09 as BG said, what about reverse where author implies nonexistent interactivity? 16:44:16 q? 16:44:18 jn: more likely than misuse of button? 16:44:33 lw: that´s a case in point that they´ll do stuff like that 16:44:39 jn: authors can break ARIA today 16:44:45 lw: still don´t want to give them another way 16:44:58 rs: clearly authoring practices needed 16:44:59 ack me 16:45:00 ack mck 16:46:00 mk: the third option I proposed focuses on the use cases originally proposed for roledescription 16:46:06 third option: https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/action2092option3/aria/aria.html#aria-roledescription 16:46:08 think suppressing role is unneccesasry and high risk 16:46:13 +q 16:46:23 so I think option 3 is a good compromise 16:46:33 ack next 16:46:34 fesch, you wanted to say - I never used roledescription in charts 16:46:40 ack me 16:46:47 fe: I don´t like hacks 16:46:54 10 people in the universe will use it well 16:47:02 yet it will live forever because can´t remove a hack 16:47:08 +1 to Fred 16:47:24 not sure pie chart is a good example; SVG is another language and will develop a separate taxonomy for chart a11y 16:47:38 don´t want a HTML hack to intrude on that 16:47:42 q? 16:47:49 ack s 16:48:09 ss: there are good examples of beneifts of roledescription 16:48:40 maybe should consider restricting roles it can be used on 16:48:50 with some roles, there could be conflicts if using it 16:49:02 just saying ¨be careful¨ may not be enough 16:49:08 ack b 16:49:08 q+ to suggest roledescription supplements the role announcement, then if isn't present defaults back only to role announcement. 16:49:10 q? 16:49:21 +1 to Stefan's statement that we need to tighten up roledesc text in the spec and possibly limit use. 16:49:22 bg: my concerns increase 16:49:34 sounds like this could alter semantics even of implict roles 16:49:42 could easily start to break stuff 16:49:45 q+ 16:49:53 AT users really rely on roles not being broken 16:50:03 e.g., if headings get broken, can´t navigate by heading 16:50:20 jd: that wouldn´t happen 16:50:38 mk: there´s an AT should that roledescription shouldn´t affect any behavior besides speaking role name 16:50:39 q? 16:50:51 q+ 16:50:57 q+ To say that roledescription is not parsable so option 3 has no impact 16:51:08 bg: that would be hidden functionality 16:51:17 because you wouldn´t know what are the headings that you can navigate 16:51:23 mk: option 3 has wording to address that 16:51:36 should only extend description of role 16:51:47 can put guidance in APG 16:51:53 not claiming this solves entire problem 16:52:31 bg: heard, but for the record think roledescription is dangerous 16:52:53 e.g., consider the pizza slices, how does user know they can navigate as a list box? 16:52:55 ack l 16:52:55 LJWatson, you wanted to suggest roledescription supplements the role announcement, then if isn't present defaults back only to role announcement. 16:52:59 lw: +1 16:53:01 ack LJWatson 16:53:23 what if roledescription supplemented rather than replaced? 16:53:27 q+ 16:53:34 rs: +1 16:53:50 q+ to say supplement means can´t have meaningful null value, which is what started all this 16:54:16 bg: some things could be weird 16:54:28 lw: but if don´t do, users won´t know how to interact 16:54:41 jn: author needs to describe the interaction pattern 16:54:50 ss: the thing must be known to user 16:54:51 ack me 16:54:58 q- 16:54:58 so documentation 16:55:17 mk: saw example of that 16:55:32 but you could also put roledescription on span 16:55:38 jn: then have to code a lot 16:55:53 mk: expect that would be the base use for this 16:56:09 still push towards option 3 because of the guidance 16:56:23 jn: option 3 seems not to address null roledescription 16:56:39 mk: it says null = absent 16:57:21 jn: really we´re looking at options 1 and 2; could add language to either from option 3 16:57:39 mk: really think it´s between 2 and 3, not 1 and 2 16:57:56 though wording for option 2 hard 16:57:57 ack r 16:58:05 q- 16:58:17 rs: this started as addressing use case for text / static role 16:58:36 certainly issues if null roledescription could in theory wipe everything out 16:58:45 what if we just do it for img role? 16:59:18 recommend suppress role on null roledescription in just that case, but otherwise take matt´s preference 16:59:18 q- 16:59:41 -1 to allowing null on image; unnecessary. 16:59:54 +1 to allowing "" on img 16:59:55 q+ is SVG considered an image on some cases? 17:00:00 -1 would strongly want to know when an image was an image, even when it contains only text. 17:00:16 mk: think this is a way to control screen reader verbosity, which seems not domain of aria 17:00:18 q+ to ask if SVG is considered an image on some cases? 17:00:26 -1, images that only have text fail WCAG. 17:00:59 don´t think needed 17:01:08 jn: gave use case last week 17:01:37 with current ARIA, you lose the decimal that´s in the visual version 17:01:44 so needed static role with a label 17:01:46 @clown in all other ways to bring SVG in a browser (as a file, inline, iframe, embed...) you get children in the DOM 17:01:53 q? 17:02:04 mk: could do without null roledescription 17:02:34 lw: ?? 17:02:38 @clown it is easy to do jn: it´s not an image, it´s text 17:02:57 some of characters missing 17:03:01 need to override text presentation 17:03:07 ack me 17:03:07 clown, you wanted to ask if SVG is considered an image on some cases? 17:03:08 lw: use aria-label 17:03:36 lw: need to have a role to use label 17:03:58 mk: could use roledescription with some other role e.g., ¨price¨ 17:04:09 in that example, decimal is the only thing missing 17:04:12 jn: it´s important 17:04:23 I didn´t write this, I found it on the web on a major site 17:04:35 mk: why hack ARIA when there are other approaches? 17:04:56 lw: @@ 17:05:09 mk: is a high risk hack worth it 17:05:19 jn: I also dislike null roledescription 17:05:25 really want text / static role 17:05:33 but feel forced into this direction 17:05:39 rs: we already have text / static written up 17:05:47 but MC won´t implement right now 17:05:55 s/MC/MS/ 17:06:08 looking for an interim approach 17:06:34 jn: suppressing @@ 17:06:45 mk: can solve other ways 17:06:51 jn: can always find another way 17:07:02 every role in ARIA is a way of working around something 17:07:26 mk: e.g., tree can´t be done 17:07:31 jn: but still most things 17:08:03 mk: still not clear why one more way needed? 17:08:12 jn: many other places this would be useful 17:08:15 q? 17:08:22 ack Stefan 17:08:25 don´t have examples right now, probably worked around in suboptimal ways 17:08:26 ss: 17:08:45 I think AT should always expose original role 17:08:52 that you could access via special function 17:09:07 mappings should not disable that 17:10:20 rs: on some APIs the original role is still available 17:10:25 not sure if all 17:10:34 agree original role shouldn´t be overwritten 17:10:57 think that´s generally agreed in AT vendor community 17:11:04 maybe need to state that in APG 17:11:28 for now, will the hack work, or do we just provide original role 17:11:29 JF has joined #aria 17:11:35 right now, several say they have an issue 17:12:02 I´m ok either way, just want to meet the issue 17:12:06 right now, there is not consensus 17:12:16 note if we don´t agree, then nothing happen 17:12:33 mk: set roledescription to the text label you want 17:12:52 that´s seamless and doesn´t require null 17:12:58 I'm okay if a null value is only used on an image for this purpose, just not as a global attribute 17:13:03 so don´t need aria-label then 17:13:07 that is an even more cheesy hack 17:13:10 q+ To say that is a horrible hack 17:13:52 17:14:20 Why not use an alt to do the same thing? 17:14:23 js: would there be alt on this example? 17:14:27 mk: no 17:14:36 put alt=¨¨ 17:14:46 js: that indicates it´s presentational 17:14:57 17:14:58 lw: why suppress image? 17:15:07 mk: exactly 17:15:07 17:15:12 Q? 17:15:20 ack joa 17:15:20 joanie, you wanted to say that is a horrible hack 17:15:38 jd: is user comes across a renamed role, they have to navigate to it and query to figure out how to interact with it 17:15:46 q? 17:15:51 only to discover in this example that they can´t interact after all that effort 17:16:06 +1 to Joanie.... this hack is too horrible 17:16:38 17:16:45 jn, jd: this is worse than null roledescription 17:16:47 lw: no 17:17:00 rs: label in roledescription - that seems quite wrong 17:17:23 mk: this supports more temporary nature of the hack 17:17:30
17:18:16 jn: with @@ can still determine it´s an image 17:18:59 Rich:Q+ to say this feels like a hack to solve a minor use case, with the potential to break far more than it will ever mend. 17:19:01 mk: this is all about suppressing one word - ¨graphic¨ 17:19:15 Q+ to say this feels like a hack to solve a minor use case, with the potential to break far more than it will ever mend. 17:19:15 q? 17:19:17 all the AT users here don´t care about having it suppressed 17:19:22 jn: but it´s not a graphic 17:19:31 mk: a different technique would be better 17:19:37 jn: that´s not always possible quickly 17:20:07 lw, mb: 17:20:24 jn: there´s a lot of QA to fix something 17:20:31 lw: why use img? 17:20:43 jn: it´s all we have. I wanted text / static, but that´s been punted 17:20:44 $$$ World should announce "graphic Multi-Dollar World" ? 17:20:55 ack l 17:20:55 LJWatson, you wanted to say this feels like a hack to solve a minor use case, with the potential to break far more than it will ever mend. 17:20:57 ack LJWatson 17:21:23 lw: this hack is for one very specific use case sometimes, but can do a lot of collateral damage 17:21:26 +q 17:21:34 mk: @@ would fix the problem 17:21:40 jn: changing DOM also fixes, but that´s harder 17:22:10 this hack is so you don´t have to add nodes, just putting role on an existing node 17:22:19 ack s 17:22:20 $$$ World should announce "graphic Multi-Dollar World" 17:22:21 ack me 17:22:53 ss: what is AT announcement in above example? 17:23:06 17:23:34 rs: the label in roledescription, that´s one of the most frustrating things I´ve had to deal with in APIs 17:24:02 me, I don´t support label in roledescription, but don´t have strong preference on other approaches 17:24:16 can only think of limiting to img for now 17:24:23 until we can deal with more substantially in ARIA 2 17:24:32 and get other implementers on board 17:25:06 mk: ?? 17:25:13 rs: we don´t have consensus to include text / static in ARIA 1.1 17:25:28 but want to meet the use case 17:25:41 can we live with null roledescription just on img role? 17:25:47 No 17:26:14 mk: are we voting between that or nothing? 17:26:39 remember the AT users aren´t concerned about the redundant ¨graphic¨ announcement 17:27:03 alternative between that and not solving problem? 17:27:06 rs: correct 17:27:11 this is holding up other things 17:27:20 trying to narrow scope 17:27:25 very clear there isn´t consensus 17:27:40 so exploring limiting to img, or doing nothing before ARIA 2 17:27:55 think JamesC, SteveF, and @@ will object to doing nothing at all 17:28:10 q+ 17:28:20 this proposal is essentially a modification of option 3 17:28:34 ss: is it analagous to alt=¨¨? 17:28:40 does it make the img presentational? 17:28:58 rs: similar, but providing a label 17:28:59 ack ss 17:29:01 ack s 17:29:15 Proposed resolution 1: Solve speaking of the word graphic by allowing null roledescription onelements with role img. 17:29:16 Proposed resolution: Push off the image role speaking problem to ARIA 2.0. 17:29:29 rs: JamesN you could live with isolating to img? 17:29:31 jn: yes 17:29:51 +1 to pushing to ARIA 2.0 17:29:53 💩 17:30:03 +1 to pushing to ARIA 2.0 17:30:50 rs: can people not live with proposal 1? 17:31:00 mk: can not live with #1; when push comes to shove. 17:31:09 mk: would rather wait. 17:31:20 lw: really prefer not; to be binary, I can´t live with it 17:31:36 rs: can people live with proposal 2? 17:31:41 +1 17:31:48 so we can have this same discussion again in 2.0 17:31:48 +1 17:32:20 mc: some people not present can´t live with it, so this will come right back 17:32:28 jn: punting to 2.0 just means the same objections there? Why wait? 17:32:35 mk: could scope more carefully 17:33:08 also I want to collect the killer use cases that justify the extra work 17:33:34 +1 to Leonie 17:33:39 lw: I don´t see the use case as critical, and echo that once a hack is out there we can´t retract it 17:33:48 +1 to LJWatson 17:33:48 rs: I agree this is not critical for 1.1 17:34:54 note in 2.0 we might even need host language restrictions, so even more complicated 17:35:07 js: note we don´t need unanimity, we need preponderance 17:35:09 q+ 17:35:38 (text wasn't rushed - it was one of the first things in 1.1) 17:36:30 mc: this is political not practical; if people feel outvoted they can take to FO 17:37:03 can we avoid that by making people happy enough? 17:37:23 mk: FtF discussion with JamesC might help 17:37:33 rs: note role=text implemented all over ITunes 17:37:37 really want to avoid FO 17:41:09 17:42:05 Proposed resolution: aria-roledescription="" will cause aria-roledescription to be ignored by user agents in all cases except for the implied or explicit img role where it would suppress speaking of the role by screen readers. 17:42:23 http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/action2092option3/aria/aria.html#aria-roledescription 17:42:26 jn: not clear on option 3 yet 17:43:34 Proposed resolution: aria-roledescription="" will cause aria-roledescription to be ignored by user agents in all cases except for the implied or explicit img role where it would be mapped to the accessibility API and enable screen readers to supress speaking of the image role. 17:44:41 Proposed resolution: aria-roledescription="" will cause aria-roledescription to be ignored by user agents in all cases except when an element has an implied or explicit img role where it would be mapped to the accessibility API and enable screen readers to suppress speaking of the image role. 17:46:00 fe: if role=img on span, would apply to span? 17:46:03 ech 17:46:04 image stuff here… 17:46:44 Proposed resolution: aria-roledescription="" will cause aria-roledescription to be ignored by user agents in all cases except when an element has an implied or explicit img role. If the element has the img role the aria-roledescription property would be mapped to the accessibility API to enable screen readers to suppress speaking of the image role. 17:47:46 image stuff here… 17:50:33 scribe: MichielBijl 17:50:49 MK: I like that approach 17:50:56 …bit different than normal CfC 17:51:11 RS: Pick one, and hopefully we do better than 50/50 17:51:36 …Matt, can you create branch with that text in it? 17:51:46 …We'll put that to CfC as a vote 17:52:01 MK: Just like option 3 except that it has the exception in it? 17:52:30 RS: Everyone okay with it being a vote? 17:52:35 JS: I'm okay with it 17:52:42 …Not sure it's the best way 17:52:51 RS: It gives everyone a chance to vote 17:52:55 WFM 17:54:00 MC: Something about CR edits 17:54:11 LW: Would this be a substantive change? 17:54:14 MC: Well no 17:54:20 …No process requirements 17:54:25 LW: Ah okay 17:54:51 RRSAgent: makeminutes 17:54:51 I'm logging. I don't understand 'makeminutes', MichielBijl. Try /msg RRSAgent help 17:54:56 RRSAgentm, makeminutes 17:55:00 RRSAgent, makeminutes 17:55:00 I'm logging. I don't understand 'makeminutes', MichielBijl. Try /msg RRSAgent help 17:55:05 RRSAgent, make minutes 17:55:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/07/07-aria-minutes.html MichielBijl 17:55:09 RRSagent, make minutes 17:55:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/07/07-aria-minutes.html JemmaKu 17:55:58 got to head out guys, another meting 17:56:36 RS: Do we need a CfC for the straw poll? 17:56:42 MC: Not formally 17:57:10 …Is it a CfC survey? 17:57:40 JS: We've been misusing the word straw for a couple years now 17:57:59 LW: Can I thank the CfC senders for adding length and end date in the subject 17:58:02 +1 17:58:38 RESOLUTION: Put up CFC survey for members to put in a special case of option 3 that tells ATs to suppress the the role when the role description has a null value and to move the text/static role to ARIA 2.0 or to accespt option 3 and move the text/static role to ARIA 2.0 17:59:14 s/+1/MB: +1/ 17:59:40 s/RRSAgent: makeminutes// 17:59:47 s/RRSAgentm, makeminutes// 17:59:55 RRSAgent, make minutes 17:59:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/07/07-aria-minutes.html MichielBijl 18:00:56 *discussion about CfC about poll and survey* 18:01:04 no preference 18:01:08 RS and JS: I'm happy doing this parallel 18:01:29 RS: Michael can you start the process for last call draft? 18:01:35 …Let's see where we are next week 18:01:52 MC: Not much I can do process wise, except staging 18:02:12 JS: CfC goes out after the survey? 18:02:20 MC: Same time(?) 18:02:32 no objection with what Rich said 18:03:00 MC: We can send both simultaneous 18:03:14 RESOLUTION: Begin process of publishing a pseudo last call version of ARIA 1.1 pending the survey 18:03:27 RS: Start looking at time lines next week 18:03:41 bye all 18:03:42 …Thank you everyone for working on this issue, it's not the easiest one 18:03:59 Thanks everybody 18:04:43 RRSAgent, make minutes 18:04:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/07/07-aria-minutes.html MichielBijl 18:05:00 either way, you can just send that URI to the list 18:05:10 Okay 18:07:01 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 18:18:20 clown has joined #aria 18:37:17 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 19:10:06 Rich has joined #aria 19:33:02 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 19:47:02 Zakim has left #aria 19:57:06 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 20:05:06 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 20:11:14 Rich has joined #aria 20:22:26 Rich has joined #aria 22:36:54 Rich has joined #aria 22:40:24 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #aria 22:40:51 Rich has joined #aria