14:59:55 RRSAgent has joined #mobile-a11y 14:59:55 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/06/16-mobile-a11y-irc 14:59:57 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:59:57 Zakim has joined #mobile-a11y 14:59:59 Zakim, this will be WAI_MATF 15:00:00 Meeting: Mobile Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 15:00:00 Date: 16 June 2016 15:00:00 ok, trackbot 15:00:28 laura has joined #mobile-a11y 15:00:38 Agenda+ Continue with discussion: Discussion page for force touch, requiring touch: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/Discussion:_Touch_and_Force_Touch 15:00:40 Agenda+ Comments from WCAG 15:00:41 Agenda+ Next Steps – next meeting June 16 15:01:29 regrets+ Henny, David, Aistair 15:02:17 Kathy has joined #mobile-a11y 15:02:19 regrets+ Alistair 15:02:40 chriscm has joined #mobile-a11y 15:02:52 present+ chriscm 15:03:01 present+ Kathy 15:03:20 present+ patrick_h_lauke 15:03:29 Alan_Smith has joined #mobile-a11y 15:03:39 Jatin has joined #mobile-a11y 15:04:12 present+ shadi 15:04:37 scribe: Detlev 15:05:11 (notes that we have a high percentage of german speakers taking over today ;) ) 15:05:11 present+ Kiim 15:05:43 present+ Kim 15:06:43 Kathy: Shadi has taken over as staff contact, replacing Jeanne 15:06:47 i have a hard stop just before the hour btw 15:06:58 ..Jeanne still around though 15:07:58 Shadi: ...introducing himself - Vienna , focus on EOWG, picking up work in MATF 15:08:18 marcjohlic has joined #mobile-a11y 15:09:02 Alan: just changed jobs, works in England / Canada 15:09:05 (now remembering first time i met shadi in madrid in 2004 https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/2004/02/exchange.html) 15:09:38 Chris: native mobile SW expert, automated tools and accessibility 15:09:52 Alan: I sorry, I work in the USA but had assisted clients in UK and Canada as well 15:10:50 present+ marcjohlic 15:10:53 Detlev: testing devices and apps fro a11y 15:11:53 Jatin: also working in a11y (sorry did not fully understand) 15:12:14 Marc: long involvenment in WCAG WG 15:12:54 Patrick; working at paciello group, focus on (mobile) web, focussing on pointer events group 15:13:29 Kathy: people still adding comments to survey 15:13:40 ... survey closing today 15:14:15 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/Discussion:_Touch_and_Force_Touch 15:15:24 Kathy: resuming a discussion about touch / force touch - capabilities, a11y challenges 15:18:08 Patrick: starting point pressure info (touch, force touch), widened discussion to tilt (pencil) - wondered if we need a differentiation in device manipulation incl. shacing, step sensores etc. - coming to the conclusion that all this falls under the categroy of additional input capabilities 15:19:18 ..could be technically sensors or switches or other means of activation - maybe we dont differentiate these (as it keeps growing) but treat them as one 15:20:10 ...switches may be mapped to the generalised concept of keyboard access, which might include sequential access via swiping on touch screens 15:20:38 ..core is making sure things are accessible sequentially 15:21:38 everything else may come under "additional input capabilities" (including touch) with a focus that all these should also be available via another mechanism to get to same result 15:22:18 ...so there aren't functions that are exclusively available via specific input mechanisms 15:23:04 q? 15:23:05 Kathy: need to look hoe all this can go into different SCs 15:23:33 Alan: likes what patrick suggested 15:24:38 Marc: still trying to sdigest what patrick suggested - likes to keep things simple - separating out can lea dto endless splitting 15:25:30 Kathy: Not clear what all this should be called / labeled - good aspect is that new things come up all the time 15:25:58 Patrick: additional input capabilities implies a baseline 15:26:33 Marc: Could it be non-keyboard input? It needs to be understandable to the public 15:26:54 q+ 15:27:17 Chris: Likes idea to define things by calling it "not-this" 15:28:29 Patrick: Cautions that 'keyboard' is already a difficult term since some input types such as tocu swipes may be mapped to keyboard 15:28:51 ...non-pointer input might work 15:29:21 q+ 15:29:51 Patrick: in pointer events spec pointer inputs are defined - note that keyboard and keyboard like input is not covered 15:29:56 q- 15:30:37 Kim: comment on non-pointer input - stylus and tilt may sit uneasily with pointer 15:30:55 agree with kim, there's a...lack of actual accepted terms 15:31:42 Kim: tocu and extended touch (force, tilting etc. - not easy to handle 15:32:24 Patrick: we are lacking good vocab in this emerging area 15:32:57 ...get away form vendor-specific terms 15:33:16 ..basic pointer just the basic x,y coords 15:33:31 q? 15:33:36 q- Kim 15:33:39 ACTION: patrick to try and come up with some non-pointer/pointer/fancy touch definition 15:33:39 Created ACTION-53 - Try and come up with some non-pointer/pointer/fancy touch definition [on Patrick Lauke - due 2016-06-23]. 15:33:55 (sorry stole your thunder detlev) 15:34:22 related: mentioned the note about keyboard in pointer events - see https://w3c.github.io/pointerevents/#intro 15:34:39 Kathy: Go back to device manipulation draft and ajust it 15:34:47 (which is already in the level 1 spec https://www.w3.org/TR/pointerevents/#intro 15:35:11 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/Guideline_2.6:_Make_it_easier_to_use_the_physical_features_of_the_phone. 15:35:44 Kathy: Take a couple of mins to read 15:37:47 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/Guideline_2.6:_Make_it_easier_to_use_the_physical_features_of_the_phone. 15:37:59 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/Guideline_2.6:_Make_it_easier_to_use_the_physical_features_of_the_phone.#Proposed_Guideline_2.6 15:42:58 Patrick: 3 categories: (1) keyboard / sequential access, (2) basic pointer stylus mouse, (3) additional capabilities ("fancy" mouse) 15:43:35 there may be a need to define a "cascade" - use 3), but make sure it works with 2), but for 2), also make sure it works for 1) 15:44:00 ... so there needs to be a fallback cascade where 3 is available in 2, and 2 is available via 1 15:44:42 ... the essence is there but we need to find clear expressions 15:45:08 Kathy: we need to make sure not to miss important points / use cases 15:45:27 ACTION: patrick to take first stab at generalising https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/Guideline_2.6:_Make_it_easier_to_use_the_physical_features_of_the_phone.#Proposed_Guideline_2.6 in light of his proposal 15:45:27 Created ACTION-54 - Take first stab at generalising https://www.w3.org/wai/gl/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/guideline_2.6:_make_it_easier_to_use_the_physical_features_of_the_phone.#proposed_guideline_2.6 in light of his proposal [on Patrick Lauke - due 2016-06-23]. 15:45:46 Kathy: Patrick will incorporate comments, revise 15:45:57 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/66524/2016-0509/results 15:46:26 Kathy: Members of WCA GWG have given feedback to touch & pointer (in survey) 15:46:39 ..some editorial 15:47:52 Kathy: Question was if focus on touch workable with AT should be extended 15:48:27 Kathy: will put together survey to get feedback from those not on the call 15:48:57 Kathy: Lets talk about 2.5.4 15:49:11 https://patrickhlauke.github.io/getting-touchy-presentation/#134 15:49:12 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-mobile-a11y-tf/2016Jun/0021.html 15:50:36 Patrick: question re. 2.5.4 with two separate sizes for activation area, one for touch one for (mouse) pointer 15:51:03 --Alastair questioned whether this can be told apart by UA 15:51:59 ...there are mechanisms to detect whetehr user is using touch or fine pointer as input - this might come late until input happens - wouldnot want to change the interface on the fly 15:52:56 ... but there are w ... including automatic detection and prompt 15:54:25 ...other situations are a known scenario (POS systems) or situations where its known that no touch input is feasible 15:55:01 Kathy: For questions in survey we need to formulate responses 15:55:15 +1 to 2 sizes. 15:55:23 Kathy: anyone disagrees with having these two toch sizes? 15:56:04 Alan: generally agrees - observations reg. lower case x for closing dialogs - big enough? 15:57:05 Patrick: authors can ensure active area is large enough or site is appropriate, ar wrap checkboxes in labels that are large enough or build fake ones 15:57:43 ... many browsers do better these days but we need to call upon UA makers to get their act together 15:58:44 Kathy: Next week's call will look at update of device manipulation, check holiday absences 16:03:52 rrsagent, make minutes 16:03:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/06/16-mobile-a11y-minutes.html Kim 16:04:42 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 16:04:50 patrick_h_lauke has left #mobile-a11y 16:27:27 Present+ Detlev 16:28:29 Present+ Jatin, Jeanne 16:28:47 rrsagent, make minutes 16:28:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/06/16-mobile-a11y-minutes.html Kim 16:30:07 rrsagent, make minutes 16:30:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/06/16-mobile-a11y-minutes.html Kim 16:36:32 rrsagent, make minutes 16:36:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/06/16-mobile-a11y-minutes.html Kim 16:46:58 rrsagent, bye 16:46:58 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2016/06/16-mobile-a11y-actions.rdf : 16:46:58 ACTION: patrick to try and come up with some non-pointer/pointer/fancy touch definition [1] 16:46:58 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/06/16-mobile-a11y-irc#T15-33-39 16:46:58 ACTION: patrick to take first stab at generalising https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/mobile-a11y-tf/wiki/Guideline_2.6:_Make_it_easier_to_use_the_physical_features_of_the_phone.#Proposed_Guideline_2.6 in light of his proposal [2] 16:46:58 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/06/16-mobile-a11y-irc#T15-45-27 16:47:07 zakim, bye 16:47:07 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been chriscm, Kathy, patrick_h_lauke, shadi, Kiim, Kim, marcjohlic, Detlev, Jatin, Jeanne 16:47:07 Zakim has left #mobile-a11y