HTML Editors meeting

10 May 2016

See also: IRC log


Arron, Travis, Alex, Plh, Charles, Leonie, Adrian
chaals, plh, AlexD


Modules and integration

<plh> https://github.com/w3c/html/issues/170

<arronei> Travis: integration of modules had helped us understand bikeshed

<arronei> Travis: modules work in Edge and released in a upcoming preview and also coming in Chrome

<arronei> chaals: should we add in something that isn't implemented yet?

<arronei> Travis: its for 5.1

<arronei> plh: what would I grep on to find tests?

<arronei> Travis: platform module is what you woudl search for

<arronei> Travis: could block CSP from getting to REC

<arronei> chaals: so they want to push a spec forward that isn't implemented?

<arronei> Travis: the dependancies are part of ES2016 and modules are part of Ecmascript

<arronei> Travis: script type module is the bootstrap for modules

<arronei> Travis: tests would be in test 262

<arronei> chaals: the basic problem mike west has is he want to point to some stuff

<arronei> chaals: are we in a position to provide a stable pointer?

<arronei> plh: we may need to ship a 5.2 sooner than we thought

<arronei> are you sure we can't put the hooks into 5.1

<arronei> Travis: it would be a couple of extra days to get the hooks in

<arronei> Travis: the CSP steps are really small

<arronei> chaals: do the csp hooks have implementation?

<arronei> Travis: it depends on what they are

<arronei> Travis: from mike I gather CSP 3 just clarifies CSP2

<arronei> plh: do you have the time?

<arronei> Travis: I can do it and I am already working on it

<arronei> Travis: I would like to have them in by Friday but let me confirm

<arronei> Looking at the list of CSP issues remaining https://github.com/w3c/html/issues/assigned/travisleithead

<arronei> chaals: do we have tests?

<arronei> plh: we do have tests for nonce= from google

<arronei> Travis: what should I do with the changes for 5.2?

<arronei> chaals: lets hold off on branching

<arronei> chaals: we aim to modularize html

<arronei> chaals: modularizing means we need to pull bits out bit by bit

<arronei> chaals: my idea is the html spec points to the module

<arronei> chaals: the goal is to try and get the linking

<arronei> adrianba: you want to modules to depend on the HTML core

<arronei> adrianba: I think its fine to create something like CSS

<arronei> adrianba: where the module points to the core

<arronei> chaals: lost of people go to the spec to learn how to use HTML

<plh> s|google/google, e.g. http://w3c-test.org/content-security-policy/blink-contrib-2/scriptnonce-basic-blocked.sub.html |

<arronei> adrianba: is a great example of all the bits that are all throughout the spec

<arronei> adrianba: the goal isn't to read the spec to be a teaching aid

<arronei> adrianba: state of HTML document, one is core and here is appcache

<arronei> Travis: do we extract the single line or lift out the entire algorithm?

<arronei> chaals: if you do that, aim for something in the middle

<arronei> chaals: this is where appcache needs to fit into the algorithm

<arronei> chaals: I would generalize the algorithm and provide links both ways

<arronei> chaals: its an editorial choice depending on the complexity of the algorithm

<arronei> Travis: do we disagree that appcache should be removed?

<arronei> All: in agreement it should go

<arronei> adrianba: but there is disagreement on what we shoudl do with it after we remove it

<arronei> adrianba: same with media controller

<arronei> plh: agree with Adrian. it's published in html 5.0, let's not waste cycles republishing a TR note.

RESOLUTION: We will not republish things that were already described previously and we removed from HTML 5.1

<arronei> chaals: for extension specs that are stable and done we put minimal required pieces in HTML spec and link off to spec

RESOLUTION: Add minimal info to HTML spec and link off to stable module spec

configure monitoring or squash merging


<arronei> plh: do we want to squash or merge

<adrianba> https://github.com/w3c/html/blob/master/TEAM.md

<arronei> if you want to merge you can throught he UI

<arronei> Travis: the reason you don't want to squash is someone is using change from your private repo

RESOLUTION: configure it to squash

branching for 5.1-5.2

<arronei> chaals: at some point we will ahve to make a branch.

<arronei> do we do it early to e.g. to put in Travis' giant patch

<arronei> or do we at CR

<arronei> or PR

<arronei> chaals: we will make editorial improments in 5.2 but 5.1 has already shipped

<arronei> chaals: at point of CR we branch

<arronei> AlexD: I think that makes sense

<arronei> adrianba: I think we should for as late as possible at CR and do travis' patch at 5.2

<arronei> plh: we doa CF for both

<arronei> plh: Travis needs to sit on his changes

<arronei> chaals: how long does it take you to publish?

<arronei> plh: it takes about 2 hours clicking on some link with some bikeshed changes

<arronei> chaals: and we do the changes list

<arronei> chaals: there is a little bit of flexibility

<arronei> chaals: the plan is about the time we call for consensus on CR we also call for 5.2?

<arronei> chaals: so travis your stuff doesn't work?

<arronei> Travis: I can show that is may be working

<arronei> Travis: is the 5.2 timeline about a year out?

<arronei> plh: yes unless we have to adjust due to other groups

<arronei> chaals: unlikely before next June

<arronei> plh: the TR page will point to 5.2 when we branch

<arronei> tr/html will point to the latest, tr/html5 points to 5.0, tr/html51 points to html 5.1

<arronei> plh: we do not want to recind the REC

<arronei> plh: what time to we want to put the note that points to the new document using obsolete note

<arronei> chaals: when we publish 5.1 as rec

<chaals> ACTION: PLH to document the process of branching and moving forward from one version to the next [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/05/10-html-editors-minutes.html#action01]

changes that need call for consensus

<arronei> chaals: for example appcache

<arronei> Travis: there are 16 so far

<arronei> chaals: it works in browsers but not what users want

<arronei> I do have changes for all the removals

<arronei> chaals: but we do have to get agreement

<arronei> <br data-time="10 minutes">

calls for consensus …

<Travis> Discussed removing AppCache:

<Travis> https://github.com/w3c/html/issues/40

<Travis> Need to raise the issue to the WG

Wide review

<chaals> [We need to request review from various groups specifcially, point them to the drafts, timeline and changleogs to help them figure out how]

<chaals> ACTION: Léonie to start asking for review from horizontal groups - TAG, APA, PrivacyIG, SecurityIG, WebAppSec, I18n. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/05/10-html-editors-minutes.html#action02]

<chaals> scribe: chaals

documenting how to work on the repo

Documenting the repo

PLH: What's missing?

CMN: How to work with Bikeshed?

PLH: e.g. install and running bikeshed

TL: there are helpful shortcuts when you are editing that are useful to know

AE: I could write up that stuff

PLH: Took me hours to work out how the referencing is working.

CMN: Goal is that someone who wants to do a 20-minute patch doesn't need to spend 4 hours learning how.

<scribe> ACTION: Arron to document how to work with the spec and bikeshed. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/05/10-html-editors-minutes.html#action03]

Prioritise / assign issues.

-> https://github.com/w3c/html/issues/361 361

CMN: looks sound

-> https://github.com/w3c/html/issues/361 360

Editorial, can be taken but not a blocker

-> https://github.com/w3c/html/issues/355 355

PLH: Not for 5.1

[Feature request, labeled]

-> https://github.com/w3c/html/issues/3552 352

[We want this, but it's informative, not crucial. labelled assigned]

<plh> scribe: plh

chaals: #343 is editorial
... assigned to chaals


Travis: sounds like 5.2

Chaals: ideally would be 5.1 but might get dropped due to timeline


Chaals: CSS provides more bullet types and has better i18n

Arron: we could leave it in for semantic

Chaals: suspect we'll say "generally, don't use it"
... not sure about obsolete
... I'll ask the WG
... assigned to chaals


Chaals: assigned to Leonie


Chaals: needs tests.
... assigned to Arron


Travis: after 5.1


Chaals: I'll take this one


Chaals: incubate first


Chaals: I'll ask the WG
... possibly close the issue after


Arron: I'll take that one


no change


Arron and Leonie are on it



Chaals: most of it is incubation. when you make a metadata vocabular, it's good practice to reuse. that's the only change needed here. editorial.


Travis: I'll figure that one


plh: there is interest in webperf to define when rendering occurs
... but that's not a 5.1 item

<AlexD> scribe: AlexD


Assigned to Travis

Arron: we know what the reality is

chaals: can you do this in time?

Travis: should be


plh: should link to the outline algorithm issue we already have

chaals: It's editorial, leave for anyone to take
... this is not a priority


chaals: who uses this?

Travis: Edge does it

plh: do we have tests?
... we have some old tests for it

chaals: according to caniuse, looks interoperable


chaals: interop bug
... question for WG, leave for after 5.1


Travis: Rbyers noted it's coming.

chaals: spec says void, reality says no. check with WG


chaals: seems not urgent

Travis: does the use-case make sense?

chaals: does anyone in the real world need to do this? 90% of the time, not needed I'd expect

adrianba: seems reasonable to allow
... If you're building components, and it has a header, then when you bring in other components with a header, it makes sense. It shouldn't be a problem for a validator to flag


chaals: should be more specific about caption

plh: I'd rather a whitelist than a blacklist


LJWatson: one for Steve, it's editorial


chaals: probably after 5.1

Travis; wouldn't see implementation changes until then

arronei: should we drop it?


chaals: Assign to Steve


chaals: Let's leave open until we've tested it

arronei: I think we'll find reality doesn't match



Travis: I started looking at this

chaals: needs tests, who's going to do it?

plh: Looks like after 51


plh: flag this as security
... we need tests


plh: historical reasons?

chaals: HTTP Content-Language is something browsers ignore


LJWatson: this can be closed


chaals: seems moderately unscary

plh: what do browsers do today?
... depends if implementation supports MathML

chaals: reality is a bit weirder, entities supported even if they don't support MathML



plh: do we have anything explicit about HTML mail?

adrianba: If you do this, then we've set a precedent...

chaals: we're not going to prioritize this for 5.1

adrianba: If someone wants to write an HTML mail doc, then that's fine. It's not relevant for this spec.

arronei: There's a TV profile too

plh: conformance for HTML mail should be in a separate document


Travis: Edge will do what Mozilla does

adrianba: That's not the proposal

chaals; proposal says iframe will be rendered in no-quirks mode

plh: after 5.1


arronei: love the idea

chaals: not enough implementation yet, match reality better...


LJWatson: not as simple as it seems

chaals: spec says use figcaption as preference


adrianba: I have a few concerns. There were a few people upset by this

chaals: I'm not going to delete people
... For 5.2, we may refine the list

adrianba: we shouldn't be flippant, people have contributed a lot of effort into the spec

plh: reasonable for people to make PRs to add their names


chaals: we asked the WG, there's only one implementation

adrianba: we're thinking of implementing it


chaals: file against workers & sockets spec


arronei: fixed by PR #350


chaals: poor interoperability, question for WG...


Travis: similar to the active & focus issue

plh: it's not about rendering, it's about matching CSS
... probably an entire section that needs to be added


LJWatson: makes sense if it's possible to do it

arronei: I think some browsers allow this


adrianba: we can't pull out the protocol one, content one maybe


chaals: needs tests, I'll do it


Travis: this is extra documentation
... it'd be helpful, we need someone to do the research on those platforms


AlexD: would only make sense for languages with different directionality. e.g. Italian->Spanish->English doesn't cause a BIDI change.

chaals: After 5.1


chaals: feature request, needs incubation

arronei: I think it's match reality more than incubate



arronei: probably remove, support is getting dropped


plh: Larry stopped working on it a long time ago due to no feedback

Travis: after 5.1


plh: didn't make it into 5.0, lacking testing


chaals: Looks like a feature request


plh: looks like an incubate first



plh: another interaction with CSS one


plh: After 5.1


chaals: This is hard

Travis: After 5.1
... This is a feature request, we should incubate this :-)


chaals: linking issue


Travis: very closely related to inputmode mess

plh: After 5.1

chaals: If it's in Safari...

plh: should it need incubate first?

chaals: There is an implementation, if someone else decides to ship then put it in




chaals: issue is a match reality, I have tests that work


chaals: Needs tests



plh: Web App security if anything

chaals: Incubate it


chaals: It's a feature request
... should be incubated

Travis: Goes into the bucket for a true tri-state checkbox


chaals: poor real world interop.


arronei: The next bunch are all CSP related

chaals: I'll put a due date on all these issues

(i.e. #183 through #189)



arronei: sounds like simple change


plh: we need tests for that

chaals: this is best practice advice, right?
... I don't know that we can make it a must - can we guarantee they'll appear?

Travis: How do you test that?



chaals: test results show poor real world interop


chaals: we decided this morning to add minimal hooks from HTML

plh: what about media capture stuff?


chaals: yes
... This editorial, part of removal of AppCache effort



Travis: fixed by my changes in flight already


Travis: kind of fallback to detecting that scenario, and doing something with it

chaals: It's hard to detect in many cases

Travis: minimal APIs impacted by this


plh: this is the microformats wiki


plh: It was moved into Web Performance


arronei: this was a merge issue, I'll take care of it



plh: already a PR there


chaals: 150 has been merged

plh: it was pretty easy from what I remember



plh: we can take the same position as 5.0

chaals: Did WhatWG test this section?

plh: testing that will be a nightmare


arronei: there's a PR waiting


Travis: keep it for the next milestone



arronei: I think this one is fixed, assign it to me


chaals: Not part of HTML





chaals: Needs incubation


chaals: I will change the example



chaals: incubate first



chaals: put to the WG



chaals: has been assigned to adrianba recently




plh: incubate first


plh: seems like an after 5.1

LJWatson: don't think anyone's implemented it


plh: we have a PR

chaals: where does it still work?

arronei: Chrome still has it as of 51

Travis: Firefox doesn't have it

chaals: question for the WG


chaals: We asked a week ago


chaals: It's not useless, just the stuff about h1s. Let's keep it
... apart from h1s it works. Let's close. There's a clear warning that the top of the section saying it doesn't work in any browser


arronei: this is ongoing


chaals: incubate first



arronei: seems like it can be closed

chaals: That it for the issues

plh: we should go back through those assigned for the milestone

chaals: Everyone go through what's assigned to them and see if they can achieve them in time for next milestone

plh: we have one not assigned

chaals: It's marked as needing help, if we don't get it we'll just have to close.

dates for publication

Target date for HTML5.1 Rec: Sept 15th 2016

Interim dates:

June 2nd: WD update, CFC for CR; Branch for 5.1 in github

June 14th: transition to CR request

June 21st: HTML5.1 CR

July 19th: CFC for PR; implementation report

July 28th: HTML5.1 PR transition request

August 4th: HTML5.1 PR

September 1st: AC reviews end

September 15th: REC

chaals: We should run all of WPT tomorrow.

<plh> http://w3c-test.org/tools/runner/index.html

plh: cut-off date for substantive changes is May 31st

<LJWatson> http://w3c.github.io/html-aria/

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Arron to document how to work with the spec and bikeshed. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/05/10-html-editors-minutes.html#action03]
[NEW] ACTION: Léonie to start asking for review from horizontal groups - TAG, APA, PrivacyIG, SecurityIG, WebAppSec, I18n. [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/05/10-html-editors-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: PLH to document the process of branching and moving forward from one version to the next [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/05/10-html-editors-minutes.html#action01]

Summary of Resolutions

  1. We will not republish things that were already described previously and we removed from HTML 5.1
  2. Add minimal info to HTML spec and link off to stable module spec
  3. configure it to squash
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.147 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/05/11 13:49:47 $