WoT-IG Communications TF

26 May 2016


See also: IRC log


Kaz, Yingying, Daniel, Reynier
Matthias, Dave


f2f preparation

<scribe> agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-wot-comms/2016May/0010.html

yingying: the venue for the Beijing meeting is fixed
... but so far there are just a few people registered
... how to encourage people

dape: should specify a specific deadline :)

yingying: ok
... please encourage the JP Members, Kaz

kaz: ok
... the meeting will be early July?

yingying: yes, the second week

dape: need to get registration fixed earlier than usual?

yingying: hotel cheaper rate is limited

kaz: until when?

yingying: no date limit
... but the number of the rooms is limited

kaz: how many?

yingying: should be enough for all

kaz: maybe you can set June 17 as the first deadline

dape: if the registration fee changes, people would like to get registered earlier
... how much the registration fee is?

yingying: no registration fee this time
... can we ask people to get registered during the WoT IG call?

dape: should be OK

<yingying> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/1/WoTF2FJulyBeijing/

kaz: you should send another reminder about the registration site with a deadline (e.g., June 17) to the group

dape: we should update the f2f wiki with the information about the venue and the hotel

kaz: the meeting place is inside the hotel, Vision Hotel

yingying: yes

kaz: you can update the f2f wiki with that information, and then send a reminder for registration

plugfest logistics

yingying: another question is network bandwidth
... need to fix that as well
... any plan for testing?

dape: so far not many people have updated the plugfest wiki
... we need to set up a test tool

yingying: when do you think it will be ready?

dape: might be the end of June...
... hope that's OK

yingying: Dave said we need a cable connection

kaz: as the minimum requirement, we need a wired connection without any port restriction
... also we need a wifi router with 4-5 wire ports
... you can start initial discussion based on the minimum requirement
... this is minimum but should be enough for anything

yingying: will talk with the hotel about that

dape: the only request is no credential for the logging in
... either for wired connection or wifi connection
... no wifi key/password should not be required

kaz: we need two separate network connection
... one for our usual task IRC, Web access, emailing, etc.
... another for the demonstration
... the first network should be secure

dape: wifi security is ok for the demo network
... duo authentication wouldn't work for demos

kaz: Yingying, maybe you can visit the hotel and check the connectivity beforehand

yingying: ok
... any other issues?

WoT Messaging

yingying: action item for Dave and Daniel

<yingying> https://www.w3.org/Member/wiki/WoT/Flyers

dape: had a chat with Dave
... and he created a wiki page
... I've not added my edit yet
... before printing it, we need to review it
... one flier for decision makers, and another for developers
... it's a starting point and we should keep communication

yingying: the deadline is June 11
... is the wiki ready for review?

dape: yes

yingying: ok

<dape> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-wot-comms/2016May/0004.html

yingying: another action for you to create a wiki on opensource projects

dape: first draft sent to the group list as above
... people can add information on implementations
... we should be open

kaz: who is expected to update the information?
... open source project participants themselves?
... anybody can make contributions?

dape: don't want to limit the contributions to the IG Members
... people from both inside and outside of the IG

kaz: who is in charge of the description?

dape: people should provide bullet lists

kaz: directly on the wiki?

dape: or on the ML

kaz: if we get the information by email, somebody needs to copy it onto the wiki
... if we want, we can make the wiki page public, though

dape: some kind of control is needed

kaz: ok

dape: we can ask Matthias and the whole IG for opinions

kaz: ok, let's see the group's opinion

dape: ok, will talk with Matthias


yingying: had an action item to contact Matthias about inviting Bryan from AT&T
... I talked with him and he says ok
... need contact information

kaz: Bryan is the AC Rep. from AT&T, so please see the AC page

yingying: another action for Dave about ISO/IEC 30141

<yingying> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wot-ig/2016May/0071.html

yingying: Dave has done it

kaz: is the problem with the email address fixed?

yingying: not sure

<yingying> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wot-ig/2016May/0134.html

yingying: got a response from the contact person

kaz: so should be ok
... what about the OPC collaboration?

yingying: no update

dape: one question about the next step

kaz: about which document?

dape: e.g., ISO architecture
... we sent a response individually
... who should be responsible of liaison letters?

kaz: the Chair of the group
... based on the discussion and consensus of the group

dape: sometimes it would take longer

kaz: right
... but we should talk about how to respond on the ML or during the calls

dape: ok

Next call

dape: will take vacation

kaz: when will you be back

dape: June 20th
... but Matthias also attends this call usually
... so he should be able to join next week and the following week
... can make the call if it's Wed. or Thu.

kaz: Wednesday evening would be better then

yingying: ok
... we can have the call on Wednesday at the same time as today
... will send out the WebEx coordinate to the group

[ adjourned ]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/05/27 04:34:46 $