13:44:11 RRSAgent has joined #auto-wcag 13:44:11 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/05/19-auto-wcag-irc 13:44:58 Wilco has joined #auto-wcag 13:45:07 hi Shadi 13:47:03 hi wilco 13:47:33 ahh right, going out or coming back? 13:48:59 no - just arrived in luxemburg for EC project review tomorrow 13:49:11 sorry i did not manage to work on the wiki pages :( 13:49:23 good that you sent out the agenda anyway 13:49:30 i was too optimistic about my time 13:49:41 have you seen our videos, though? 13:49:49 that was eating all my time... 13:49:54 absolutely! they're awesome 13:50:04 how has the reception been? 13:50:58 great so far! 13:50:59 i'm soooo relieved 13:51:11 that is good 13:51:12 no wish me the best for the review tomorrow, then i'm alllll yours :) 13:51:39 s/no wish me the best for the review tomorrow, then i'm alllll yours :)/ 14:00:09 chair: Wilco 14:00:37 meeting: Auto-WCAG Accessibility Conformance Testing (ACT) discussion 14:00:46 present: Wilco, Shadi 14:01:16 present+ David 14:01:57 regrets: Moe, Makoto 14:03:11 annika has joined #auto-wcag 14:05:32 present+ Annika 14:06:41 Judy has joined #auto-wcag 14:06:41 rdeltour has joined #auto-wcag 14:06:44 present+ Chiru 14:07:11 David has joined #auto-wcag 14:07:59 cpandhi has joined #auto-wcag 14:09:36 https://www.w3.org/community/auto-wcag/wiki/Accessibility_Conformance_Testing_for_W3C#Organization 14:10:21 scribe: David 14:11:10 present+ Judy 14:11:18 present+ Wilco 14:11:30 present+ Charu 14:11:30 present+ David 14:12:09 present+ George 14:12:09 present+ George 14:12:21 present+ Romain 14:12:34 zakim, who is on the phone? 14:12:34 Present: Wilco, Shadi, David, Annika, Chiru, Judy, Charu, George, Romain 14:12:39 rdeltour_ has joined #auto-wcag 14:13:37 Wilco: Updates to proposal. Organization section. 14:14:32 Judy: Informed WAI that Auto WCAG would like to be a task force under WCAG. We will need to address concern for resources. 14:15:01 EmmaPR has joined #auto-wcag 14:15:56 Judy: We are lacking a clearer description of what we propose to build. 14:17:12 Wilco: Agreed. We need more concrete plan to proceed. 14:18:23 Hi @shadi ... what is the password to join today? 14:18:39 Thanks 14:19:27 Judy: We need to be able to express exactly what we are building. For example, is it a specification or a repository. 14:19:36 present+ Emma 14:20:11 Wilco: We need some flexibility. The rules could be viewed as a repository. It could be a specification. It could be a wiki. 14:20:31 [[ 14:20:33 #1. A spec defining the framework (format, logic, any conformance requirements) for the tests -- this is to happen in a TF or WG. 14:20:33 #2. A validation approach and content for validating the tests. This would happen openly in auto-WCAG in accordance to the above spec. 14:20:33 #3. The repository of actual tests that meet the specification and validation checks. Also this is to happen openly in auto-WCAG. 14:20:35 ]] 14:21:16 Judy has joined #auto-wcag 14:22:03 Shadi: Shares possible deliverables for consideration on IRC 14:23:21 Avneesh has joined #auto-wcag 14:23:22 q+ 14:23:26 wilco + david: agree with shadi 14:23:30 shadi_ has joined #auto-wcag 14:24:34 Judy: We should lock down those target deliverables and provide a few examples. 14:25:25 Wilco: we should be able to draw from existing content to provide the examples. 14:26:30 q+ 14:26:50 shadi: task force or charter? 14:27:57 ack j 14:27:58 judy: task force work statement is what has been discussed in the past 14:28:20 wilco: agreed, task force model is probably best 14:28:27 Judy has joined #auto-wcag 14:31:58 david: Do we clarify the existing deliverable statement in the wiki to include better description of the form of deliverables and provide examples? 14:32:14 Wilco: yes, I think that is the direction 14:34:17 Judy has joined #auto-wcag 14:34:37 Judy: Need to make sure there is visibility into the level of commitment to the group. 14:35:22 q+ 14:35:48 Judy: Are there organizations willing to make public commitments to the group and either contribute rules to repository or commit to using the rules in practice 14:35:56 For me, I think that might be both use what auto-wcag produces and possibly contribute to its development 14:36:12 +1 emma 14:37:19 ack me 14:37:19 q+ judy 14:37:50 wilco: Working to see if Deque would be able to leverage the repository in some fashion within the Axe suite. 14:39:20 q+ 14:39:48 annika: What is the relationship between the proposed task force and the auto-wcag group. 14:40:16 q+ 14:40:45 wilco: auto wcag will continue to work on the rules while the specification and validation specification would be the work of the task force 14:41:19 ack j 14:42:11 +1 to graphic idea! 14:43:41 judy: there are massive rule sets out there which we can help bridge under this effort and we need to be sure to articulate when and how that happens 14:43:48 wilco: would make a great graphic 14:43:57 bbc: we will leverage the rules! 14:44:37 s/bbc/emma 14:45:04 ack cp 14:45:09 q+ 14:45:38 q? 14:45:43 ack me 14:46:19 q+ 14:47:08 ack j 14:47:39 q+ 14:48:42 +1 to Romain's concern about precision of the deliverables 14:48:58 q? 14:49:01 ramon?: Deliverables can be clarified to indicate what is a specification, what is a tech note, what is rec... 14:49:02 q+ 14:51:07 +1 to Romain 14:51:23 romain: Walked the call through a few of the bullets under the deliverable section, indicating what is a tech note, or recommendation, or specification 14:51:23 q+ 14:51:34 ack rd 14:53:05 q+ 14:53:09 ack sha 14:53:27 shadi: leaning towards red track for the core spec, but we need to examine this more closely. Also, the term "test rules" seems to imply automated only. Should we consider a broader term that is inclusive of non-automated? 14:54:15 ack ju 14:54:55 q- later 14:55:25 ack em 14:57:38 emma: bbc is considering semi-automated and manual templates in their own efforts 14:57:42 [+1 want to avoid terminology that may restrict us later on] 14:58:13 wilco: a rule should not imply a particular level of automation 14:59:14 [I really don't know if "rules" has any implications regarding automation or not] 14:59:34 [JB: BTW, Shadi was right with regard to team resources for community groups; after I got the exception for the proposal development stage of this CG work, W3M (w3c management) re-visited the question and broadened the terms for allowing team contact support.] 14:59:39 judy: perhaps we speak of rules and "procedures" which may better represent the human testing 14:59:40 q+ George 14:59:43 ack J 14:59:49 ack g 15:00:24 George: Sample pages to demonstrate how the rule works - yielding success and failure cases 15:00:57 s/rules and "procedures"/"test rules and procedures"/ 15:01:01 wilco: such samples can be treated as supporting content for a rule 15:01:18 s/better represent/also help encompass/ 15:01:25 q+ 15:01:47 q- then ;-) 15:01:51 q- 15:02:30 topic: Next Meeting 15:03:02 wilco: Next meeting in 2 weeks 15:03:51 judy: encouraged by idea of better defining deliverables, grabbing commitments to rule sets, commitments to use what we create. 15:05:44 Digital publishing announcement of combining with W3C - potential for our work to apply to other forms of content such as ePub, PDF etc. 15:06:45 annika: voluteers to work on task force work 15:06:54 shadi: agrees with all of the above 15:07:06 Wilco: have a good weekend! 15:07:43 +1 on the collective final thoughts! 15:07:59 rrsagent, make log public 15:08:09 rrsagent, make minutes 15:08:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/05/19-auto-wcag-minutes.html Judy 15:08:48 rrsagent, make logs world 15:09:04 rrsagent, make minutes 15:09:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/05/19-auto-wcag-minutes.html shadi 15:10:24 present- Chiru 15:10:39 rrsagent, make minutes 15:10:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/05/19-auto-wcag-minutes.html Judy 15:11:43 rdeltour has left #auto-wcag 15:12:53 John_HICKS has joined #auto-wcag 15:13:15 sorry to have missed the call today, unavoidable last minute meeting 15:13:21 very best, 15:13:22 John 15:15:53 s/Next meeting in 2 weeks/Next meeting on June 2 15:16:48 rrsagent, make minutes 15:16:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/05/19-auto-wcag-minutes.html David 15:23:08 annika has left #auto-wcag 16:33:16 jongund has joined #auto-wcag 17:24:17 Zakim has left #auto-wcag 18:27:49 Judy has joined #auto-wcag