Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference

23 Jun 2016

See also: IRC log


allanj, Scott, AWK
Wayne, JohnR


+ Laura

<scribe> Scribe: Laura

Modify SC WCAG 1.4.8 item 2 (80 characters) https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-SC/issues/6

<allanj> 2. Width is @@user adjustable between no less than 5 characters and @@ no more than 80 characters or glyphs (40 if CJK).

Jim: proposing inserting a clause.

Scott: 80 characters is outdated.
... doesn’t know if we can define something that makes sense.

<allanj> scott: like the range, perhaps a bottom of 10 characters, and with upper range of X, because of wide monitors.

Scott: Most imporant is scaling.

shawn: don’t know why we whant to lower characters

<allanj> scott: optimize for some range, a variety of widths, support flexibility where we can.

scott: want to encourage flexibility.

jim: would like to fit into existing SCs if possible.

awk: big discussion around SC numbering

<ScottM> Width is user adjustable, optimized for 80 characters

awk: large push to not change what wcag has now.

<ScottM> but then what does optimized mean?

WCAG 2.1 SC Numbering: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/WCAG_2.1_SC_Numbering

<ScottM> I'd be fine with that

<allanj> jim: width is user adjustable. with a lowest range

scott: hard to define a number

<allanj> scott: this is a AAA, so never checked line length.

shawn: user need for short line widths

<ScottM> minimum of 1 word?

<allanj> proposal: width is user adjustable @@do we need a lower bound.

jim: 148 is where we may want to try to put most things in.
... been sending items to the list. would like comments.

RESOLUTION: width is user adjustable @@do we need a lower bound

RESOLUTION: width is user adjustable @@do we need a lower bound

<shawn> ^^ that is draft for further consideration

Modify/New SC Reflow to Single Column - WCAG 1.4.8 item 5 or New item https://github.com/w3c/low-vision-SC/issues/7

jim: falls under WCAG 1.4.8
... 2 approaches

shawn: needs to be a new SC

<allanj> shawn: not just blocks of text. talking about the entire page

scott: muli-column is very difficult to use

<allanj> scott: multicolumn is very difficult with screen mag.

scott: single col is much easier

<Zakim> shawn, you wanted to say single column for blocks of text is probably A - whereas for all content maybe AA or AAA

great. thanks.

<allanj> shawn: 2 SC, one A for blocks of text, one AA or AAA for all content/page

scott: discourage for multi-columns for text

<allanj> shawn: allow users to have blocks of text as a single column

scott: data tables are different

<allanj> shawn: what is it called when you make a multicolumn page with nav etc into a single columns? linearize content?

<allanj> users can make main content single column

scott: screen magnifier can't reflow

<allanj> single column of X width

<allanj> Main content can be displayed as a single column that does not require the user to scroll horizontally to read a line of text on a full-screen window regardless of viewport or device size.

<allanj> shawn: what about footer with 4 columns of links...that needs to reflow

<ScottM> reflow document into a single column?

<allanj> shawn: def of blocks of text more than one sentence of text.

<ScottM> linear content can be displayed in a single column?

<allanj> shawn:

shawn: ... block of text can be presented in a single column.

scott: may not want to limit to text

shawn: may need to address other content separately

scott: it is still the same problem.

<ScottM> +1

<allanj> Proposal: Block of text can be displayed as a single column.

shawn: text can be displayed in a single column.

<ScottM> +1

<allanj> +1


<ScottM> my graphics are feeling left out :)

<shawn> for a draft for further consideration -- realizing that ther are other issues that also need to be addressed - including images AND overall page content

shawn: is that level A or AA?

Scott: A seems reasonable.

<allanj> +1

<allanj> folks with cognitive issues have real difficulty with multicolumn

<ScottM> A


<shawn> multicolumn and screen magnification (especailly with any cognitive disability) can be totally unusable / in accessible

<shawn> +1 for A

shawn: if it a new SC we can expand to images

single column for all content

<allanj> shawn: ideally everything on the page linearized so you don't miss things on the right side of page, and left justified

Scott: github is a good example
... miss items if you don’t scroll

jim: mobile sites are usually single column

<allanj> andrew: mobile view too prescriptive

<shawn> Users can choose all content linearized in a single column and left justified

awk: need to define what is needed. not specify how it is achieved

<shawn> Users can choose to have all content linearized in a single column and left aligned.

<allanj> lists should still be indented according to their semantics

<shawn> Users can choose to have all content linearized in a single column and similarly aligned.

<shawn> :-)

<shawn> issue is things like groups of controlas that are right aligned -- like in GitHub: Watch, Start, Fork

<allanj> awk: I18N issues, ltr and rtl languages and justification

shawn: with screen magnification right aligned items may be missed

<shawn> Users can choose to have all content linearized in a single column and with the same primary alignment.

<allanj> right aligned things are there because the scroll bar is there, and scrolling mechanism (scrollbar) is on the right side because it is at the end of what you read

<ScottM> I like primary alignment

shawn: same primary alignment

<allanj> shawn: justification follows the same primary alignment as the base language

<shawn> Proposal for working draft for now: Users can choose to have all content linearized in a single column, with the same primary alignment.

<allanj> FF move scroll bar to left side https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/995089

scott: scrollbar provide indicators of more content.

shawn: this point is findability
... be as unperceptive as we can

<allanj> discussion of reading all right aligned page

scott: highly variable
... should follow the reading order of the language.

laura: Users can view all content linearized in a single column. Justification follows the same primary alignment as the base language.

<allanj> AWK: developers will say...just turn styles off.

<ScottM> I don't want to have to turn off styles

<ScottM> that introduces other problems

awk: people will address this with browsers allowing you to turn off styles.

<allanj> shawn: that would work. that would be minimum, would need advisory

<shawn> s/ maybe we say OK with that as minimum, would want advisory to do more, e.g., make mobile version available on desktop with a button

scott: if you turn off styles, it turns off functionality of the page.
... should not have to make custom style sheet.

<allanj> scott: styles tied to functionality, if styles off, could break page

awk: alignment by be tied into functionality

<shawn> s/maybe we say OK with that as minimum, would want advisory to do more, e.g., make mobile version available on desktop with a button

trackbot, end meeting

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. width is user adjustable @@do we need a lower bound
  2. width is user adjustable @@do we need a lower bound
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/06/23 16:34:06 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144  of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: s/that was draft for discussion/^^ that is draft for further consideration/
Succeeded: s/content maybe A or AA/content maybe AA or AAA/
Succeeded: s/ ontent/ content/
Succeeded: s/go to every section of text to choose single column//
Succeeded: s/muli-col by  section//
Succeeded: s/on the page in one column/on the page linearized/
Succeeded: s/left justified/left aligned/
WARNING: Bad s/// command: s/ maybe we say OK with that as minimum, would want advisory to do more, e.g., make mobile version available on desktop with a button
WARNING: Bad s/// command: s/maybe we say OK with that as minimum, would want advisory to do more, e.g., make mobile version available on desktop with a button
Found Scribe: Laura
Inferring ScribeNick: laura
Default Present: allanj, Laura, Scott, AWK
Present: allanj Scott AWK
Regrets: Wayne JohnR
Found Date: 23 Jun 2016
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2016/06/23-lvtf-minutes.html
People with action items: 

WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines.
You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]